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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. If you copypaste it in your browser's address bar while you're logged into Second Life, the group profile will open in your viewer. Alternatively, you can copypaste the link into local chat, and it will turn into the group's name which you can click to open the group profile.
  2. Sorry, who mentioned non-rigged mesh? You only quoted me, right above your post... Edit: Right, you quoted before I clarified why I thought that.
  3. I would never look at LI when talking about rigged mesh. Incidentally I just added an edit to my post, in which I refer to an older thread where someone else thought LI was important for attachments, which I corrected them on. Triangle count is not everything, either. There's number of textures and whether those textures are alpha-masking or blending, etc. Edit: Another funny thing I just noticed. My hair (the one I mentioned) has 1400 complexity with 73400 triangles and 3 textures. A rezzed product display I'm looking at right now has 87 triangles and 7 textures, but 2200 complexity. If I rez my hair and scale it up to be massive and attach it (so it looks no different from before) the complexity is the same as its rezzed version. This showcases how you can cheat to get lower complexities, but that's kind of besides the point. The hair was originally about the same size as it appeared on my head with that 1400 complexity. The complexity-scale is just not correct.
  4. Yes; "Complexity" is a completely useless metric for any rigged mesh. Some time ago I did a comparison here on the forum between three different heads, which showed that a head that was 5x less detailed had twice the complexity of the other head. But I also think the same might apply for even non-rigged mesh. The difference between (as a quick example) my hair's rigged/unrigged version is within 100.
  5. And flag the product as "not as advertised" because wrong permissions is a no-no.
  6. My go-to is Oracul, but most of its animations are exaggerated so I tend to buy single animations and build an AO from those. It's very affordable. Ayashi hair is pretty "chunky" by default but you could always change the textures or set them to alpha masking (at 0, removing transparency).
  7. I'm really confused. What missing faces? The hair looks identical in both pictures, except the rezzed hair is showing alpha problems unlike the attached one.
  8. That's because making alpha-masking hair textures require a different technique instead of the finely feathered strands you've seen. Using alpha-masking on blended textures is guaranteed to be a bad time. You can get very good looking hair with masking, comparing to Morrowind is ridiculous.
  9. But isn't that's exactly what I said? Unless you agree and are just adding an example. In which case yeah, it's the same here but they're less common and more cutesy rather than proper names.
  10. And just like RL, it costs money to change your legal name (username), but you can always just use a nickname (display name) for free. Some people will refer to you by your legal name because they can't know your nickname, and others will use your nickname. This does lead to similar confusions.
  11. The amount of creativity, convenience, and marketability you kill by making your products no-modify far outweighs the few people who would "mangle" the product and still want to wear it. The main thing I want to do is 1) remove scripts 2) put in my own scripts 3) make rigged mesh easily clickable by giving it a reasonably sized root prim 3) link rigged mesh together to reduce attachments 4) remove normals/specular or reduce the shine. There are more things but they're less frequent. I don't think people look at an ugly avatar and check which creators made the things they're wearing just to memorize who to never buy from. Meanwhile if someone has a really cool avatar they've created, that person can share which products to buy and how to remake it. This only adds value to your products for people who might not otherwise buy it. The furry/anime community has been a really good example of this before the no-modify trend. P.S. I'm using the general you, not you specifically.
  12. It's been a good few years since I was an estate manager, but can't you limit the minimum age allowed for a sim without scripts? Or at least on the parcel level, so you could make your landing area its own parcel and everything outside of it age-restricted?
  13. I'm aware that the illusion beaks a little bit if the object was in motion (as in, we were able to inspect the model by orbiting the camera), but the forums need an "amaze" reaction.
  14. That's not an equivalent situation at all, though? What you're describing is equivalent to ransomware, which locks up (stabs) a system until the "ransom" (bandage) is paid. Ethical hacking does not involve "you stabbing people with pitchforks." It involves people asking you to stab their target-dummy in a safe environment under their supervision.
  15. ...but mainly because everything is streamed from the hard drive when needed, not constantly loaded into memory.
  16. Given your folders look something like this, with multiple items in separate folders that you want to delete at once: You can at least hold Ctrl while selecting each item, then right-click and delete (or press the Delete key) when you're ready. It might not be automatic, but it still saves a lot of clicks.
  17. Out of pure curiosity, what does the physics model look like? It's the one thing you didn't show!
  18. I don't know of any groups, but I have some random thoughts to share. Based on my personal experiences from doing the same thing, first of all I feel like you might be dating the wrong kind of people if they absolutely must see the real life you in order to take the relationship (or even friendship) seriously. Secondly (and maybe even more importantly), you should stop lying. Not because "it's wrong to lie," but because when you do lie, you're putting yourself in the exact situation you've described; where you're anxious about the person finding out about it, or losing interest in you, or getting mad at you for deceiving them. It's a complicated situation and really hard to undo once you're in it. Even if the person would normally be okay with you being a girl IRL, a friendship built on false premises can really break trust. The way I used to deal with it was to just not talk about RL stuff at all. There's lots of other topics to talk about and you can get very close to people without getting into any RL stuff. These days I can talk about RL stuff as long as it doesn't relate to my physical body, so school/work/hobbies is fine but if you want to avoid the "are you really a guy" question, you should avoid talking about things that might be considered gender-specific. It's like walking on egg-shells, I know, but I've also learned to just let people come up with their own conclusions and not really correct them either way.
  19. I don't disagree with any of that. I've just explained what the situation might be, with no value judgements (meaning whether LL's decisions are good or bad).
  20. I don't think the problem is changing a name. I think the problem is changing a name without anything breaking, especially when this is a retroactive change. On other platforms, where the account system was created (or changed early on) in such a way that name changes were anticipated, it's not a problem. When LL added display names, that must've been relatively hassle-free because nothing relied on display names yet. User/avatar names on the other hand...
  21. Generally speaking, LL's approach is not very different from the norm besides the price. On platforms where you can change your name for free (eg. Steam), it's just a visual alias while your underlying login name cannot be changed. In other cases (such as a lot of MMO roleplaying games), your login name cannot be changed but you can pay to have your character's name changed. For a little more relevant example, there's IMVU. Free accounts have a tacked-on name so everybody's called "Guest_username." You have to buy the VIP subscription to get it removed. Name change has to be bought separately ($13) though.
  22. It's a derogatory term used to describe people (teens, generally) who waste their time hanging around malls doing nothing. It stems from thoughts like "Look at those troublemakers. They're so loud. They're in everybody's way. Don't they have anything better to do? They're not even shopping. They're just wasting all their money at Starbucks/McDonalds." And being teens, they usually wear whatever the current fad in fashion is. Pointlessly expensive brand names, etc. The more stereotypical the appearance (depending on the area, obviously), there more appropriate the term becomes. Edit, general definitions: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mallrats
  23. Of course. I wasn't implying that all the perks must be worth it for everybody. I was pointing out that exactly that different people value different perks differently. Even in my own example I said that the only reason I'll get Premium is because of a single perk, which is name changes. I don't personally value any of the other perks.
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