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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. The kidlets are watching a movie in SL that won't load for me, so I'm knitting (and cleaning in RL). I think if I have any more excitement, I may just explode.
  2. I pronounce it roughly like this: [dih-lish-uh s] also, strawberry cream, please!
  3. Welcome to SL, Vinny! The first thing that anyone will tell you is to try demos FIRST. SL creators have rapidly expanded with demands while making mesh heads and bodies to rig directly to your avatar appearance/shape sliders. It is very possible to make a mesh head and body match what your ideal shape/image would be, but it is important to make sure that you grab a body and head that meshes to your system body so that you can modify it. These are typically referred to as 'Bento'. If you do some searching along the forums, a couple of great resources are Mesh Body Addicts and the Skin Addiction Blog. Mesh Body Addicts has a comparison chart for the bodies and heads, including the pros and cons of each, with their own individual "reports" of what to expect with each body. It also has a comparison for skins and what is offered. If you see "Omega" mentioned - the Omega is a newish tool that allows appliers meant for certain bodies and heads to apply to OTHER ones that they weren't specifically meant for, but again - it is always encouraged to demo those first, as shapes/skins/bodies/heads are the most costly items you'll purchase in order to customize yourself. The Skin Addiction blog is.. well, a blog of skins and new releases, although not ALL of SL skin creators are on it, so it's always good to shop around! The Skinnery might be another good skin store to follow, as Uma does a fantastic job of making skins, and recently released a BEAUTIFUL dark skin for women - I'm hoping to see more pop out as far as male skins, but she is one of my favorite skin creators. Men are slightly harder to outfit for, but I'm sure you'll do wonderfully! Additionally, Seraphim is another great resource to discover upcoming shopping events, and The Builder's Brewery is a great place to start if you'd like to dive into anything related to building/scripting/creating. They are a quiet bunch because most are creating while they're logged into SL, but very friendly! *Edited to add that as far as mesh bodies go - you may want to do some research as to what clothing creators are doing as far as support for mesh bodies. I know there is plenty out there for Slink, but as I am not a male myself, I haven't done much research as to how much clothing out there is rigged for the Gianni body. We might need to hear from the men in the crowd for that answer! *wipes her brow and buries her face in her morning coffee*
  4. Finally updated my Catwa Head to the 3.0 version. I've got to say, some of these expressions with the added eye animations have me laughing. My inner teenager approves greatly, while the adult in me is already writing up a list of chores.
  5. Then TP or walk away? Or log off of SL? Or would that ruin your money-making scheme?
  6. I'll be over shortly. Let me just find my patience first. I know I put it here somewhere...
  7. Oh, really? I do feel as though I discover new ups and downs every day and I've been in SL for several years. Is the answer 42, because I think I heard that somewhere! Surely two weeks was long enough for you to make millions of Ls and now you have surrounded yourself with only the most desirable of pixel women. I shall be along shortly with the champagne to toast your success. Best wishes, love, truthfully.
  8. No fun photos today for me. I'm mostly in blender and saying some not-polite words. I don't suppose anyone is bartending this morning?
  9. In addition to what Klytyna said, with most AOs, you are able to crouch walk by clicking on the "Page Down" button (once - no hold needed), similar to how you click "Page Up" to fly. Just in case this ever happens again, your partner should try clicking "Page Up" the next time to see if that helps!
  10. The LIFE system does all these things - you have meters that require you to eat, sleep, exercise, etc. Entirely voluntary, and you can purchase packs of the scripts if you'd like to be a creator. This system is quite popular in family roleplay communities, etc. Not ideal, as other said, because you are throwing money into SL to purchase these items, but some folks do like the realistic aspect. I tried it once, but forgot to sleep and my "chart" was NOT happy with me.
  11. Typically, if I'm seeking something gacha, I will select "transfer" and all the gachas that were properly filed will be included in that list. Claire's suggestion might work as well!
  12. I don't know why I didn't see it before. LOL.
  13. I've been dancing on this rock for far longer than I should probably admit to.
  14. Basically anything by "The Flaming Lips" reminds me of Secondlife, but mostly "There Should be Unicorns" and "Space Oddity". Also, Foo Fighters - The Pretender. I won't post links because they do have some pottymouth words, but.. good stuff.
  15. YES. THE STOMPERS. I need somebody to bring back some MESH ones!
  16. Hellooooo! *waves* I will take the cookies, please.
  17. Ah, I see! You'd like the hyperlink shortened, yes? So what you should do is type this into your profile: [https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/188016 Thoughts in Focus] .. or so on. Brackets must be included. You will see it as the above, but everyone else will see it as a hyperlink. If you need a tester, just let me know and I'll peek at your profile later
  18. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/188016 <- This is the link to your marketplace store. Is that the information you are seeking?
  19. The AnyPose tool is a god-send. You can use it to modify poses you have or create your own.
  20. Fortunately, it does look like they plan on setting it to 500L on the 1st of October. What an adventure, though! As for the 200,000L, I suppose if the designer deems their work worthy of 200,000... more power to them! They worked hard, and if it sells, it sells! Although I can say that you can find landscapers (myself included) who would be happy to landscape a full sim with a similar theme for a fraction of that price.
  21. We're all going to have to move to the sky soon enough. Skyboxes in RL. What a trick!
  22. Checking out this Experience that was put together. It's called the Fantasia Experience and is based off of the Neverending Story
  23. *knocks on neighbors' door* Hello, excuse me. I'm just here to derender and mute your baby. Also, here is a tin of coookies. Thanks.
  24. Okay, I just wanted to be sure. Carry on. I figure about a dozen more self-entitled yammering posts and you might get tuckered out. Don't let us slow you down from making your own mistakes. Folks in SL who have been around and made mistakes and learned lessons tend to try to pass along information to help you from losing too much, but you DO run across a hard-headed fellow every now and again. I'd say you know what I'm talking about, but.. you know. Best wishes, though! I think throughout the posts that China has made, it can be determined that they have no interest in listening, and simply enjoy portraying the computer warrior that we are all capable of becoming. It's one of those moments where your momma whacks the back of your hand with a ruler, but you keep on having 'the dumb' because you are a teenager and do what you think is best, regardless of the outcome.
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