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Everything posted by WADE1 Jya

  1. What about the problem of people playing amplified bad smells in public spaces? You're trying to smell the rose that your sweetheart sent you, but the guy sitting next to you on the bus won't turn down the chili recipes! This could get annoying
  2. I think its only a matter of time before we see all this. If the corporate world don't support it, the people will build it eventually. Its just a matter of components & construction getting cheap enough. Once we have a matured technology of sophisticated desktop fabrication, a smell add-on to experience would be popular. Why not? Its something that would definitely enhance home entertainment. Of course at that point we'll be able to transmit objects themselves... send digital files from fabber to fabber of whatever the generic materials can handle.
  3. The food industry could use it for tempting ads, so you could smell what's cooking in their kitchen! However, the scented candles industry & the perfume industry... anyone invested in selling a scent directly might be a little scared of the concept. What can be transferred can be copied, so there would be the new problem of smell piracy! Why buy the original perfume or the scented candle if anyone can go to their "jailbroken" Digiscent & play the bootleg for free? These companies might take steps to ensure their product is never uploaded into such a device. If a company's trademark exclusive scent was ever digitized into such a device, now any customer can freely share it with all their friends, & everyone out there can copy the scent endlessly & precisely... with no effort. Secure product suddenly become unsecure :matte-motes-stress:
  4. It might be something to do with humans have a poor sense of smell so the technology is poorly developed. A poor sense of smell has been the evolutionary sacrifice of increasing our visual ability. Thus we value & invest in visual (and sound) experience the most, these are our primary senses. That's my guess anyway :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Tactile interfaces are being developed in Japan, transmitting touch would have a bigger marketability than smell I think, so we might see that implemented first (more potential investors from many markets).
  5. every new technology has pros & cons if "DigiScent" or some kind of smellovision is ever implemented it will be very cool but we'll have to watch out for getting rickrolled with literal stinkbombs in our email attachments & stuff
  6. Aw... I wish it worked better too :matte-motes-stress: Sorry to hear marketplace is not working so well again. Lindens are working on some kinda new delivery system so maybe (after dust settles from their work) things will improve there.
  7. Some time ago in SL, I had the opportunity to work with the online learning group, Learning Times, on The Virtual Worlds Project. "Virtual Worlds, Real Lives" Video: http://vimeo.com/30557307 I was happy to see this new video about The Virtual Worlds Project. It shows how the Special Education District, D75, in New York City, uses The Virtual Worlds Project to help students with Autism, Developmental Delays, and Physical Challenges practice life skills in a safe environment. My part of The 3D Worlds Project was to supply the pets & help build the pet shop. The project was a success and it was cool to see the students enjoy it!
  8. Yes it is possible :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  9. I am just surprised the number of results my av name gets on google. I just googled my avatar name (in quotes like this: "WADE1 Jya") and see 52,900 results! I've been in SL for 5 years now, so this means my avatar gets 29 internet mentions per day on average. How does that even happen? Now I feel famous :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  10. The continuous spam is bad. I've volunteered to help moderate it, and others have offered also. If allowed I would have removed 100s of spams already. Can some of us help you, Rodvik? I have a team of specially trained lolcats ready to go on your command. If you can... please also let us know when the OS Critical Upgrade will be completed? I understand how something like this is needed but fear the constant banging on things is hurting concurrency. It stayed below 60000 all day today :matte-motes-stress: I'm looking forward to when SL is launched properly into the world with the much needed in store, on the shelf, on your mobile device kind of activity. There is a lot of creativity here and Linden Lab has the power to share it with the world. All that entertainment & experience is built & waiting for them to enjoy :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  11. the CEO we have now is doing a way better job than the suit corporative oriented one. QFT :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  12. Oh I'm all for due diligence as well. But as for scrutinizing minor details such as employee churn and such, I find many of these factors irrelevant from a business perspective. Mainly, because there is myriad potential reasons behind any companies HR decisions, I see it as extraneous info. I deal with several companies for my non-SL media development, and if I see a new name on the site, or a new name on a contact email, I think little of it. Sure, since my entry here back in 2006, I've seen a couple highly embarrassing flubs from the lab. Things so bad that I've had to call them out on it. I've seen the same from other companies I deal with. However these incidents sit upon a backdrop of reliability, honesty, and a general sense of care -- which is why I continue to work with these people. After 5 years of what I'd describe as a baseline of good service here & now also with an obviously competent CEO at the helm, I'm content to apply a much lower level of attention to all these matters. I've already put them through my own period of intense examination. I'll still pay attention to the basics, but as of now they're a pass in my books.
  13. Haven't seen the large hands happen, it may be randomly reverting you to a demo shape (demos often got big hands) you wore once before in the past. Sometimes appearance doesn't match what it says you are wearing in inventory. If so changing shape back & forth to something else could fix it quick. I sometimes appear as a white egg when i first login, i think this kind of failure is a result of a slow or degraded connection which can happen at any place along the route between you, your ISP, and the grid. If this is happening consistently on login, try hard-resetting your modem. That might help? For me when something this happens, a minute or two waiting patiently & everything settles into place. I'll just walk away for a bit, grab a drink or whatever, stretch my legs & by the time i get back all's good :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  14. It is fairly standard at any company these days (unfortunately for workers) to hire temp-only contract positions. There is little job security anywhere anymore & no such thing much as lifetime careers either. So if Linden Lab runs HR this way too, it doesn't say much of anything really. That said, I would not assume anyone got the boot due to a new name! When Second Life began, it was kind of like Apollo Project in complexity. Technology is improved since then, and increasingly stuff is automated or/and simplified. So it just don't require so many people at the controls to keep something like this cruising along. Actually there is little reason for a merchant here to scrutinize the inner workings of LL so closely. I used to do it a little but then I thought why do it? I dunno... maybe I've seen enough now to make me feel confident of Linden Lab at least for near term future. I don't put any of my other business partners or distributors under such intense magnifying glass. Gives me more time to design stuff & complete projects.
  15. If only Linden Lab produced a game card (as almost any other major MMOG provider does) you could just go to the nearest convenience store to buy a card loaded up with $L. It is a shame that such a bottleneck exists and it is often so difficult for people to stay active in the Second Life economy because of these shortfalls of connecting with their money inworld.
  16. Do you still have access to the email account? If so, a simple change of password will block them from continuing use. I may misunderstand your issue here, but hope this helps.
  17. Yeah I quite like the concept of "CommerceTeam". It also means whatever Linden is free at the time can pop over and talk to us, not putting this entire responsibility squarely on Brooke's shoulders. Likely, that just allows a more natural workflow for them. They can always let us know which Linden we are talking to at the moment... if they wish. For many situations (although nice & personable) it's not very relevent... and there is a lot of shooting the messenger happens here. Sometimes I feel bad for the individual who's job it is to inform us of some contentious issue. Some other Linden communicator positions may also benefit from this team approach.
  18. okay okay lol i getchya, grand theft auto, you've created a similar ranking chart. well... you went to the trouble of typing up all that, so why not make yourself king of it? whatever makes u happy man :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: i got a giant robot cat, what ranks that on your chart? @ Uncommon Truth: i know that's real life all right... criminals all of them, all those ones at the top. i'd like to see a different world in SL.
  19. If you want the corporations who create breedables to have less power in SL, please spread the word that there is alternatives to breedables created by individuals, and vote for this JIRA https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4016? signed by a majority of Second Life's long term non-breedable, non-subscription pet & animal creators. If you have to pay again & again into various marketing devices, before the product becomes a pet, the pet itself is very much a secondary part of their business! If anything "breedables" are more akin to gambling, and most of their business comes from people who participate in "the game" for speculative reasons - hoping to make money. These companies create complex financial investment games. Each time, when the inevitable collapse happens (there is no end market for all the surplus pets), a lot of residents get hurt, & this serves to scare away more people from SL then it attracts. These strange schemes make a lot of people think the entire SL pets & animals scene is dodgy, scaring people away from the more traditional (and simplified) Second Life virtual pet ownership. I know this because new customers tell me this almost everyday now: They are scared their animals will die. They are scared they will have to keep buying food & other items to keep their animals. They are scared there is some trick to make them pay again and again. For some reason the biggest breedable corporations behave identically & soon enough the whole scheme collapses. From what I've seen, this pattern takes less than a year to complete. The companies leave SL shortly after (or rebrand as a new company to rinse-repeat) creating chaos & distrust in their wake each time the pyramid begins to crumble & all their "investors" lose money. There is no end market for the crazy surpluses of pets they distribute. Who is supposed to feed all these pets in the end? Nobody does, they are abandoned. Pets in SL are not supposed to be an investment game, it was never this way in the past until breedables arrived.
  20. I'm happy mesh is working for you too Medhue. I'm seeing some good results with mesh also. When I calculate in for the factor that (according to my research) less than 60% of people can see mesh properly at all, its as good as could be expected, given the current situation. I realize I lose instantly 40% of my customers because the mesh dome here looks like a giant pile of turds to them & they can't see any of the products in it. Given such low numbers to work with & adjusting according for that, the sales figures look better than I've seen off my recent non-mesh product launches which 100% of visitors can see As numbers of mesh adopters climb, things should be quite good. Strangely enough, with all these people I hear having problems seeing mesh... I can see it just fine on my oldest mac... it is very old too. Is the problems mostly with PCs can't see mesh easy? If its time to upgrade, maybe get youself a new mac.... or an old one lol
  21. I am sorry to hear you were treated so poorly by this company. and.... no comment :matte-motes-zipped: By Second Life ToS, I believe there is nothing else I can say in this thread.
  22. If there was ever to be a king of Second Life, I'd sure like them to be an honest person. Why does your kingship link to a "criminal rating"? :matte-motes-stress: I'm afraid the people just aren't going to choose a criminal as king. Also, I'm sure they do background checks for any such a position. So if crime is your thing, you're probably disqualified from ever being a candidate, sorry.
  23. Hehe thanks Kylie! Its just me and Natsuko stomping around in the old robot cat. You know... another typical day in SL :smileyvery-happy: Looks like Ceka is on patrol knockin some of them spammers down! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: Nicely done! Look at the forum now, here's our daily delivery! Another truckload of spam delivered fresh today. Watch blah blah blah blah Watch blah blah blah blah Watch blah blah blah blah  This forum has lots of people on it, but it isn't all that popular.... I'm on forums for lots of various things, both bigger forums & smaller forums - but never seen as much spam as here. Actually, I don't recall seeing a continuous spam infestation anywhere else, or seeing much spam at all in other forums. I'm around this forum lots anyway and could just clear it out multiple times a day, no problem. Hey Lindens, what do ya say?
  24. Planar had the same limit. Just tried my script idea inworld, and seems you can override the limit by script. Hard to verify if its actually doing it, since I can't count how many repeats there are here.... but it says 256 in the blank. Give that a shot :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  25. Haven't tried this, but you could try setting it by script? default { state_entry() { llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_TEXTURE,ALL_SIDES, your textureUUID goes here, <256,4,0>, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, 0.0 ] ); } }  changing the repeat value might allow you to override it. I wasn't even aware there was a limit. If this trick doesn't work, you might just have to change your application :smileysad:
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