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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. If it's something in the roaming directory, then you didn't do a clean reinstall of your viewers >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=clean_reinstall
  2. Top Scripts is a snapshot, so it may get lucky and catch a script when it's actually doing something or (more likely) while it's idling between triggered events. The stats bar is a dynamic display, with some time averaging too, I suspect. As a result, it's more likely to see more of the momentary peaks when active scripts are actually doing something. At least, that's how I have rationalized it -- as a sampling issue.
  3. Derendering and uncloudiness are different things. Derendering is easy. Access the Asset Blacklist from the Phoenix menu at the top of your screen. Click on the item you want to rerender, note avatars show as objects. Click the Remove button. Change your group tag, or teleport out and back. If you can see the person, as an av or as a cloud, the person is re-rendered. If he is derendered, he'll be completely invisible. Blocking/muting the person won't derender him OR make him into a cloud. It will make him look gray to you, that's all. If he's a cloud, it's because he's having a connection problem. It's nothing you can do anything about. If he really wants to know how to be uncloudy, tell him to look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail and work down from the top of the list.
  4. GenysisGwynn Nicoletti wrote: -I don't see where to post in this phoenix/firestorm group, I don't see a group when you go to the page it says to email them, so thats why I post here, if anyone has a link with previous posts that I can use I would appreciate that, I sent the email, but since they are so busy with FS, I thought I would get a quicker response here* shrugs, but thank you I appreciate all responses That's why I gave you the link to the FS in-world group. I'll send it to you in world now as well. I would send it to your alt as well, but of course I do not know your alt's name. So long as you can log in as your alt, you'll be able to get into the group and ask your question there in real time, instead of having to go back and forth in e-mail.
  5. I forgot to ask the obvious question earlier: "Do you have instant translation turned on in Preferences?" If so, turn it off.
  6. I'm sure that there is an answer, but it's eluding me at the moment, Genysis. I think maybe your best bet is to pose the question in the live in-world support group for Firestorm/Phoenix. They have excellent, knowledgeable staff on duty almost all the time. If you aren't already a member of the group, see https://my.secondlife.com/groups/3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd , or you can try just sending your question by e-mail to support@phoenixviewer.com . If you do that, be sure to put a brief summary in the subject line of your e-mail note.
  7. Well, the 1023 character number is correct as a limiting value, since any string that contains high-bit ASCII characters will come in at less than that. For clarity, we might add a note to the wiki that says "Strings that contain characters requiring 2 or more bits may have a maximum length less than 1023."
  8. Take a look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_speedtest For a more detailed view with comments on special situations, see http://joelfoner.com/2010/03/understanding-the-maximum-bandwidth-option-in-the-second-life-viewer/
  9. That stinks, Pam. It does sound like an asset server issue, now that we have it separated from the invisible prim problem. We've had a small number of similar questions in Answers this last week, and I notice a JIRA that sounds much like it. I assume you've tried Live Chat, but if not, give them a try. If they tell you to come back here, you can tell them we don't have a clue. :smileytongue:
  10. You keep "doing like a circle"? If you'd like to explain what you mean by that, start your own thread and include the information there. If you add it here, in a comment to someone else's question, it will get buried and nobody will ever see it.
  11. Here's another bit of advice from the fine support folks at Firestorm/Phoenix. See if it helps ... If you find that objects around you are suddenly disappearing, it is most likely due to a setting which is too low: Go to Advanced → Show Debug Settings (press Ctrl-Alt-D if the Advanced menu is not visible). Then type rendermaxNodeSize. (rendermaxNodeSize specifies how much memory is used to render new on-screen objects. Set too low, older objects will simply “vanish” so that new ones may be rendered.) This defaults to 8192 and should not be set lower. You can raise it if needed, up to 16384.If this does not help, then try the following: Develop → Rendering → Object-Object Occlusion … disable (Ctrl-Alt-Q reveals the Develop menu).If this too doesn't solve the problem - are all the objects textures with partly transparent textures (eg leaves)? If so, this may be due to shadows. If you have shadows enabled, then see this page.
  12. @Pam --- Try lowering your Maximum Bandwidth setting to something like 500. If that clears up the problem, try raising it a bit, but not over about 1,500. There are reports of some wierd behavior like this when max bandwidth is too high.
  13. Are you on a wireless connection? Some SL rsidents get a chronic message echo when they are on wireless. Switch to a direct cable and see if that helps. It may also clear up other problems, if you have been having lag or rezzing issues, for example.
  14. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. This is a problem withe the Magic Box system, which is due to be replaced soon. If a Magic Box is overly busy, or is on a lagging sim, it tends to drop orders. I rarely put more than one item at a time in the shopping basket (actually, I do most of my buying in world) to avoid this problem. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened.
  15. Be very careful about how you send money to another av. It is very easy to click on the wrong person in a crowd, or to click on an object. If that happens, the money will be paid to the wrong person, and you'll have to hope that he'll send it back if you explain the mistake. Also, be very sure that you check the person's username, not his Display Name. Many people these days have Display Names that can be the same as someone else's username. The PAY feature only recognizes usernames, though, so if you think you're sending to the right person and don't check the name carefully, it can be mis-delivered. Go to your Transaction History now (http://Secondlife.com >> Account >> Transaction History) and check to see where the money really went.
  16. Did you check for coalesced objects? If you pick up several unliked objects at one, they return to your inventory packed together as a single coalesced object. It has an icon next to it that looks like a small stack of blocks, and it will have the name of ONE of the individual items packaged in it. To unpack it, you'll have to rez the object again and take the parts back individually.
  17. mrslucky04 wrote: I didnt mute anything... it was a release of the ABC horses and i am the only one that had the problem.. they tried to transfer them to me in an IM but that didnt work unless there were standing right next to me... That's strange indeed. If you could get the transfer when you were standing right next to the merchant, though, I assume that you have the horses now, right? It still doesn't explain the problem, but I suppose if you have the horses it doesn't make any difference now.
  18. Voici d'excellentes instructions pour placer un flux de musique sur votre terrain>>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Streaming_Music. (Malheureusement, les instructions sont en anglais, mais elles sont assez simples, donc j'espère que cela ne devrait pas être un problème.) Aussi, voici quelques URLs bonnes à utiliser>>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Music_Streams_To_Play_Inworld
  19. A vendor, or a merchant on Marketplace? If it's a scripted vendor in a shop in world, the vendor may be malfunctioning. The owner will need to repair it and, meanwhile, just send you the merchandise directly from his inventory. If it's a problem with Marketplace, the merchant can still send you the item directly from his inventory. He doesn't need to go through the Marketplace system if there's some problem with its Redelivery function. You send him L$ and he sends you the goods. If it's any more complicated than that, submit a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/, selecting Marketplace from its pulldown menu.
  20. It is kind of different, mostly because Second Life is not a game. You can find places to play games here, but this is mostly a social platform and a place to create things. There are no goals, no rules about what you have to accomplish, and there's no prize. You decide what you want to do. It's your Second Life. Explore.
  21. Duplicate post. Original at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/Is-there-a-way-to-send-L-to-another-person-when-you-are-not-in/qaq-p/1197417
  22. My guess is that you can solve it by manually clearing your cache from outside SL. Clearing your cache manually will “cure” all manner of odd behavior and is the suggested procedure before resorting to more drastic steps like reinstalling the viewer. 1. Open Preferences → Network & Cache 2. Go to the first path “Cache Location” and click the “Open” button behind the path. This will open a file explorer window displaying your current cache location. 3. Logout (close the viewer) and then delete everything inside the cache folder displayed in your file explorer. Now continue as follows: 1.Log back into SL, to a quiet region (try Smith or Pooley). On your inventory window, click “Recent Items”. 2.Wait for your inventory to repopulate fully. The process may be sped up, if necessary, by typing random letters into the search bar. 3.While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory. Talk to people or surf the web, or just go out for coffee 4.Watch as it repopulates. As long as you can see (Fetched…) at the top of the inventory window, it is still loading. 5.Once inventory has repopulated, log out of SL once more, then log back in. If that process does not work, then he may have to do a clean reinstall of his viewer. Instructions for doing that are here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall Those instructions point to storage locations for the Firestorm viewer, but other viewers have files stored in similarly-named locations.
  23. We have absolutely no power to do that. We're all residents just like you. No Lindens here. Sorry.
  24. You didn't say what viewer you are using. If it's the new beta version of the LL V3 viewer, though, there are several odd bugs in it. That may be one. I haven't seen another complaint about it, though, and I don't see anything in the JIRA, so I don't know what to suggest. Perhaps try using a different viewer and see if that helps.
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