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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Ooooh, I'd forgotten about mirror water! And that method is double fun. Who doesn't like walking on walls?
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Kimsby Kidd wrote: Please don't fight amongst yourselves because a VERY old troll has re-appeared in the forum! He must be having a really good laugh...... I don't think he would stoop this low. Writing like a child would be just too far beneath his dignity. Though thinking like a child was not. I do that too. ;-). ETA: Some of the questions posed by Splatulated are still interesting, even if they've been asked many times before.
  3. Dora Gustafson wrote: Splatulated wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: No. thats depressing why can this game make everything except a mirror D: ?? You can fake a mirror: sit and move the camera to look at you from the mirror image position :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: You can also fake a shiny floor by duplicating the walls and objects in the room, flipping the copies upside down below the floor, then giving the floor a little transparency. Many years ago, I visited a store that had done this. The effect was very nice, and a bit ghostly, as avatars were not "reflected" in the floor.
  4. The lake is still frigid, but I can't wait any longer to take out my kayak. If you see me shivering during the next week, you'll know why... Happy Monday, Kids!!!
  5. Hi peggyuo, We're residents, just like you. The Lindens never visit the Answers forum. Try calling the billing department at 800-294-1067? Good luck!
  6. Hi WinterKyst, There's nothing for me to add to Mari's explanation of banning. But I am curious about your "black hood" comment. You say your friend can't rez, and does not see a black hood on his head. If he hasn't rezzed, I imagine he's not seeing anything. If his failure to rez appears to be the result of your experience being ejected and banned from the store, it's possible that your friend was wearing something that was griefing the place you two visited. That same thing may be preventing him from rezzing properly now. But all this is conjecture on my part. We'd need more information from you to offer any sensible advice. Come back to your question and edit it (via "Options" over there on the right) to tell us more about your friend's inability to rez, and this black hood he's expecting to see. Good luck!
  7. Hi Ford, Unfortunately the discount expired at 8AM PDT (which is SLT), just about the time you posted. Don't ask me why Linden Lab chose a time other than midnight. But, should they offer the discount again, the free Linden Home would be included.
  8. Hi Melissaa, I'd place the tattoo image on a small prim that you attach. Pick a prim type, cube, cylinder, or sphere, from which you can cut away a surface section that roughly matches the contour of the small area of skin you're covering. Make the entire prim transparent except the face on which the tattoo goes. Apply your tattoo texture to that remaining visible face. The texture should fill the image area you're using, and you'll pick an upload size that yields the resolution you desire. Once you've textured the object, attach it to the body part to be tattooed and position it so the textured surface is just above the skin. This isn't a perfect solution, but I've used it successfully. Good luck!
  9. Hi Marquis, In addition to Lindal's suggestion, if you are using the Firestorm viewer you might try locating the source of the light (I agree with her that a light is the most likely explanation for your green color cast). Right click it and select Derender. This will remove only the thing containing the offending light source, not all local lights. To make it easier to find light sources, select "World->Show More->Beacons" then check "Bounding boxes for lights in scene". Local light sources will then highlight in aqua with wireframe bounding boxes. If you want the derender to be permanent, select "Derender + Blacklist". Good luck! ETA: if the green cast is caused by particles as Rolig suggests, check "Particle sources" in the beacon window, find the particle generator and derender it. If you are able to right click on a particle, you can select "Block particle owner".
  10. I'm agreed. As a nefarious alpha female, I'm going get where I want to go. But, I don't like confrontation. So, rather than bulldoze, I tunnel. My endorphin rush comes from being with someone who's happy to toss me the keys to her Cat and let me run amok. My goal is the same as anyone in a healthy relationship, to please my partner. But I must be allowed to believe I'm driving. It's deliriously fun to be with someone who enjoys that conceit. I may be at the controls, but my partner provides the power.
  11. Persephone Emerald wrote: Here's another fun trick: Make a ball big enough for you to stand completely inside it. Make it hollow to 95%. Stand inside it. Make the inside surface (or Face) Transparent. Then make it physical. This makes a big hamster ball you can walk around SL inside, kind of the in "The Prisoner" (1960's British sci-fi show). Now that's thinking inside the ball! I'm gonna add you to my "people to call for fun ideas" list.
  12. Radium Soup wrote: Young man, these posts are becoming dull. ...salts and peppers you to taste. ;-).
  13. Hi Jason, I haven't had UI sounds turned on since 2008, so I don't even remember what they're like, or if they've changed in a recent release. There is a table of UI sound UUIDs here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Client_sounds And there's a table of debug settings for changing UI sounds here (search for "UISnd" ... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Settings#U Using the table and the Debug Settings window (in the Advanced Menu) you should be able to change UI sounds to your heart's content, possibly even replacing them with sounds you upload yourself (I've never tried it, but that could be fun). Someone else may know if a recent viewer release changed the UI sounds. If that hasn't happened, then it's possible a viewer file has been corrupted on your computer and it's time for a re-installation, perhaps a clean one... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Should you choose to do a clean re-install, pay attention to the Note: about saving chat and IM logs. Good luck!
  14. Hi Andrea(Shh), I'll say this very quietly ;-). Yes, you can change houses, up to five times a day. But... you cannot select a particular house for your next one. You can only select the theme you want and then take whatever house in that themed region is given to you by the Linden Lottery. Here's the full scoop... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103#Section_.1.1 Good luck!
  15. So that's what I've been doing wrong. Rather than shooting my friends with guns, I should shoot them with other friends?
  16. It's so easy to get an A in your classes, Hippie. All I need to do is write the answers on a strip of of bacon. Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  17. Persephone has explained how to add both gravity and elasticity to a ball, and she's right about it being great fun to drop things in SL. Should you ever find yourself in a suitable place (an otherwise empty sim with rez rights) among friends who'll tolerate your silliness, create a 64m diameter ball, set it physical per Persephone's instructions, then fly to a great height and drop it. Setting it to "temporary" before dropping it relieves you of fetching it after the drop. It'll disappear within a minute. Years ago, when I shared a sim with some friends, I'd get in a mood to squish them. I'd shove piles of temporary physical prims off my building platform and wait for IMs (I was well beyond public chat range) to pop up. ;-).
  18. Hi DarkAngel, The camera window pops up in response to clicking the camera toolbar button, which looks like an eye. If you don't have that button showing, right click in the toolbar and select "Toolbar buttons..." then drag the camera controls button to the toolbar and click it. If you have the button, and clicking it does nothing, the camera window has probably tried to escape. You can recapture it by following the instructions on this page... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/missing_windows You'll want to reset the debug settings on the "Camera Controls" line in that table. Good luck!
  19. DejaHo wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: DejaHo wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: DejaHo wrote: Today, the cost of an L, please excuse the following pun, has traded virtually unchanged since before the announcement by Mr. Ebbe Altberg of a 2015 v2 release of Second Life.. That's only 6-8 months from today. You've misunderstood or misquoted Ebbe. I don't expect to see SL2 before 2016, if at all. In your most humble opinion Is that early or late 2016? What do you mean by if at all, are you saying the CEO has lied to us? Something as complex as SL2 cannot be taken from concept to delivery in 6-8 months. From my experience with such things, two years seems more likely. So I'd expect to see SL2 ready for occupancy no earlier than mid 2016. I don't think that disagrees terribly with anything Ebbe's been saying. And, to ensure that my opinion is humble, I'll admit that I'm terrible at estimating how long it'll take me to complete a project. That's one reason I retired. I was just getting tired of burning myself out to keep my unrealistic promises. There appear to be some things I cannot learn. As for "if at all", Ebbe cannot control the unknowns and external forces at work on Linden Lab. I expect Ebbe and his team will work like hell to make their dream come true. But, that is no guarantee of success. If they try their best and fail, as I often do, it is not a lie. It is life. Why are you preaching to me? I don't need technology lessons either. I asked a question relating to the sl economy and you're off on some personal riff about deliverables. The ceo told us 2015. Do you know when LL started development, no, you only know when it was announced, am I correct? Just because you are terrible at estimating doesn't mean Mr. Altberg is as terrible as you. I've already made my determination (which I'd be happy to revise, given evidence) that you let your dogma out unleashed, allowing it to block your view of the evidence it's burying. As I've already pointed out (Thanks for the backup, Par!) you've either ignored or misunderstood what Ebbe has said. Similarly, you're either ignoring or miscomprehending what I write. For that reason, it may be apparent to others that I'm not preaching to you. And I'll remind everyone of something else you said... "When will the L take a hit? Maybe it's the $ that takes the hit?" As you appear humorless so far, I'll take the second sentence to be serious. If you really think that missteps by Linden Lab in the rollout of their next virtual world will affect the US dollar, I'm not sure I can find the words to describe the level of ignorance you're displaying without sounding young and trendy. As bad as my project estimation skills are, I think they're above average. Many large software projects run late and over budget. It gets worse if you're designing the thing and the business model as you implement it. I like what I'm hearing from Ebbe, and wouldn't crucify him if he adjusted his targets and even missed them by a little. He had the guts (or naivete, it's hard to tell them apart ;-) to spill some beans. That's refreshing. DejaHo, I sometimes write my posts to everyone but the person I appear to be replying to. This is currently the case and I've enlisted you as a potentially unwitting accomplice. I don't think there's anything left for you to prove for me. I don't label myself "Nefarious One" for no reason. ;-).
  20. Kelli May wrote: I will quote the wise words of an emergency mustelid. Of course it's a game. It's a game AND a platform, and a floor wax, and a dessert topping. SL is a flaming sword that burns ALL THE WAY TO THE POMMEL. SL is a snowmobile racing across the tundra. Suddenly, it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come. SL is a watermelon. SL is a queer bird, and a whole bestiary of metaphor, analogy, and synechdoche. SL is five pounds of flax. Kelli, due to inexcusably unanticipated foraging by the queer bird, SL is now only four pounds of flax.
  21. Sorina Garrigus wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I've only skimmed the thread, so I could be way off base here... What's the bigger issue; what constitutes "skill" or the size of the Skill Game Region license costs (both the direct fee and the time and external cost of registration for the region/game)? I don't know what the costs might be, but I wonder what L$ volume a game would have to move to make such fees tolerable. If the fees end up being exhorbitant (what Linden fee here isn't ;-), and If the only way to avoid the fee is to eliminate any payment into the system by players, then the skill/chance discussion is moot. The only games here will be those in which nobody pays to enter. Did I get this wrong? ETA: I think I read that payment into skill games can only be done from PIOF accounts. That's another dissuasion, no? I had to do some googling what you meant by PIOF. As it is not a common enough used term even within SL to have it abbreviated. But the way it works is only those that have payment information on file can even enter a given gaming sim and from there only those that where playing games of skill can enter such a sim that are not from states or countries that do not allow their citizens from playing games of skill in a pay and win scenario. On what constitutes skill that is tricky but that is what the reasoned legal opinions are in the approval process for so LL has something on file that the game was presented as skill based. Games can have random elements and LL allows for that as long as thoes elements are NOT the predominant factor in determining the players success. Backgammon is a tested game that has clear elements of skill and chance for example but the skill outweighs the chance. How specifically LL will "determine" that I am not sure other than they will putting responsibility on the operator and game creator entirely. The Linden fees have yet to be fully disclosed. There is an unstated quarterly fee that they have not said what it will be. This is a major issue and they need to disclose this prior to anyone entering into any kind of agreement. They can just say oh ... the quarterly fees are $1000 us dollars. Its things like that which LL needs to be more transparent rather than effectively say ....... meh .... we will tell you later .... maybe. Not exactly profressional. "and If the only way to avoid the fee is to eliminate any payment into the system by players, then the skill/chance discussion is moot" If by that you mean using some external money system say like bit coin or some other non direct to SL way of paying to play, that won't fly because the activity is taking place their servers. If that was kosher then there would be full casinos all over SL now. I'm saying that if, to play a skill game, you must have payment information on file, and that the game operator must pay a substantial license fee, then I don't think there will be any licensed skill games in SL. If LL can satisfy the legal requirements for the quality of their anti-gambling radar (the new TOS and licensing mechanisms?) then I suppose they're off the hook for people who fly under it. I don't know what will be required to fly under it, but I imagine it'll be tried.
  22. Hi Ayushk, I'm going to just guess at this one. It sounds like a bandwidth/latency problem. The viewer may be dropping the stream because of gaps or errors in the delivery that exceed some threshold. If you are on wi-fi, try getting closer to the router, or going wired. If you've set your SL bandwidth to the max, try backing it off to 1500kbps or less (the servers won't send you more than that anyway) to leave more room for the audio. SL is really picky about connection quality and less bothered by speed issues. Here's a web page describing numerous things you can do to improve the quality of your connection, which will serve you well in other aspects of using SL... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  23. Snugs got PIOF after trying that maneuver. That has since vanished. So, I don't know what conclusion to draw!
  24. irihapeti wrote: anyone can easy enough get PIOF on their account. Can just buy something for L$0 on MP and get this PIOF on your account. Dunno whether this PIOF satisfy US law but that is something for LL to deal with and not us dunno why can get PIOF on your account by buy something for nothing on MP. It dont seem to be the PIOF that we used to have where to get it then had to supply RL details. So dunno I think that loophole has been closed retroactively.
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