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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. if you put your script in the part you want to move then you can move it around something like this: integer x; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) {if (x == 0) {vector v = llGetLocalPos(); llSetPos (<v.x , v.y, (v.z + 1)>); x = 1; return; } if (x == 1) {vector v = llGetLocalPos(); llSetPos (<v.x , v.y, (v.z - 1)>); x=0; return; } } } not the most efficient surely just something i quickly hacked out to move a piece 1 up and 1 down alternately on the z axis when touched. hope that is some help to you :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  2. You'll keep it simple for yourself if you make the root (parent) the non-moving part, this will be the more stable solution especially if you want the elevator moving unattended for long periods without accumulating prim drift.
  3. Is your internet connection behaving similar to your SL connection? If you are streaming other content (for example videos or music) & only getting intermittent service you likely just need a new modem. I had this problem a while ago and called my ISP about it. They sent me a new modem & everything has been good since then :matte-motes-tongue:
  4. Sure that sounds possible.... don't see why not :matte-motes-asleep-2: To test out reception to your concepts your next step would be get talking to some designers you'd like to work with. Somebody out there might love to have an idea man like you on board their team to get concepts up and rolling....
  5. Thanks for sharing your story Fennet! It can be tricky to find the perfect look that also feels to be really you. After playing Second Life for almost 5 years now I've settled into one main human look. She only really changes her hair & outfits now.... but I also often play as a cat... forgetting about human things for weeks at a time, and much more occassionally as a few other random assorted characters that I enjoy playing from time to time. If you end up playing one avatar for too long you might end up stuck like me & feel afterwards that other avatars are just not you, even if you enjoy the new avatar's looks better! Changing avatars and playing around with new looks is always fun though!
  6. You'll probably wanna write one using this function: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlParticleSystem That page explains everything you need to know to make such an effect. Most "effects" in Second Life such as rain, smoke, explosions, waterfalls, footprints & yes EVEN OOZING BLOOD :manmad: are particle systems. You'll just fine tune your effect by adjusting the parameters of the particle system. It's fun to play with because you can make so many different kinds of effects, just by adjusting the variables. You'll need to decide is your blood oozing in just one direction, or everywhere? how fast or slow is this ooze? is it spurting and bubbly or a constant flow? It's all in your control. Copy/pasting this to a New Script will get you started with moving red particles (you'll definitely want to adjust to your needs!): llParticleSystem( [ PSYS_PART_FLAGS, PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0> ] ); Unless you want your blood to look like a whole bunch of glowing halos you'll probably also need a piece of texture art that looks a little more bloody than the default particle.... depends on the quality you are after of course.... However, for many simple effects some clever tweaking of llParticleSystem is all that is needed to make the default particle workable, so you may not need a custom texture. Have fun!
  7. If you have all green and only occassional yellow in your statistics bar that is fine I think. I have a very fast set up here and I see yellow lights sometimes too. I think occassional yellow is pretty much unavoidable while things are loading or whatnot, don't think it is anything to be concerned with. If yours begins to get stuck on yellow (or red of course :smileytongue:) thats when you should look at lowering some of your settings.
  8. I'd just contact support right away. It sounds like an unusual problem (never heard of something similar) and since it might really be only affecting you & your avatar its unlikely to be caught as a system fix. Since you do own an island, you'll have access to live chat concierge which will probably see you to the speediest resolution if you get talking to them.
  9. Are you able to open the viewer without freezing? If so, try clicking on "Me" in your menu, then click the "Preferences" tab. If you lower your graphic settings that may resolve this issue. What is the PC though? If you post some specs or/and what type of machine you are using that would help us all figure out what the problem might be. Although most computers can access Second Life (Lindens are very big on keeping things backwards-compatible), some computers out there will just not be capable of running it :smileysad:
  10. You could mark off your heights on different layers, and then use "color overlay" from the fx panel to change colors to anything you like. When you are finished working, just click off the little eye symbol on these layer effects to hide your color overlays and display the RGB mapping :smileyhappy:
  11. You might already be age verified. I remember when I age-verified, I was seeing error on the page and looks like maybe it didn't go through. It is a little unclear, but when I talked to Lindens, they confirmed to me that I was successfully age-verified already. One way to test is attempt to visit an Adult region. If you can enter, you are age-verified successfully. If you cannot enter an Adult region, try going back to the age verification page and enter your info again carefully making sure the data you have entered in all fields on the form is correct. Any little mistake could make the attempt fail :smileysurprised: You might call the billing number to confirm your credit card and paypal to make sure you have no issues there. From outside Canada or the USA, they are reachable here: 703-286-6277
  12. I really like that Lindens are doing this dual-mode viewer thing. I'd put the idea out there several times in the community about this need. Probably lots of other people were making the same suggestion.... It's perfect cause as Second Life expands into mainstream adoptation we can't expect every user to want to use a viewer 1.0 style which really caters strongly to early adopters, developers, & techy people.... this Basic Mode must have wider appeal and I'd expect Linden Lab is seeing much higher retention rates from it. There sure does seem to be a lot more newbies around SL this year :smileyhappy:
  13. This will depend on the merchant. Myself if the item purchased is transferable and they return it to me, I will refund them. For non-transfer items there is no way to return the item, so in these cases I can't justifiably refund. Every merchant is different though, some might refund anything, others might refund nothing.... you'll have to contact the creator of the house and see what their individual policy is. Another option is can you place this house on your rental property? Should be possible... or you could just save the house in your inventory, keeping it for the day when you decide to buy land?
  14. All you have to do since you have converted your Linden dollars successfully into USD is "process credit". Here is the page: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/process-credit.php There is no option to have it sent to you by cheque as far as I am aware of this option does not exist anymore. You must use PayPal, or Wire Transfer to cash out.
  15. Here is the page for live help on the Second Life website: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ It is a few more clicks to navigate to it now but that's where Linden Lab's live support is located these days
  16. Agreed.... I'm just annoyed from seeing other cases.... Well hopefully this person returns soon to help all these people, sounds like a monumental disaster is unfolding in this merchant's absence, yikes!
  17. Hey Innula! I do believe thats a fringe case of this issue & at least that merchant would be coming back to provide service in some reasonable time frame and they would actually intend to provide service. We can probably agree that for every good merchant who makes their own products/service there would be 10 people who grab a business in a box and throw it on SLM. No investment in SL, and zero intent to provide quality service. As another example there are "merchants" who mute or ridicule any customers who dare contact them. I still believe that a one time small fee to begin selling in Second Life would eliminate 90% of these ruffians. If it was reoccuring once yearly, this would also eliminate stale merchandise, unsupported goods. An unpopular idea I know, nobody wants to pay more money... but its a solution I think.
  18. I've been getting inworld notifications from the boxes, as well as emails (if offline). Nothing changed here for me..... So, if it helps you at all, this issue is not effecting everyone....
  19. I believe the "editor" of the destination guide does periodic checks to make sure all Destination Guide places are up and running smooth. Reason why I think this is the case is because I have a location in the Destination Guide and I noticed one day the Linden editor was at my sim. Not sure why else this Linden would be visiting? If there is a few places that are no longer existing in the Destination Guide, this Linden has probably just not noticed it yet. There is a lot of locations for this one person to keep tabs on every spot. I'm sure they'll get to it sometime soon and do a little clean up :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Welcome to the forums David! I use Mac OS too and thanks for the warning.... I haven't tried the latest viewer release yet, but if it conflicts on Mac OS than I guess I won't bother. I'm currently using version on Mac OS without any difficulty logging in... If you go back & download some previous version of 2.x, I'm sure you can get inworld! Best of luck!
  21. When I first started in Second Life, I was really lost on internet slang. I didn't know much more than LOL... actually I think that's all I knew :smileyvery-happy: Since then I've become fairly proficient, I've picked up a lot! TL;DR BRB AFK TY YW KK etc. I think I had to ask each one what it meant as people used them to learn. "Excuse me what does that mean?" It's something to get used to but just part of the culture here in Second Life.
  22. I feel your pain. Unfortunately there is little you can do aside from keep trying to contact them & hope for the best. I really dislike that for the Second Life consumers it is a gamble what you get for service & support. It must be a big turn off to many shoppers. I hate it because for each bad merchant existing, it gives ALL the good hard-working Second Life merchants a bad name! I'd like to see Linden Lab do something aggressive to seperate the genuine merchants who provide support and are serious about running a proper business, and just cull off all the jerks and play merchants out of the game. In real life stores can't operate so horribly with complete impunity and keep their doors open. Something simple like a one time payment of $25 USD (or yearly fee) to open business in Second Life as a merchant would put an end to a lot of this.
  23. I find it hard to communicate without cat smilies. We need some nice cats in the smiley selection :smileyvery-happy: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSFPffGwqhy-EWusF6SVNys29gwEat-lFdfSh9rJprGglpFiu5zg
  24. I just want to drop my wholehearted agreement for this idea... since the forum changed to lithium, that is one downside, it is a lot harder to find the grid status info (which i check fairly regularly). Having it upfront & top as a ticker would be brilliant! I've been getting to the grid status page by googling "grid status" cause that seems to be the fastest way to navigate to it currently is by leaving the SL site and just running a search for it.
  25. I disagree 100%. I've found exactly the opposite. I'd get terrible service say like a year and a half ago. Lately, turnaround times are record breaking and I get real solutions promptly these days instead of the old gobbledygook half answers & avoidance. I guess we can learn from this that service levels vary. Sometime awesome, sometimes not. One Linden posted something a few months back saying they are working to be more consistant with the awesome service, its one of their big goals lately to improve service bigtime. They recognize the current shortfalls and working to improve the system.
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