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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. I've never used it, but here's a program that will create a sculpt map from a .raw file. http://svc.sl.marvulous.co.uk/raw2sculpt.html By applying this to a 256x256 megaprim, you should get a full sim sized piece of terrain you can float in the sky.
  2. I don't believe shape creators are ripping anybody off. They must drape a skin on their shapes to show them and it's perfectly legal and ethical to buy a skin and use it to demo shapes. It would be in the best interest of shape and skin designers to work together, as skins and shapes are highly interdependent and you can't demo one without the other. Because skins and shapes are so highly interdependent and it's the combination that you're viewing in an advertisment, it's not surprising that a style card might have some value. And it could be for this reason that the shape designer didn't include the style card in the demo. The shape gets you only halfway to the look you want. It's frustrating, and neither you nor I would do it, but it's not nutty. After several long and frustrating searches for a pleasing shape for a skin I got off the web and modified, I finally gave up and played "slider wars" for a day to create my own. There are better looking skin/shape combos out there, but I've got mine to where I don't dislike it, and I'm free to mess it up in any way I wish.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: MizzKittenzz wrote: Well I tried everything and nothing worked... so I went to go use the facilities, came back and it let me in... I did nothing and it actually let me in... Thanks for trying to help everyone, it apears it was on their end possibly?... It's working now and I didn't really do anything as nothing I did do worked prior. Yayyyyy They have been doing rolling restarts today so it is possible that by some fluke of nature some thing Server Side that was affecting you got "fixed." This is such a rare thing. I counted six times this particular error has ever been asked about in this Forum and in none of those instances did I see any one report back their problem was fixed and / or any other information. Oooh, the plot thickens. What if those six people discovered the commode flush lever connection, and were silenced before they could reveal it? Watch your back, MizzKIttenzz!
  4. MizzKittenzz wrote: Well I tried everything and nothing worked... so I went to go use the facilities, came back and it let me in... I did nothing and it actually let me in... Thanks for trying to help everyone, it apears it was on their end possibly?... It's working now and I didn't really do anything as nothing I did do worked prior. Don't discount the possibility that the commode flush lever is, for reasons we may never comprehend, the missing piece of this puzzle. It would be so cool to witness the birth of a cargo cult!
  5. I also don't know why a pre-fab would require external files to work. It may be that you're given a set of Photoshop PSD files, some 3D meshes for various structures (perhaps for Blender or a similar tool) and a set of instructions. From those, you might be able to customize your creation and upload it to SL, where you would indeed be shown as the creator of the thing. So, the external design files have been prefabricated for you, but the final act of creation is up to you. The cynic in me says this is a wonderful way to sell you something that violates the bejeebus out of SL's TOS by keeping the content outside of SL. Only the money passes through SL. The optimist in me says this is a wonderful way to obtain flexibility in the design of things that goes well beyond what's available in-world. I don't know enough about this particular situation to say if I'm a cynic or an optimist. ;-)
  6. I just launched the SL Viewer and verified that the built-in browser does not recognize image files on my Mac. This is the behavior I recall from long ago. Firestorm's built-in browser does appear to work. I always use Safari to edit my profile. If you're on a PC, you'd use IE (unless it gives you problems, it doesn't play well with SL's web properties), Firefox, Chrome etc. Using the browser of your choice, surf to this addess (you'll probably have to log-in with your SL credentials) and upload your profile picture there... https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile ETA: It may not be clear that you are actually surfing my.secondlife.com with a skimpy built-in web browser when you edit your profile in-world. You are in-world, but your profile is on the web, and better accessed with a full featured web browser.
  7. Hi Millenna, Do you mean something like this?
  8. I'm not sure how RAW files are associated with that pre-fab you saw. RAW files are used to design sim terrain maps outside of SL. In-world, you can only landscape the terrain using the bulldozer tools. Out-world, you can use image editing tools to create the elevations, saving time and allowing you to save/restore different landscapes. Here's more than you probably want to know about them... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Tips_for_Creating_Heightfields_and_Details_on_Terrain_RAW_Files It'I doubt this is the meaning of RAW intended by the creator of the pre-fab. They're probably referring to textures, 3D structures and other files that are delivered outside SL for use with external design tools.
  9. You are using the viewer's built-in browser... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Second-Life-Tech/Profile-pic-woes/m-p/2541792#M105
  10. Ilvenna wrote: Tex: Thanks for the tip. Madelaine: I suppose I should clarify that I'm trying to add an inworld profile picture, not a forum avatar. But thanks for the tip! That's helpful to know. I'm not speaking about the forum. And there is no in-world profile. The profile has been web based for quite some time. If you are using the viewer's built in web browser to edit your profile, that's probably the problem. That browser is a mess. Go here and upload your picture... https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile
  11. Hi Livenna, Are you attempting to edit your profile via Internet Explorer? Some have complained of issues there. Try Firefox or Chrome?
  12. Hi Tiny, Here's the page Linden Lab provides to tell you how to contact them... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-contact-customer-support/ta-p/739385 Phone numbers are provided only for billing support. Here's the link to those numbers, which is provided in the above page... https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  13. Hi Merzuski, Some third party SL Viewers may continue to use the deprecated (but still loved my many) "Pie Menu" that appears when you right click avatars/objects in SL. Is this the "command wheel" you're referring to? If so, and that menu pops up, but you are unable to move your mouse over any of the pie sections, your computer may need to be restarted. This problem vexed me when I used to run SL under Windows, and a restart of my computer cleared it up. If I've misunderstood your question (I do that a lot, sometimes accidentally ;-) or if my solution makes no sense or doesn't work, come back and edit your question (as described by Rolig) and give a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to do. Also tell us which viewer you are using, whether you are using Mac/Windows/Linux, etc. Good luck!
  14. Hi marijane, There are no log-in time limits for anyone. I'm trying to imagine what you're experiencing and I can think of only three things: You are being timed-out of a public wi-fi network that has service limits. You are being logged out of Second Life because of some kind of communications error. It's Tuesday and you are being chased out of SL by the weekly rolling restarts. Come back and edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to tell us more about what you are doing, and what's not working. In particular, describe what happens when you are logged out. What messages do you see? If you're getting warning messages that the simulator will be shutting down in a few minutes, you've stumbled into the Tuesday Blues. That should clear as the wave of restarts passes. You can find out when maintenance work is affecting the grid by looking here... http://status.secondlifegrid.net Good luck!
  15. LaskyaClaren wrote: Snugs McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Her suggestion that this is a "10 year old game" is accurate enough, I suppose, but obviously doesn't account for the degree to which it has changed. I'm 43, and hope your statement works as analogy. Absolutely. You've changed at least 4.3 times as much as SL. And I bet you're much much less laggy than you used to be. :-) What are you willing to bet? My hypothesis is based upon the speed with which she can change accounts on the SL Forum. I stand by it. :-) Snugs underestimates us.
  16. LaskyaClaren wrote: Her suggestion that this is a "10 year old game" is accurate enough, I suppose, but obviously doesn't account for the degree to which it has changed. I'm 43, and hope your statement works as analogy.
  17. Hi Signorella, You needn't use the viewer to edit your profile. Go here... https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile You can upload images directly from your computer for both the SL and RL pictures.
  18. Hi TealHart, If the SL Viewer is telling you there's a problem with the connection, I'd not immediately disagree with it. SL is terribly picky about the quality (not so much the speed) of your internet connection. Nalates Urriah has a detailed treatise on improving your internet connection for use with SL... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  19. We're residents, just like you. Some of us may have sold land but I doubt any of us have done it often enough to have valid statistics for "time on market" for a quarter region. So your admonition to "don't give me the usual "it varies" or "depends on, etc" precludes us from giving you any answer at all.
  20. Hi June, This is the peril of delegating something so precious as the birth of a child to an automated messaging system. I imagine the thing came with instructions, or a link to a website containing them, and I advise you to search for and read those instructions. Some time back, I gave birth to 23 wriggling little Octopi, all named Dave (It wasn't a smart thing to do, but now it's too late). It was a fairly painless affair. I slammed my belly slider all the way to the right, yelled "Thar they blow!!!" in public chat, then proceeded to post links to every calamatous giant octopus images I could Google. In the ensuring years my babies have devoured countless hapless people, in both SL and RL. They're still on the loose, and doing their mamma proud. You've been warned. Good luck, Mom!
  21. Hi Wing, Your question confuses me. I'll take a wild guess that you found your avatar either stuck in a pose, or doing an animation and that you thought you'd sat on a pose ball. You clicked "Stand" at the bottom of the screen and that did not "free" your avatar from the pose. You are now wondering what menu has the command to stop all animations. In Firestorm, Avatar->Movement contains some animation controls, and Avatar->Avatar Health contains the "Stop Avatar Animations" command. In the LL SL Viewer, Me->Movement contains some animation controls and "Stop Animating Me".
  22. Hi Myfanwy, Let me reword the title of your question to more accurately reflect the reality as I see it. "I complained of being spied on by imaginary means, I got no affirmation". The reason you got no affirmation is that the spying you imagine is... imagined. There are no mechanisms by which "spies" can know everything you do in SL, unless you cooperate with them. But then it's not spying, is it? The capabilities, or lack thereof, of tracking HUDs have been explained to you. If you do not like those explanation, do not come back here and complain again. You will not get different explanations. The best way to stop imagined spying is, I'm afraid, probably not easy. You must stop imagining it.
  23. Hi JShawn, There are a few secrets Linden Lab keeps very close to their vests. The exact date of their conversion to/from Daylight Savings Time is one of them! ;-)
  24. Hi lili, It appears that the interests section of our profiles is broken. People, including me, are unable to add or remove interests. I have no idea whether Linden Lab is planning or able to fix the problem. I recommend you file both a Support Case and a Bug Report .
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