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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: madam Martian wrote: Makes note to herself... 1. Learn to type faster. 2 Dont get lost trying to find a link while trying to post at the same time cause then Heart will beat ya to it.... *grins hugsss Yes, well. Join the club on that one. It's happened to me more than I like. We need really intelligent forum software that can let us know that someone else is already posting the killer argument we're busy typing. ;-) RIC the killer post? ;-)
  2. Hi Kimmy, Here's what Linden Lab says on the subject... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy Note in particular section "a" of the License Conditions. If I understand that correctly, you could prohibit snapshots in your covenant, then AR anything containing an image of your sim. I don't expect you'd go ARing visitors who take snapshots for feed posts, or for personal use, and I don't think your failure to do so would jeopardize your standing with LL upon issuing an AR for content you find for sale that contains images of your sim. So, I'd recommend adding a statement to your covenant that at least prohibits taking snapshots for anything other than "fair use". It won't make any difference whether anybody reads that clause, it's really there for the Lindens who investigate your abuse reports. Good luck... and send me (or all of us) a LM, I wanna see your work!
  3. madam Martian wrote: I got a simular question, and hope its okay I poste in this thread.... Is it normal that a post/comment containing nothing wrong what so ever, would be removed? and if so, who, when, where do I contact to get a answer? (yeah I'm pretty annoyed by this, to be honest) Is every post that might be RIC, removed or are they read and evaluated before removed... I made a post earlier in a thread where someone had a discussion (I didnt really see a discussion, more like misunderstandings + I had no part in those).... Well I wrote something like *smile and be happy... and that I personally find ppl in this forum very helpful, even thou I am not very active. Someone else had previously to that posted that they thought that others act like Gods, so just to be sure I refered to me not being a Godess (that other comment about Gods did NOT get removed) But is it me, or do you see anything wrong in those words? cause I dont, but Im not english so I sometimes mess up without knowing it... which is why Im asking here before I go further with it... + I got no idea where to go with it anyhow.. LOL) And thank you for any respons to this.... (I am not to much into the guidelines of the forum as some is confusing to me on english, so I try to pick up and learn little by little).. but at this episode I do not see anything wrong at all... and its annoying me that my post gets removed when nothing wrong was in it (that I could see).... I would understand if I knew I wrote something wrong, but I cant see the wrong in it... I really cant.... *goes to sit down in the corner and pouts... I hope it makes sence what I write... I try to find words but i loose em too... just like my post LOL Your English seems about as good as mine, Madam Martian. (Do we call you Madam? Maddy? Marty? Got a preference? ;-) But I've got an excuse for my bad English. I'm from Wisconsin. I've had posts pulled for no apparent reason. I've presumed they were RIC'ed by someone who didn't like me. I've also had posts vanish because they were replies to posts that were RIC'ed. When that happens, everything downwind of the removed post goes with it (well, I think that's how it works). I've participated in threads that have gone missing when nothing in them appeared to violate the TOS or Community Guidelines. And I've had threads pulled (April fools day 2011 and 2012) and got my wrist slapped because I was deemed excessively irreverent. It would be unreasonable to expect something as little trafficked as the forums to get much attention from the Lindens. There are currently 52,315 residents in-world and 137 logged into the forum. There are about 200 Lindens, so you might expect to have half a Linden dedicated to the entirety of the forum, including maintenance of the hosting contract with Lithium (the providers of the forum), moderation and upkeep. So, when a RIC comes in, it shouldn't surprise us that the post is pulled without examination. And it is possible that the moderation we see is sometimes performed by Lithium staff, or a third party, not Lindens. We just don't know. If it makes you feel any better, you're cute when you pout. Although I'm not a Goddess, I am a High Priestess, so I know cute when I see it. ;-)
  4. Coventina Dalgleish wrote: Current statistics on media storage failures are 1.5% for ssd and 5% for hard drives. I've read that statistic as well. A couple years ago, Google presented a paper describing their experience with HD failures across all their server farms. They punctured a lot of myths with that paper, including the "bathtub curve" and "hot is bad". I look forward to a comprehensive analysis of solid state storage from a major player someday soon. Fusion IO and others are running headlong into the SSD server market, and I don't think they're doing it blindly.
  5. Hi xavier, Try Advanced->Clear Group Cache. If you don't have the advanced menu showing, type Ctrl-Alt-D. Someone else was recently unable to view members of a group, but her problem sounds different than yours. She was also unable to leave the group. Nevertheless... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/Joined-group-can-t-see-any-group-members-listed-amp-have-tried/qaq-p/2552116 Hopefully someone will come along with a better answer before you go through all that! Good luck! ETA: I think the latest Firestorm update recommended a clean install. Did you do that? If not, here's how... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231
  6. MizzKittenzz wrote: My husband went longer then 4yrs... But anyway... I'm off to shop a bit. As its getting really personal here ... Instead of calmly stating an opinion it somehow instead goes directly to personal attacks ... I hope you didn't take my response as a personal attack. It was simply an explanation and an observation. Had I done my graduate work the "approved" way, I'd have something approaching a PHd in a mashup of electrical/biomedical engineering and physics. But I do things my way, so I officially have only a BSEE and lots of post graduate credits that add up to nothing more than the satisfaction of my own curiosity. Technology moves fast. Much of what I learned in school (other than how to learn) is already obsolete. So when I encounter certainty about a technology (or anything really), I question it. I do not wave my diploma as proof I know anything. It's just too humbing (and exciting ;-) when a youngster on her/his way to earning one runs circles around me. When that happens, I do my best to not be swatted aside.
  7. Hi Casimora, If your Linden home has remaining room in the 117 prim allowance, you can rez and unpack boxes. Some boxes are only one prim, but I've seen fancy boxes with bows and ribbons that have been in the vicinity of 10 prims. If you haven't room for those, you'll either have to head to a sandbox, or temporarily take something back into inventory to make room. If you are using Firestorm, you can do that and then after unpacking and deleting/taking back the box, find the thing you took back into inventory, right click it and "Restore" it to the last position it occupied in your home. Good luck!
  8. MizzKittenzz wrote: Just curious, is there anyway to contact the admin of this forum? Thanks. PS. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. I'm not aware of any purposeful (and sensible) way to contact the forum moderators. I am aware of ways to "accidentally" get their attention. ;-)
  9. Sassy Romano wrote: As others have said, just go SSD and be happy. Use it for the whole machine. With regard to lifespan, be it SSD or spinning disk, you should plan for a back up. People store far too much digital data these days without realising just how often disks fail and when they fail, they fail. I've lost plenty of disks but less data due to my regime. At present my PC has an OS disk which is SSD. Two 2TB disks which are configured as a mirror so a drive can fail with no loss of data. A further 2TB disk which is used soley as a nightly backup of 7 day retention of the main SSD. I'm far less interested in arguing about warranty or lifespan than accidental deletion, malware infection or other potential data loss that might occur. It's irrelevant to me whether an SSD lasts 1, 2 or 3 years as it'll be under warranty. What does matter is that I can recover my PC within an hour with minimum effort and by the time 3 years has passed, i'll want a bigger SSD anyway and so it's likely to be refreshed before it wears out. Yep. My main computer has a SSD/HD mashup Apple calls "Fusion Drive". That's backed up every hour in a ping-pong fashion to two external hard drives. When I was working, my client files were also backed up to a network drive, slowly bounced to my website and at the termination of every project, or upon reaching a milestone, archived to a 2.5" project specific HD which was stored off site (either in my barn or at Mom's ;-) An HD, Flash drive or SD card was also sent to the client, containing a virtual machine image of the entire working environment for my project. The OS, tools, and all data files were frozen in time at the moment of project completion. I run no malware detection/removal software, as my personal experience has been that such things are far more dangerous than the malware I'm easily able to avoid. I do not burn CDs or DVDs because I've had too much trouble with longevity or compatibility between the various machines I've used to burn them and read them over the years. I haven't had a hardware failure of any kind in years, but I have had hard drives become unreadable because of firmware errors. Reformatting and updating the drives has brought them back. There isn't any form of storage I trust as much as pencil/ink/toner on paper. ;-)
  10. Rolig Loon wrote: a line that is 1 pixel wide at 2048 x 2048 will disappear at lower resolution. Not necessarily! A good downsampling algorithm will retain that line through quite a bit of squishing. Here's an example. I started with four 1 pixel wide lines at 2048x2048, then cut the dimensions in half all the way down to 8x8. I used Photoshop's standard Bicubic resampling. I think you can see all four lines all the way down to 16x16. That's 128x reduction in dimension! Notice that the diagonals survive longer than the vertical/horizontal. That's an artifact of the drawing and decimating algorithms. I completely agree with the rest of your statement, but I'm oppositional, so I must always find something to disagree with. Some of you may have noticed that I'm constantly altering my forum badge. I do my original work at 4x the badge resolution, using a template I made by scaling up a snapshot of my empty badge. I often nudge my image pieces by one pixel to get just the right placement in the final badge. So I'm routinely making adjustments at 1/4th of an output pixel, and I can easily see the difference. I do all my skin/clothing work at 2048x2048. If SL ever allows higher resolution avatar textures, I'm ready.
  11. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: You must abuse your drives a lot worse than I do... anyway, those are my experiences as well. "tick grind tick....nothing". Makes my skin creep. I did run some disk intensive engineering software years ago, but most of the failures were due to manufacturing issues, I think. I bought three Maxtor drives in the late 90s to build a little RAID server. All of them died within the first year. All of their replacements died within the second. I've never lost data due to a drive failure. I have, twice, lost data to anti-virus software. I will never again run anti-virus software. And oh, I do remember that sound. ... shudders.
  12. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: MizzKittenzz wrote: Every PC savvy person knows that you do not turn a PC off daily, let alone even weekly... Eh... You mean "not weekly, let alone daily" maybe? Anyway, that's just complete nonsense. Yes you may save a few cents at the time but in the long run you'll pay more for killing your hard drive. Two of my hard drives have failed me so far. On both accounts it was the heads coming off. Leaving your computer on all day, every day will not prevent that. I don't know where you live, but leaving your computer on all day costs quite a bit more than a few cents. Please don't tell me you also leave the car running when you don't use it. It will lengthen the life of many expensive components in the engine, but is it economical? Your TV, do you leave that on as well? Maybe your stereo equipment? Let's say my computer draws 5W when in sleep mode. I don't use my computer 16 hours a day. Let's assume the PC goes into sleep mode the second I don't use it. 5x16x365=212000Wh=212kWh. 212x€0,25=€53,-. So every two years you can buy a brand new SSD. I've lost maybe ten hard drives in the twenty some years I've owned them. I've yet to lose any solid state storage device. That's across all my iPods, iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, audio recorders, video cameras, DSLRs, test equipment, etc. Solid state storage is certainly newer than rotating magnetic media, but it's becoming increasingly well understood and the wear leveling and error detection algorithms get better all the time. Meanwhile magnetic recording is pushing up against the quantum limits of magnetic domains and will succumb to the kinds of degradation mechanisms recognizable to those who fight tunneling/oxide wear in the itty bitty transistors of Flash memory devices. Reading bits off a hard drive is already an exercise in heady stochastics. Solid state will displace magnetic storage, so this argument has a finite lifetime.
  13. MizzKittenzz wrote: I'm not gonna argue as you think you're right and that's your opinion. Every PC savvy person knows that you do not turn a PC off daily, let alone even weekly... Yes you may save a few cents at the time but in the long run you'll pay more for killing your hard drive. Its hard to explain things to people who don't know what they're even talking about. Modern hard drives spin themselves down when idle. Mechanically, that's the same as powering down. Most computers have standby modes in which they draw minimal power. In the old days, one could make an argument that power cycling had some detrimental effects, as the rapid thermal shift of the electronics from room to operating temperature (a difference of 50C or more at times) and back again stressed the chip and system interconnections. But the quality of chip and system construction has improved dramatically over the years, and power cycling is done automatically to conserve energy, so there's really no way to avoid it. Anyone watching the GPU thermometer in their computer when launching SL will see the temperature shoot up, then see it drop back down after quitting. That stress is no different than turning the computer on and off. My iMac draws nominally 150W during casual usage, spiking to 250W when I'm in SL. When I walk away from it, and it goes to sleep, power consumption drops to three quarters of a Watt. That is effectively off. If you are operating a computer in a very high humidity environment (outdoors on a summer evening, as I often do when star-gazing), there may be some benefit to leaving it on and disabling sleep. The higher power consumption will keep the computer interior warmed above the dew point, slowing deterioration of moisture sensitive components. You may not consider me PC savvy, but I see no harm in shutting down a computer when it's not going to be used. And if it's as efficient as my Mac, I see no harm in leaving it on either. Having a degree in something (I have a degree in something!) is precious little indication of one's actual knowledge. If you can learn something in four years, may not be difficult and probably doesn't change. As for it being hard to explain things to people who don't know what they're talking about, I don't believe that's true. I do it all the time, and I'm lazy! But trying to explain things to people who won't listen? ;-)
  14. Hi Bugs, Any abuse report filed with Linden Lab will want some sort of evidence of a violation of the TOS. I don't think it makes a difference who presents the evidence. If the purported TOS violation is known to you only through hearsay, then you have no direct evidence to submit and LL will probably not act on the AR. But, we're residents here, just like you. If you want the definitive (non)answer, file the AR and see what doesn't happen!
  15. Hola AquilesVailoyo, Hice una búsqueda de la Segunda Vida mercado para los avatares de animales, clasificadas por precio. Esa búsqueda encontró cientos de trajes de avatar gratis. ¡Prepárate para pasar algún tiempo mirando a través de todos ellos. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search%5Bcategory_id%5D=99&search%5Bcopy_permission%5D=0&search%5Bkeywords%5D=&search%5Blayout%5D=gallery&search%5Bmaturity%5D%5B%5D=General&search%5Bmaturity%5D%5B%5D=Moderate&search%5Bmaturity%5D%5B%5D=Adult&search%5Bmodify_permission%5D=0&search%5Bpage%5D=1&search%5Bper_page%5D=12&search%5Bprice_high%5D=&search%5Bprice_low%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_high%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_low%5D=&search%5Bsort%5D=price_asc&search%5Btransfer_permission%5D=0&utf8=✓ Sin embargo, usted ha mencionado ajustar su forma avatar. Esto por lo general no es posible para un avatar animal. Si quieres tener un avatar humano con adiciones de los animales, entonces usted puede encontrar algo gratis al buscar "neko" en el mercado. Habrá muchas avatar accesorios neko libre para que usted pueda elegir. Buena suerte, espero que usted consigue un montón de masajes en el vientre! ;-)
  16. The spring thaw is in full force. My poor Doritos!... Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  17. Hi Alexios, The only advantage of enabling pathfinding comes if you envision actually using that facility. It does allow for some interesting automated gameplay, but I haven't seen it in use much. On the downside, to minimize server load, you must run around and mark all stationary objects on your sim as "static". This allows the simulator to add them to the precompiled "navmesh" that pathfinding objects navigate. Objects that are not marked as such must be computed into the mesh in real-time and can cause up to 4ms (1ms for homestead) of server load per 45ms frame. Every time you move a static object, you must rebake the navmesh. The simulator caps the navigation load at those limits, so you'll not notice more than that proportion of additional lag. Here's the full scoop on pathfinding... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Pathfinding-FAQ/td-p/1672699 Good luck, and watch your step!
  18. I've a friend who raises peacocks. Every spring the male sprouts a magnificent tail and struts around for the girls. I can't help but be reminded of putting on war paint and heels to entice my ex-hubby 20+ years ago. I morphed that into a "neener, neener, neener" moment for the bowling pin, who knows damned well there's nothing I can do to harm him. He also knows I can't stop trying. My friend Quinn loved to taunt me over my failures to kill her. I was raised in a family where being "insulted" or "shamed" was a sign of affection. So yes I'm drenched in shame at the moment. And since I imagine that put a smile on your face, I'm loving it. Thanks! ;-)
  19. Hi Angel, We're residents like you and so are not in a position to address this concern. LL can be made aware of copyright/trademark infringement via DCMA takedown notifications. You could notify the Hells Angels so they can decide for themselves whether the usage of their trademarks in SL is acceptable. Send them examples of the infringement you've found, and the link to the SL DCMA takedown notifcation page. If they find the use of their intellectual property here objectionable, they'll have the mechanism to alert Linden Lab.
  20. Hi SnowWhite, I think you'll find better luck asking your question in one of these subforums... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Lifestyles-and-Relationships/bd-p/lifestyles_relationships http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/bd-p/RolePlay http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/bd-p/MakeFriends Well, maybe you'll have better luck. The forum crowd can be a rough bunch!
  21. Val's date was better looking than mine, which was an entire bottle of Guinness. Next year I'm drinking only half of it... Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  22. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: You don't know who my friends are, or how I spend my time. I can help with that, Pussycat. To judge from my feed, most of her time seems to be spent giving enormously popular parties. (Of the non-political kind.) :-) * Laughs* Well, my feed tells a small bit the story. Like one piece of a puzzle. ; ) Every time I see a puzzle under construction, I am soooo tempted to noodle with it. One extra piece can drive a person nuts.
  23. Bonjour Enola, Voici une page Web qui contient des instructions pour trouver votre fenêtre d'inventaire manquant. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows Bonne chance!
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