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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Candace, Welcome (almost) to Second Life! Come back to your question and provide more information. What exact error message to you get, and at what point in the login process does it occur? You can edit your question via "Options" over there on the right. Unfortunately, the Answers forum software is designed to make it exquisitly difficult for you to further participate in the resolution of your own problem. You're only allowed to ask the initial question, but not to post additional notes to the thread. Yes, there are people goofy enough to configure forum software this way ;-). Okay, back to your problem... It may be that your internet connection is the culprit. If you are on wi-fi and can move to a wired connection, do so. SL is terribly finicky about the quality and latency of your internet connection, but not so much about the speed. You may have a super zippy link, but if it's dropping packets, or there is excessive delay in moving those packets between you and the servers, problems will arise. Here's more about fixing connection problems... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  2. Unfortunately, land is (compared to almost everything else in SL) very expensive. Here's the table of monthly land fees... https://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php Note that you don't really buy land in SL, you might pay a one time fee to reserve a lot of land for your use, but you'll also have to pay a rental fee, either to Linden Lab or to a landlord, as someone has to pay for the computer servers on which all LL things are stored, and that someone is us. This is why I recommend the nomad lifestyle for new residents, until they determine what SL is worth to them. I wandered SL for quite some time after joining. I found a quiet sim that had a canal with a barge in it, and I changed my clothing under that barge until I learned that I didn't have to strip naked to do that. I eventually moved up to a house that I shared with my SL partner, and then to a private little island in the Maldives. It is nice to have a place to call home, so I understand your excitement over this. There are landlords that rent small spaces (I've seen prim allowances as small as 25 prims) for very little money. I once rented an apartment for L$50/week. And you can probably make a cozy little nest with a few well done mesh items using very few prims. I currently rent a lighthouse for L$2380 (about US$10) a month. I'm using only 200 of my 230 allowed prims, and that includes a furnished skybox I built and located 4000 meters above the lighthouse. You can do a lot with a little.
  3. Hi Pyro, When you right-click your avatar and select "Edit Shape" and then "Save" or "Save As", you should create or update an outfit folder that contains links to whatever you're currently wearing. When you do that, what happens, or doesn't happen? You end up with an empty folder with the name you selected? Come back to your question and edit it (via "Options" over there on the right) with additional information. ETA: Get yourself dressed by picking things out of inventory and wearing them, then right-click your avatar and select "Edit My Outfit" then select "Save" and specify a name for the outfit. Then examine that outfit folder in inventory. Is it empty? If not then everything is fine, though I can't explain why other outfits you've created are empty. If you end up with a new outfit folder that's empty, I can't explain why that is, other than perhaps a corrupted viewer file. You might try a clean install. Here are instructions for doing that... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231
  4. Splatulated wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: If you're asking how to post a picture in a forum post, look in the toolbar at the top of the window where you type the text of your post. You'll see a little picture of a tree. Click that, and you'll get a pop-up window allowing you to "Choose File" from somewhere on your PC to upload into the post. There's a 1MByte limit on file size, so you may have to shrink large images before you attempt to upload them. You can also post YouTube videos by clicking the little filmstrip icon, then pasting the YouTube link to a video in the "Video URL" field of the window. I imagine you'll want to do that once you've made your first video. ;-). why cant we direct link an already uploaded image ? You can. If you've previously uploaded an image from your PC, you can select it from your album by clicking the "From My Uploaded Images" tab and then picking the image you want.
  5. Hi Ainye, You may be suffering from "bake fail". Here are two pages that deal with that... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail http://blog.nalates.net/2013/08/23/second-lifes-new-bake-fail/ Bake Fail is sometimes the result of connection issues. SL is terribly finicky about the quality and latency of the connection, but not so much about the speed. You may have a super zippy link, but if it's dropping packets, or there is excessive delay in getting those packets between you and the servers, problems will arise. Here's more about fixing connection problems... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Good luck!
  6. If you're asking how to post a picture in a forum post, look in the toolbar at the top of the window where you type the text of your post. You'll see a little picture of a tree. Click that, and you'll get a pop-up window allowing you to "Choose File" from somewhere on your PC to upload into the post. There's a 1MByte limit on file size, so you may have to shrink large images before you attempt to upload them. You can also post YouTube videos by clicking the little filmstrip icon, then pasting the YouTube link to a video in the "Video URL" field of the window. I imagine you'll want to do that once you've made your first video. ;-).
  7. KarisalynnXOXO wrote: It's says I have a total of 1,004 profile views are they like adding me inworld or just looking at it? Wait, there's a place where you can see how many people have viewed your profile? How did I not know about this? I live for attention! And you already got 1004 views? You just got here! Life just ain't fair. ...goes off to pout in a dark corner. :-(.
  8. Hi Selassie, You would still have the 117 prim allowance, but you'd lose the house. Any house you place on an undeveloped mainland plot will eat into that prim allowance. That's the upside of owning a Linden Home. If the 117 prim limit of your Linden Home plot already feels too restrictive, a mainland parcel will feel even more so. The only way to get a larger prim allowance is to rent a larger plot. You prim allowance increases at the rate of 117 prims/512m2. Of course your costs increase as well. If you shop carefully, you can stretch 117 prims a long way. Well designed mesh objects give you pretty impressive bang for the prim. Good luck!
  9. Hi Saydee, It's time to read the Quick Start and User's Guides. If you've downloaded, installed and launched the viewer (I see your empty profile, so it appears you have logged in at least once), your avatar is that creature standing in the middle of your screen with its back to you. Here's a potentially out-of-date Knowledgebase page about changing your avatar's look... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Controlling-your-avatar-s-appearance/ta-p/700709 You will have much better luck finding free/inexpensive clothing if you abandon the new default mesh avatar you selected during registration and switch back to one of the legacy avatars found in the "Library" folder in your "Inventory" window. I've never tried a mesh avatar myself, so I won't be of much help dressing one of those. If you registered as a Premium Member, you will have a zero Linden balance at the start, will receive L$300 every Tuesday and will receive a L$1000 bonus after 45 days. If you are a basic member (like me), you'll have a zero starting balance and will have to purchase Lindens on the Linden Exchange if you want a little spending money. You'll see a "Buy L$" link on the left side of your web dashboard, along with your current Linden balance. That balance is also visibie in the upper right corner of the viewer screen, though that balance can sometimes be a little out of sync with reality. Your account dashboard will always be correct. Good luck and welcome to Second Life!
  10. Second Life movies are called "Machinima", and can be a lot of fun to make. Here's some background information... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Machinima And there is a subforum specifically for machinima... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Machinima-Forum/bd-p/machinima_forum The most active machiminatographer in the forums these days is jjccc Coronet. You can find his music video style work in the machimina subforum. The first thing you'll need as a way to capture video of your antics in SL. Lindal has recommended Fraps, which I've seen mentioned by lots of Windows machiminatographers. I've also heard of people using Camstudio, which is free. I'm a Mac user and find Screeny works well, though it does cost $15. I'll second Lindal's recommendation of the Space Navigator 3D mouse, but you can certainly do good work without it. The Firestorm Viewer has more sophisticated camera control tools in a toolbar button called "Phototools". I recommend looking at the Firestorm if you're going to do lots of photography. I have always been a fan of short form storytelling, and SL is a wonderful place for a budding video storyteller to cut her teeth. If you do make a little video for you friend, give us a show as well! ;-).
  11. In addition to Rolig's advice, I'll recommend getting a facial expression HUD (heads up display). During selfie photography, the avatar eyes often wander about, following your mouse. There are hidden settings to reduce or eliminate that effect, but it's easier and more flexible to get a HUD that overrides the avatar's natural reactive eye motion. I have a HUD that also allows me to select from any of SL's built in facial expressions, which can be fun for photographs. We're not supposed to recommend products here in the Answers area, but if you Google "free SL eye HUD" I think you'll find something for nothing. ;-).
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: Splatulated wrote: ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: select one of the faces, then go to the texture tab and invert the scale, probably the horizontal scale for what you have there. for example if the horizontal scale is 1, change it to -1. accidently moved it eitehr 110,000 feet up or down how do i get i accidentally clicked off it The SL sky only goes to about 13,500 feet high (4096 Meters). If you sent the object to 110,000 feet it has now left Second Life air space. I'd suggest looking for it somewhere in Farmville. I'm on it!...
  13. Hi DivaDee, You can only recall the last 30 or so days of in-world transaction history, and you can do that here... https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history Good luck!
  14. Hi Jax, Sadly, despite my best efforts, I've never been able to kill anyone in SL. It is possible to file spurious abuse reports against innocent residents, but that will generally result in the expulsion of the reporter. If you have a chat log in which this threat is made against you or others, that would be evidence of a breach of the Second Life Terms of Service and/or Community Standards and you can file an Abuse Report. I think you can safely ignore the threat. And I recommend you ignore the person. Good luck!
  15. Good morning, Hippie. I hope you catch a big one! I bought a new canoe yesterday. I thought I might take a couple friends down the Milwaukee River... Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  16. Hi Kylie, Look wayyyyy over on the left edge of the black menu in the marketplace window. You'll see a li'l world map, the word "Sprache" (German for Language) and a drop down arrow. Click that and select English(US). Good luck!
  17. Hi Sundae, You've probably lost nothing. The local copy of your inventory list has likely been messed up somehow. Here's how to fix that... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear When you log in after clearing cache and logging out, go to a quiet sim like Smith or Pooley and wait for your inventory list to reload. Do NOT TP anywhere until everything has loaded. You log directly into a sim by selecting <Type Region Name> from the "Start at:" dropdown, then typing in the sim's name. Good luck!
  18. Pandora Wrigglesworth's Curio Obscura store has a collection of marvelous teleportation devices (the Anywhere series) that would be perfect for moving between part of a skybox... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/21091?search%5Bcategory_id%5D=231 She's got an in-world store, where you can try out the Anywhere devices. It's a wonderful place to visit. The forum's lovely and talented Rolig Loon, who's not as dumb as she looks, also has teleportation doors... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Magic-Door-Teleporter/2749996
  19. Tex Monday wrote: KarisalynnXOXO wrote: Just free food, free drinks or whatever free they got! Anothe suggestion might to be check Hippie Bowman's feed.( https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman ). For a while, he was doing an "Eat your way across the grid" photo series. It was a time ago, so you might have to go through a bunch of stuff to find it, but it's another option. Why didn't I think of that? That's a fantastic suggestion, Tex! Karisalynn, I think I pointed you towards Hippie Bowman for building classes and the Breakfast Club recently. Now you've got another reason to contact him.
  20. KarisalynnXOXO wrote: Just free food, free drinks or whatever free they got! I haven't been out to eat in SL in quite some time, but I'm sure there are diners, cafes, bistros, etc that will give you food items if you click the right thing. My inventory is littered with burritos, hot dogs, root-beer floats... and mixed drinks I'll never touch. Many of those freebies have built in animations that test your patience with SL. I can't count how many times I've slammed a burito into my forehead. I've sent you a quart of Maddy and Dee's famous Chicken Juice that'll show you what I mean. Look through the Destination Guide, I'm sure you'll find eateries there. Then look for signs on objects that indicate they'll give you food items upon clicking. That'll take a little hunting, but hunting is fun! ETA: http://secondlife.com/destinations/music/cafes ;-).
  21. Coby Foden wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: As long as you don't make the ghastly mistake of setting your building physical, I once made that mistake (not knowing any better at that time). I decided to add some prims to a boat I had bought. Well, first of all I made the boat physical (no idea why). And then... I unlinked it. BOOM! :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: :smileylol: All the prims were scattered all over the sea bottom. Some prims even went under the sea bottom itself. It took me about fifteen minutes to locate and delete every piece - 32 of them. The next time you're going to make that "mistake", invite me to watch.
  22. Hi Scooter, I'm not sure what you mean. Your web profile is at: https://my.secondlife.com/scooter.fallen If you are referring to your avatar's UUID, I think Firestorm once revealed that in the profile, but I don't see it there anymore. You can obtain the UUID of an avatar by opening their web profile and clicking the "Message" button. Then right-click on IM and select "Copy Link" (or whatever equivalent your computer provides). Then go up to your browser's address bar and paste the link. The text between "agent/" and "/im" is the avatar UUID. You can't send yourself an IM, so if you want to discover your own UUID, you'll have to ask a friend or log in as an alt. If this isn't what you wanted, come back and edit your question (via "Options" over there on the right) to further explain what you're looking for.
  23. I've worked with clients who were unable to fix problems with their products because the people who knew those products had left the building. Fixes that were obvious and easy for me were entirely beyond their grasp. It's quite possible that LL is in the same predicament all over the SL infrastructure. They've got Lithium issues, Marketplace issues, website issues, you name it. Over the last decade, 90% of the people who originated all this stuff could have vanished. That makes it terribly difficult to fix even the most obvious problems. And that also explains the "let's start from scratch" thinking we've heard from Ebbe. All of the people who will start the new thing are currently in the building.
  24. An avi at the help island could be wearing a scripted object that scans the area and calls llRequestAgentData for everyone else within range. That information can then be relayed to the club owner, who'll issue the TP request. In an area that allows rezzing, someone could drop off a scanner that will do the job unmanned until auto-return tosses it out. This reminds me of my honeymoon in Europe long ago. We arrived in Rome via train and were greeted at the platform by an uniformed fellow giving out helpful tourist information. He handed us a "When in Rome" brochure and asked if we'd be staying overnight. We were, so he recommended a hotel and wrote the name and address on the brochure. We walked to the hotel, taking in the sights along the way. When we arrived, the same man was standing behind the service desk, waiting to give us a room. ;-).
  25. Mikki Miles wrote: looking at a M rating at MP I found out that "pitches" (excuse me for writing this word here) is a no-no-word. I use it do distinguish musical notes as high, mid or low, and that's the only meaning I know of (I'm not a native english speaker) Can somebody please explain, why this word leads to a M rating? what did I miss? "Hey sailor, let me show you a good time." would be considered a pitch. Though if my experience is representative, it's not a very successful one. Here are some famous pitchpeople... http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2009/04/08/11-craziest-infomercial-pitchmen.html Pitches can also be these things... http://mentalfloss.com/article/19853/7-famous-baseball-pitches-and-some-physics-behind-them Just look at those terms: Fast Sinker Changeup Screw Cutter Slide Curves And of course, these kinds of pitches require balls, and that's just plain naughty. Clearly LL is on the ball, protecting us from annoying spam and prurient or outright dangerous ideas. I think we should right them a collective letter of thanks! ;-).
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