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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. There's a whole bunch of little things you can do to affect how the surfaces reflect light. If you want the whole front of the crystal to light up, you might actually want lower glossiness, because it will spread the light over a larger area. You'll also want to adjust the color of the specular, because pure white rarely looks good on any surface. A jade/teal colored gem should probably have greenish or bright teal tint, for example. Another trick is to add very subtle glow (no more than 0.04) to the surfaces, because it helps soften the light up close (and appear brighter of course), but won't show up from usual camera distances. Here's an example using 40 glossiness, 2% glow, and green tint: https://imgur.com/a/LSH1POf If lower glossiness doesn't cause enough light to catch on the front of the gem, you can edit the normals of the mesh in Blender. You want to make sure all the normals point in the same direction, that way they'll react to light sources at the same time as each other. As an aside, you can increase the resolution of your texture a lot if you remap your UVs. Even if you just use a mirror modifier, and maybe split the gem horizontally, you can get 4 times the texture resolution: (You can easily get even more resolution with auto-unwrap if you're just creating baked textures instead of hand-painting.)
  2. "System hair" and "hair base" are both terms that've been used since the very early days of SL, the former refers to the visible mesh of your system avatar and the latter is more of a concept. If you wanted to hide the "system hair," you would wear a "bald hair base" which is the Hair Shape with everything set to minimum/invisible. Skins also came with a painted "hair base" just like like today, though we might use them as separate layers or onion mesh. "Brow shaper" is a newer term, earliest reference I can find is from 2011 but popularized 2013-2015. It makes sense I guess, but it seems niche. (Only reason I used it was because I didn't actually remember it's called Hair in the viewer. I haven't had to touch those for a decade. 😋) It's pretty funny/annoying that we run into issues like this because of old features nobody realistically needs to use until they're the cause of the issue.
  3. It's the system hair, it's an integral part of the base avatar. You can change your brow(?) shape to scrunch it into your head.
  4. Text on the product page can cause your listing's rating to be changed automatically. I'd take a guess, but your account has no store. Edit: Oh, I totally misread the question!
  5. Most of the info on PBR is documented here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PBR_Materials PBR Normals use Mikkelsen Tangent Space (MikkT), which I'm pretty sure is used in Unity and Unreal.
  6. Ctrl+E, Mark Seam This helps you control how the object is cut up into UV islands. A vertical seam along the main body of your model will help you unwrap the UV so the texture simply wraps around it. At the same time, Blender's default tools for cleaning up and straightening UVs are not great, but you can find a bunch of different unwrapping plugins for Blender with a simple search.
  7. LL is moving away from the web profiles and profile feeds. The "feed thumbnail" is your profile picture, and that used to be in sync with your in-world profile, but LL disabled that.
  8. Looks like a GridSurvey change. This (your POST request) gets the "301 Moved Permanently" response, with the response body pointing to HTTPS instead: llHTTPRequest( "http://api.gridsurvey.com/simquery.php", [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], "region=" + "Kiva" + "&item=objects_uuid" ); // <p>The document has moved <a href="https://api.gridsurvey.com/simquery.php">here</a>.</p> You can fix it by changing http:// to https:// You should probably make a GET request instead, so llHTTPRequest will follow the redirect. This is what browsers do when you visit the HTTP URL. llHTTPRequest( "http://api.gridsurvey.com/simquery.php?region=Kiva&item=objects_uuid", [HTTP_METHOD, "GET", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], "" );
  9. I think he means the actual window title bar instead of the top-menu UI. Now I'm kinda miffed that the viewer doesn't follow the Dark Mode color scheme (OS-level setting). 😋
  10. The gotcha is that you have to pay for it if you make over $100k USD per year. Be sure to click that checkbox if you don't, otherwise you're getting the $120 sub. 🙂
  11. Works just fine. Maybe you're not sending messages correctly? default { state_entry() { while (TRUE) { llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, (string)10, ""); llSleep(0.2); } } } vector axis = <1,0,0>; float angle; default { link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string cmd, key id) { angle = (float)cmd * DEG_TO_RAD; axis = axis + <angle,0,0>; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2,[PRIM_ROTATION, llEuler2Rot(axis)*llGetRot()]) ; } }
  12. The skin you're wearing in the second screenshot is not EvoX. Actually, it looks like there might be another texture on top of the base skin you're wearing, since most of your face looks fine.
  13. While I might agree with your overall sentiment... land prices are at an all time low, and the steady trend of lower pricing may as well continue as LL shifts its income elsewhere. Also, SL 2.0 was already attempted. It was called Sansar.
  14. Hot take: string notecard = "settings"; default { touch_start(integer _) { llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecard); } dataserver(key __, string _) { integer line; string text; for ( text = llGetNotecardLineSync(notecard, line); text != EOF && text != NAK; text = llGetNotecardLineSync(notecard, ++line) ) { llOwnerSay(text); } llOwnerSay((string)["Lines read: ", line]); if (text == NAK) { llOwnerSay("Cache interrupted!"); } } }
  15. Just guessing, but I can't imagine the bot runners are picking any specific landing zones if they're scraping hundreds of sims. I can't imagine it's a small task to hand-pick "safe" locations for what's basically a blink in that sim. That they land in your parcel is probably related to the location of that parcel within the sim, or whatever other factors LL uses to determine where avatars should arrive.
  16. The original comment I responded to was implying that events could come in and interrupt the loop, which we all now know is not the case.
  17. This blocks events just the same as any other loop/sleep.
  18. Overall CPU utilization doesn't mean much, because SL will not use all cores in your CPU. What does your individual core usage look like?
  19. Noticed really annoying (but consistent) behavior I never knew about. If the last line of a notecard contains text but no newline, trying to read that line will return EOF instead of the text. This happens with Sync/Async and applies even to notecards that only contain one line of text, but no newline. The line cannot be read because the result is EOF. I'm sure someone has to have filed a jira about it, but what's the current status?
  20. Does this actually happen, though? This sounds like a hypothetical that no one has mentioned in the past 15 years. This wasn't my experience while testing, I had to async the notecard first. (Also, the notecard stayed in cache for over 9 hours, even though I deleted the object with the notecard. 😄)
  21. There's no limit, aside from the total memory limit.
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