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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. If you are getting the "which application do you want to use" message, you are trying to open a data file of some sort. What you need to do is run the executable program...and that is what is happening when you use the desktop shortcut. What graphics card do you have in your computer?
  2. Most weapons in SL cannot harm you if you simply sit on an object. Some viewers have a "Phantom" command that has the same effect without having to sit. Offensive weapons are not recommended, unless everyone involved is in a combat roleplaying zone and agrees to weapons use. If you attack someone (even if they provoked you first) you can get Abuse Reported for griefing.
  3. The group owner must agree to sell the land back to you. If you are the group owner, you can sell the land back to yourself.
  4. We are not Linden Lab...this is a resident help forum. I suggest trying to log in to a different area...perhaps the Smith or Pooley regions. If that does not work, try uninstalling the SL viewer software and re-installing it. If that does not work, file a support ticket with Linden Lab.
  5. You don't even need to worry about it, unless you want to play the Bloodlines vampire game. I went around for years with my soul "owned" by my vampire friend, because I'd let her bite me out of curiosity. I never missed it. If it troubles you, get a FREE garlic necklace from the Marketplace. Wear it, touch the garlic bulb, select Activate, then remove the necklace. Voila...your soul is free and no one else can bite you and take it from you.
  6. You do NOT need a Premium account to own your own private sim. I guess Linden Lab figures the $295/mo you pay for your private island is enough. There will be a setup fee of $1,000 USD. Two alternatives: 1. Find another resident willing to sell you THEIR private region. These are often available for less than the !,000 setup fee charged by LL, and if you are very lucky you may find one that is "grandfathered" at the older $195/mo level. Buying one of these regions will require both of you to submit mututal support tickets to LL. You will pay your money to LL, NOT to the seller. LL will hold it in escrow until the transaction is complete. 2. Find an entire mainland region for sale, and purchase it from the current owner. The monthly tier on Mainland is $195 per month. You WILL need a Premium membership to buy Mainland.
  7. Some facial hair is painted on skins...just buy one with a beard or mustache. However, a handlebar mustache is different...it sticks out away from the face, and therefore would be a prim attachment. Have a look at this Marketplace Search results page... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bmaturity_level%5D=GMA&search%5Bkeywords%5D=handlebar+mustache
  8. There are places in SL that are in business specifically to rent you space for your Magic Box. Also, Magic Boxes will soon go away entirely, LL is implementing a new system.
  9. A green Mister Potato Head for Chief Moderator? What is this virtual world coming to?
  10. The point is...from almost everyone's viewpoint...the glitch happened!
  11. "Occupy SL"? I bet that would make LL very happy! The concurrency numbers would warm the cockles of their investors' hearts.
  12. I am not sure how using a mesh wrapper to copy an object differs from using Copybot. The positive use I see for a mesh wrapper would be to exactly fit mesh clothing to an avatar. This would make mesh outfits much more useful, since they would work more like traditional clothing layers that "always fit".
  13. Tanee Almendros wrote: On the other hand is not a fable that there are users who, in violation of the TOS, use programs that allow them to read even the private IM or even know the IP address of others. Only half right. You can NOT read private IMs. Go on, I dare you...I have repeatedly offered to pay $L5000 to anyone who can show me a log of one of my private IMs, and have never had any takers. It IS possible to know your IP address. Any time you listen to a music stream or watch a media stream, anywhere on the web, not just in SL, the provider of the stream can determine your IP address. This is not an SL problem, but a characteristic of the internet. It is not generally a security problem unless you use a fixed IP address. As for IM vs. local chat, some people like IMs because even if nobody is around, an object might be listening and relaying the chat to somebody else.
  14. Did you click Save after you changed the picture?
  15. Use Search to look for employment opportunities. However, I do not recommend that you get a "job". There are some things you should know: 1. Most employers won't hire you until you have at least 30 days experience in world. 2. Most SL jobs pay very little. In fact, you work for tips only in a lot of them. They will pay far less than a Real Life minimum wage. It's a much better use of your time to earn a little more money with overtime or a second job in Real Life, and simply buy $L, with a credit card or a verified PayPal account. 3. The "real money" in SL is made by content creators and large landowners. Learn to make high quality clothes, shoes, houses, or anything else and set up your own business. This takes a lot of time and effort and success is not guaranteed...so anything you do in SL should be done because it's something you enjoy. Don't waste your in world time doing anything you don't like!
  16. For a complete discussion of SL shoes, see my blog: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/05/omg-shoes.html
  17. For information on how to use the terraforming tools, see my blog post http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/09/digging-in-digital-dirt.html Mainland limits your terraforming to +/- 4 m. Private islands can be terraformed to 100m.
  18. With all respect to Charlotte and Lyra, this does not sound like an ordinary problem, especially if items you got from two different places list all their contents as Alpha layers. I'm guessing it's something screwy on your end. Try doing a complete clean re-install of your viewer. Log in to an empty region, like Heckendorf or Pooley. Wait for everything to load in your inventory. 1. Check to see if the problem items have changed their type. 2. Buy something else...a freebie, by preference. See if it contains the correct items, and they are wearable. If the problem is still with you, file a support ticket with Linden Lab.
  19. dance animations are not worn. You can install them into a dance HUD, or into a wearable device like a "Chimera". You can also play them directly. Find the animation in your inventory and double click it, or open its window on your screen and click "Play in World". Turn off any other AO you may be wearing.
  20. Lindal Kidd

    Land Problem

    You are billed tier based on the maximum amount of land you hold at any time during the billing period. If you have a Linden Home and then buy another 512 m2 parcel of land, you will be billed $4.00 in tier every month until you either abandon the Linden Home or sell the other land parcel. The correct way to buy land is to first abandon or sell any land you do not want, THEN purchase the new parcel. This avoids a charge that month for increased tier.
  21. It's a combination of roleplay, and getting and using the required items. When you buy a "baby kit", you generally get -- - a series of increasingly pregnant shapes for you to wear, over however long you want your "pregnancy" to last. - a "tummy talker". This is an invisible item you wear. It says things in local chat like "Lindal's baby turns restlessly in her womb". An awful lot of people find these to be highly annoying...turn it off or take it off when you're in crowded places, please. - a prim doll that you can carry after you "give birth". There are in world places that have furniture and sometimes staff to assist you in pregnancy roleplay. Do a search on "baby", "pregnancy" or "obstetrics". Once you have given birth, you may want to continue roleplaying raising your child. There are many people who enjoy playing child avatars in SL. Go to an "adoption center", and find someone you are compatible with. They can then become your "child" and you can put the prim doll away as you enjoy Second Life with your "toddler". It's an added feature if, during all this, you find a partner to be your SL husband. At least he'll be handy for taking out the trash and mowing the lawn.
  22. Most people prefer to have as "realistic" an avatar as possible, whether that is human-realistic, or some nonhuman creature. However, some people LIKE a 2-dimensional, "cartoon" type avatar. It's all a matter of personal choice. I will say that, as a rule of thumb, the people who use avatars with a "cartoony" appearance are often griefers and troublemakers, which might account for your unfriendly reception. If you like anime avatars, have a look for anime groups, join one, and hang out with like-minded people.
  23. It depends. If you buy a new region from LL, you will pay $295 per month. If you are lucky enough to buy a "grandfathered" region from another resident, the monthly fee is $195 per month.
  24. You can wear multiple items on the same clothing layer...for example, two jackets. To wear the second one, right click it in Inventory and select Add instead of Wear. The last item added will be on the top. Residents with older viewers may only see one of your items per clothing layer. You can wear multiple attachments on a single attachment point. Again, use Add instead of Wear. For example, you could have prim fingernails, a ring, and a martini glass all attached to your right hand. When adding items, whether clothing layers or attachments, do NOT click "Replace Outfit". If you do, everything you have on will be removed, and replaced by the thing you selected.
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