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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. Yeah any type of consolidation would be cool, there is too many sub-topics that I always feel I'm posting in the wrong place and... maybe... I... am? :matte-motes-confused: I think this forum is also badly in need of a kind of anything goes area, where we could just have threads of endless lolcats, silly games & stuff like that.
  2. I was in the mood to design an ad banner for advertising on the marketplace & had a fun idea for one :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Before I got started, I checked to see if the setup supports L$ payments yet... Nope :matte-motes-not-even: Credit Card only still.... So I didn't do it. Does anyone know if buying ads by L$ is a feature that is in "someday" status or "never" status?
  3. Agreed Cabbage, it's despicable really :matte-motes-not-even: Good that some mentors checked in on him, lots of lies there and I see (hopefully) Linden Lab will be catching up with him soon from your AR. My wishes is that you do see all payment refunded properly to your account, since no service was rendered in return for your payment. That falls under scam/fraud in my books.
  4. Agreed on scripters being like a herd of cats :matte-motes-whistle: Good luck controlling the actions of 3000 of us LOL You already did the right thing, the best thing, an Abuse Report is all that needs to be done. An AR identifies the scammer to the authorities & they will take action (eventually), anything beyond that will be most likely only to cause you drama. You learned something the hard way, so just be more cautious with your business dealings in future :matte-motes-impatient: Such a group would obviously be started with good intentions, but to be effective would need to have 1000s of economically-active residents in it and some way to verify what is genuine scams from ****-talking, smear campaigns, half-truths and untruths.
  5. So basically we need more rich content media capabilities and comment fields to start convos, status updates (with rich media), & blog-like features... that would get the ball rolling.
  6. I think the web profiles are truly made for web (read that as searchable web), not so much for in SL. It means (especially as these profiles get more fully featured) that more of Second Life can be "discoverable" on other channels. I see where this is going I think... Hopefully a simplified version of them remain inworld, and we can click out to the more extended profiles by browser link only if we wish to. Overall I think web profiles are going to be a good thing. It's how the internet works now... Facebook is Twitter is Gmail is YouTube... it all joins together back onto itself. If SL doesn't also enmesh itself in these loops it will be isolated from the fabric of Web 2.0 ....or is this here called Web 3.0 yet? :matte-motes-stress: :matte-motes-grin:
  7. Thread Focus: I thought it would be great if many residents gave concise feedback here about what they would like to see as the web profiles develop & gain more detail & depth. Try to keep it positive and talk about what features you would like to see added, changed, or subtracted from the design of our new web profiles. Then somebody from Linden Lab could (maybe) read this thread. It might help them see what we all collectively desire as features (instead of guessing what features we might like) :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: I'll start with my feedback. It looks great so far I think. A good start. I would like to see it have a "wall" where I could (for example) post YouTube videos featuring my latest Second Life stuff. I would also like for the profiles to stay being very much about Second Life, if there is anything much to share about real life it should remain an optional minor element here, to maintain SL's immersion element. What would you like to see done with web profiles? :matte-motes-grin:
  8. I have been disappointed with facebook like forever & as it keeps "updating" and "improving".... well each time the use of it only gets more annoying :matte-motes-angry: It's just this huge horribly designed website. why oh why did it ever get so big :matte-motes-crying: It's terrible how facebook sells off all our data to companies & no proper privacy control still...
  9. How long ago did you set your items for sale? You may just not be indexed yet. You also have to set each item that's for sale, click the item's checkbox to show in search. There is also another checkbox on your "About Land" that you have to check to "Show in Search", this one costs 30 $L (per month I think) but required to pay if you want to appear in search :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Totally worth it since if you don't pay, the parcel never shows up really anywhere.... :matte-motes-impatient: There is a couple other reasons why you might not show up but there two are the most likely ones.
  10. QUOTE: ortiga Waco "By doubling the amount of vertices allowed in a sculpt Linden Labs would stress their servers less than with mesh, and keep a building community thriving." All you end up with then is a hard to work with mesh with lots of annoying built-in limitations? No thanks, I'd rather just have the total freedom of normal meshes :matte-motes-inlove:
  11. Horrible indeed :matte-motes-mad: Something about that... not sure what exactly... makes me feel just ever so slightly sick & disgusted :matte-motes-sick:
  12. Oh yeah this is correct... at the beginning that is all you have to do to start
  13. I have had to do this process a few times... :matte-motes-stress: it is really easy to do but normally you have to wait a couple days (at least) for the review process to complete. Here is how to do it: How to request review of your limits You may request a review of your account to increase your limits. Please visit the support system and submit a ticket.
  14. I had this happen to me once before! On your login page try changing your location to another sim, this should cure this particular problem. Also try to go to your inventory & remove all attachments your avatar may be wearing. Best of luck, I think if you try both these things in combination your av will be okay again!
  15. I don't have a Linden home myself but I am pretty sure you have to abandon your current one to get a new style... but try from the link I supplied you, at least that shows all the styles so you know what else is available
  16. If you just want a new style of Linden home (might be considered an upgrade if you like it better).... try a new one from these styles: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php
  17. Do you have a Linden Lab home? These houses are great for starting out in... but later on many people upgrade to one of the 24,000~ styles offered by independent designers: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=110&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search =1&search[per_page]=12 Of course if you already have a non-Linden Lab made home, you maybe can upgrade to a newer version or something, just contact the creator of your house
  18. Thanks Brooke! The profiles are cool it is nice to have some extra abilities there to add depth to our inworld presence! Looking forward to seeing more depth as I know the Linden team will develop this much further :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: I especially liked the option to add other social media like YouTube, Twitter & Flickr! Excited to see the future developments of this! @Sassy: Agreed! This was much of the strength of Xstreet, it was nicely balanced to let the cream slowly rise to the top over time. The Marketplace seems much more random, all about the latest something someone uploaded 5 seconds ago..... ....or woohoo look at this random thing its only 1$L :matte-motes-impatient:
  19. This does the trick for me :matte-motes-bashful-cute: list a =llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]); llSay(0, (string)a); My first line grabs the parcel details list from the position of the object, specifying you want to grab the name detail. The position grab could be changed to grab the location of an avatar or anything else within limits of LSL. The second line converts the list to a string and outputs it to local chat, useful to verify the variable has been grabbed correctly. Once you have grabbed that variable list a, you can do anything you wish with it of course :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  20. Hello Mayalily, Sorry to hear you experienced a failed delivery. Linden Lab is working to make this process smoother & more reliable. I agree it could probably be clearer, the wording about the various end status of delivery orders often leads to much confusion. Just think of that delivery notice like your proof-of-purchase or receipt for the items. By the way, if you have much trouble contacting any particular merchant, you can always contact Linden Lab support (as a last resort, if there is no response from a merchant after a few days) they can ensure a delivery completes for you properly (or return funds), although in most cases it is much faster to contact the merchant. Best of luck resolving this quickly!
  21. Yeah this would be great I have a website too & an easier buying process with less clicks required would definitely be beneficial. Maybe someday it will come? Don't think the marketplace is in a finalized unchangeable state :matte-motes-grin: As to the traffic comment, yeah as long as Linden Lab still gets the commision I doubt they will cry for lost traffic :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  22. I think if anything is killing some inworld stores it is not primarily the prevalence of free items promotions like "Luckies", although I agree this marketing tactic is over-used in SL to many a merchant's detriment! More to blame would be the balance of sellers to buyers and this has lead to saturation of most markets. So many people selling & more open up shop every day... many dreaming big to become rich in SL... but how many virtual good consumers are there to go around for all these people? Another thing causing inworld stores to suffer is many relied on rapid growth of SL population. With slower growth rate, or a plateau of population, it is much harder to do any business, while doing the same business during the last big hype-curve of SL was a no-brainer! Luckily, Linden Lab is working hard on this as a goal now... working to attract more residents... and attracting the right kind of residents, the ones who think Second Life is worth something & who do care if our stores stay open :matte-motes-grin:
  23. It was a rough transition, I stepped far back while it was happening & used that time to focus more on non-SL projects... but I could not help but notice how long & ardous the process was for others more involved. Now that it is all finally over everything is pretty good & the Marketplace is running smoothly! Linden Lab is doing a lot of work to draw all eyes to the Marketplace so it is now (or soon will be) the central part of the SL economy, I believe this is their goal. So if you want to get back in there as a merchant on the Marketplace it is a good time to do so!
  24. I like particle grass best too! Got lots of that growing around my sim, its cooler than any sculpty cause its more deeply detailed :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  25. Hmm... I wish there was a poll option on this forum :matte-motes-impatient: anyways.... Just curious what people's shopping preferences are these days. To me it seems that most people still prefer shopping inworld, but that could just be the demographic I see for my inworld businesses. Do you prefer an experience shopping inworld or do you prefer shopping online on SL Marketplace? Do you shop inworld most often or do you shop most often online on SL Marketplace? What's your little routine? Myself I will usually will shop on SL Marketplace because I am in a hurry to find stuff, but I definitely prefer to shop inworld when I have the time because it is much more fun.... Thanks for your opinions! :matte-motes-delicious:
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