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Quinn Morani

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Everything posted by Quinn Morani

  1. OK, probably no one even noticed I was gone, but RL has been kicking me in the rear lately, so I've been mostly absent from SL for the past few weeks. But now I'm back and see that I have a lot of catching up to do. Where to start, where to start? Will some of you fine forum friends point me in the direction of any "can't miss" threads that I might have missed? You all are the best. It's good to be back! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  2. Venus Petrov wrote: Keli: Going back to your OP. I have to wonder about those that are standing around watching. What is up with them? No one stepped in to help the victim? I know isn't it awful? No one ever comes to my rescue. I'm left all alone to defend myself against those infernal flames, well documented in the murder files. Then again, I do have those super hero powers for protection.
  3. My favorite celebration day is not until September 24. National Punctuation Day Oh, how I look forward to celebrating my favorite underutilized punctuation marks—the semicolon and the em dash!
  4. Jarrod1 wrote: Hey everyone! Now I am still fairly new myself and the one thing I love about SL is the many different types of people you can meet here. There are people from all walks of life here and backgrounds and I believe that's what makes Second Life so great. You never know who you will meet or see. One of my greatest joys in SL has been the opportunity to befriend people I would never have had the chance to cross paths with in my RL circles. I love the diversity of SL and what I've been able to learn about and share in common with people who are very different from me.
  5. I do believe it is well known among certain circles that Sylvia and I share similar shopping tastes, so surely I would be a more worthy and appreciative beneficiary of her wardrobe as she simplifies. Fortunately for my future inventory, I didn't feel the call to simplify myself. But then it's well known that such higher powers speak to each of us in individual and personal ways.
  6. After my earlier visit to Our Lady of Perpetual Silence with Dillon, I find that I am drawn to return alone. I kneel in quiet prayer at her feet, petitioning Our Lady for success in all my future litigation attempts against my SL tormenters.
  7. Well if we're posting outtake photos, there's always this one. Measlies on a break in one of M's interrogation cells, snacking on popcorn and root beer floats while waiting for a union crew to set the next scene. And M torching me in the middle of trying to concentrate on a serious scene. And my own escape to the upstairs bathroom in Indigo's pub (on our way to Berlin) for a few minutes of peace from Kelinda's incessant chatter. When I returned, she had the nerve to ask if I had washed my hands.
  8. I just looked at the date on the OP and can't believe this story had been running for two full months. Wow. my heartfelt thanks to you, Dillon, for starting this great thread and letting the rest of us play along. I've really enjoyed myself with this, even if most of the time I had no idea what I was doing. /me seconds Sylvia's standing ovation to a worthy mastermind (if TOS ever manages to off M successfully, you'll get the promotion to replace her for sure!) /me agrees with Keli that we need a wrap party!
  9. One of these days I'll upgrade to a fancy vehicle, but for now my trusty rusty bicycle does me proud. And of course, while not powered by wheels, there's always this form of transportation:
  10. The original Hippiestock is a memory to never be forgotten, and I can't wait for Hippiestock II. I'll definitely be there!
  11. Holy smokes, I can't believe it's been over 2 weeks since I last posted in the forum! RL has been front and center for a bit so I haven't had the chance to participate here since the recent reorganization of subforums and re-introduction of GD. But I was pointed toward the latter half of this thread in particular as being a good representation of the fact that people are generally pleased with the new state of the forum and find it an improvement over the old GD. I can't wait to dive back a bit more into the new GD and make that same discovery for myself.
  12. I've been thinking about this thread since I first read it this afternoon. The events I've already mentioned (the parties at Lillie's and Hippiestock) are really significant to me because of their sense of being a part of something bigger than myself. That makes them epic, and I love that. But there are others that have significance to me on a more personal level because they reinforce the sense of affinity I feel with individual friends. One of those is when Snugs outed my RL birthday in the forum last year and Maddy put out a banner and cake at the Forum Cartel Hangout for the occasion. I didn't expect to plan to celebrate my birthday on the forum or in SL that day, but watching the birthday greetings on that thread all day and then an impromptu gathering at the Hangout that night made me smile all day long. That little something to celebrate a milestone day felt really special. The other times when I experience bliss are when I'm engaged in meaningful one-on-one conversations with friends. I love the relationship building and deepening of friendships that occurs when I'm learning more about people in such talks. That makes me happier than anything else in SL, and my biggest frustration in SL is not having more time for such conversations.
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: Quinn, everyone already knew you were sappy; there was no need to mention it here. Rats. I thought I was hiding it so well!
  14. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Quinn, your album is fantastic! It was wonderful going through all the pics and reading the chat snippets that you added...you did an awesome job capturing the spirit of the evening! And I also want to thank Lillie...she's always a fabulous hostess and I love hearing her sing, but on this particular night, I think she sounded even more beautiful than usual...and the music she gave us was a huge part of what made the night so special. Thank you, Sylvia. Combing through the chat log trying to capture the relevant chat to accompany some of the pics took a fair bit of time, but it was so worth the effort. There was a lot of other hilarious chat that didn't make the cut only because it didn't exactly fit any of the pictures. I thought about posting the full chat transcript from the night somewhere, but then I realized that probably everyone has in their chat logs already anyway. I think that somehow last night I got dubbed the group's historian. I'll do my best to live up to it.
  15. If you're sappy, Dillon, I'm sappy right along with you. I am sorry that I only just now saw this wonderful thread. I don't think Lillie had any idea Friday night, when she invited me over to listen to her sing and said to bring Maddy and Celestiall along, that it was going to turn into the magical evening that it did. I didn't want it to end. I took an extreme number of pictures that night. Every time I thought I was done with pics, I would turn around and there would be something new to capture. There is no way I can narrow it down to one or two to share here, so here is a link to the complete album. I think it's 37 pics in all. http://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnmorani/sets/72157626761520487/detail/ I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Lillie for being such a wonderful hostess on the spur of the moment. She sang beautifully for a solid 2+ hours Friday night without taking a break. Lillie is, without a doubt, the hostess with the mostess. Some other events that rank up there in blissfulness for me include Hippiestock and an earlier party at Lillie's. Jumping on Lillie's trampoline with cows and egg heads, anyone? That still ranks as my funniest night in SL. Honestly, I feel blissful any time I have the opportunity to spend time with friends. You all are the reason I spend as much time in SL as I do.
  16. After we've spent a good amount of time refining the plan for dealing with TOS and testing ideas for possible pitfalls, Dillon, now in charge of eliminating TOS from Forgotten City through any means possible, decides it's time to bring the rest of the team together and dole out assignments for what might be our final stand. Once we have all gathered, Dillon attempts to call order to this restless group. "You're probably wondering why I've called you all together..." But she quickly realizes that formalities are a waste of precious time. We're in no mood to listen to lengthy speeches about the dangers that lie ahead or the sacrifices we might be called to make. We're just eager to get on with the mission and restore order to Forgotten City, so we can return to our regular MISL appointments. I, more than anyone, have been forced into a role I am not fully trained for. Dillon wastes no further time in handing out our assignments, sending us out in pairs for safety. Fortunately she realizes that a post with a high risk of gunfire might not be the wisest placement for someone with my lack of weapons training, so I am assigned to lookout duty. She sends Katt, a combat instructor just returned from another assignment, with me for protection. Before we spread out across the city, I head briefly to my workshop and return with a set of wireless earpieces. It's a new MISL technology we had been working on to allow close range communication in the field on an impenetrable frequency. This will be the first test, but if all goes as planned, we will be able to coordinate our activies in sync and alert one another immediately to danger. Once everyone is fitted with their nearly invisible earpieces, Katt and I head for our perch high above the city to keep watch. All appears quiet. For now.
  17. Thank you! I have bookmarked these new links. Yay!
  18. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: I agree with Wildcat...I had quite a few threads pinned so I could find them easily, and they are all unpinned now. :smileymad: I know, I just had to go find and re-pin and re-subscribe to several. :smileymad:
  19. /me blinks, rubs eyes until I see stars, blinks again Am I seeing what I think I am seeing? Can it really be? Do we really have a GD forum again? I don't know whether to be ecstatic or nervous about this new development. But I will be optimistically ecstatic. Hooray!
  20. I joined SL because I had heard of it through a professional trade association and wanted to explore some of its possibilities related to my field of work. At the time, I didn't want anything from SL other than to learn whether or not it had applications as a platform for training in my industry. I still don't know the answer to that question, and we've mostly given up any discussion about it in my office. But I was interested enough in the environment and the creativity I saw here that I created a new avatar (Quinn) separate from my work presence and stayed to explore. I wasn't seeking friends, fortune, fame, or love. For a long time I was a wanderer with very few friends on my list, and I was okay with that. I liked the solitary existence. It was making friends here in the forum that got me logging in more regularly, and it's really those friends who are the pull for keeping me there these days. I have grandiose ideas that someday I'll get serious about learning to build, but I don't know if I'll ever really follow through with that. My time inworld is fairly limited and I like to share what little time I do have with friends. I know what you mean about friends who are happy to see you when you log in. I recall one instance a couple of months ago when I logged in after having been away on vacation for a week, and instantly was barraged with multiple TP requests to a friend's party that was going on at the time. I felt missed, and loved, and very much part of a circle of friends.
  21. I really, absolutely, positively MUST find a way to make time to visit some of the fantastic destinations that are featured in this thread and in this entire "Favorite Destinations" forum. Thanks for reminder, Hippie and everyone!
  22. The mole is dead and Dillon is in charge of ferreting out and destroying TOS within Forgotten City. It's enough to make us both weary just thinking about it. We can't seem to shake the inertia as we brainstorm plans and backup plans for taking care of TOS once and for all. The Rangemistress joins us as we head to confer with M and share our ideas. M is strangely silent, reiterating only that Dillon is in charge. I get the distinct impression that M is more interested in the result of the operation than in the methods employed for its execution. I interpret this to mean that she will turn a blind eye to any deviations from protocol. Provided the mission succeeds. After our conversation with M, we brainstorm a new plan, this time with a rather more liberal interpretation of "protocol." Dillon exercises her newfound authority and begins bossing us arou... er, delegating tasks. I pretend to be indignant, but only to keep Dillon from letting the power go to her head. I know what's at stake here, and I'm on board all the way. One way or another, things will come to a head soon. Whether our plan will work in our favor or get us all killed remains to be seen.
  23. I know exactly what you mean, Valerie. The first time I ever saw anyone from the forum (other than Maddy) in real pixel form was at a Halloween party at the Forum Cartel Hangout. It was a fantastic experience to see so many familiar names there. I was a little starstruck. :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  24. Valerie, a great topic! A good number of people on my friend list are people I initially met here in the forum, several of whom I now chat with and hang out with regularly inworld. I've loved getting to know people initially here and developing those friendships inworld. Like you, I feel lucky. My forum friends have greatly enhanced my SL experience.
  25. While Dillon is busy showing off her cross-draw moves (no wonder she has a fan club among the new recruits), I impatiently wonder what is taking so long with Lillie's interrogation. There seems little appreciation for the gravity of the situation here. I am about to suggest sending someone to inquire about their progress to M, who has a knack for appearing at just the right moment, when out of nowhere, the gunslinger Kelinda drops down from the sky and aims her pistols directly at M in what can only be described as an ambush. Dillon reacts quickly, using the cross-draw technique she was just demonstrating to unholster her guns and point them at Kelinda. I wonder who will blink first in this unending game of cat and mouse. But it is M's reaction that astounds me, as always. She nonchalantly inspects her manicure, even complaining about a chipped nail. I hope this doesn't get me kidnapped again. Dillon claims that M has nerves of titanium. She's not wrong about that.
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