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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. It occurs to me that it would help for LL to enforce a degree of standardization in MP listings and packaging, e.g., all items must come in a box that automatically sends the contents to inventory when rezzed or attached and automatically deletes or detaches itself. It also would help if LL banned very old items that no longer meet reasonable current quality standards from MP, e.g., system layer clothing over (10?) years old. That would be painting with a broad brush, but we wouldn't lose much that was of any value. The above rule would probably take care of eliminating a lot of junk; I'll bet the sellers wouldn't take the trouble to repackage it.
  2. Yes. It was an LL viewer. They had the right Idea, but it was poorly executed. The idea, providing new users with a simplified interface, was sound. They botched the execution by designing the beginners'version to not permit avatar customization, which was something everyone wanted from the start. So practically everyone switched to the advanced version immediately, defeating the purpose. I still think that a similar approach with more carefully thought out feature sets for each level, and more levels, would be a huge step in the right direction.
  3. Why are these mutually exclusive? Why can't a viewer have multiple user-selecable interfaces?
  4. For years, I have wished for better tools to manage inventory. See What would really be great is an app that had the functionality I described and, in addition, had searchable tags, pictures, etc.
  5. I like the left one. In fact, I like her so much that I want to try that head. Please tell us which head it is.
  6. As others have noted, the item linked in the OP is not a body. However, when looking at it, i was reminded of a couple of important things. One is that it is risky to buy a body when no demo is offered; I'd never do it, unless it was free. The other is that, unless you really need to save money, or have some other specific reason, I don't think it's worthwhile to try to use other than leading brands of bodies and heads. The leaders are leaders for a reason. If you don't need to save, I think Maitreya is the hands-down choice because of the excellent support by clothing and other creators, excellent feature set, and excellent support by the developer. Others will disagree. If needed a free or low-cost body, I would try Lucybody. I have no personal experience, but I understand that Maitreya clothes fit it.
  7. The way I do it isn't automated, but it's a lot faster and easier than writing numbers down. I'll use a new head shape that I want to merge with my body shape as an example. I log on wearing the head shape in one window. I log an alt on wearing my body shape in another window. I place the windows side by side. I page through the tabs in the shape editor one by one copying numbers. It's not automated, but it is fast, and considering how infrequently I need to do this, I think I'd spend more time finding and learning a better way than I will doing it this way.
  8. Couldn't there be a choice somewhere, that would default to the new system, to allow the user to choose the old or the new?
  9. I user a hierarchical folder scheme similar to what others describe. What we really need is better tools. See: I really, really wish some programmer would make such a tool available.
  10. You normally teleport. Often, there are teleporters set up for that purpose. Even if there are not, you can teleport if you know the coordinates. If you can't do it any other way, you can move your camera into the skybox and "sit" on something. Texture and color-changing systems will bre specific to the product. Many sellers have support groups or Discord channels. One can usually get help with their products by asking there. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask me for help inworld. I'll be happy to help any time I'm not busy.
  11. Or, they would immediately find out how to turn beginner mode off, so they could customize their avatars. I have long thought that the idea was a very good one, but that the execution was flawed because the designers didn't understand their audience. The beginner mode needed to facilitate avatar customization, because that's what many users want to do right away, but it could be simplified in many other ways. I still think that the viewer should have multiple modes ranging from a beginner one that's very easy to use and has little versatility to an expert one like Firestorm. In addition, there needs to be a lot more in the way of very readily accessible-from-within-the-viewer online help.
  12. Sessions is on Discord, and they are very responsive to users' feature requests.
  13. I am going to reply because I think what I have to say may help others who are having this problem. My Maitreya HUD frequently stops responding, and I can get it to start responding again by going to Preferences/Avatar Health/Refresh Attachments. I have no idea what that actually does, but it does solve my problem.
  14. Please don't tell me to search MP without including at least one specific recommendation. I'm posting this because I've already read so many MP listings without finding exactly what I seek. I want a greeter that will: Send first-time visitors to a parcel a note card and a greeting in chat; Remember at least a few hundred visitors; Not send the greeting or notecard to people who have visited previously, unless reset. I can probably live with it if it defines the visited area on the basis of a radius instead of a parcel. If it has additional functionality that I can ignore or turn off, that's OK, too.
  15. With Firestorm, if you actually open a chat window, it will stay open until you close it and will display as many lines of text as there is space for.
  16. I am very gratified that a question from a very ordinary SL resident like me could catalyze such an informative discussion among technical stars like it has. Thank you, and please keep going.
  17. When I logon in a region where I spend over 50% of my time with bandwidth and cache size set to the maximum via a 1,000 Mbps connection, and my OS, program files, and cache are on SSDs, and I have this system: CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 16-Core Processor (3493.49 MHz) Memory: 130946 MB Concurrency: 32 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19043.1288) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 11264 MB And I watch gray for many seconds after I logon, nothing is broken?
  18. How can I turn live update on?
  19. Only that I hadn't thought to do it. Thanks, and I'm glad I asked the question.
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