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leliel Mirihi

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Everything posted by leliel Mirihi

  1. I noticed below you said you neighbor uses WiFi. Now WiFI uses several channels, which are really just small frequency slices. So the first thing you should do is use a network browser to find out what channels your neighbors use and set your WiFI router to use the channel farthest from them. Keep in mind that WiFI on the 2.4GHz band uses over lapping channels, that is channel 2 overlaps 1 & 3, 5 overlaps 4 & 6, etc. If you're still having interference problems then when it happens walk around the house and take note of what electrical devices are in use. The things I listed above are the most likely, but it could be anything including your TV, VCR, or even your computer, tho they should be properly shielded so as to not cause interference. How you deal with them depends on what and where it is. You can try moving the device or your WiFI router, putting a large, grounded, piece of metal between them to act as a shield, or getting a better antenna.
  2. I think this may be another case of mixing bytes with bits. 300KB/s is 2.4mb/s which is right inline with the average dsl speed.
  3. WiFi uses the 2.4GHz unlicensed band which just happens to be the same band that cordless phones and garage door openers use. 2.4GHz is also the frequency that water resonates at so high humidity can cause a lot of interference. That last one should give you a hint as to how microwave ovens work, which operate at, you guessed it, 2.4GHz. Large AC motors can also put out a lot of noise in & around the 2.4GHz band. In short, just about anything can interfere with WiFi.
  4. Luc Starsider wrote: Oh, also, you want to set the 'Object' slider in me->Preferences->Graphics to the max setting. You've probably done that already, but I thought I'd mention it. The Object slider controls RenderVolumeLODFactor. The max value for the slider is 2.
  5. Icarus Fallen wrote: Nexus Prime, Darkwood: I wasn't sure about naming an individual sim ... this map is more about multi-sim regions. More to think about. Also, is the Darkwood all Darkwood anymore? Nexus Prime may only be one sim (plus some land in a neighboring sim) but it is historically significant. It was one of the few themed communities that LL decide to help by donating land to. And is the oldest cyberpunk city in SL, founded in 3/26/03 or thereabouts when Bonifacio was brought online.
  6. The viewer will automatically clear out old unused entries to make room for new ones. You don't need to worry about it.
  7. Nyx Linden wrote: Anything over 3000 is colored as red. I have a feeling that the majority of the main grid will be red. Have you thought about adding some more colours for a finer grained scale. Maybe a higher maximum as well, you can use black for those "Might as well be a griefer toy" objects.
  8. The Intel HD graphics is slow, slow, slow. It'll get around 15fps on low settings which is not the kind of performance I'd want from a brand new machine. See if you can get a laptop with an Nvidia chip in it. Like the GT 425M / GT 540M or better if you can.
  9. Alpha sorting is a hard problem, but we're getting closer to a viable solution every year. I was just reading a paper from the GDC conference a few weeks back where some one presented an improvement to A-buffers called Adaptive Transparency that can run up to 40x faster while using 1/2 of the memory. I think we're just a few years away from having the hardware and algorithms necessary to make alpha sorting a non issue. Whether LL will implement them any time soon is a different story tho.
  10. From the Second Life Grid Survey: estimated $6.142 Million per month in tier fees. Of course I'd be willing to bet that 70% of that goes straight to salaries and data center costs.
  11. I was just disputing Ishtara's claim that lack of memory was the cause of your poor frame rates. Altho after looking at the pics you put in jira I think using 16x AA might be part of it as well. You also seem to be a bit confused, AF & AA are not the same thing, they fix two completely different visual artifacts. Try just having AF on, or AF with 2x - 4x AA and see how that works.
  12. I think it's a lot more likely that Etheral's poor frame rates are caused by the HD 3450, you know, the 3.5 year old low end graphics chip.
  13. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  14. Innula Zenovka wrote: Yep. [ PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, integer boolean, vector color, float intensity, float radius, float falloff ] Projectors are spot lights and they use a texture. That's just a plain old point light. There are no LSL controls for projectors yet.
  15. NVIDIA: GTX 590 GTX 580 GTX 570 GTX 560 Ti GTX 550 Ti GTX 465 GTX 460 1GB / 768MB / SE GTS 450 GTS 440 GTS 430 Moble: GTS 150M GTS 160M 305M 315M GT 325M GT 335M GT 345M GTS 350M GT 415M GT 420M GT 425M GT 435M GT 445M GT 520M GT 525M GT 540M GT 550M GT 555M ATI: HD 6990 HD 6970 HD 6950 HD 6870 HD 6850 Mobile: HD 6770M HD 6750M HD 6730M HD 6650M HD 6630M HD 6570M HD 6550M HD 6530M HD 6490M HD 6470M HD 6450M HD 6430M HD 6370M HD 6350M HD 6330M HD 6310 HD 6250 I'm shure there's plenty more, those are just the ones I didn't see after a quick glance at gpu_table.txt
  16. What's up is that the engineers have been slacking. There are cards that came out almost 3 years ago that still aren't listed in gpu_table.txt
  17. I think you misunderstood, A-buffers doesn't require DirectX 11, in fact the original paper describing it was written in 1984. What it needs is direct read/write memory access from the shaders, which is a feature only present on hardware that supports DirectX 11 / OpenGL 4.0. It works by creating a linked list for every pixel that has an alpha face drawn on it, sorting each list into the correct order, then blending them into the final image. Its memory usage is directly proportional to the number of overlapping alpha faces (plus some overhead), which in SL can be in the thousands.
  18. All I know is that we stopped hearing about it around the same time LL announced the teen grid merge.
  19. It's one, among many, bugs in the deferred rendering code on v1 that will never be fixed. If you don't want to use a v2 based viewer that's your choice, and I can understand it. But it's the only option to fix this issue.
  20. Update to a v2 based viewer. Whether it's the official one, Firestorm, Kirsten's or whatever, doesn't really matter.
  21. Could you be more specific? There are a lot of cards in the Radeon HD3000 series. I can give you the short answer right now and say don't buy one of these new, they're too old and slow to be worth paying for. If you already have one that's a different story.
  22. Penny Patton wrote: It helps to understand the issue. As others have explained, OpenGL has trouble with overlayed 32bit textures. The work arounds primarily rely on a static environment, which simply does not happen in SL. It has nothing to do with OpenGL, it's a fundamental limitation of raster based graphics. Alpha blending is an order dependent operation. That means that to properly draw the frame you have to sort every alpha pixel into the correct order before composition the final image. The current best known algorithm, A-buffers, requires DirectX 11 class hardware and can potentially use several hundred megabytes of vram to draw the image. The average resident of SL simply does not have that kind of hardware. That's why LL hasn't bothered to do anything about it yet.
  23. SL doesn't support 1 bit alpha channels yet. See VWR-6713.
  24. Jean Horten wrote: ( the present GoogleSearch Appliance is not suitable for in world search, especially not the outdated GSA 5 LL chose, thanks LL for this non working stuff and for removing the fast, effective and working V1 search) Viewer 1 uses GSA 5, Viewer 2 uses GSA 6. The fact that one [sort of] works while the other doesn't has more to do with all the key word spamming users do. In fact I'll come right out and say that at least 50% of the problems in sl are caused by the users, not LL. User greed and [amateur] ignorance are the cause of many, many problems. If LLV2 made everyone happy, there would be no need for TPVs, it's Linden Lab's Viewer2.x that makes TPVs (not only Phoenix, there are other's too) necessary and so popular. FTFY My choice for months by the way has not been the Phoenix Viewer, but the V2 offspring of Phoenix, called Firestorm, combining the wonderful functions that are under the V2 hood with a really useable GUI, this is Viewer 2 as it should be, except for the dysfunctional GSA 5 in it. Jeannie I don't have any problem with you using Phoenix, but you should know that GSA 5 as used by v1 is run on the sims. As such it adds to sim lag, which is why LL is dropping support for it in a few months.
  25. Rolig Loon wrote: Yup. You got it. This is another argument that should be forgotten too, and we have to start somewhere. How about starting right here? :smileywink: It's kind of hard to forget it when every time something about v2 is posted somebody comes on and says how it doesn't work at all, has the worst UI ever made, is unwanted by 100% of the user base, and occasionally they will add some racist comments about the contract workers that coded it. How often do you see v2 loves doing the same against phoenix?
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