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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. No, there is no such system in SL. LL does not prohibit fund-raising for charitable causes, and in fact there are many excellent charity drives in SL each year. One of the most visible examples is Relay For Life ("RFL", an annual fundraising event for the American Cancer Society), which has been a prominent event in SL since 2004. Major organizations like RFL do voluntarily post their records (http://www.relayforlife.org/), but there is no formal expectation or policy in SL that says they must do so. It is therefore difficult to verify that funds raised for any specific cause in SL are actually used for that purpose. The closest that LL seems to come in stating a policy is in its guidelines for events that are sponsored by LL itself: "While we appreciate the efforts Residents make to inform, educate, and encourage support of charitable causes, this Linden-sponsored event cannot be used as a vehicle for the procurement of donations for charity. Allowance of such can be misconstrued as a public endorsement would require legal intervention. While within your exhibit you may provide external links and landmarks to locations that provide an avenue for donations to be made, they may not be made directly from the event fairgrounds in any respect. It is impossible for us to verify the legitimacy of every organization participating."
  2. If you are having repeated problems with Marketplace delivery, I recommend changing your buying habits. There are limits to what you can do successfully with SL's software. Understanding those limits and working with them will make life much easier. (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. Delivery from Marketplace is managed by a system of Magic Boxes, owned by each individual merchant. If those boxes are handling too many orders at once, they tend to lag and can drop orders. If they are on a sim that is laggy, the same thing can happen. The Magic Box system is supposed to be replaced this winter, but for now it is wise to buy only one or two things at a time. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened.
  3. If your camera is suddenly pointing straight up - or straight down - or some impossible direction, then try these: Press escape a few times. Pressing escape will clear focus from any windows that have focus, and finally, will reset camera position.Open the camera controls from the top menu → Avatar → Camera Controls, then click the X icon to reset your view to default.Go to Advanced (Ctrl-Alt-D if the Advanced menu is not visible) → Show Debug Settings and enter “FocusOffsetRearView” 1) in the input field. Click “Reset to default” at the bottom.Press Ctrl-9 - a few times even.If that doesn't work, hold down Shift, then use the mouse wheel to change the camera angle.If all of these fail to work, then the only remaining solution is to reset all your settings to defaults. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_camera#fnt__1'>1) This setting is the one that can also be changed by holding your shift key pressed, and using your scroll wheel on the mouse and therefore can easily be changed unintentionally
  4. Yes, you certainly can accept the TOS with a third party viewer. That's a very reasonable solution. Once you have accepted the TOS, you can decide whether to stick with the TPV or go back to whatever you were using before. You only need to accept the TOS once.
  5. There's no difference at all. A skybox is a house in the sky. And a rezbox (Faux Rez, Builder's Buddy, whatever..) is just a delivery system. You could use one on any structure.
  6. It's fine to be curious, but there's not a thing you can do about it, if the merchandise does turn out to be copybotted. Only its creator can file a DMCA complaint. I suppose that you could do some detective work to track down the creator, but it's likely to be either a boring or uninformative search. Because the merchanidise is all in vendors, there's no way that you can look to see who is listed as the creator of any item unless you buy it. If you get curious enough to buy a few pieces, though, you could track down the creator of each piece. And then what? The only way to know that it's copybotted stuff would be to find the same items with a different creator's name on them. You'd need a stroke of luck to do that.
  7. You can do what a lot of us do ..... get a free gmail account and use it only for SL. Then you can ignore the whole thing if you want, and you won't miss any of your regular e-mail. If you don't want to do that, at least be sure to go into Preferences and UNcheck the option to have IMs forwarded to e-mail. You can also turn off all group messages.
  8. OK, I'll cede the point. Now that we're derailed the thread, though, here's a verbal skit to confuse your next combatant, if your combatant is a fan of Abbot and Costello........ C: "I have 75 cents, in three coins. I want to buy something for a dollar, so can you loan me ... um ..... ?" A: "You need one third more than you have." C: "A third? That's what .... 33 cents?" A: "No, a quarter." C: "I thought you said I need a third." A: "Yes, you need a fourth quarter." C: "A fourth?" A: "Yes." C: "So I need 25% more?" A: "No, you need 33% more. That's one quarter." C: "Whoa! That's inflation for you. So a quarter is worth 33 cents now?" A: "No, it's still 25 cents. One third of what you have." C: "So I need 33% more than I have?" A: "Right." C: "So loan me a quarter. I'll go look for the rest."
  9. Well, scratch one theory. If it's doing that on everything you build, in any sim, with any viewer, even with the default plywood texture, and it's doing the same for your friends, I am baffled. I suggest taking very good photos, gathering as much helpful diagnostic evidence as possible, and filing a JIRA report. If LL's developers are going to have any chance of figuring out what the problem is, they will need to know as much as you can tell them about your system, where you have seen this problem, and what you have tried. Include a link to this thread.
  10. As announced in the Grid Status Reports yesterday, LL was performing maintenance in the billing service area last night. Residents were advised: "During that maintenance, Residents will not be able to update their payment information or purchase L$." If you tried buying L$ while that maintenence was underway, that could be the source of your problem. The best way to find out now is to call and ask. LL's billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  11. That's a closely guarded secret, held deep in the inner vaults of Linden Lab. Many people suspect that LL changes the formula periodically, just to keep residents off guard. On a less flippant note ..... LL does not share that invitation because WAY too many people have tried to use it to game the system and improve their own rankings. Who knows? You might be tempted to do it yourself if you knew the formula .....
  12. I'm no lawyer and I never wanted to be one. However, it seems to me that a competent lawyer could poke several holes in that practice. The TOS sets the overriding rule here, and I doubt that any individual can unilaterally declare a less restrictive rule ("If you use IM, then you are tacitly giving away your right to privacy."). Furthermore, much (most?) or the time when you IM a person, you do not see his Profile and thus will not see a disclaimer. Therefore, I doubt that posting a note in your own profile amounts to a valid public notice. It's closer to what's known as "entrapment." Third, a person who "agrees" to such a disclaimer is giving away unrestricted rights --- a very broad waiver. Those IMs could be shared with anyone for any purpose at any time. I suspect that a brief note that does not include a warning and gives you no opportunity to negotiate a limited waiver would be considered something like phishing. Given enough time, I could probably come up with other arguments, but as I say, I'm no lawyer.
  13. Chosen Few wrote *32 is 33% more than 24, while 24 is 25% less than 32. The direction matters. Well, it all depends on your frame of reference. If you have 32 or something and you only need 24, then you have 25% more than you need, which is what I said. On the other hand, if you have 24 of whatever it is and you want 32, then you want 33% more than you have, which is not what I said. The reference frame for either statement is what you have at the moment. :smileywink: We have a wonderfully ambiguous language. The important thing is that we agree on the fact that it's bad form to use a 32-bit texture when you only need a 24-bit one. It hogs resources and can lead to surprising side effects.
  14. Now that I look back at your post, Chosen's answer suggests to me that you really do have a transparent object blocking your click. If your object has a 32-bit texture on it, it has an alpha texture -- whether you intended it or not. Those extra 8 bits per pixel give your texture the potential for being transparent, even if you aren't using it. If you are not using it, they have two negative side effects: (1) they make your texture use 25% more storage space than it needs, so it will rez slower than it should and (2) you will sometimes have an alpha sorting problem ( an alpha "glitch"). In fact, I think that's what you are seeing when you say that parts of your object seem to go transparent when you view it from certain angles. If there's another transparent object between you and your object, the alpha glitch will make your own texture seem to flicker in and out of visibility.
  15. I've been in SL for more than four and a half years and have never given Premium membership more than a passing thought. There are really two advantages to being Premium: (1) You can buy in the Mainland instead of renting and (2) You have access to greater support through Live Chat. Personally, I have never wanted to live on the Mainland. I have rented shops on the Mainland and on private estates, and I have had my home on a rented parcel on a private estate for a couple of years. It works for me economically, and I have had wonderful neighbors and landlords. Support is a different matter. I know that Live Chat is a real help for those who need it, but it's costly benefit. If I ever ran up against a problem that I couldn't solve myself, I suppose I could pay the fee for Premium for a month, but that has never happened. I keep my fingers crossed. So far I have never had a problem that I needed Live Chat for.
  16. I get very frustrated when that happens to me and then it gradually dawns on me that there's a tree or some other object with transparent prims between me and whatever I am trying to click. I feel very embarrassed, but it must happen to me at least once a week .... and it has for well over 4 years. I'm a slow learner.
  17. Hi, PartyP -- Creating almost anything takes practice and a fair tolerance for mistakes, but hey, that's the way we all start. If you want to create hair, take a look at Natalia Zelmanov's blog >>> http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2007/01/day-129-creating-prim-hair-part-1.html . That's a good beginner-level tutorial. After you see how it's done, I suggest getting yourself some hair, making a copy, and taking it apart prim by prim to see how it's made. Don't try to copy what the creator has done --- that wouldn't be ethical, after all -- but learn from her example. Have fun.
  18. It's possible that whoever owns the Intan could find it in inventory by clearing cache first. Sometimes, especially if servers have been acting up or you have left SL unexpectedly, your local cached copy of inventory can get out of sync with LL's servers. I'd recommend doing a manual clear cache to see if that helps. 1. Open Preferences → Network & Cache 2. Go to the first path “Cache Location” and click the “Open” button behind the path. This will open a file explorer window displaying your current cache location. 3. Logout (close the viewer) and then delete everything inside the cache folder displayed in your file explorer. Now continue as follows: 1.Log back into SL, to a quiet region (try Smith or Pooley). On your inventory window, click “Recent Items”. 2.Wait for your inventory to repopulate fully. The process may be sped up, if necessary, by typing random letters into the search bar. 3.While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory. Talk to people or surf the web, or just go out for coffee 4.Watch as it repopulates. As long as you can see (Fetched…) at the top of the inventory window, it is still loading. 5.Once inventory has repopulated, log out of SL once more, then log back in. If that doesn't help, your best best is to use Live Chat and ask for LL's technical team to help, because it's a problem on their end.
  19. It may have something to do with your object itself, or perhaps with the way the rest of your script is written -- the part that you didn't post earlier. Try this.... Take a single prim, a cube with X=0.5, Y=0.25, Z=0.25, and drop this simple script in it. default{ state_entry() { llTargetOmega(<1.0,0.0,0.0>*llGetRot(),2.0,0.2); }} Attach it to your stomach. It will spin around its own X axis and will keep pointing in whatever direction you face. Now, if your object has more than one prim, the one that is supposed to spin has to be the root prim. If it isn't, then yes, it will spin around the X-axis of the root.
  20. Take a look at this thread >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/I-m-running-an-ATI-Radeon-HD-6770-Has-anyone-gotten-this-card-to/qaq-p/849347
  21. LOL..... I've had that same message occcasionally for over four years. It comes and goes. No, that message simply means that SL's servers are having a hard time finding the parcel that you want to visit. The parcel owner or sim owner may have altered the parcel by adding or removing area, for example, or the server itself could be having trouble. It could be that the server for the sim where you are standing is having a hard time talking with the server at your destination. For the past month, LL has been doing an unusual number of upgrades to server software, trying to cure some longstanding bugs. In the process, some of the fixes have caused other temporary problems. We have had many questions here about odd server behavior. As they say in the movies, "It's nothing personal; it's just business."
  22. llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>*llGetRot(),speed,1.0);
  23. That's true. The actual balance in your account is shown on the Account >> Summary page of your dashboard at http://secondlife.com . The number that shows in the upper right corner of your viewer screen when you are in world ought to be the same, but it may get out of sync for several reasons. You can force it to re-sync by clicking on the L$ symbol. You don't need to buy any L$, but the act of clicking will update what's showing, to match your dashboard. As for why the balance may be L$-1, the most common reason is that you have joined a group that makes its members share operating costs for advertizing events or handling other liabilities. If you go to the Account >> Transaction History page on your dashboard, you can see where those Lindens have been going. Then you can decide whether to stay in the group or not.
  24. A sim = simulator = a server which supports one or more regions in Second Life. That message is telling you that your viewer cannot connect to any servers in SL. In particular, it cannot do it because the last time you logged out, you were wearing a group tag that contains "illegal" characters. There is a bug in the server code that rejects logins for anyone who has a corrupted tag like that active. See >>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6608?. If you are a Premium member of SL, you can go to Live Chat and explain the problem to get their help in removing you from the group. You might also try submitting a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ . Select Account from the pulldown menu at that site. Usually, however, the most effective way to overcome the problem has been to find a friend or an alt to log in, find the group's owner, and ask to be ejected from the group. Explain the seriousness of the problem so that the owner understands that it will be a problem for all other group members who wear the same tag. If you are the group's sole owner, the only way to make this strategy work is to convince all of the other group members to leave voluntarily. Once you are the sole surviving member, the group will automatically disappear within 48 hours.
  25. Rolig Loon


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