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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Go get some caffeine... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Console http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Image_System http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Talk:Texture_Cache
  2. Now that Val's nursing a busted paw, we're gonna have to take turns pushing her all over creation, Hippie... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  3. Hi buzz, If the person you sent the money to doesn't wish to return it, there's nothing you can do. To avoid mistyping the name in the future, copy and paste it from another source. I keep an electronic notepad on my computer for just such things. Be careful!
  4. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Monalisa Robbiani wrote: Really, that's whyFacebook,Google, Apple, Disney,flickr, Yahoo,Skype etc. are niche products whileSL has billions of users, private and corporate. Oh wait, it's the opposite. It's the adult content that cripplesSL to a niche for "socially inept weirdos" you better not talk about. None of those products are creative virtual worlds. Those other products aren't even comparable to each other, let alone to SL. Those are ridiculous ananolgies. I'm not a socially inept weirdo, nor are the people, with which I associate in SL. On the contrary, they're mostly highly social, educated, and cosmopolitan people in RL...and they happen to also be in SL. If you identity with the "socially inept weirdo" label, then that's your own personal problem. (perception) Wait! When did this happen? Can we still be friends?!
  5. Thomas Galbreus wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: they wouldn't disallow anything that is currently legal It may well be that with Hillary Clinton a declared feminist will be president by then. Many feminists have an anti-porn stance, and with good reason. I wouldn't be surprised if at least effecitive age verification gets written into the US law, making the current situation in SL illegal also in the US. I might write HC an e-mail. ;-) http://adobochronicles.com/2014/06/10/amazon-goofs-sends-porn-video-to-online-purchasers-of-hillary-clintons-new-book/ And for real... http://www.ibtimes.com/former-hillary-clinton-intern-turned-porn-star-292335
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie, Maddy and all! Sighs. I badly broke my paw foot on Sunday and will be stuck at home for 45 days... Now this really sucks! (not to mention how bad my boss is pi$$ed at me). Hugs you and waves! Val? Why the hell would you break your foot? And if you were going to do so, why did you do it badly? Mom fractured her ankle in May. She's back to normal now, but oscillated between ornery and apologetic during her recuperation with me here at home. Don't do that. Just pick ornery and stick with it. I know how to handle ornery. Put that foot up and have some chicken juice. Hippie, make sure she drinks it. Happy pique of the week, Kids!!!
  7. Jeffrey reminds me of the neighbor kid, who's spending the summer with me before he heads off to college again. He's the kind that does before thinking, and so can cause more harm than good when he offers to help. Yet I bite my tongue and suffer the damage sometimes, just to help him learn. We're saints, Freya. We're absolute saints. ;-).
  8. Hi LuEllen, I don't know of a way to measure the prim count of a thing other than by rezzing it. You can do that at a public sandbox, like Fermi. Good luck!
  9. Hi Carolina, I can think of several ways someone could find you: If you continue to visit favorite places from your past, people who know of them have a chance of finding you there. If you frequent new places you've listed in your picks or groups, you've made it easier to find you. If you have friends who know your ex, they may be passing your whereabouts to him. If you are wearing any attachments that were given to you by your ex, it's possible one or more contains a tracking script. Keep your head down!
  10. Hi Red, You got the limits and history of linking from Pam and Rolig, and Pam mentioned the alight function. I'll let ex-Linden Qarl explain that... Have fun!
  11. Okay, yesterday was all about freezing my bum in Lake Michigan. Today is about mowing the lawn... Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  12. Ciao Maria, Se ho capito bene, un individuo anonimo sta dando dollari Linden a voi. Questo denaro potrebbe essere stato rubato. Ho sentito storie di gente di hacking conti e quindi la distribuzione di denaro a sconosciuti. Questo ha portato a Linden Lab di bloccaggio conti fino a quando il denaro può essere recuperato. Non spendere quei soldi. Linden Lab può riprenderlo. Vi suggerisco di presentare una "Segnalazione abuso" contro la persona che ha inviato il denaro. Spiega cosa è successo nella casella di testo "Dettagli" e lasciare che Linden Lab capirlo. Buona fortuna! If I understand correctly, an anonymous individual is giving Linden dollars to you. This money may have been stolen. I have heard stories of people hacking accounts and then distributing money to strangers. This has resulted in Linden Lab locking accounts until the money can be recovered. Do not spend that money. Linden Lab may take it back. I suggest you file an "Abuse Report" against the person who sent you the money. Explain what happened in the "Details" text box and let Linden Lab figure it out.
  13. Hallo Sandra, Sie haben wahrscheinlich keine Produkte verloren. Die lokale Kopie der Inventarliste ist moglicherweise beschädigt. Um das zu beheben, loschen Sie den Cache, melden Sie sich ab und dann wieder zu einem ruhigen sim wie "Smith" oder "Pooley" und warten auf die Inventarliste, um wieder aufzubauen. Bis nach der Liste hat den Wiederaufbau abgeschlossen teleportieren Sie nicht. Dies kann mehrere Minuten dauern. Hier ist eine Seite, die mit "Inventory Loss" beschäftigt ... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen fur die erste der "Common Solutions", "Clearing Second Life's cache". Viel Gluck!
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: irihapeti wrote: to me SL is a lot like a club or pub in RL. And like a bus stop or train station or airport. Except that can get off the SL bus when is still moving if have to (: if you a outgoing person with a personality who takes the initiative in these places then friends/acquaintances come easy. If you a bit shy then friends are harder. Same as RL goes SL goes. Is what I find anyways also I find that if dont have a deep shared SL interest then the chat between people/friends ends up going toward RL things. Not just personal details about each other but also online/offline interests outside of SL when a person is uncomfortable with chatting about this then they pretty much going to end up alone anywheres. SL, RL, pub, club, bus stop or even in the middle of a park playground overflowing with people Yep, nothing in Vandris account of his experience in SL sounds much different than my experiences in RL. Circles of friends come and go, favorite establishments too. The bowling alley where I met my friends as a teenager fell into disuse and has been reclaimed by the prairie. RL doesn't move as fast as SL, so it takes longer for my Landmark and Friends lists to fill with dead ends, but that still happens. And it really is hard for me to limit my in-world discussion to in-world things. I came to SL as a fully formed person. I'm not going to leave that at the door and start over. That said, while I'm going to discuss astronomy if I have the opportunity, I'm also going to discuss incinerating friends in my fireplace. SL does afford new hobbies I could only dream of in RL. As for getting off buses while they're still moving, why would you ever do otherwise here? ;-). ETA: Amethyst's post reminded me that I'd neglected the growth side of my time in SL. Yes, half my landmarks are dead ends and I don't see many of the friends I made long ago. But, after one year here my friends list had less than ten people on it. Now it's over one hundred. I still chat with only a handful on a regular basis, but I know many more. The SL population is higher now than when I started and there's just as much or more to do. And while all of this was happening, or not happening, Facebook and countless other social networking platforms took entertainment hours from everybody. Similarly, in RL there are countless new stores in or near my town, and my circle of acquaintances now spans the world, not just my little bit of Wisconsin. Seasons change and so did I. You need not wonder why.
  15. Jeffrey has misinformed you, Mac. You broke no law by posting the e-mail here. And if you should decide to respond, make sure it's via the sender's e-mail address and not via any link in the e-mail (though again, I don't see one).
  16. Congratulations, Des! You change your display name in your profile. You can do that via your web browser here... https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile Click on "Display Name" and you'll see the text boxes for entering a new display name. Note that once you've entered a display name, you cannot change it for a week. You can always reset it, reverting to your username. Have fun!
  17. irihapeti wrote: to me SL is a lot like a club or pub in RL. And like a bus stop or train station or airport. Except that can get off the SL bus when is still moving if have to (: if you a outgoing person with a personality who takes the initiative in these places then friends/acquaintances come easy. If you a bit shy then friends are harder. Same as RL goes SL goes. Is what I find anyways also I find that if dont have a deep shared SL interest then the chat between people/friends ends up going toward RL things. Not just personal details about each other but also online/offline interests outside of SL when a person is uncomfortable with chatting about this then they pretty much going to end up alone anywheres. SL, RL, pub, club, bus stop or even in the middle of a park playground overflowing with people Yep, nothing in Vandris account of his experience in SL sounds much different than my experiences in RL. Circles of friends come and go, favorite establishments too. The bowling alley where I met my friends as a teenager fell into disuse and has been reclaimed by the prairie. RL doesn't move as fast as SL, so it takes longer for my Landmark and Friends lists to fill with dead ends, but that still happens. And it really is hard for me to limit my in-world discussion to in-world things. I came to SL as a fully formed person. I'm not going to leave that at the door and start over. That said, while I'm going to discuss astronomy if I have the opportunity, I'm also going to discuss incinerating friends in my fireplace. SL does afford new hobbies I could only dream of in RL. As for getting off buses while they're still moving, why would you ever do otherwise here? ;-).
  18. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Imagine how many officers are patrolling YouTube and Craigslist. As often happens, my random wanderings in search of something interesting to add to a conversation brought me to this page from online behavior research firm SimilarWeb... http://blog.similarweb.com/uk-online-porn-ban-web-traffic-analysis-of-britains-porn-affair/ In which I find... UK porn consumption above Worldwide average but Germans take the crown The Worldwide average share of adult traffic is 7.65%, nearly a point below UK (8.50%). Interestingly, Ireland also consumes less adult content than the UK and it’s slightly below the global average with 7.45% share of adult traffic. Stereotypes are bad but Germans take the crown when it comes to porn consumption – 12.47% of their traffic takes place on adult sites. So, Germans are like Baptists and Cats. You know they're having fun, but you can't catch them at it. ;-). Oh my. I guess it's like the religous people who want to stamp out sin, when it's really them who's doing all the bad stuff. (I'm referring to one of the posters in this thread) Amazing that the small country of Germany has that high percent of world-wide porn consumption. Yet...they restrict it to minors...so surely all that porn is being looked at by adults. ; ) Yep. Cats are hard to explain though. They don't give a damn what we think, yet they still frollick out of sight (though not out of earshot). That just makes no sense to me. Meanwhile those eager to please dogs have at it right in the middle of the Fourth of July picnic. Stop it, stop it, stop it! Ain't nature grand? ;-).
  19. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Maddy the science lectures I invited you to were the fabulous MICA series! (Meta Institute for cCmputational Astrophysics) and they were more like entertaining science talks, than lectures. We had large turn out each Sat morning for them, and very enjoyable. Yeah, you're right. They were very entertaining science talks. I recall enjoying both the subject matter and the passion of the speakers. This is what has hooked me, and no doubt you, on NPR shows like Science Friday and Radio Lab. There's nothing more enjoyable than watching (or hearing) curious people sharing what they love. I loved the nutty appearance of the visitors to the Science Friday sim during the show. I recall sitting at a show between a wolf wearing a tiara and a robot with bug eyes and a top hat. Unfortunately, local chat was awash in off-topic banter. It was amusing to watch all the nonsense fly by, imagining the struggle of Ira's SL staffer to get one good question to be read on the air. If and when I finally get some spare time to spend in SL, I'll come looking for you. It's been my experience that the most curious people are also the most curious people. ;-).
  20. Hi Splatulated, I didn't find free, but I did find cheap... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search%5Blayout%5D=gallery&search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bsort%5D=price_asc&search%5Bper_page%5D=12&search%5Bkeywords%5D=rawr+gesture&search%5Bprice_low%5D=&search%5Bprice_high%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_low%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_high%5D=&search%5Bcopy_permission%5D=0&search%5Bmodify_permission%5D=0&search%5Btransfer_permission%5D=0 Happy Hunting!
  21. Innula Zenovka wrote: Thomas Galbreus wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: have yet to result in a single conviction How do you know no one has been convicted? I don't even know that these 10 police officers actually exist, let alone that they've got as far as arresting anyone. Neither do you. You think you remember reading about them somewhere, which is hardly conclusive proof of anything much. Let me rephrase it, though. As far as you know, these ten police officers, assuming they actually exist and are still pursuing their enquiries in SL, have yet to make a single arrest, let alone see anyone convicted as a result of their efforts. Is that an accurate statement of the situation, to the best of your knowledge? Imagine how many officers are patrolling YouTube and Craigslist. As often happens, my random wanderings in search of something interesting to add to a conversation brought me to this page from online behavior research firm SimilarWeb... http://blog.similarweb.com/uk-online-porn-ban-web-traffic-analysis-of-britains-porn-affair/ In which I find... UK porn consumption above Worldwide average but Germans take the crown The Worldwide average share of adult traffic is 7.65%, nearly a point below UK (8.50%). Interestingly, Ireland also consumes less adult content than the UK and it’s slightly below the global average with 7.45% share of adult traffic. Stereotypes are bad but Germans take the crown when it comes to porn consumption – 12.47% of their traffic takes place on adult sites. So, Germans are like Baptists and Cats. You know they're having fun, but you can't catch them at it. ;-).
  22. Hi Mac, I can think of three explanations: Linden Lab's servers messed up or glitched. If it was a glitch, this may never happen again. If it's an erroneous entry in the database, you may start seeing more confirmation e-mails. Roxanne goofed up her e-mail address when registering. That's unlikely, as you'd have got a series of welcome e-mails. I'm not sure if a confirmation e-mail is sent when changing addresses on an existing account. If so, you'd have received that. Eventually she may notice the dearth of e-mails and check her account. This is a ham handed phishing attempt. I don't see a link in the text you copied, so this seems unlikely. Check the sending address (not the sender's name) to make sure it originates from secondlife.com. I don't think I'd do anything until I got another message. Then I might open a support case. Good luck!
  23. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Thomas Galbreus wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Wow... You really took the wrong meaning to this one.. She talks about all of the fun things to do and meeting her RL husband in SL.. By the way.. the quote you decided to use as ammo.. Yeah, that was a quote from the first story you quoted.. The second one was a positive message about SL. No, mentioning this shift from lectures etc. to sex clubs etc. is not from an older article, the only quote from that is the expression "strange second life". And the reporter is speaking here, she has not met her husband in SL. The reporter is interviewing a woman named Judy who has nothing but good things to say about SL.. How is that a negative article? BTW, Judy met her RL husband in SL.. Reading comprehension goes a long way. ETA... when was SL all about lectures? I have been here for 8 years, I don't remember any lectures. I attended NPR Science Friday discussions years ago (they've since left because the audience signal-to-noise ratio was horriffic, and Celestiall often invited me to science lectures, though I don't recall who hosted them. I've never been fond of lectures, I prefer to read, but SL lectures are better than RL lectures, because I can paint my nails during them. Though I admit I never tried doing that in RL, so I might be giving RL lectures a bum rap.
  24. Hi Stormy, I'd be very suspicious about any e-mail from LL (or anyone else) asking for RL information. In addition to Lindal's great suggestions about embedded links in the e-mail, you can also verify the sender's address. If your e-mail viewer provides a "View All Headers" type of function, you can see if the e-mail originated from a server at secondlife.com. In Yahoo mail, you can hover over the sender's name and their e-mail address will pop-up. Even if the sender's address appeared valid, I'd be hesitant to reply. If you do feel you should reply, ask them to IM you in-world from a Linden account, or provide some other proof of identity. Be careful!
  25. Marigold Devin wrote: (Has anyone mentioned Hippie's breakfast get togethers on Sundays yet? Is Forum Cartel still running? Now there was a place for interesting conversations and an eclectic mix of folk. ) The Forum Cartel is still around, Mari. Vandris, look up Hippie Bowman in-world. You'll find The Breakfast Club and The Forum Cartel groups in his profile. Join both/either and you'll find yourself amongst interesting people.
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