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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Maitreya Lara exclusively. I own a few others that were free but don't use them.
  2. With the exception of some specific circumstances, e.g., mandated reporters of suspected abuse, no one has a legal obligation to report a crime. That doesn't, of couse, mena that one shouldn't. They would have the IP address unless the user is connecting via a VPN, and these days a lot of IP addresses are static.
  3. Thanks for the tip, but their beds are not my style.
  4. I got the free one, of course. I'll definitely check the others out. Thanks!
  5. I was thinking that an actual archive would not be loaed unless the user actually needed to access the contents, and that that would save some resources, perhaps helping performance.
  6. I'm thinking of something that would work like email archive folders do in Outlook. Archive folders would not be routinely loaded but could be any time the owner wanted one, and subfolders could be dragged in and out of them.
  7. I am not familiar with that body. Generally the way bodies' skin colors are changed is by changing the (BOM) skin layer or adding a tattoo layer. The way you would get the head and body to match, generally, is to either have matching skins or tattoo layers for them or have one skin or tattoo that is designed for both. I hope this helps.
  8. Let me say that I agree strongly with Persephone that it's unwise to spend a lot of money until you have learned something about avatars. I have met new people who jumped the gun and bought expensive mesh heads and bodies that turned out not to be the most suitable ones for them. A big part of your decision depends on this: do you have a particular appearance in mind that you seek? If not, IMHO you're best bet is to pick the most popular and, therefore, best-supported had and body. If so, you have a harder job, and you'll need to pick ones that will allow you to look the way you want, but still consider how well they are supported. I'll be happy to help you inworld. IM me or drop by my house, the landmark for which is in my profile picks.
  9. There are chat range extenders that anyone with rez rights can use. If a rule doesn't clearly reflect the intent of the rulemaker, the onus is on them. As I said before, rules should be read literally. If LL meant all participants, they could have and should have said "all participants'" instead of "a participant's." If they meant one other participant's, they could have and should have said "one other participant's" instead of "a participant's." Absent a statement about their intent from LL, saying that they meant anything other than exactly what they said is speculative. Publication of chat by a third party that surreptitiously recorded it is prohibited no matter how one interprets it. In RL. I live in a one-party state. I know that, if I am on a conference call, anyone on the call who also lives in a one-party state is free to record the call and do as they please with the recording, so I need to either not be on calls with people I don't trust or not say anything I don't want made public. I don't understand why anyone would discuss anything sensitive in open chat, anyway. Wouldn't anyone use IM for that? If you need a group discussion, it's easy enough to IM with several people. I would never be completely confident that no one was listening in on open chat. Isn't a confidentiality requirement that applies only to LL servers next to meaningless? It's always seemed strange to me that LL didn't put any impediment at all in place to prevent publication of IM logs elsewhere. I wouldn't expect a big effort, but they could, for example, say in the TOS that text entered in IM and chat is subject to copyright, and the person who enters it retains all rights. That would give people a fairly big stick if it was published elsewhere.
  10. I am looking for a new bed. I have the engine I want to use, so I'd rather not pay for animations I won't use. Does anyone sell nice beds without animations?
  11. Reading that literally, which is the only way rules should be read, it appears that SL is the equivalent of a one-party state. It says, "a participant's," not "all participants'." Clearly, if multiple avatars participate in a conversation, only one need consent to its being shared. It's similar to many states' laws regarding recording of conversations; one participant may record the conversation and share the recording without consent of the others, but a non-participant may not.
  12. I have that, and it works well.
  13. It seems like it would be more efficient for everyone to assume that, if an account is more than 18 years old, the account-holder is, too.
  14. Is there something I can do? My ISP is AT&T. This is not a rezzing problem. Detaching items from the avatar is sometimes taking over 20 seconds. Sometimes, it is very frequent, other times rare or non-existent.
  15. My computer is connected with an Ethernet cable. The only router I'm using is an Arris model BGW210-700 wireless gateway supplied by AT&T. I do not have another router behind it.
  16. As best I can tell, the log from that session has been overwritten, so I'll have to save one from next time I can document an occurrence. I have fiber to the house, and, as far as I can tell, it works flawlessly unless it doesn't work at all because somebody cut a cable. Would it help if I set up something to log the status of my internet connection, like a Windows batch file that constantly pinged google and sent the output to a text file?
  17. I'm wondering if the OP's problem could be a physics shape that gets in the way. Those prevent avatar movement but don't show with Alt-Ctrl-T. The easiest way to deal with the problem is to make a new prim, link the offending object to it with the new prim as root prim, and set the physics type of the whole linkset except to root prim to none. You can make physics shapes visible by clicking Developer|Render Metadata|Physics Shapes. The view then shows all physics shapes, and it's hard for me to pick out the one I'm interested in.
  18. Please post more details about exactly what kind of personalization you seek.
  19. I am ecstatic to see this progress in understanding the problem and the attention it is getting. Is there any way that I can help further? What are the prospects for getting it corrected?
  20. Does this portend a marketing campaign by LL? Most people I know like having all their below-waist parts, and would find a virtual world where they could have them more attractive than one where they couldn't.
  21. It happened again just now. The firat time, I wasn't expecting it and didn't collect good data. Then it happened again at 17:43:41 SLT. I was at Danim 103,106,65. I right-clicked on an attachment (a simple prim attached to a HUD attachment point) and clicked "Delete" at 19:43:41. It did not detach until 19:44:05.
  22. I logged on to try to reproduce it and was unable to now. I tried 12 times attaching and detaching a prim, and there were no long delays. I was in Danim at 104,107,64. It was between 11:45 and 11:55 am SLT. The object detached rapidly, One time, at 11:49:30, it took four seconds. Most of my previous problems with this were at approximately the same location. I did try going to my sky platform to see it it helped, and it didn't. I was on this account all the times I saw it, as well as today. I will report any further occurrences here. Thank you for your interest.
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