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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Mercedes Avon wrote: I haven't been able to upload textures for 2 days now, temporary or otherwise. I don't crash, but get an error message staing their server is experience difficulties and to try again later. Last weekend was the same. Started on Friday and did not start working again until Monday. that's often caused by the region being slow... usually moving to a different region will allow you to upload... you see the same thing with script/notecard saves.
  2. and they list the low (512^2) res versions as "improved" an the mid (1024^2) res versions as simply "templates" two links down..... I don't know anyone that still has the original supersize 2048^2 ones. kinda annoying.
  3. is llLookAt going to work like that? it uses the +z direction for facing... does the rotation lock actually let it keep upright while facing forward?
  4. -~((integer)llFrand( number_of_sides )) //-- same as ((integer)llFrand( number_of_sides ) + 1) this follows the basic format for random integer generation.... (integer)llFrand( range_of_choices ) + lowest_value where highest value = range_of_choices + lowest_value - 1
  5. autoresponders (for viewers that have them) do not require a relay, they are solely run from within the viewer that supports them. it may be possible to trigger the basic busy message if your afk timer object plays the busy animation instead of, or on top of the afk animation.... never tried.
  6. well if you're on 1.23.5 then might I recommend either Imprudence or Phoenix? both have temp uploads built in. although they are based on the 1.5 snowglobe code; so if you have trouble running that then another suggestion would be Cool VL (you'll have to google for the webpage), which should still have an improved version of 1.23.5 for d/l even if that edition isn't being developed anymore (it has multi-attach, layers, and display names support, as well as a few other useful tweaks)
  7. in addition to what I said in that other thread, try making your mobile portion (the one with that script in it) phantom, make sure that the av is positioned well above the reception surface on landing.... I use 1.5m (via the sit target) + 0.75 of av Height (via agent size), and still en up comming through the floor or bouncing on the ground occasionally (but almost never flying). if you are going to use permissions to properly stop the sit animation, then do that before you call your region say (which you can move to the permissions event), so that you don't have the possibility of dead code if the listen event queues in front of the permissions event. the long delays inbetween usually aren't code issues, but rather region issues.... they happen more frequently when the region is very busy... here's the quick code I use, that has nearly the same behavior logic.... in a single prim with the bottom sliced off so that it's center rests on the surface it's targeted to.... I set them up as quickie jobs that I can shift drag and move around at will. vector gPosLcl;default{ state_entry(){ llListen( -8, llGetObjectName(), "", "" ); //-- listen for same name llSitTarget( <0.0, 0.0, 1.5>, ZERO_ROTATION ); //-- 1.5m above ground level for this design } changed( integer vBitChg ){ if (CHANGED_LINK & vBitChg){ if (~-llGetNumberOfPrims()){ //-- do we have more than one link in the set? llRegionSay( -8, "Localize" ); //-- yell for our sister to tell us where to go }else{ //-- package delivered, lets go home. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( !!llGetLinkNumber(), //-- should actually be 0 [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, gPosLcl] ); } } } listen( integer vIntNul, string vStrNul, key vKeySpk, string vStrMsg ){ if (llGetOwnerKey( vKeySpk ) == llGetOwner()){ //-- double check to make sure we share the same owner if ("Localize" == vStrMsg){ //-- the other teleporter wants to know where we are, tell them llRegionSay( -8, (string)llGetPos() ); }else if (ZERO_VECTOR != (vector)vStrMsg && vIntNul = llGetLinkNumber()){ //-- they told us, go there gPosLcl = llGetPos(); //-- grab current location for the return trip vector vSizTmp = llGetAgentSize( vKeySpk = llGetLinkKey( 2 ) ); //-- grab av size so we can hack the height llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( !!vIntNul, [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, (vector)vStrMsg + <0.0, 0.0, vSizTmp.z * 0.75> ] ); llUnSit( vKeySpk ); //-- really should have a slight pause to negate physics after effects, but I was lazy } } }}
  8. In the US it's standard to have only one provider option for broadband.... 2 if your in a larger city, maybe 3 if you want count cell service broadband (which has been crap in every market here I've seen, so I DON'T count it)..... the really lucky one are the one in areas with FIOS, no matter who runs it, because I've heard nothing but good campared to the other services.
  9. if I were ambitious I'd check the image file header for those files come from from pixenate, and notify the developers if I saw something that dodn't look right.... but I don't use it, and I'm not ambitious....
  10. I saw your IM inworld right before my whole region crashed =X short answer is no, you can't layer in two textures like you were thinking but if you go to the beta grid, or use a tpv with temporary uploads, what you can do is create you're new version as a layer on top of the image offered, in your paint program (and partially transparent), then upload it to see if you are getting to positions right, before finalizing it and uploading it on the main grid.... that way at least, it's not costing you. PS I tend to do assistance exclusively on the forums, or occasionally through the groups I am in inworld, so that my inworld time is my own. apologies for not being able to get back to you.
  11. if you mean chained within a gesture, then yes... however gestures themselves cannot be chained.
  12. actually not but a few minutes ago I was talking with live help because connections to the forums via firefox were timing out (or more specifically, the connection was reset while the page was being loaded).... of course, if you don't know, the login check is done through id.secondlife.com, before you can get on the forums... (it also passes through support.secondlife.com now).... then it just decided to work.... ::shrug::
  13. I'd do a cache wipe... it's good odds that you've got something corrupted in there.
  14. Josh Susanto wrote: This is beginning to fulfill my prophecy from last year that free temporary uploads will eventually be thwarted by LL, regardless of how amicably they speak about preferred 3rd party viewers. PS The method by which free temp uploads are achieved could not be blocked by SL , without a huge server end rewrite and large chunks of bandwidth permanently used to check validity... so, not gonna happen.
  15. works fine for me in phoenix build 908.... I suspect that something on your end may be corrupted.
  16. there used to be a wiki article for it all, but I can't find where it used to be..... there's still mention of Charter members, but not of beta or lifetimes... Charter members are supposed to have 4096sqm of land free, forever, recognition, forever, and there may be some stipend involved I dunno. these people put out a huge wad of cash to help get SL up and running. Beta: I'm not so sure what they got, other than recognition.... lifetime: this category seems to have been co-opted, originally it was similar (same?) with Charter, but got reused by residents with paid accounts that were guaranteed "lifetime" accounts (no expiration, no deletions for inactivity), and applied to all the paid accounts before SL allowed free accounts. the latter type did NOT get a special title. if you see ANY of these people in SL, you're looking at people who have been here since the beginning or damn near, and now more than a thing or two. They are the ones who have stuck it out the whole way on this platform... and most have them have done more than any 10 people you'll meet today inworld, to promote this platform.
  17. and continued and continued and.... yeah, don't I know it.
  18. it's also possible that the 965 video chipset just isn't enough to run SL with basic shaders.... it's pretty low end as far as 3D graphics... and it may not matter what drivers you use.... but like the previous poster mentioned... never ever ever use the MS drivers for video unless you can't help it. Alawys try to use the manufacturers drivers if you can, the video technology (ie nVidia/ATI) versions if you can't, or 3rd party ones made for them (various sites) if you have no luck with the previous....
  19. that isn't a Crossfire system is it? we had another thread where Crossfire doesn't play well with SL... everything acts normal EXCEPT the frame rate in that setup.... if it is, disable crossfire and try again. if it's not, it might help to know what you network stats and frame rate look like. you can find those by opening the advanced and debug menus (preferences advanced). and then pressing atrl+shft+1. at the top of that new window you'll see your framerate (it should be well over16 normally, in your case it should be running in the 30's I would think), and farther down you'll see items for network bandwidth, and more importantly, packet loss and ping time.
  20. /me does miss the pie oh so ver much... yes, you had multiple levels and sometimes menus were inconsistent (ok I didn't like that), but the clickable area was nice and big, and positional, so it was quick to fly through once you learned it..... not so with the new list menus that are tiny and require high precision to get the item you want, even though the new ons are slightly smaller, they're solid and block out the scene.... which breaks immersion... the old pie was big but mostly transparent and because you went through it so fast transient, where the new ones require more focus and precision and time.... just one of many examples of how we've gone from being actors in our own play, to being audience in the new viewer paradigm.
  21. I have nothing useful to add, I just wanted to come by an wave at former well known SL celebrity.... Hi Nada!
  22. I'm not opposed to the idea, just thought it fair to give some expanded perspective, besides "face to face is cooler"*
  23. lsl does not know how long an animation is, or how long it has taken to download before it starts.... you can get rough timings by playing a lower priority copy of an animation under a stationary one, or a previous one, and then restart it when it should be finished (a way to preload the animation). you could do this for each animation before you begin to make them run more accurately together for your timer... but you'll need to figure out how long each plays on your own there is a perfectly aligned alternative that does not require a script at all.... a gesture will detect when one animation is done and another started (because it runs on your client not the SL server).
  24. Ceka Cianci wrote: I would think a lot are like those WoW gold seller sites..almost all of those have something to get the account of WoWplayers that buy gold..LOL thats where they get a lot of their gold..from accounts they hack from people that have bougth from them.. don't be silly.... those sites just don't deliver.... they hack the account, sell off the stuff in it, and either try to sell the acount on or do something to get it closed on purpose so that the original owner doesn't have a way to get at them through contact with WoW billing/devs/etc......
  25. I sympathize with ya Pete.... I'm currently in a dispute with paypal, and may be looking to join a class action suite =X I certainly don't have 10k$US to pull out on a regular basis, so I'm pretty much out of options too. how a company of this size cant find a finacial authority that can process ACH payments is beyond me.... especially when consumer grade checking accounts come with free in many places (more commonly known as electronic bill payments)
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