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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. When profiles included that Interests tab, I wonder how many people actually filled in that field. I can easily imagine a newbie wanting to find other Spanish or Japanese speakers in SL. On the other hand, I suspect that most Spanish or Japanese speaking residents probably wouldn't want random people searching for them just because they share a language, so they would leave the field blank. I really don't know whether the field was "broadly useful" or not, and I wonder whether making it searchable would really be popular. I'm just guessing it wouldn't be. In the same vein, I have wondered occasionally why almost nobody posts in the International sections of these forums. There are thousands of SL residents who speak Spanish and Portuguese, for example, but those forums get two or three posts a month on average. I can understand why few people post comments in those languages in the rest of the forums, where English overwhelms them, but why not in the International forums? Language is a basic component of social networking, but not there.
  2. Staying and chatting might be an option, true, but only if it was the end of that conversation. My guess is that a random person stopping to ask detailed questions about my avatar wouldn't be particularly interested in chatting about other things, so in the end it would amount to the same thing. We'd both walk away.
  3. I doubt it, but honestly the question has never come up. The random person rarely asks me anything, especially something as personal as the details of my avatar and her clothing. The most I get from a close friend is usually "Nice dress. Where'd you get it?" I guess if that hypothetical person ever did ask, I'd probably just give a short answer and walk away.
  4. The fact is, SL isn't as bright and shiny and some people think it is, and it's not as dull and gloomy as others think. I doubt there's a "cheerleader" who wouldn't like to see some things work better, and I suspect that even the gloomiest people here stay because they see something worthwhile. So everybody posts. The loudest people don't convince each other to change their opinions much but at least hearing the extremes reminds us all that everyone doesn't see SL the same way. The experience for most of us is somewhere in the middle. (And we get to peeve at both ends.)
  5. Well, it's kind of a wussy peeve, if you ask me. Still, if it's all you've got, run with it. With any luck, a squirrel will hit the local substation tonight, plunging everything into darkness before breakfast and the start of the work week. Then your tiny warm-up peeve will have prepared you for the real thing. Waste not, want not, so they say.
  6. I know Rowan already suggested Meandmy Shadow, but if you live in the right part of the world, Myanmar Shadow might be even better.
  7. There's nothing evil about hyperbole per se. It's a linguistic tool we use to evoke an emotional response, like lots of other tools. I could say, "I like seeing you", but it's much more effective if I say, "I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles" (to coin a phrase). We do it all the time (there's another bit of hyperbole). I suspect that when some people seem annoyed by hyperbole, they're really bothered by something else. Some politicians or journalists make wildly exaggerated statements that are built on a germ of fact but are deliberately misleading, for example. And some people make hyperbolic statements aren't just exaggerated but downright insulting: "That hat looks like something a deranged baboon might wear to a wedding", for instance. Don't blame hyperbole for carrying unpleasant baggage.
  8. Yeah, but that's sort of the way RL works too. It's been a long time, but I don't recall anyone letting me choose my own name when I first appeared in RL. Someone else did it for me. Of course, I could change it later (perhaps with some cost and a bit of bureaucratic inconvenience) and I can have any number of unofficial nicknames and aliases. Still, the name my parents hung on me decades ago is a good chunk of my identity. I'm just glad they didn't decide my name should be 114055US5.
  9. Yes, that's often the case even for those of us who are closer to the servers. After all, your own avatar and attachments are already cached on your system, as are many of the bits of scenery in places that you visit frequently. They will rez a little faster than people and objects that you have not seen recently. That's also why we may often rez naked even after the smoke clears.
  10. The naming system has also flip-flopped a couple of times in the past 20 years, so we now have avatars whose system names were created under different rules. I would guess, offhand, that the average SL user may be a bit ticked off by the name they have but wouldn't care to take the time to change it, even if the option were free. The Display Name option (which is free) is enough to satisfy most of the people who care. The one thing that would probably get quite a few people mad would be replacing login names with some soulless machine-generated string, like "114055US5". Unlike Roblox or other games, SL is primarily a social environment. Most of the time we tend to engage each other as people, not as "players", and people have names, not numbers. It is true that in the inner workings of SL we are each best known by our unique UUIDs, so names are a pleasant fiction. Still, it's our comfortable fiction, it's human, and it fits the sort of world SL has always been.
  11. It also doesn't help that you are quite a distance from the severs, so you are probably experiencing some signal delay as a result. Unlike games that you may play on line, SL depends on real-time synchronization between your viewer and the servers ( that's partly what Lucia's use of the word "dynamic" means in this context). In North America, the delay is typically less than 50 msec, but it can be two or three times that high in Europe and significantly higher in parts of Asia. If it's as high as 250 msec, you may regularly have trouble getting your av to rez fully and you may periodically be logged out.
  12. It is indeed how some organizations succeed. In fact, growth is by definition "how organizations become larger". It is not how all organizations thrive and survive. Some succeed by staying in business for two decades and continuing to show a profit. Since Linden Lab is privately held and appears to have the confidence of its investors, I can only assume that it is following a business model that works. And mentors are there to help anyone who asks.
  13. Nope. Nothing's in the Grid Status Blog, but it is the weekend. Try again later?
  14. That's a highly questionable assumption, based on a model that equates success with growth and views mentors as marketing agents.
  15. Maybe tried to post in a thread that is only open for Lindens? Or maybe the post was flagged for review for some reason?
  16. Quite true. I am not vegetarian -- I have chicken, turkey or fish at least once a week -- but I favor meals that are more veggie based. Some of my favorite recipes are from diabetic cookbooks (no, I'm not diabetic either), vegetarian ones, or collections that are full of Indian, African and Mediterranean meals that contain very little meat and are generally low salt. You can develop a very well-balanced diet if you are adventurous.
  17. The LSL function llGiveInventoryList lets you send a recipient a collection of items (objects, notecards, textures ... ) from the object's inventory, all included in a list in the script. You may create as many lists as you like, so it should be easy to write a script that refers to several sets of inventory items at different times, depending on which set a user calls from a llDialog menu. Take a look at examples in the LSL wiki for llGiveInventoryList and llDialog.
  18. I think it's a bit odd to evaluate any food by asking how well it mimics something else. Good vegan food shouldn't be good because it tastes "just like real chicken". We wouldn't say that about Japanese food, for example ("This sushi is great! It tastes just like hamburger!"). I've had plenty of meatless Moroccan, Indian, and Chinese dishes that are tasty not because they are "meat alternatives" but because they are delicious, nutritious meals.
  19. And there's the best answer. SL is already good at what it does, and there are plenty of other places to go on line -- places that have experience and the infrastructure to go that route -- if you really want dating. It would be a waste of LL's time and talent to head off into the weeds of on-line dating.
  20. It's not the viewer. It's the SL servers. As the message says, you are already logged in to SL so you can't log in a second time on the same account. Usually it's easy to fix that problem (yeah, just log out), but apparently the SL servers won't let go of you. Since you can't see any open viewer -- you've done a really careful job of looking! -- the only way to fix it is to ask LL for help. If you are a Premium member, use Live Chat. Otherwise, submit a Support Case. Explain the issue just as you have here and ask them to log you out.
  21. That's not a good bet. You are trying to guess which of two limits is most likely to give you trouble here. On the one hand, llGetAgentList has a detection limit of 100 avatars. On the other hand, llSensor has a limit of 16. Most regions will never have anywhere near 100 avatars in them, but it's quite possible to have 50 or more, especially in a Linden-sponsored area like SLB or Stop and Shop. When you have that many people, llGetAgentList will still work, but chances are pretty high that there will be at least 16 people close enough to overwhelm llSensor. In general, llSensor is most appropriate for detecting people relatively nearby in a sparsely populated region. Otherwise, use llGetAgentList and filter the results.
  22. It was 20:20 GMT, actually. And it was a nationwide test of the emergency broadcast system. Broadcast radio does that sort of thing once a month or so, but this time they also did it by mobile phone too, and it was supposed to be more or less simultaneous across the U.S. In fact, though, I heard it on my phone at 20:20 and then heard it again on National Public Radio less than a minute later, and then heard it again from my regional affiliate of NPR another minute after that. We have been fully tested.
  23. I imagine that there's more to the story (not that I really want to hear it ...). After all, I'm sure that Putin thinks deeply at times, but I'd have no qualms about trashing him, personally.
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