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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Anything that's attached to you can't protect you or detect people who are "inside" of that attachment because attachments have no physics and don't "directly" exist in the world. If you want to eject people who are too close to you, just wear a sensor-based security orb (with a low range), assuming you have the land rights where you are...
  2. You'll just need to make your texture exactly like how you want it to look. In your video, we can see that your texture is just a flat color in the middle. If you want it to have a gradient at the end, put the gradient in the texture.
  3. If all you want is a simple sliding effect like that, either manually align the UV islands into a "flat strip" or just "project from view." It works great even with very complex shapes. [link] [link] And then you just add a script with llSetTextureAnim with SMOOTH and LOOP.
  4. Weird, I use Dark Reader as well and text tends to paste wrong if I don't use "paste as plain text." This text/post editor is so awkward and tedious.
  5. I'm pretty sure they just need a way to test-upload their clothes and check for issues like rigging, etc. Yes, you can do it on the main grid, but that costs money.
  6. No, Windows won't automatically throttle programs that aren't in focus. Not in the way we're talking about here. There are hundreds of programs running on your computer right now that don't even have a window to minimize. While Windows won't update the window itself while it's minimized, Firestorm is still running in the background and doing all the calculations it normally does. Some programs are smart enough to stop doing certain stuff on their own while minimized, but that's not something Windows enforces.
  7. We have display names, which is free to change but has a 7 day cooldown. What good reason do you think there is for that? Oz Linden in June of 2019:
  8. Show your script. This works just fine: default { state_entry() { llRequestAgentData(llGetOwner(), DATA_BORN); } dataserver(key queryid, string data) { llOwnerSay(data); // Object: 2009-12-18 } }
  9. It's a known issue, filed in 2012: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-395
  10. From the FAQ: Q: I don't like the available last names. When will there be different names available? How often will the list of names change? A: Much as we did with the original legacy surnames, we plan to update and change the available last names regularly. That way, a good variety of first and last name combinations are available at any given moment. Because we determine when to retire a last name by the number of times it's been used, it's hard to say exactly when the list might change. If you're interested in changing your name, but don't see a name that fits just yet, please check back every so often to see what names have become available.
  11. Again, we completely agree. Am I the only one reading these in a disagreeing tone? I haven't said traffic botting is ineffective (or even less effective), literally the opposite.
  12. I understand your question and reasons for asking, but unless we get a handful of self-proclaimed traffic botters to come here with their reasons, it's going to be very hard to get a satisfying answer. I also have a bad habit of editing my posts after posting them, so I'll reiterate a couple points: I doubt most (if any) AFK places make sustainable income. The ones that are almost entirely filled with the owner's bots might have a slim chance, but I don't think there's enough real traffic to profit off it. If a place has literally no product whatsoever, a barren parcel, I guess bragging rights? Some people just want to have a place that's popular, even if they have to pay out of pocket. Fake traffic can sometimes lead to real traffic, or at least get you out of Page 186.
  13. The AFK sex is the product. Most AFK spots do also sell other products, like escort services, ad boards, rentals (like the place you mentioned), etc. If a place has literally no product whatsoever, a barren parcel, I guess bragging rights? Some people just want to have a place that's popular, even if they have to pay out of pocket.
  14. The idea is that people pay (tip) the AFK people for passive income. Some places outright ban visitors who don't pay for their 'services.' It ties closely with somnophilia. Some of the AFK places (at least the furry ones) also double as hangout spots, which isn't that surprising since most furry hangout spots don't differ much from AFK spots besides the fact that some avatars will have an even lower barrier to sex. Compare "The Ark" / "Knotty Beach" against "Just Poseball" / "Lemme Smash" for example. That said, I doubt most (if any) AFK places make sustainable income. The ones that are almost entirely filled with the owner's bots might have a slim chance, but I don't think there's enough real traffic to profit off it.
  15. Maybe I misinterpreted something but I agree completely. Traffic bots = bad. Less AFK accounts = good. I literally hunt them as a hobby and I wish LL did the same. But as things are now, it doesn't seem like the amount of AFK accounts has dropped, only the traffic numbers.
  16. Unless Amazon has made some special deal, it wouldn't make sense that LL is paying Amazon based on LL's own traffic numbers. "Our traffic went down 80% so we'll pay based on that remaining 20%." Amazon charges based on how much CPU time is spent on their servers. Whether or not an avatar is a real person, a bot, or simply AFK shouldn't affect how much their existence in the sim (Amazon's server) costs them. They do, though. The official Knowledge Base article lays out the exact algorithm, I even quoted and highlighted it. I just didn't know where to look.
  17. Hard to find direct links to stuff said 15 years ago, so I'm going off this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/About_Traffic Pre-post edit (if that's a thing): Charlotte's link confirms this.
  18. Seems like Firestorm made it possible to create more camera presets than there already were, and added a more convenient button for it. In the previous version of Firestorm (also applies to most modern viewers) there were 3 presets in at least two places: World > Photo and Video > Cameratools These are the presets you'll find in the new version by default: Avatar > Camera Controls The 3 buttons on the top-left corner are the same as above:
  19. My immediate reaction was "Heck yeah, finally!" but we'll see how this pans out. Well, since everything is happening on LL's servers, LL has perfect information. If people are sitting on furniture (that includes twirling around a pole) while talking in IMs, LL will see that and could account for that. "AFK accounts" are almost the same thing as traffic bots. They are accounts used primarily to occupy those "AFK spots" for money. It can be done by the owner of the place or by independent people. The fact that "everyone will be AFK at some point" is not the same thing at all and that's not what's being talked about. Traffic is only calculated (1 minute = 1 traffic) from people who have stayed in the sim for a while, I think 5 or 10 minutes? If they leave before that, you won't get an increase in traffic. That could maybe affect things, of course assuming that LL hasn't made any more significant changes. It's also possible that all traffic was "reset" to zero when they made the new change, not giving enough time in the day for the numbers to climb back up before traffic was updated for the day.
  20. Head - The base avatar's head Upper - The base avatar's torso and arms Lower - The base avatar's pelvis and legs Eyes - The base avatar's eyes Hair - The base avatar's hair That's right, even when you're completely naked with everything detached, you still have hair! 99% of the time, it's shrunk into your head so it cannot be seen. This is what it looks like: Skirt - The base avatar's skirt addon This inclusion confuses me a little bit, but I guess it makes sense since it's a built-in component of the base avatar like the hair. 99.9% of the time, it won't be seen. This is what it looks like: Left Arm, Left Leg, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3 - Not used by the base avatar These are brand new and came with the universal layer. These must be assigned to attachments (either by hand or script) in order to be seen.
  21. Some more context with a bit better footage than Orwar: (Though my mouselook seems to behave slightly differently.) https://puu.sh/GYQGa/2f0e66fc8d.webm I'm moving my mouse very lightly, which causes jagged movement on Firestorm. The angle of the jaggedness seems constant, so it becomes more pronounced with lower FOV like when you zoom in with Mouselook. Edit: My issue seems to be present in both LL and Black Dragon viewer. I think it's simply because mouse sensitivity isn't adjusted for the current level of zoom. This probably isn't the same as Orwar's issue.
  22. How severe is it? I can confirm that it happens on Firestorm, most noticably while zoomed in (hold right click and scroll up), but I'm talking maybe fractions of a degree at no zoom. Other viewers Black Dragon and maybe even the LL viewer) don't have this issue as far as I recall. I'd like to know the answer too.
  23. The absolute joy of programming. Those gnomes exist and they're called "undefined behavior" -- but this is thankfully not one of them. In fact I can't think of any undefined behavior in LSL, it's a surprisingly safe language, especially when compared to something like C.
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