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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Trust me, I know. I also preach the "if it's free, you're the product" line. I'm dubious on the ad thing though, I've never seen an ad on my OS. Bloatware games that you can uninstall? Yes.
  2. Nothing you've said indicates anything ban-worthy. The server just processes some data for the script which is absolutely a normal thing to do and even vital for some scripts. A one-second timer isn't inherently bad, what matters is what exactly you're doing every second, and even then it really only matters to your script's performance because the sim will just not schedule the time for your script even if you do some "supercomputing." The fastest timer you can / are allowed is 0.022s, which is one server frame and some things (like the control event) produce that many events on no matter what you do.
  3. Windows 10 is practically free, period. You can download it from Microsoft's site for free and never have to activate it. That's what I did.
  4. If I recall correctly, the applier system claims to be independent of an external server (the specific phrasing was "works offline"). I don't know how previous TMP bodies worked, I only own Legacy. The applier setup process is almost identical to Omega. It just works. I don't quite understand how an external server is supposed to reduce theft. If it checks the UUID for an existing one in their database, a simple reupload would circumvent that unless they hash the texture data as well, but that's equally easy to bypass and risks false positives.
  5. If you're creating makeup intended to be used with the standard skin layout, you should use the whole head UV. When it comes to Omega, not all heads use the exact same layout. For example, Omega has a "nipple" option that's different from the whole torso. Some mesh uses that slot, others don't. The same applies to face makeup, though I don't recall which heads use a separate lip slot texture and what that's called in Omega.
  6. This applies to Legacy as well. It's not clear from your post that you know this. The applier dev kit is publicly available.
  7. Off-topic but worth a thought: Nuclear is 4 times cleaner than solar. Even when accounting for nuclear catastrophies, the negative effects are absolutely negligible. (10:00)
  8. Unless something has changed, you are allowed to sell real world products through SL. Although, I don't know what the policy is about listing real world products on Marketplace for example, since there's nothing there to facilitate real-world delivery when the payment is made. You would most likely need to conduct your business completely in-world, but I don't think the average SL user is willing to share their real world details with strangers in that manner.
  9. I don't think that's the same thing. That's a wholly different / new feature. If I understood correctly, @Desiree Moonwinder wants a script to be able to get the autoreturn time set for the current parcel. That JIRA is asking for a new feature; to set an autoreturn timer for an individual object, and get the value that was set for that object.
  10. You also have it halfway right. If LL did exactly what you said, what about all the gachas that are already listed? Does every existing product get retroactively marked as non-gacha? Do all products on MP need to be relisted? This would also "punish" non-gacha merchants by forcing them to deal with specific settings that are specifically not related to their product, even if they've never -- and will never -- make a listing for a gacha. The solution for this problem would be to have the "not gacha" option pre-selected, but that would again sink the ship before it sails just like the Gacha category.. And don't get me wrong, this gacha situation is pretty silly. While these new filters are useful, they're only a bandaid to what the actual problem is. Heck, I would volunteer my own time so I could manually go through hundreds of pages of MP and review/move any gacha items I could find. PM me @Linden Lab 😊
  11. Preferences > Graphics > Rendering > uncheck "Enabled Attached Lights (Face Lights)" I think you have this backwards. Here's ALM enabled: Here's ALM disabled (still midnight):
  12. I don't doubt that this happened, but you can't find an individual person if all you have is an IP address. They need many other general details to find you, which are pretty easy to keep to yourself, especially if you don't use your SL alias anywhere else. (Unlike me, since I use my profile picture literally everywhere so it's easy to find lots of info about who I am and what I do. Very stalkable.)
  13. Since L$ was stable for so long, there's no reason to assume Supply Linden suddenly went haywire and caused the spike. Especially not if large orders were placed way above current rate, which doesn't seem to have been how Supply Liden worked in the past. (The large orders may have tricked Supply Linden to stock at that rate, but the damage was already done by that point if residents were canceling and relisting their orders anyway.) One theory that was mentioned and would actually make sense in more ways than one: money laundering. If you have "dirty money," it's worthless because you can't spend it. If you can dump thousands of dollars into SL every month and be guaranteed to sell it immediately at a small cost (higher rate), that's definitely worth doing. In this case it would also make sense why LL would go on to impose new trading limits, and it seemed to have an immediate effect. Possibly because whoever was making the large orders was also banned for fraud/laundering. If it wasn't LL or Supply Linden bugs or money laundering, what else could explain such a sudden change in market behavior? (Genuine question.) But what ever caused the spike, LL wouldn't tell us simply because their public stance is that they're not going to "fix" the market. If it was money laundering, there would be demands for LL to fix the rate (I'm sure) and it would cost them a lot of money because the only way they could fix things was to buy all L$ above the old rate and prevent higher-rate orders for a while, and it would be really terrible PR for their platform. If it was LL's direct decision, obviously they wouldn't want to tell us. If it was just a market anomaly with no special influence, there'd be no reason for LL to comment on it. Either way, this was three whole years ago. No matter who/what the cause was, it has since stabilized and everybody's had time to adjust to the new rate. At least we're not in the middle of that turmoil now.
  14. Many male AOs have perfectly neutral walking cycles.
  15. Regarding listen events: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Talk:LlListen This means that no matter for how long the script is sleeping or the event queue stays full, the script will always receive all messages in the order they were received by the sim.
  16. I'm back with my homework. Facts Supply Linden injects L$ to fill buy-orders. (supply for the demand) L$ was stable for 5 years at around 248-250:1. L$ had a sudden spike in 2016, getting close to 300:1. Large orders of L$ were regularly placed way above current rate. Many people would cancel their orders and relist them again at even higher rates. The number of sales increased. The volume of L$ sold did not change or slightly decreased. (based on Gridsurvey) L$ has stabilized at around 257-259:1. This is called deflation. The cost of goods and services has dropped at current price. Consumers benefit from deflation due to getting more L$ to spend per dollar. Merchants are hurt by deflation because the L$ they receive is worth less. The deflation stopped as Linden Lab announced changes to trading limits. Conclusions Somebody was manipulating the market. Merchants lost money during the spike. Merchants must've adjusted their prices to avoid losses in the (now past) future. Questions I couldn't answer Did Linden Lab actually benefit from this, especially if L$ volume was unchanged? All of LL's flat-fee money sinks became cheaper; lost revenue unless more people started using them. Marketplace wouldn't have done better unless prices were raised or market activity went up. Does this cover it, or did I get anything wrong and am I missing something?
  17. I don't know, but what I do know is that there's no benefit to doing that. If your monitor is physically only 1080p, going 4K won't even make the image look more sharp. You'd just be losing FPS.
  18. Could someone link other relevant threads so I can catch up on the discussion, then? The mid-2011 to mid-2016 definitely looks weird. Wasn't that period kind of the peak of SL activity though? I would speculate that it's possible that the state of the economy back then could've just stabilized at that level, but I don't know what would've caused that sudden spike during 2016 if that was the case. Were there any significant events/announcements around that time? One thing I am noticing though, is that there was a significant uptick in individual transactions during that whole upturn from mid-2015 until the end of the chart, especially at the peak. A weirder thing is that from 13-Sept-2017 until 15-Jan-2017 the minimum quantity was L$1 and the maximum rate was around 271 for most of that. That certainly looks like market manipulation -- very obviously even -- but this could be done by anyone, not just LL. The L$ trading limits were also changed in December of 2016 and the rate inflation immediately stopped. Edit: Seems like the major part of the chart is explained by Supply Linden filling in the demand, which kept it stable through 2011-2016.
  19. Okay. I was upset and irritated last night, mainly because of Luna. Let's try it again with a different set of spoons. Could you link me somewhere I can find a historical chart and maybe one of those SLU threads. I promise I'll read through them without making any hasty conclusions.
  20. Which is probably why you're not supposed to be able to do it. The exact process hasn't been properly implemented, so the way it works now is just an artifact. I mean, "state changes" are an arbitrary implementation that's very specific to LSL, this could technically be the "proper implementation" if it wasn't for the fact that the compiler tries to stop us from even trying.
  21. Ok, since you're so critical, let's put this more in context, even though it was clear to all the others: to get to a $1000 to withdraw, we need 15% more L$ rather than 10%, which makes the same amount of cut as described in my comment you quoted. For the same amount of L$ that now makes $1000, i would have got $1150 without fee raise AND inflation, and without inflation that would have been $1050 which might not seem much, but that covers at least one of my bimestral bills. Yes, I mentioned that at the end of the quote. I don't disagree with your observation. I guess raising your prices is just totally out of the question and all you can do is let their value depreciate with time. (I'm using the "general you," there are many in these threads who don't like it.) What you said in the post I was responding to was yet another example of extrapolating personal experience to the wider world. "My sales are going up along with someone I know. How come the LindeX rate keeps getting worse??" Dude. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. The fact that the value of lindens has declined is relevant and an important part of the picture. We can talk about that. The accusation of LL directly controlling that value isn't something I care to entertain. You can do that and I'm not going to argue on that.
  22. Sorry, the different kinds of assistance I've gotten are muddled in my head right now while I'm flustered. I currently get a part of my rent paid (230€) and the 250€ student aid. In the past I used to get the same amount of rent paid (I never get this money, I only pay the difference) and about 500€ (32.4€/day for 20 days per month). Yes, I could have earned more to put into savings. I didn't particularly need more. When I began saving I had a different safety net and by the time that went away, I had enough of my own. I will have to find some kind of part-time job again within the next couple years while I'm in school. Not because I would hit zero but because I would lose my cushion. The reason was because I was jobless but seeking, that's the 500€. (You must prove you're actively looking for a job to get it.) I also had a part-time job at one point which paid me 1080€ post-tax per month, that's where the largest chunk of my savings have come from because I saved roughly half of each paycheck. This isn't to say that you should survive on 500€ ($560), it's not universally applicable because of different economies, personal circumstances (childen, pets, vehicle, poor public transit, etc.) and prices in the local area. What I am saying that when you are struggling, there are always some ways to reduce your own costs. I rarely buy games (my main source of entertainment), I don't have TV or Netflix, I don't drink/smoke/gamble, I rarely eat candy or fast food, I buy groceries by price-to-weight (I compare the prices of butter and fake-butter!), I don't have expensive hobbies, I don't buy new clothes until my current ones are falling apart, I live in the smallest and cheapest apartment I could find, and I deal with a lot of minor inconveniences. The amount of money people spend when they don't need to is pretty gross sometimes.
  23. Friend, I spent years doing absolutely nothing but struggle alone on 750€; no plan, no school. It's miserable, which is why I'm back to school. And it did get worse, I lost over 60% of my income when I started school and I had to take a loan because of it. I've only just recently started, I have another 3-4 years of slog to go. This is post-college. That loan I took was less than what I had in the bank too, because I don't want to risk borrowing money I can't pay back. I have plans to have a part-time job at some point, but even if I mess this up, I don't have to be in fear of that loan I took. Unfortunately I can't read my post for you, sorry. All currencies fluctuate in value, whether or not LL is manipulating this one specifically is a whole separate discussion that I don't care to have. I understand your views, that's not the problem. I just disagree with your views and would like to discuss them but you keep making personal jabs at me because you don't like what I have to say, that's the problem.
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