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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. I read somewhere that if you set a parcel to sell for $L0, the process will not let you set it for sale to "Anyone", but requires you to specifiy a name.  If true, this would be a safety feature to keep your parcel from being grabbed by a landbot. Can anyone confirm it?
  2. You have to understand Lindenspeak. The translation of that is, "...the data currently bears little relationship to the happy bullship about the health and strength of the Second Life economy we are planning to spin now, and it would contradict the lies we're going to tell, so we are going to stop publishing them to keep from embarrassing ourselves."
  3. Mandi Cobalt wrote: Can u tell me how to edit the house I got for free from second life You can't. Linden Homes are not editable. However, your house has a control panel that you can use to modify its appearance by using different texture sets, etc.
  4. Something about you isn't loading correctly. If you had particles turned on, you'd be a puffy white cloud. Since you don't, you are a smooth white egg. Try the tips on this page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud I would also add to those tips, turn off and re-set your DSL modem/router.
  5. Cal and Nyll both suggested leads to things that are VERY close to what I'm looking for...especially Nyll's. I suspect Real Flight is going to have what I want though, so it's Sal for the win. Thanks, everyone. (honorable mention for the backpack heli suggestion, too. Not what I had in mind, but it's still cool. And it's given me the idea for one of my own. Ha! The building bug strikes again!)
  6. Cubey has an *ultralight*, but it's an airplane, not a helicopter. Unless I missed something. (By the way, I share your enthusiasm for Cubey's vehicles. I have a parachute, hot air balloon, two seat amphibious copter, and convertible sub/boat/seaplane from Abbott's Aerodrome).
  7. Well, Search is no use and I went through all the XStreet listings without finding this, so I'll ask here. I'm looking for a little one-person ultralight helicopter.  I know they're out there, because my partner has one and I've seen another (a different model, I think) at a little SL airport I visited long ago. Has anyone got any leads?
  8. Several viewers allow you to reposition the inventory window...even in 2.1, you can open a second instance of it. That makes it a lot easier to drag things from one place to another in your inventory.
  9. LittleMe Jewell wrote: SOME of the newbie skins come with panties painted on. Go into the Library in inventory and try some other skins - not all of them have that. Any skin that you buy inworld also won't have that. ETA -- I **think** the skins are in the Library under Body Parts. Inventory/Library/Clothing, then look in any of the avatar folders there. Each folder is a complete avatar, including a skin item.
  10. Sarasvati Windstorm wrote: Thank you Cinnamon and others who replied. it was easy once I followed your instruction! NOW i'm having a problem with placing the new furniture where I want it! I can't seem to click and drag it to the places I want it to go! Aha! Here's a short course on how to do that. 1. Rez an object (let's say a couch). 2. Right click the object, select Edit. You'll see three colored, intersecting arrows appear on the object, and a new window on your screen with lots of options. 3. Put your mouse cursor on the head or tail of one of the arrows and drag it to move the object. 4. Hold down the CTRL key. The arrows change to three colored, intersecting circles. These are rotation handles. 5. Put your mouse cursor on one of the rings and drag it to rotate the object. 6. For precise positioning, especially rotations, you can enter values in boxes in the Edit window. 7. (optional). For some things, you'll want to re-size them. Hold down the CTRL and ALT keys simultaneously. You will see a bounding box with white handles at the corners. These are re-sizing handles. Drag them to scale the object. For single prims, you'll see colored boxes on each face of the bounding box. These let you re-size the prim in one dimension at a time. For much more information on how to manipulate prims and objects, go take the tutorials at The Ivory Tower Library of Primitives.
  11. Karina Tyrellium wrote: With the same email address? Yes, Karina. I have five accounts, all using the same email address. No problem.
  12. 1. Try World/Stop Animating my Avatar (in 1.23, it's somewhere else in Viewer 2). If no good, then 2. Edit/Preferences/Network. Click the Clear Cache button, log out, then log in again. If no good, then 3. Find a "Stop All Animations" object. You can get them for free on XStreet. You will also find one, a twisty gray cone-shaped object, near the arrival point at Caledon Oxbridge University. Touch (left click) the Stop Animations object. In the future, try to remember to stand up and/or stop dancing before you teleport somewhere else. This way you won't be separating a running animation from its scripted originating object, leaving it an orphan, and you a mess.
  13. In general, this indicates that your account has been IP banned. Now, this could be because you actually did something very bad, or it could be because someone simply accused you of doing something very bad, or it could be a case of mistaken identity (LL banned the wrong IP address, picking one very similar to the one they intended), or it could be a case of collateral damage (your computer shares or was assigned an IP address that someone else was using). Or, it could be that someone else in your household who has an SL account got themselves banned so thoroughly that ALL users of that computer are now banned from using Second Life. Whatever the reason, your only response is to file a support ticket and wait for an explanation. Then file an update with your appeal and supporting evidence of your innocence.
  14. Hm. Can you buy $L on XStreet? Maybe the limits don't apply there? Try logging in to XStreet, My Account, Currency Orders, Buy SLL.
  15. Oh, I don't know. Giving your dominant modify permissions on your objects seems to me to be a very submissive act and allows them a lot of control over your life. You might come home and find your pretty house has been replaced by a cardboard box and a doggie dish.
  16. Dahlia Orellana wrote: I actually think it is an SL issue as they do the logging. But thanks everyone. LL *does* log everyone's chat and IM. But YOUR logs (if you enable logging) are kept on your own computer, not on LL's servers. If you installed a new version of Emerald, the location of the logs may have been changed. The old ones are almost certainly still there, unless your installation over-wrote them. Do a file search on your computer for "chatlog".
  17. Still, it's a reasonable question to ask here, considering that over half the users of SL are using the Emerald viewer. Sorry, OP...I don't have a clue.
  18. Theia's answer is excellent. Another thing you might try is putting yourself on a prim diet. A lot of us become prim addicts, buying more and more land so we can have more and more stuff in a never-ending cycle. Even a small place like a Linden Home can be made comfortable, if you choose your furnishings carefully, with an eye to their prim count as well as price.
  19. Just give LL your credit card number or a verified PayPal account. You don't have to USE it, just give them the account info. See your Dashboard page, My Account, Update Payment Information.
  20. Good thinking, but not quite spot on. The main problem is that the "free" 512 is not in addition to your other contributed tier. If you are at the $25 tier level, you can contribute up to 4096 m2. Your alt can contribute her free 512, for a total of 4096+512 = 4608 m2 The 10% group bonus means that this becomes 4608+461 = 5069 m2 if donated toward group-owned land. That's not quite enough to cover your current parcel. You could look into the following options. 1. Sell off a bit of your land. But you said you don't want to do that. 2. See if another Premium friend will come be your roommate and contribute their free 512. 3. Make another alt and make her Premium. 4. Continue at the $40 per month tier level, but rent out your excess tier capacity. I don't know if anyone is still buying up spare tier and renting it out...Ninjaland used to be the biggest company doing this, but has gotten out of the business (I think). You can then put the $L earned by your extra tier and the stipends from your Premium accounts to help pay your monthly bill to LL.
  21. Chuck Kingsley wrote: But, it's safe right? My personal information won't be given away to anybody else? Right? Sorry, I just never had to deal with something like this before. Chuck, giving your personal info to LL is as safe as giving it to...well, most other companies. They don't give it out or sell it. That doesn't mean that it might not be leaked inadvertently some time, a risk we all take in this Internet Age. This is a very frustrating experience. LL takes the possibility of underage users very seriously (they don't want to be sued because some kid got on the grid and got traumatized by some of the adult activities that go on there). So, if somebody reports you as being (in their opinion) underage, you're very likely going to have to prove that you're an adult, as you are now doing. Another way in which this comes up is if you used someone else's credit card (such as a parent's) as your payment information. If the credit card and personal information you sent LL at signup don't match, they can suspend you until the question is cleared up. Or if there are other discrepancies, such as you giving them an address in your home country, but living for a time in another country and accessing SL from there.
  22. Yes, that's very annoying. I would mute this person. I would also put a notice in my Picks, saying something like, "I am not Joe Schmuck's alt. Please be warned that Joe Schmuck is a griefer and manipulator. I strongly suggest you have nothing to do with him." Do NOT name-call, reveal RL information, or say anything that is not true and checkable...so you don't get AR'd yourself by Joe.
  23. Heyyy...MY land is Mature! Still, I guess you may have a point, Rygel. Only one thing...when I'm on an Adult sim (especially one like yours, where everyone KNOWS you have some kinky stuff), and I see grassy parks and white picket fences, I immediately start feeling like I've entered the city limits of Stepford. As for the OP...nope, there is no sure way to detect a stalker/predator/Bad Person. Keep your eyes and ears open and go a little slowly in making new friends, and especially new lovers.
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