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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Really? How? So, if you are adding names to a blacklist manually, why use an orb instead of just banning them from your land?
  2. Not all states levy sale tax. Just pick one that doesn't.
  3. People have to pay LL for L$ with real money. If LL sells me L$ for USD, and I pay LL with the L$, LL still gets the USD, so it makes little or no difference to them. I know of large vacant parcels in Zindra that have been for sale by dealers for years. They have had to spend thousands of dollars to maintain them. I have wondered how they can afford to hold vacant land for so long. I doubt it will ever sell for enough for them to break even.
  4. Not being argumentative or challenging a person who is infinitely more knowledgeable than me, but just seeking knowledge, what previously-released features allow harassment outside SL?
  5. How many of them are there, or can there be? What are their TOS? How much land can they own for free? How old do they have to be?
  6. Answering the original question: No. I pay sales tax on everything else I buy, so I'll pay it on SL, too. To those of you who are complaining about paying sales tax for SL, complain to your elected representatives. They are the people who are responsible, not LL. To those of you who are complaining about paying too much for taxes, the US is declining to third world nation status. Our infrastructure is in disrepair. Our healthcare "system" (Haha) isn't one. Our education system is inferior to many countries'. ETC. And it's all because we are too cheap to pay for the things it takes to make a nation great. I weep for our country.
  7. I wish the ones in my vicinity would lower their prices enough to actually flip instead of holding land vacant and for sale for years.
  8. I have multiple large prims that are parts of buildings. There are good reasons why they are separate, adjacent prims. They are textured with the same texture. Picture a tiled floor. I align the textures perfectly using the "Align Planar Faces" feature of the editor. Then, I lock the prims. Months or a few years later, I look, and the textures are slightly misaligned. I can easily align them perfectly again using "Align Planar Faces." Why do thye spontaneously become misaligned?
  9. I live on the ground. My house has been in the same location since 2009, when Zindra opened, and I have had the same house since 2012, although I continually improve it. I like having grounds, outbuildings, etc. My house overlooks Linden water, and I have a boat dock. It also fronts on a Linden road. I enjoy these features. I also enjoy meeting passers-by. Most of the time, my neighborhood has had a decent appearance.
  10. Oh, silly me! I don't know why didn't I think of that. Actually, I do know: it's a PITA to find each of several HUDs in inventory and attach and detach them multiple times. I either have to have an inventory window open for each HUD or scroll or search for each one each time it needs to be attached.
  11. I was recently at an event and noticed that a nearby avatar was a jelly doll. My viewer's maximum complexity was set ay 350,000, so that was unexpected. The displayed complexity value for the avatar was not excessive. In addition to complexity, there was a value for "Texture Area" displayed in the avatar's tag. I forget the exact nimber, but it was between one and two meters. When I changed my viewer maximum complexity from 350,000 to "No Limit," the avatar quickly rezzed. Can someone explain what was going on? I was using Firestorm.
  12. Some of my greatest enjoyment of SL comes from tweaking my avatar to make it better and from putting together outfits. I get it. That's not your thing; you value something else more. There are all kinds of groups and gathering places in SL that cater to all kinds of preferences. If it's your thing, make a simple avatar and associate with others who do the same, but don't deride people like me who enjoy aspects of SL that you don't. What is the point of being in SL if I can't keep pimping my avatar? When I started SL, I thought is was like a big, adult game of dolls; I still do. I could make an avatar with complexity of 1,000, if I wanted to, but being invisible is no fun. For many years, I have observe tension in the forums between people who want to use SL's features fully and those who say we should forego using features because using them might cause lag. To be sure, there's a trade-off, but one size doesn't fit all. People need to enjoy SL in the way that suits them, hang out with others who enjoy it the same way, and hang out in places where like-minded people congregate. The solution is more computing power and/or more efficient software. Great idea! I definitely would be interested. I never would be at the limit when walking around, but I sometimes hit it when trying to get dressed because of the number of HUDs I need to wear when I first don an outfit. After I've set it up to my liking, I can detach the HUDs, but while adjusting colors of different items, I need them all. If LL allowed me additional attachment points only on my own land, it would almost completely solve the issue for me.
  13. What are the chances that the limit will be increased?
  14. See this thread: It tells you how I did it with a Maitreya female body. I don't know enough about male bodies to know if you could do what I did with one of them.
  15. Would it be too much to ask who are some designers who do it well? I have not found them.
  16. This is a photo of a typical well-fitting fitmesh sweater. My understanding of fitmesh is, to put it mildly, limited. However, it seems that the challenge would be to make it conform closely to the body shape without the body coming through. I would think that it would be easy to make it stand away from the body surface in areas where that is needed for the best look. Instead, fitmesh sweaters seem to invariably conform closely to the shape of the undersides of breasts. Why aren't creators making them drape in a more natural way?
  17. What abuse would the AR allege? I am asking as a serious question. Assuming the name was chosen because it was offensive, how is it abusive to have it?
  18. Do the transparent parts have any purpose other than exasperating users by consuming scarce screen space and interfering with other HUDs?
  19. It seems to me that, while it would take more work, the amount of extra work would be very small. Isn't nearly all of the work in the making of the textures? Once the head, lower body, and upper body textures are uploaded, it takes only a minute to make a skin from them. They would have to be made and uploaded in any case. What am I missing?
  20. Demos should not be boxed, for obvious reasons. The best way for the actual item to be delivered is unboxed in a folder with one of the items in the folder being the boxed item. Some sellers do it that way. I don't know why all don't. Laziness?
  21. The whole root prim doesn't have to be on your land. If the center of the root prim is on your land, it counts as if the whole linkset is on your land.
  22. Several large parcels on Zindra have been for sale for years by people in the business of buying and selling land. There is a significant cost for holding land. How can they afford to hold land for sale for long periods? Does LL give them a better deal than ordinary residents can get?
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