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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. Hmm, people keep repeating that SOPA will destroy the internet. Mark Zuckerberg says this too... maybe it is true if you call the internet FACEBOOK. I don't see how it would play out... maybe I am just not getting it. Please explain how SOPA would literally destroy the internet? I've asked around outside of SL, so far no concrete exploanation of how it would actualy be destroyed. Maybe reinvent or reshuffle the internet I can see, but destroy it??? The logic of calling out GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY sounds a bit saying to store owner to not open a store if you can't accept shoplifting happens - - in a world where there is no police to call when your goods get stolen, or maybe you can call 911 but there is no good laws to govern & protect you, so the police can do nothing. Companies like Youtube, Facebook, Google & yes even Linden Lab would be given time to implement new policies so there wouldn't be shock closures I think! The UK has something similar to SOPA/PIPA already enacted on the books some time ago, but sensibly the implemation is being slowly & methodically discussed still to this day... so there is no panic or problem Long ago, the wild west began to install real policing system. Must have made some people angry! Other people would be very happy! Were the rejoicing shopkeepers GREEDY in their wishes to stop rampant banditry & pillaging? I think not, they were only trying to make a living & bandits make this more difficult. In todays world, things are much less extreme than wild west... I have friends who own real life shops, I also sell my goods in real world shops. We do ecerything possible to stop shoplifting & theivery.. does this make us greedy people? I think it is just a sensible policy to try out best to elimnate all methods of theft. Surely the theives are not entitled to free merch becasue some people buy we should just be happy to let them do it? Sorry no can do. It is hard enough for honest hardworking people to make a good living these days! I'm not even saying we need SOPA/ PIPA in specific. the internet is grand... I love it, but is it so delicate that we cannot change a thing we cannot trying to make it into safer place to do business? SOPA might be flawed, but it looks like a start in the right direction from what I see? I'd be happy to see less djs, more masters of the craft of sound creation with their own private libraries of rare hard-won collections. Less social media, more sharing of our own thoughts, ideas, perhaps even a profound silence only interrupted by outbursts of original creativity. Less sampling, remixing/rehashing -- more composing of original new music. Did people protest DMCA this strongly back when there was nothing to protect creative individuals?
  2. I've done some research on SOPA, and although en masse i see many people hate it, I don't see good solid reasons why yet.... so I can not follow the herd on this one sorry? I'd like to see a return to rewarding originators of 100% original content & an end to today's culture of endlessly rehashing/remixing dirivitive works and openly disrespecting copyright holders & ignoring copyrights. How about a return to true innovation? SOPA isn’t perfect but looks like a good start. Have to start somewhere right? Facebook & google are opposed to SOPA because they don't want to have to pay new staff and hire 100s of new employees, people who’s sole job would be to protect IP holders (economic stimulus anyone?) is what I think is going on!  Many currently market-dominating companies would be affected. For example,even Linden Lab would suddenly become 100% responsible for all  the content on SL and would have to set up an iron-clad IP approval process to protect innovators & ensure SL was full of purely original content only, no more gray market goods & no more endless dirivitive nonsense. Lots of big internet companies might not like SOPA but is it really a bad thing? Many of these big internet companies would have to create non-profitable new departments to protect the copyrights of all IP holders, hollywood too, but also protecting the IP of the smallest of individual IP holders (like myself). Remember corporations don’t like spending any money or time on non-profitable things. They want to keep making that money! They also don’t like risk, so its nice for them when a content creator faces all the risks. There’s maybe your motivators why suddenly all these corporations are playing the grassroots activist drumming up huge protests against SOPA/PIPA DMCA is all there is now & trust me .... it doesn't work. I make lots of content outside of SL and quite often there is essentially no protection for a creator of original works unless you have a big slush fund to hire lawyers with. The only protection a creator has is throwing big money at piracy. If you are not rich forget protecting your creations effectively.I for one would like to see this situation change! For anyone who creates 100% original works, SOPA looks to be a boon. You can send "cease & desists" all you like... in many cases under current law quite often the copyright holder is powerless. On the internet it is the equivelent to in real world if it was sometimes okay to shoplift from stores.. kind of ridiculous right?  If you have more info on SOPA, please educate me as I have yet to see how (especially for a hard-working content creator) this SOPA is a bad thing! It just looks like it is maybe anti-copyright companies & companies marketing dirivitive works that are panicking about SOPA & that is what's driving protests. Facebook wants us to ”frictionlessly share” everything... aka ignore copyrights.... google is the same, they are pretty much anti-copyright.. and these companies are the big forces driving the protests. Please tell me how I am wrong as I’m openminded on this & I'd love to understand whatever facets of this new law  I am missing :)
  3. "Then there's the kicker. How would LL be able ot make SL and SL mobil able to be seen by everyone? There would an SL for mobil users and an SL for everyone else........completely separate." That is sort of how I am thinking it will be implemented. Separate worlds to visit, like Earth & Mars. It would be a new colony, beginning as a blank world of new beginnings. Not so 100% separated as a distant planet... Your avatar would be able to travel betweenst the two worlds easy enough. Communication of avatars between the two platforms would also be no problem. You could of course visit everywhere -- all of mobile SL and regular SL -- from your desktop/laptop, but on mobile you could only view the new mobile SL (at first). As things developed, any SL region owner who wished to keep their new mobile visitors happy could take care to re-engineer their sim to offer appropriate functionality to all. I am talking all new content. Legacy prim & sculpty content would be the only casualty or potential loss. New SL items could easily enough be created with cross-compatibility (if merchant desired to sell in both markets). Everything moving forward (ignoring backwards compatibility) would be great
  4. Lindens should really get down with some form of SL on iPad & mobiles! Constructing a MMOG SL-style virtual world for mobiles is not a big deal. Linden Lab wouldn't have to invent anything new or make any large investments to aquire whatever lacking technologies they might require for this project. Of course, all content for the new mobile "sims" would have to be 100% mesh... creators would quickly fill this gap of missing UGC, creating a new mobile marketplace. A company with Linden Lab's resources could easily throw together something for us very quickly -- with minimal effort or risk on their behalf. I've looked into what is involved and its extremely doable. It would be so fun to see it happen. I think we will see SL on iPad someday because its only a natural development direction.
  5. still...? only 55%? pshaw im waiting for 100%... where's the contiguous experience of a virtual world? all incompatible viewers should be banned IMMEDIATELY. :matte-motes-not-even: & where is winterfest?? *stamps feet* don't mind me... im a little into the holiday spirits :matte-motes-grin:
  6. but SL profiles are so much prettier than facebook! The white black & green is much more appealing than the horrid monochromatic facebook blue which is so bland it made me bored to tears & then I had to quit using facebook. One big difference I see is Lindens listening to users and respecting our privacy. That's two things you will never once see over in facebook land.
  7. Nice job amarock! takes a lot of hard work & dedication You did it, congrats! :matte-motes-smitten:
  8. Hmm.. its not a password problem... I tried changing the region & also cleared my cache. No luck. Thanks for the suggestions anyhow. Grid Status Page says: We are currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance that will result in some Residents not being able to login and some Residents already inworld may be logged out. It may also prevent inventory from loading. Please keep an eye on this blog post for updates. Guess maybe I am one of that unlucky 'some'?? :matte-motes-bashful: I get "Login failed. Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong." So nobody else is having trouble though... if its still not letting me in by tomorrow guess I'll start bugging the Lindens about it. ***RESOLVED Dec 5th 1:25pm*** Yay! I'm back! :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  9. I couldn't login all day yesterday. Can't login today either. Hum :matte-motes-impatient: what to do? I see there is some kinda issue on the grid status, that's kinda typical though so I dunno if I'm having a 'special' problem.... any other people in the same boat as me & can't access Second Life all day yesterday and still today you can't get in?
  10. Hehe thanks for the lols Ceka :matte-motes-smitten: Regards to the OP: i think Lindens are still working on those feeds. Up until recently the feeds generally went unused so they've had little time to gauge what people want yet. It is a thorny issue having no/little control over feeds, its a lot like how facebook does it, except with the anonymous nature of SL its probably gonna bring out much more nasties. Facebook does not ever listen to people's needs on these kind of issues (its always zuckerborg's way or gtho) but the good news is here the Lindens are listening to us. With so many avatars here trying to run professional little businesses and stuff, I imagine Lindens will end up implementing more blog-like controls where everyone will have 100% control over their own feeds.
  11. I don't use Maya but this might help (as all software is similar). It sounds like you are maybe doing it wrong. You probably shouldn't use a negative size. Instead use a symmetry modifier which should be one of the tools in Maya. Modifiers aren't automatically part of a finalized mesh object so you'll need to do a final step of some kind to make the modifier concrete. Sorry I don't know more of the 3D jargon to explain it better, but hope that is of some help. Likely others will chime in here with more Maya-specific advice of what precisely to do, but if not & you find yourself still somewhat stuck try some google searches about it. Google is just like an extension of the brain, you don't need to know anything, the knowledge is all floating out there :matte-motes-nerdy:
  12. Yes, agree with those who choose to shop inworld! That's what I do all the time, just use marketplace as a searching tool. Inworld shopping is much more fun anyway. I couldn't login to the grid or the SL website all day yesterday... they were doing marketplace maintenance as well and even shut that down too at one point I believe. All the 'maintenance work' & 'critical OS upgrades' constantly happening of late probably explain the slowness everyone is experiencing. Whether you are on the buying end or the selling end, marketplace performance has been frustratingly poor for significant periods of time lately. It makes people sad to not get their Christmas gifts. Let's hope the Linden's scramble of maintenance-related activities actually leads to a concrete upgrade of marketplace operations. I for one believe it will :matte-motes-smitten:
  13. Mesh isn't useless, far from it! Mesh is the format the whole wide world uses for 3D design outside of SL. I'm finding great applications for my meshwork, it's all going wonderfully :matte-motes-sunglasses-2: What I don't like is Lindens still allowing incompatible viewers to access the grid. Prevalence of incompatible viewers makes SL a fractured market. Also by default settings, lots of people still can't see mesh very well. More market fracturing, which is bad bad bad. Mesh should be full on & ready to go for everyone by default so we can all share the same experiences.
  14. eeks whats this all about now? :matte-motes-stress: when's it go down? hmm... threat of major interruption, a big mess... i assume you're talking about Direct Delivery arriving soon?? i hope its smooth but guessing Lindens will not automate it conveniently forcing each one of us to do at least several hours (or even days) of non-creative labor. some kind of technical tedium grunt work we all must do (like manually creating & renaming hundreds of folders or some such) to transition all our stuff. *le sigh* :matte-motes-bored:
  15. To help us all find more tags about tags, i've tagged the op with tags of tags, tag & tagging :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  16. I had the same thing happen. Oh well, i don't care hugely, but it would be nicer to see the system working correctly. It is all pretty new so I cut Linden some slack. At least the overall profile design here that is appealing now, no longer some no-design-style holdover from early nineties looking like something you'd find in some techy admin software backport. Really though.... I just want them to add rich content to these web profile things so I can post pics and video. Until that happens.... :matte-motes-bored: meh
  17. land ownership today is no less than it ever was. Likewise, the number of active users is no lower than it ever was. Incorrect. Grid size is the same, but this is because resident-owned sim losses have been replaced at a 1:1 ratio with new Linden-owned sims as the losses occur. Concurrency is down by about 10000 from where it was a year ago. Used to hit 70000 plus per day & before that we used to hit 80000! Now lately... some days we don't even hit 60000 people :matte-motes-stress: Keep in mind SL saw in previous years more than 1000% growth. So some consolidation or a 'plateau' is normal situation, and I trust that Rodvik is busy working on some big ways to promote & grow Second Life again. Who knows, a year from now SL (in some form) might be available on mobile devices, gaining X100 active users. I think Second Life is not doomed, it is more like the (real world) economy is doomed.
  18. My only question is why give up your time up for such small amount? Are you not worth so much more? Why not aim for something respectable, like 5976 L$ per hour? You know what they say... aim low and you'll likely hit nothing. Aim high and you'll probably at least hit something :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Realistically however, if you are looking for a 'job' it is a much better chance to find a job in the real world & easily support all your Second Life needs this way. Second Life is more a place to create your own job - if you do choose to be a worker at all in this world? Most people are only in SL to play.
  19. oh lol this must be why in SL i see i am now 'following' 228 people & have 228 people 'following' me? i am heartened to see a Linden apology for this privacy mishap. thank you for that very much copying facebook is probably not gonna be done any more by Lindens under their new boss. he seems instead to be an intelligent man with progressive ideas. that old & tired recipe to copy facebook ha. it is to fall off cliff financially. 'facebook' is already a fading trend. facebook is clearly shown to be a morally reprehensible company. also an over-hyped 'bubble' of extremely questionable net worth. facebook lost 30% of active users this year. i was one of them :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  20. so the grid was down lots today? glad i was out all day i guess i love that old graphic with the space odyssey apes .... wish they still used that for whenever the grid goes down (every Wednesday used to be) :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  21. From this thread title I thought the thread would be about how shabby our unbalanced global financial system is at the moment. Compared to that mess, SL's systems are running pretty good I think :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: I predict that in both cases real change of the systems (for the good) is coming fast.
  22. My only question would be how many days (or weeks... or months) of business will be lost during what will surely be a messy, grinding & painful transition process to arrive at this direct delivery... and how many design cycles will we lose to the many hours that must be spent reconfiguring all our listings yet again (I personally have 300+ to deal with). With respect, this is surely a better system we are moving onto, but I predict getting there will not be any fun at all :matte-motes-stress:
  23. I don't know if most people's flight assists have mod scripts, but the one i use does.... early on I just went into the script & deleted all "llSay" lines. Now its spamless :matte-motes-inlove:
  24. You neglected to mention the benefits of laying down, but I agree with this, Poenald. I've read before scientific study says sitting is bad for you. Most specifically sitting upright as in |_ | | They called this position, where the body folds at 90 degree angles, a "truncated" position. Sitting in a couch bends you -- sure it is less extreme angles than truncated -- but at enough of an angle to still be fairly bad for health. The scientist conclusion was that the folding of the body places damaging stresses on your frame. Sitting in general is bad for the body, it is an unnaturally folded position. More natural & good for you is the states of laying down or standing, so aiming to spend most of your time in any non-sitting position is best for life. I agree its best to hit a gym as well... I do it twice a week now and feel so much better than when i used to not bother :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  25. Look in search for "combat sim" :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Second Life has lots of combat sims. What you describe is essentially that I think, no need to implement something new
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