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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning! Monday again already? Peace! Yes!!! And it's St. Paddy's Day... ... so kiss me, I'm half Irish! Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Kids!!!
  2. Hi Synyster, You may be suffering from "bake fail". Here's a guide for digging out of that problem... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail Good luck!
  3. Good morning, Hippie. Winter is hanging on tight, it's snowing again. So I gotta do what I gotta do. Playtime!... Happy Sunday, Kids!!!
  4. LaskyaClaren wrote: Tari Landar wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: (PS. An idea I've floated before, and which I'll mention again, is the formation of a sort of SL "Better Business Bureau." A real one, that actually sets standards for its membership, isn't a sort of cliquish "gentleman's club," and takes the time to establish its credibility as a worthwhile setter of standards for quality.) This is something I would never support. Because again... who gets to decide? Who is on thie bureau? Who decides the criteria for standards? How do you know they aren't biased? Humans, in general, are biased. In SL, things like this have never worked because frankly we don't know jack from jill. I don't know if that dude who is at the head of the bureau table is the boyfriend of that merchant justa dded to the approved list. How do I know I can trust his opinions and trust that he will remain neutral in all situations? Few humans can remain neutral in all situtations. I sure as heck know I can't. It WOULD be clique-ish, plain and simple. There would be no real accountability. There is no real way to determine standards of quality when the personal opinions of others is involved. Take mesh clothing for example... just look at how many opinions there ar of quality, lol. What I think is quality is NOT typical, just from reading the forums and even being out and about in world. Things I think are hideous others mconsider the epitome of fashion. The same would apply anywhere else. There's just too much room for interpretation and not enough room for accountability on the part of the bureau. I can honestly say I do not determine quality based on what others say. I figure that out on my own. Likely because, like I said, I don't often agree with others' opinions, lol. I absolutely hate those labels, as if that particular group is the be all end all final judge of what is best and what is not. The people are often not the kind of folks I'd enjoy spending time with, much less take their opinions seriously. Not to mention they let that kind of "pwer" go to their heads, all too often. That is indeed a danger, and why I specified that it not be "cliquish." I'm not so cynical, perhaps, as you: while I agree that it would be difficult, and you'd have to establish some very firm and strong mechanisms to ensure that it didn't devolve into a self-serving clique, I think it's possible. But it would have to be very transparent and, obviously, very open. I don't think Tari is being cynical. In a system where participants are anonymous and cloneable, I don't think it's possible to have any, let alone strong, mechanisms to prevent exactly the sort of things she's concerned about. And the Better Business Bureau is not without its problems... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Business_Bureau http://business.time.com/2013/03/19/why-the-better-business-bureau-should-give-itself-a-bad-grade/ http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/27/your-money/27haggler.html?pagewanted=all In my dealings with the local BBB over the years, I'd be hard pressed to give them better than a "D". I used to think their customer relations were terrible, until I realized I wasn't their customer. Oops! Also notice that the BBB is not a member of the BBB. ;-) ETA: If Tari's apprehension over a BBB type service in SL is "cynical", isn't the call to have such a service also cynical?
  5. Hi Nethya, The concensus appears to be that NVIDIA cards play well with SL. Here's a searchable table of GPU benchmark ratings... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php It's only a rough guide, as the benchmarks may not work the GPU in the same way as SL. I would not trust the pricing data, particularly for older cards. The GTX 660 should allow you to run SL on Ultra with a low draw distance. I run a GTX 680MX in my iMac. That benchmarks about as well as your candidate GTX660 and gives me 15-30FPS under Ultra, depending on scene complexity. Running the came GPU under Windows should yield even better performance. Good luck!
  6. I'm late today. I tracked down the field mice's stash of Doritos, which included an unopend bag of those new "Jacked" hot wing style. The damned things can actually fly... Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  7. Hi Haruka, If by "no matter the viewer" you are actually referring to different versions of the SL Viewer, then go to "Library->Saved Application State" and delete the folder "com.secondlife.indra.viewer.savedState". Sometimes a setting gets corrupted when you quit the viewer and subsequent attempts to launch result in a crash. Even a "clean install" won't fix this. For a more complete explanation, here's the Knowledge-Base entry for clean installs... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 If you are referring to different versions of a third party viewer, my instructions apply, but with appropriately different folder names. And, if you mean you've tried multiple different viewers, I'm at a loss to explain this problem, other than to suggest that your graphics chip is overheating and Mac OS is throttling the graphics clock to maintain safe temperatures. This often results in SL crashing, while every other thing on your Mac runs fine. Make sure dust bunnies aren't mating inside your Mac. Or, it could be that your internet connection has changed in some way recently. People have been complaining of Firestorm problems related to Verizon recently. Good luck!
  8. valerie Inshan wrote: Happy Friday Hippie and Maddy! Woot! Weekend is here! Think I got plans... Hugs you guys! This is what you do all weekend? What's the matter with you? Weekends are for this... Happy Friday, Val, Hippie and the rest of you kids!!!
  9. The fact that there are still people on my friends list is all the proof anyone should need that you can't die in Second Life. One of my friends actually started a flickr album cataloging my attempts to kill her. Root-beer barely washes down the bitter taste of failure.
  10. Hi, Saiints: We have heard from people who are unable to launch the viewer at all under Windows 8, and KarenMichelleLane usually arrives with helpful advice. Until she pops in here, I'll refer you to her general advice for Windows users who are having problems... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Windows-8-and-Fs/m-p/2547404#M163621 If this doesn't solve your problem, we'll need to know more in order to help. Come back to your question and edit it via "Options" over there on the right. Tell us what operating system your computer uses (Windows/Mac/Linux) and just exactly what you have done and what's not working. Good luck!
  11. Hi R0zlyn, Val's shown you everything you need to know about seeing and controlling lookat crosshairs, but as you can see it only takes disabling their transmission to make it impossible for you to achieve your goal. So do what I do. Don't care! ;-)
  12. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I still have that McCall's pattern book I got from you. Took an age to find the three yards of latex needed to make the cover ensemble, but it was worth it. Mmm, yes it was. Maddy, I found my way out. So can you. Just walk towards the big red light that says "Exit." Right next to the table full of herbal teas, "50 Shades of Grey" coffee mugs, and "Twilight"-themed potpourri. You didn't mention the fine print on the "Exit" sign. "to Eden" is a way in, not out. In our post-lapsarian age? Every time I try to get in that way, I find my path blocked by an Angel "at whose Front a flaming Sword, / In signal of remove, waves fiercely round." :-( Angel? Wrong Eden! Well, maybe books are the way to find a "Paradise within thee, better far." :-) If boosting me up to see over the hood of a Corvette is "paradise" (I'm not yet convinced) then yes, books are the way. Preferably large ones, with soft covers... like a phone book.
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning guys! Happy Thursday to you too! Another lovely sunny day here! Enjoying before rain comes back next week! Hugs & love! I just happen to have some SPF 250 sunscreen... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  14. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I still have that McCall's pattern book I got from you. Took an age to find the three yards of latex needed to make the cover ensemble, but it was worth it. Mmm, yes it was. Maddy, I found my way out. So can you. Just walk towards the big red light that says "Exit." Right next to the table full of herbal teas, "50 Shades of Grey" coffee mugs, and "Twilight"-themed potpourri. You didn't mention the fine print on the "Exit" sign. "to Eden" is a way in, not out. In our post-lapsarian age? Every time I try to get in that way, I find my path blocked by an Angel "at whose Front a flaming Sword, / In signal of remove, waves fiercely round." :-( Angel? Wrong Eden!
  15. Hi maeglutz, The only way someone can animate your avatar is if you've given permission for an object to do that, or are wearing an object that is under the control of someone else. If the former is the case, select "Me->Movement->Stop Animating Me" (SL Viewer) or "Avatar->Avatar Health->Stop Animations" (Firestorm). If that's not the case, right click on your avatar and select "Edit Outfit", then carefully look at the items you are wearing to find something unfamiliar or unexpected. Note the name of the thing, take it off, then find it in inventory and delete it. Good luck!
  16. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I still have that McCall's pattern book I got from you. Took an age to find the three yards of latex needed to make the cover ensemble, but it was worth it. Mmm, yes it was. Maddy, I found my way out. So can you. Just walk towards the big red light that says "Exit." Right next to the table full of herbal teas, "50 Shades of Grey" coffee mugs, and "Twilight"-themed potpourri. You didn't mention the fine print on the "Exit" sign. "to Eden" is a way in, not out.
  17. I still have that McCall's pattern book I got from you. Took an age to find the three yards of latex needed to make the cover ensemble, but it was worth it. Mmm, yes it was.
  18. 0hi wrote: Oh hi, Ohi! Yep, you've run into the resolution limit for SL textures of 1024x1024. You can get some improvement by using Photoshop to resize your image to 1024x1024. This way you'll carry the maximum number of pixels into SL. The aspect ratio of your image will be wrong, but you can fix that by setting the aspect ratio of the prim face on which you animate your texture. The size of the image you posted is 1024 x 346, which SL will convert either to 1024x512, or perhaps even 1024x256 (texture dimensions are always powers of two). By resampling down to 1024x1024 in Photoshop, you'll prevent SL from squishing even further. While this isn't what you're hoping for, it's still 2-4x better than what you've got. Here's what you'd import to SL (I squished your example to 512x512, you'd do 1024x1024)... Good luck! ETA: Each of your frames in this example (presuming 1024x1024) would be 102.4x166.6 pixels. Lowering the number of frames would give each frame more pixels to work with, so it's a tradeoff of frames vs. resolution, always constrained by the one million pixel maximum of SL textures.
  19. Hi Jeff, I'll guess those evil eyes are a li'l crossed at the moment. If you are truly hovering, meaning that you are floating in the air, bobbing up and down slightly, possibly with arms flailing, you can try hitting "F" or the "Home" key to quit flying, or "C" or "Page Down" to land. Sometimes a relog fixes this as well. If you are not bobbing and/or flailing, but just too high off the ground, you can adjust that by right clicking on your avatar and selecting "Edit Shape" or "Edit Appearance" and then going to the "Body" tab, where you'll find the "Hover" slider at the very bottom. That's nominally 50, but you can movie it down to 49 or maybe a little more to get closer to the ground. Unfortunately this only works if you are wearing a modifyable shape. Good luck!
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: MizzKittenzz wrote: I'm new to sl, that being said I'd like to make some friends who are somewhat active as me. I also have a Facebook so we can also communicate on there. My Facebook is the same, mizzkittenzz So, it's working for you now? Any idea what the issue was? She knows, but others who've revealed the cause have gone missing. She'd be wise to keep quiet.
  21. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: you can try a support ticket. if they decline to fix it, and the photo belongs to you, you could force the issue thru a DMCA takedown notice. Perfect! I was looking for a way to get LL's attention. That'll do it.
  22. Hi Kylie, Do it entirely yourself. You can search the web for sounds you can test drive. You can't do that in the marketplace. Once you've got the sound, if it's not already in the correct format, you must convert it. That's not too terribly difficult to do with a tool like Audacity. Once that's done, you upload it, drop it into the "Contents" folder of the church, or a prim you rez just to contain the sound (you can hide it in a corner or make it invisible). Then you drop in a player script. There are probably examples of those out on the web. Here's a shell from which you can probably get what you want.. default{ state_entry() { llLoopSound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND,0), 1.0); }} That will play the sound continuously, which might be enough to drive people to athiesm. If you want something less insistent, you could put a call to llPlaySound() in a timer, set to go off every 15 minutes, like this... default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(15*60); // 15 minutes, expressed as seconds } timer() { llPlaySound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND,0), 1.0); }} Here are some free church bell sounds... http://www.sounddogs.com/results.asp?Type=1&CategoryID=1008&SubcategoryID=10 Pick out a bell sound you like. Get Audacity. When you're ready to yell "Help", you know where to find us! ;-)
  23. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie and Maddy! Happy Hump Day to you!. Today's homework: learning to fly! Hugs & love ya! The staff of Greystoke Mahale Tanzanian park equipped a pelican, separated from its congeners by a storm, with a Go Pro camera type. Its first flight is also an opportunity for beautiful images. I can't fly, but it's fun to play with those big pink creatures... Monday will be coming over the horizon soon! Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  24. Hi Dorzo, Here's a searchable table of benchmark data for various graphics systems... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php The Iris 5100 scores 707. The dedicated NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M graphics chip in the top-end 15 inch MacBook Pro scores 1524. These numbers are probably just rough indications of SL performance, as they're generated on Windows machines, using benchmark routines that may not reflect the way SL uses OpenGL to draw everything. I was a little surprised to see the integrated Iris getting halfway to the NVIDIA scores. Intel's Haswell is clearly an improvement. The previous generation 4000 graphics scored 457. For comparison, my 1.5 year old iMac has the NVIDIA GT 680MX, which scores 4339. I get 20-30FPS on Ultra in most places. I don't expect you'll want to run Ultra, except briefly when shooting photographs. I don't believe the SL viewer is Retina aware, so it may not take advantage of that beautiful display. This page has a video of someone running SL on a MacBook Pro, though it's not clear which model... http://www.firstpost.com/topic/product/macbook-pro-second-life-on-a-macbook-pro-video-yHkYcviKzJE-51428-8.html Good luck!
  25. I've never used it, but here's a program that will create a sculpt map from a .raw file. http://svc.sl.marvulous.co.uk/raw2sculpt.html By applying this to a 256x256 megaprim, you should get a full sim sized piece of terrain you can float in the sky.
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