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Quinn Morani

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Everything posted by Quinn Morani

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: And now for a laugh. I never got back to SL after leaving the party last night and I've been running around all day. Just got to my email (about 20 messages from this thread) and found one that is Hippiestock PERFECT! A for real laugh out loud one. Here it is: "You have received a message from Second Life: Your object 'aDIVA Couture Field of Dreams Long Flex Skirt (resize)' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Lagrange Space Port from parcel 'HIppiestock' at Lagrange Point 101, 28 due to parcel owner return." I SWEAR I never took that skirt off! Thank goodness that dress had a pants layer. What was in those brownies, Lil? You left your SKIRT?? Oh how I wish I could have been there to see that!!!
  2. I'm glad I started this thread. All those mentioned are certainly classics of 2011, and already I am reliving fond memories. Thanks for the links, everyone. Keep 'em coming!
  3. At some point around this time last year, I recall that someone started a thread to reminisce about the best of the forums from 2010. I haven't seen a similar thread for 2011, so here it is. A lot has changed in the past year. The Jive forums were replaced with Lithium, moderators began the thankless task of trying to tame this sometimes unruly crew, and we experienced some growing pains as the community here adjusted to the ongoing changes and fine-tuning. Some familiar names have moved on and new posters have arrived. The my.secondlife.com feeds were introduced, and some conversation has moved there. And yet despite all the change, I know there are positive memories being made here. I'd love to know what some of your favorite forum moments from 2011 are. Include the links to your favorite threads (if you are able to dig them up) so that we can all remember the good times together. And because I myself have been largely absent here in recent months, I would very selfishly love the opportunity to find the gems I may have missed along the way.
  4. Keli Kyrie wrote: There has been a lot of drama going on regrading HippieStock on the Feeds and in Threads here in the forums. I added the subtitle to the title of this thread to remind everyone what HippieStock is... “A Forum Dwellers' Party” There are some that think HippieStock is about Live Music and the performers. While the people who performed last year were awesome (This year is even better with added acts and the addition of some of SL's best Djs) it is not about the music, it is about the people. Hippie originally posted back in 2010 that he wanted to host a party for all the forum dwellers. To me that is all inclusive Troll, Lurker, Helper, and even goofballs like me. Thank you for this reminder, Keli. As I just said elsewhere, I'm looking forward to ALL of the entertainment at Hippiestock. It's a forum dweller's event, and it is wrong to suggest that only live musicians have a place there. As far as I know there has never been any stipulation about who could attend or perform. I'm looking forward to having fun with whoever shows up.
  5. I have not yet read this entire thread, and perhaps someone else has already outed me, but it is high time to confess than in real life, I am a superhero! 'Tis very true. Some number of years ago, my young daughter declared that I have a superpower, and that it is reading. Who am I to argue with the astute proclamations of a superpower-granting daughter? They call me: The Battling Bookworm. Perhaps my scholarly sidekick will be along shortly to reveal herself as well, if she has not already done so.
  6. Truly fantastic news! And so inspiring to watch this sometimes fractured community unite for one of their own. Out of a very troubling ban comes a needed reminder of what is good about SL.
  7. Mine is the 9th. May not be inworld for a party this week though (but I'll try, I promise!), since I have 2 work trips coming up both within the next week. I already always have to do the group birthday thing at work, sharing with all the other November birthdays. Fun, of course, but not quite as special.
  8. But if you are all busy decorating for Christmas now so that you can plan a party for Sylvia's birthday later, how will you ever find time to plan a party for my birthday, which is only days away? As for early decorating, count me in with the bah humbuggers. I despise the commercialism of Christmas and to me, that's what the early decorating in stores symbolizes. One holiday at a time, please!
  9. I WILL repeat myself and say that there's no one I'd rather be killed by than Madelaine McMasters.
  10. I haven't had the opportunity to officially meet UncommonTruth yet since I've been mostly absent from the forum lately, so I think this is a fine time to introduce myself. Hi UncommonTruth! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, and I'm looking forward to more of your contributions around the forum!
  11. Suella Ember wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: jennylongview Innovia wrote: i guess i am just tired of a two party system --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uhmmmmmm better then the one party system.... /me thinks my thoughts were of more choices.. not less choices than we have already.. Problem is, it still requires people to make sensible choices. A multi-party system is all well and good, but it doesn't make much difference if people still make uninformed choices, as we prove here in the UK! Exactly! My very best nonpartisan advice to any voter is to check facts and invest some time in staying reasonably informed about the various positions on issues of importance. It's too easy to be manipulated by propaganda without ever even realizing it, and the current political environment in the U.S. is pretty much nothing but propaganda. I find it very educational to look beyond the press and attack ads and really try to understand viewpoints that are different from my own. Often, I learn something that surprises and enlightens me.
  12. Dillon Levenque wrote: /me waves to Quinn. You got your outfit already? Kinda rushing the season, aren't you? I was shopping for something else and stumbled across a cute outfit and fell victim to the cute white go go boots that came with it.
  13. I second the recommendation (can't remember whose recommendation it was now that I've read the whole thread) to edit individual prims in hair. I have a Truth hair (can't remember the style name off the top of my head) that is much flatter than my normal hair and which I've edited to look reasonably presentable with hats. I also sometimes edit the hats, too. If you attempt this, don't forget to make a copy first!
  14. Dres has a wonderful sense of humor. His posts often make me laugh.
  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: She's on my friends list and I just checked my dashboard.........she's online now. It might be that she's taken a break from these forums.....we all should probably do that once in a while. Taking a break is good for mental health every once in a while, I think. I myself have been away from the forums for a while and was lured back this morning when an older thread was resurrected and suddenly filling my inbox with notifications of new posts. I was shocked to discover that it's been three weeks since I was last here.
  16. Hippie Bowman wrote: Far out! Post you new threads here as you get them! Dig? Curses on you all for luring me out of forum retirement by suddenly flooding my inbox with email notifications of new messages in this thread! I bought a new outfit for Hippiestock a while ago when I was shopping for something else and stumbled across something I liked. Tonight I'll get a pic of it so I can post it here. I can't wait for Hippiestock!
  17. Hi everyone! I heard this song on the radio yesterday and thought of Wildcat.
  18. Love this Steve Jobs tribute logo. It's been floating around Facebook unattributed but here is the source: http://jmak.tumblr.com/post/9377189056
  19. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I've found that in the places I go regularly, most of us make a point of speaking to new people (possibly 'cause we're just getting bored with talking to ourselves all the time). As you so sagely noted, we're all prolly dying to talk to someone new ;-) No wonder no one talks to me anymore! :matte-motes-tongue:
  20. I served on my first jury earlier this year, for a possession of a controlled substance case. We found the defendent guilty, but it took us about 2 hours of discussion to reach that verdict. In the end, she did have the pills in her purse and didn't dispute that. She claimed her friend had asked her to hold them and she didn't know what they were. We found it possible but not probable that that's true. In any case the jury instructions to us were very clear that we could, but did not have to, consider whether or not the defendent KNEW what the pills were when she had them in her possession. What made the decision difficult is that we all believed the defendent to be working hard to turn her life around and were concerned about ruining the strides she had already made. So there was debate about whether or not to grasp onto the fact that it was at least possible she didn't know what the pills were in order to acquit her. But there really was no getting around the fact that she did indeed have the pills, and her friend's testimony about having given her the pills wasn't exactly credible. i think we were all relieved when the judge came to talk to us afterward and told us that she likely would sentence probation and a treatment program, with no jail time.
  21. I was out all afternoon, so I missed the party, too. :matte-motes-crying: Happy birthday, Val!
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Void Singer wrote: Quinn Morani wrote: my apologies for being late to this thread. I'm still catching up, but Ima dear, we've been over this before, haven't we? Diet Coke is most certainly not foul! Unless I run out, and then Zeke can tell you just how foul my mood will become. :matte-motes-mad: Heresy!!! =D Flame on: Is it Soda or is it Pop? SODA, of course!
  23. Sy Beck wrote: May I humbly suggest "Trolling a Troll Season"? There must be some recognised troll out there who sadly is coming to the end of their cynical and sardonic days and as of last season their performance has sharply declined against other nastier and rising trolls and therefore needs to be put out to pastures fora new, culled, but never out to stud. Maybe they were spotted passing an unexpected compliment somewhere, their ISP is coincidentally the same as the owner of the website, "Dress me in a tutu, spank me and call me Susan" or they incomprehensibly missed a 30 page thread titled, "Fluffy things and why we should be all really nice to each other" . There would be two options to take with such offender depending on their species classification. Catalyst Troll. def. Highly antagonistic, able to offend a large population within minutes of posting, shows signs of intelligent life, engenders fierce debate and attracts the most reticent of posters to post. Although obnoxious this troll clearly provides a vital function to many fora to stop them from going moribund, agreeing common consensus and forcing an intellectual response. Therefore, they should be nurtured back to full ill health by a long extended period of exposure to hippies, care bears, socialists and be subjected to a daily litany of "You're one of us now!" delivered by an assorted congregation of religious zealots, people in nice sensible clothing, representatives of the Illuminati and the Justin Bieber Fan Club. Within weeks said troll will see blood dripping from every "REPLY" button and fulmination and venom levels should return to wholly unacceptable levels once more. Basement Troll. def. Illuminated only by the ghostly light of a LCD screen, predatory, likes to single out a particular target as its prey, relentless in its main-ban-alt-ban-alt-ban-alt system of hunting, is immune to the interventions of others and appears to have no known raison d'etre except to inflict the most amount of stress on another person as it can unreasonably apply. Obviously this troll's time of reckoning has come and the blade of the Community Sword of Smite & Retribution should be as blunt or as sharp as required. Depending on information acquired no taboo should be left untouched with this person, brain and/or **bleep** size should be ridiculed, the Urban Dictionary should be fully utilised alongside l33t speek for all applicable insults and do not forget an obligatory EPIC FAIL pic, preferably with an Emo included. Feel no pity, as unaccountably, even though these people have never engaged in the mechanics of the gene pool their kind have developed a non-genetic system of reproduction and as one fades away into internet obscurity another will inevitably replace the basement void that they have left. That was laugh out loud funny! And off topic from the OP, I wanted to say hi, Sy. Your name is one of the ones I remember seeing a lot of on the forum back when I was a lurker. I think you were mostly gone by the time I finally jumped in and became a regular poster, so it's nice to finally "meet" you. Good to see you back!
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