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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. If Linden Lab ever makes some sort of intergrid delivery like this possible... and reasonably secure & simple to do... count me in. I would like to offer LOLO goods elsewhere as well, but as things currently stand, there is too many impediments and complications.... it is easier just to make entirely new content if selling elsewhere.
  2. I think what Linden Lab will do is clear out violations when copyright holders complain, or sometimes if a resident complains about a particular item as well I imagine. That is all they are required to do I think. Disney and other big companies probably periodically send cease and desist orders (or some such) to LL, and at these points they will remove all the offending content they can find in blitzes. However, because copyright is based around the idea of the copyright holder protecting their assets, it will never be equal across the board. Not all copyright holders will enforce at the same levels. Some will be strict (i.e. don't mess with Disney!) others will be lax, thus enforcement will always contain inequalities. That's my theory anyway :smileyvery-happy:
  3. I'm an artist working in SL who has been creating non-breedable pets since 2006. My pets (The LOLO Pet Shop) are not about tracking stats or breeding, these are just fun little interactive animals. My animals always have had zero care costs, no food costs. They don't die inworld or in inventory, or have "expiry" dates. Second Life didn't always have these pay-as-you-go subscription-based pets. It used to be that buying pets in SL was the same as buying any other item -- there was never any additional costs after purchase. But then these companies entered Second Life and began to virally distribute "breedable" pets -- aiming that some people will begin to pay the company for all the food and other subscription costs.... many people who are new to Second Life first discover this type of pet and mistakenly think all pets in SL operate this way... it simply isn't true. These days, many people seem to think owning a pet in SL is a complex & costly chore. People are always asking me where to buy pet food and stuff like that at my shop. I have to explain to at least one person per day that there is no extra costs! :smileyvery-happy:
  4. I say for my favorite it would be a tie between Torley Linden & Blue Linden. Two really nice creative people with fun personalities. Sea Linden would be a favorite too, she is very kind & helpful. They're my favorites, but I've had the occasion to meet lots of other very nice Lindens too, they are pretty cool people. I've only ever met one Linden whom I actually disliked... :smileyvery-happy:
  5. When I first came to SL, I met some amazing fun people... but I also met some horrible people. Over time though I learned that Second Life is a huge place and this makes it so easy & simple to just avoid these irritants. In my experience with SL almost 5 years later, I find most people here are unbelievably kind & good natured... the nicest people.... but you won't discover them right away sometimes at the beginning of your Second Life. Areas for newbies (that you likely discovered first) are often clustered with the worst types, complete dregs of society often hang out there just to harass people. To solve this problem I would just go somewhere else exploring this big wide world. If you don't want to leave, there is always the "mute" option for any annoying people.
  6. YEAH! that does look really good. The biggest improvement is the new starter avs. When you have to start as "Ruth" or "Gamer Boy" or some total dorky looking thing that's probably where they were losing many of their new sign ups. but these avs and the page design, how they rotate around in a cirle, and animate a bit, it looks really good! I remember when I started the sign up process was far less splendid. Good job Linden :smileyhappy:
  7. WADE1 Jya

    How do i fix my hands??

    I'd suspect an item you're wearing is animating you this way. It might be worn on any attachment point. Click on your avatar and click "Detach: then "Detach All". Then carefully rebuild your avatars outfit checking out your iten's contents for animations and scripts. It could be that one of your favorite items to wear, like boots or hair for example, has an animation script in it! Best of luck resolving this!
  8. I would scrap this avatar and try with a new name. If you're having trouble meeting women I would blame that not on a need to upgrade, I would blame it squarely on your unusual name... that's definitely gonna set strange first impressions :smileytongue:
  9. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Transaktion Info. Suchen Sie nach dem Avatar-Namen des Schöpfers der Artikel, den Sie erworben haben. Sie müssen diese Person an, so dass sie um das Element zuzustellen wissen. Senden einer Instant Messaging oder eine Notecard sollten ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu Ihrem Problem zu erhalten. Wenn dies nicht gelingt und man hört nichts für Tage, können Sie sich jederzeit an Linden Lab, um eine Erstattung oder Lieferzeiten kommen. Ich würde dem Händler jedoch an, da diese sehr viel schneller sein sollte! Viel Glück!
  10. Congrats on your first vid! Thats my first sighting of the new avatar physics everyones been talking about. Looks great!
  11. Good point Tateru about the not starting at zero thing! Its an easy way to get overblown looking charts that actually only reflect small market movements. After such explosive growth that I've seen since I began in Second Life, what else is to be expected? It's like making a big deal when brand new company sees 100% growth, well of course that's easy they had a concurrency of 500 in Q1 and concurrency of 1000 in Q2. The movements will be more volatile when its small numbers. As someone used to observing longterm market trends I would say this is a stabilization or market contraction. It's normal. Nonstop explosive longterm growth is a danger sign meaning its definitely a bubble so get out now. Markets go up & down, it is nothing new or unique to SL, this is expected behavior. In terms of what I have seen so far in Q1 2011, business is up this year in SL. With concurrency down, this increase in business could reflect a significant transition to a higher quality of concurrency. Less people could be better. Its the quality of concurrency that matters. Would you rather do business in a world with 1000000 griefers and people who won't spend a dime inworld, or a world of 10000 excited hardcore community contributors and big spenders? I'd definitely take the latter choice & I think Linden Lab would too.
  12. I play Second Life on my macbook (with Snow Leopard which maybe is required for SL these days?). Never had this trouble with the SL installer, but sounds like something I have experienced with failed installs before. If your download of the .dmg was interrupted somehow, than the .dmg can fail to install an application because it can't do some trivial thing it needs to finish such as "mounting the disk image". Try deleting your .dmg and the app, and just start a fresh download from the beginning again. If this doesn't work.... time to upgrade your Macbook to Leopard (which is really great system I think well worth it! :smileyvery-happy:), and then you'll be good for sure! Best of luck! --||-
  13. Hai provato a chiamare il numero dell'assistenza? Non sei sicuro di quale sia il problema che hai avuto .... ma mi si dice di mettere il biglietto in una categoria diversa di nuovo se avete bisogno di più aiuto. Quindi forse è meglio mettere un biglietto di nuovo, avendo cura di selezionare diversa categoria. Buona fortuna per risolvere il problema, se si forniscono maggiori dettagli sul problema .. dettagli di ciò che è successo qui, forse ci può aiutare di più.
  14. The LOLO sim costs $295 USD per month, this all goes directly to Linden Lab. I do spend sometimes inworld, but this is highly variable, one month I might spend pretty much nothing at all... another month might have several shopping sprees.... spending maybe $50 USD tops in a month.
  15. Curious what I did right lol I have no idea :) Also curious what "Ideas" are, and why I have zero if anyone knows :smileyvery-happy:
  16. Hallo Veronic! Wenn alles in Second Life ist alles grau und langsam bewegenden ist es für einen von zwei Gründen. Ihr ISP oder Computer ist zu langsam für SL. In diesem Fall könnte es Zeit, Ihren Computer zu aktualisieren, oder sprechen Sie mit Ihrem ISP darum, eine schnellere Verbindung. Einige ISPs Drossel Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit, die schlechte Qualität Grafik-Performance macht. Die eher Option ist, dass die Grafik-Einstellungen zu hoch eingestellt ist. Versuchen Sie, Ihre "Ansicht" und schalten Sie die Einstellungen. Besonders, versuchen Sie sich Ihren "Draw Distance", wenn weit entfernten Hintergrund ist erscheinenden ersten und sehr langsam, ist Ihr Sichtweite zu hoch!
  17. Yes, its as simple as pressing your "Process Credit" link. After clicking this you will see a choice of PayPal, or Wire Transfer. Choosing PayPal you will be asked for your PayPal address. Type it in and that's all the "connection" you need to transfer your cash balance out. As for your second question, You can downgrade or upgrade at anytime... it is possible, you needn't cancel your SL account. Personally, as long as I'm still active in Second Life, I wouldn't bother to downgrade, since as well as losing the land rights Peewee mentioned.... you'll lose your $L stipend payments (All of your premium fees except for a few dollars comes back to you over the course of the year, directly delivered to your avatar as stipend payments). Pretty useful to get that extra cash on the regular for small miscellaneous inworld spending needs :smileyhappy: You'll also lose any access to Linden Lab's concierge service, meaning you won't be able to get access to Second Life's customer support help as quickly & easily.
  18. In absence of PayPal, a credit card is fine. In lieu of a credit card, Linden Lab also accepts linking payments as direct preauthorized withdrawwls from your bank account... however it sounds like you are set up correctly since you apparently have your credit card attached... but if not, there are many payment options available. If you remain unsure, there is always the billing number of Linden Lab you can call and a helpful staff member will assist you. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 877.236.0711 Long Distance 703.286.2738 8am to Midnight PST, M-F; and 8am to 8pm PST Saturday and Sunday
  19. If anyone has urgent needs, the live chat helpers in concierge service may also be able to assist anyone with land purchase completions at the moment.
  20. ... actually this thread might be how they know the error and fix soon. Lindens do frequently observe this forum, although they might not have time to respond to every query themselves! If the error persists we could file a JIRA bug report? https://jira.secondlife.com/
  21. I don't see anything on http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ but they might be working on it already. If not now, there will be more Lindens in by morning so someone will repair shortly I'm sure.... I know land sales is a metric they keep close eye on ...its their profits right . I think they will be very aware to fix the problem soon.
  22. I'd just try again tomorrow... or try a different browser! Hope it works for you soon... never seen such error before. Perhaps Linden Lab was doing maintenence when you tried, or your browser is having a difficulty. Since purchase of land is affected, I imagine if it is a bug they will fix it very quickly! We don't need any blocks for people buying land :smileysurprised: Anyone else have more info on this error?
  23. Many people do jump at the chance to work for free, it is a scary part of human condition. Just look at Amazon Turk for a good example of how people get very excited to do menial labor for token amounts (pennies).... essentially working for free! In SL, nobody buys or sells crowdsourced stuff that I know of? I imagine for content creation the quality would be horribly sub-par.... Creations stemming from such exploitation would have no heart, no soul. However, I think it is misunderstood to think this is the type of free labor Sitearm is speaking of... Skilled content creators in SL are generally smarter than to fall for hollow crowdsourcing tactics. In SL, "free labor" works different than you might expect. What Sitearm is saying (I think) is that if a company was to try to employ all of us content creators (or an equivelent team) it is unaffordable, so not having to pay us as employees.... this is an enormous advantage to Linden Lab and a strength to Second Life as a platform -- the wealth of "free" content & developers working "for free" can't be beat... basically Linden Lab doesn't have to pay us to get content onto their platform, the market decides who among us gets paid. For the best merchants it's a mutally beneficial synergy, a true win-win.
  24. i love best creating lifeforms in SL and scripting their brains until they have personality. When a creature first stirs to life: takes its first steps, meows its first meow, this is a great feeling for me! :smileyvery-happy: At what point does a set of algorithms and equations perhaps gain a small conciousness of some sort I wonder? Also it is very fun helping people get set up with their new animal friends or reuniting someone with a lost pet.
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