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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I have long thought the solution is an app that permits offline management and then connects to apply the changes. See:
  2. I don't know if this has been brought up before. Something I really want and would pay well for is better inventory management tools. What I would really like is a separate window the looked like a spreadsheet with a line for each item and a column for each data field. I mean all data fields, everything that I can see when I look at an item's properties. I want to be able to filter each columns. I want boolean search. It would be nice to have "Show Picture" on a right-click menu, but I don't know if that's feasible. If they give me this, I'll happily pay double.
  3. Sadly, my favorite hair was taking more time than my Maitreya body, so I've had to replace it. I was delighted to learn about Alt-Shift-H. Can someone explain why avatars that are not in my field of view take time, since they are not rendered? As a test, I set autotune to 25 fps. I found it strange that my fps stabilized at 35 fps. I expected autotune to increase my graphics settings until fps approximated the set value. Why doesn't it? ETA: The discussion of alpha cuts on mesh bodies was interesting and educational. It's worth noting that much good-quality fitmesh clothing doesn't require hiding body parts. One advantage of alpha cuts is that areas can be hidden and unhidden instantly; alpha masks are much slower due to needing an avatar rebake. There are also certain attachments (that I think I'm not supposed to name in this forum) that rely on alpha cuts to have the correct appearance. Ideally, I would like Maitreya Lara, the body I always wear, to come in a full alpha cut version like the current one, a version with just a few alpha cuts that are required for attachments to work, and a version with no alpha cuts. I won't hold my breath.
  4. I see pedestrians and people flying along roads fairly often. I fly along roads sometimes as a way of avoiding ban lines and diabolical security orbs. I also think they add to scenic value.
  5. When I was doing what the OP wants to do a few years ago, I had a lot of help from a generous stranger who wouldn't accept payment. She suggested a head and gave me a shape she had made, so I had a big leg up when I started. What I did was: Copy all of the body, not head, slider values from my own body shape to a copy of the shape she gave me; Wore the mesh head and the new shape; "Sat" on a posing stand; Had an alt that was wearing my system shape and a darker skin "sit" on an identical posing stand beside the one I was on, often moving her posing stand to exactly the same coordinates to mine, so that the avatars were superimposed; Spent a full day tweaking head sliders. I got remarkably close to the result I sought.
  6. In my case, it's responsible for my buying L$300 less per week than I otherwise would; if they didn't give it to me, I would be paying them for it. It's costing them what I would pay.
  7. The main issue isn't paying LL tier for the land the road occupies. It is that other residents cannot be assured that a resident-owned road will remain open to the public or even continue to exist and, therefore, they will and should be reluctant to invest in improvements that depend on its existence for their value.
  8. I was curious about the Performance Improvement )Performance Improvements - Release Candidate viewer, so I downloaded and installed it. When I ran it, a dialog box popped up: The only way to close it and proceed was to click OK, causing the current official viewer to replace it. What am I missing? It makes no sense to make a release candidate available and not allow it to be used. There must be some way to connect with it?
  9. FWIW, I use Maitreya autohiders extensively, and they almost always work. I have attributed the few failures to the autohider attaching before the body did.
  10. I meant Mbps. It's fiber to the house. I was the only avatar in the region, and it did not seem to be laggy at all. The statistics bar said there was spare time, but I don't remember the number. If it had been laggy, I would have just chalked it up to that and not asked the question. Is there anything I can do about the inventory issues?
  11. Sometimes, but not all the time, it takes a very long time to detach objects from my avatar, which is irritating when trying on clothes. It can vary from one minute to the next, from almost instantaneous to many seconds. Today, I noticed that it was very slow, so I timed it. It was 18 seconds from my clicking on "detach" until the object detached. I was alone in the sim on a sky platform at 3,970 m. I have a 1,000 mbps connection and very few dropped packets. It was not laggy at all. When I attach objects, it only takes a second or two for it to happen. Frame rate was 41 fps. Why does this happen? Why does it vary so much?
  12. I visited in person just before I posted. At the time it was built, before Zindra opened in June 2009, none of the land was developed and any that LL wanted to protect was protected. Presumably, they built a dead end, without even a roundabout, intentionally, instead of continuing the road, which would have created additional roadside and, therefore, more valuable, land. As long as I can remember, roadside land has been more sought-after than land that's surrounded by other private land, and waterfront has been even more valuable. It has long puzzled me that LL didn't, therefore, build more roads and waterways.
  13. Currently, SL businesses can register trademarks just as if they were RL businesses. I know "Catwa" is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; I don't know what others are. As a consumer, I have often wished that listing dates were visible. Now, the bast I can do is sort newesty first. I really don't think we need to enable sellers to remove "misguided" reviews, since, in the seller's eyes, anything unfavorable will likely be seen as misguided. As it currently stands, you can have offline IMs forwarded to email. I have often wondered why people say to send them notecards because "IMs get capped," when they could just have IMs forwarded. Having a secondlife.com email address would be helpful in terms of having all correspondence about something in one place.
  14. The title says it all. It seems very strange that the Lindens/Moles would build a nice road but decrease its value greatly by having it come to a dead end instead of continuing and connecting to another road.
  15. I'm unsure about the details of the legal process, but where I live, developers buy undeveloped tracts adjacent to the city, develop a plan, file a map called a plat that shows lot boundaries, streets and utility easements, with the city, and get it approved. There are standards that must be met. The developers build the streets, which are then owned by the city, and they either sell the lots or build houses on them and then sell them. What induces the deveopers to build streets and give them to the city is that it greatly increases the value of the remaining land. What induces the city to accept them is that the city gains population and taxable property.
  16. Yes, they do. But that doesn't get roads built on all the mainland sims that would be more desirable if they had them.
  17. One of the issues that makes much mainland less desirable than it could be is lack of public roads and waterways. Residents cannot effectively address this because there is no guarantee that any resident-owned land will stay the same. It could be addressed by allowing residents to donate land for public roads and waterways. This is similar to what happens in RL, where a developer buys undeveloped land, builds roads, and sometimes waterways, and donates the roads to the local municipality, making them irrevocably public. Like RL developers, SL developers might be incentivized to build public facilities because it would increase the value of the adjacent land.
  18. In my case and in many others, I'm sure, it costs them what I would have to pay if I bought the Lindens. Several years ago, I did use a VISA gift card as a payment source. As I understand it, it's hit or miss whether they will work, and it could have changed since then, anyway.
  19. Charging too high a price for something can lower, not increase, profits. I forget what economists call the concept, but when the price is zero, or the price is so high that sales are zero, profit is zero, but somewhere between, there is a sweet spot where the product of sales and price is maximized. It's speculation, of course, but it seems to me that $39.95 for a name change is way above the sweet spot. I also think LL missed an opportunity to make more money by not offering an option to change one's last name to that of another account, which would appeal to a lot of partnered people and people who RP family relationships. I think LL made a big mistake by offering free accounts with a full feature set that last forever, and in their place, I would, at least, place more limits on NEW free accounts---things like inventory size, number of friends, number of saved offline emails, number IMs forwarded to email, number of picks, access to the beta grid, amount of Linden dollars that can be bought or owned, or, just limit the time they can continue as free with full features, e.g., to one year. It might even be better to offer the highest level account free for one year and, after that, put reduced limits on it, so new people would get used to having the full feature set. I don't know if it's technically feasible, but, if so, they might consider limits on attachment points and clothing layers, building tools, maximum quality of graphics, and, even, time online per day or number of free accounts that can be in a sim at the same time. I would also, when introducing new features, consider limiting them to paid accounts, if technically feasible. If they did this, they would need to have a lower level paid account than the current premium, maybe something like the current basic account for $3.00 per month or $30.00 per year.
  20. For future reference, Session has a Discord channel, and the staff are very responsive and helpful. Twice when I had issues, staff met me inworld to see them firsthand. They also are very responsive regarding fixing actual issues in their products.
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