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Lynda Baran

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Everything posted by Lynda Baran

  1. I find it ironic that LL/SL makes such a big deal about the sharing of IM's within any sites officially controlled by LL/SL. Yet the fact that I participate in discussions within theses same site, including the blog/forums is shared with Google Analytics (which I personally have blocked, along with other such services). Google Analytics is tied to over 2,000,000 sites and "is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about visitors to a Web site for marketers. Google Analytics makes it possible to track users across search engines, email campaigns and display advertising giving advertisers the opportunity to optimize campaigns on multiple platforms". LL/SL never informed me they share this information with anyone, nor ask me for permission to do so. Aren't they violating their own TOS? :smileywink:
  2. Or you could take the top 4, the 4ht place person picks the weapon, and have them fight to the death. hehehe
  3. Thankfully nothing like this has never happened to me in SL. But I did get hacked to a minor extent on another website a few years ago. A few simple steps took care of the problem. I had my bank issue a separate debit card that I use only for the internet and transfer in only enough to cover the amount of each purchase just prior to using it. The card is restricted in a way that if the funds aren't there to cover a transaction, it's simply denied and I incur no fee. I also have the old card closed and a new card issued twice a year. I pay a small fee for all this every month, but the few dollars it costs is well worth the added protection. I also change my SL password (and those of a few other sites I frequent including email accounts) once a month. These procedures are a bit of an inconvenience, but the added security outweighs that. You can't blame anyone if you don't take appropriate security precautions to protect yourself.
  4. You vill do zings von vay unt von vay only, or it ist off to zee re-eductaion camp for you commrade. Way to try and crush creativity and individualism, flat earthers.
  5. hmmmm Everyone must have the same thing. No one may have anything that everyone else doen't have. Everyone must be the same. Looks on the news sites to see which of the current regimes policy advisors has left recently to enter the private sector and moved to San Francisco. Have Linden Labs been occupied?
  6. I buy outfits sometimes and separates at others. It all depends on what I see that strikes my fancy. But I also like to be able to mix and match anything in my inventory. Over the past few years I have tried to purchase only items that are at least copy, and preferably copy/mod so that I can make up my own outfits. In the end, I consider everything I own a separate that I wear as I like.
  7. I wouldn't say no one has. Dr Paul has been pretty consistent in his primary standings so far and will likely go to the Republican Convention with a lot of delegates committed to him, giving him some power to have a large say in the party platform. Dr Paul also receives more support from active duty/reserve military personnel (I was active duty and am now a reservist myself) than all other candidates combined. Though a registered as a Republican, I am actually more of a Constitutionalist. I may not agree with Paul on a lot of things he espouses but, smaller, less intrusive government bound by the limits of the Constitution and the assertion of individual freedoms, liberties and rights will always get my support over big government with it's nose in everything and kowtowing to special interest groups. As a military officer, I took an oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution just like every politician and bureaucrat in D.C. did. They have all failed miserably in honoring that oath. Not being a lawyer, I just can't decide if it's simply a matter of failing to honor the oath they took or an act of treason. As a resident of a state with only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul on the Primary ballot, my intention is to vote for Dr Paul. Romney et al are little more than Obama-lite.
  8. "What is wrong, is when you lie to other people, by telling them you are here to "help" them." So we've moved from talking about SL to talking about the government?
  9. I've seen both double dip & dip me in chocolate in a few Intan balls, but more than likely they were purchased and added.
  10. I've had land from Azure Islands for a little over 3 years now and have nothing but good things to say about them. I've had both residential land, and at one point lived on a mix residential-commercial sim. They've always been very helpful and responded within an hour to any inquiry or request for support. Many of their sims offer bonus prims, a lot of them double prims because they set aside a percentage of each sim to open space. This space severs as a buffer between parcels and the prims saved are distributed among the other parcels. From my experience, even on the commercial sims they don't pack people in so tightly that it causes a major lag problem. The only complaint I have is, at one point they consolidated and during the process sold off some sims. But they gave me 30 days notice and assisted me in finding a new location that met my desires. Tearing down everything and moving was a bit of a pain. But, they gave me a week to make the moves after transferring my tier balance to the new parcel. So it just a matter of find a good land management company.
  11. My old Sony Viao died on me last summer and a friend that heavily into al sorts of on line gaming recommended I look into a company called iBUYPOWER. They make gaming specific PC and lap tops. I found one that had everything I wanted and it allows me to not only run SL on max settings, it also runs all my flight simulator better than ever. I love it so much I'm planning on buying one of their laptops later this year. The downside is they assemble each as they're ordered, so it take 2 to three weeks to actually get your hand on it. But it was well worth the wait.
  12. No, it's not just the Democrats, it's all of them. And it's not just under Obama. This downhill slide started long ago, but became a run away train under Theodore Roosevelt. That's when we started the transition from a country that honored Individual Freedom, Liberty and the Rights of Man to one that espoused the Rights of Men and the Common Good. It's been a long slide, but with each step away from a Federalist Republic to a large Centralized government, we've moved closer and closer to the Socialist dream of the progressives. Now we are on the precipice and the power mongers in Washington, on both sides, are intent on pushing us over. This is just one more nail for the coffin. Without individual rights, there is no common good, nor Freedom or Liberty. “Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a government grows, liberty decreases.” ~Thomas Jefferson
  13. Not a day seems to go by when you don't see something in a Group Chat from someone offering to sell you their "Private Photos". They seem to run to the same presentation, almost as if scripted. And they also seem to always pop up in several groups almost simultaneously As far as I know, most group moderators don't do anything to **bleep** it in the bud. So this exchange today warmed my heart and made me laugh. (Names and other material not suitable for publication in this forum have been redacted, just like what you would get in a FOIA reply): 2012-01-05 ******** Resident: hi there IM a hot horny woman who loves sex and show off a bit...lol... I sell my pictures...I have nudes, **** *** pics... and some nice lovely ******* ones as well if you are interested to buy any please IM me..hope to hear from you.. [2012-01-05 Respond #1: hi there I'm a hot horny woman who (is a man in rl) loves to show off a bit...lol... i sell my pictures (google searched women in various positions who look similar)....I have nudes, **** *** pics and some lovely ******* ones as well (all the best google images have to offer!) if you (dumb horny men) are interested to buy (pay for free photos available on the internet) please IM me...hope to hear from you (take your lindens) [2012-01-05 Respondent #1: just reading between the lines ;) [2012-01-05 Respondent #2: Respondent #1, I think you forgot: Or, if you're really desperate and stupid, you can send me your Visa, Mastercard or American Express card information. Which I promise I won't max out before you can stop me. [2012-01-05 Respondent #2: PS - If you look that profile picture up on TinEye you'll find you can get the pictures for free @: http://www.*********.**l/****/***/***-*****-****.html Probably just like ******* Resident did. Ain't the internet a wonderful place? BUSTED. Thanks to Respondent #2's response, I think I may have been presented with a fun new SL hobby myself.:smileyvery-happy:
  14. "3) President Obama has to pass the bill. After what this Congress has done to the American people while they haggle over the debt ceiling and budget cuts, does anyone think President Obama will pass that from Congress? I'd say not a chance President Obama will sign that." Are you kidding?? He signed a bill allowing the military to scoop up US citizens within the borders of the US and hold them without charges just because he determines they MAY be providing material support to terrorists. But only a terrorist organization HE doesn't obliquely support. And that was after he publicly stated he wouldn't sign it if it crossed his desk. And he routinely orders the killing of US Citizens not on an active battle field without trial in complete contravention of the Constitution he swore to uphold, protect and defend. So, you think he won't sign a bill which effectively gives him complete control over the internet, and the ability to arbitrarily shut down web sites that don't espouse his views under any pretext he can use? I think you totally misunderstand Chairman Barry and his ultimate goals.
  15. Regarding these statements in a person's profile or picks, I have nothing to do with them. If I receive an IM from anyone I'm not friends with, prior to replying I scan their profile. If I see one of those statements in their profile or picks, I don't reply and mute them immediately. And if I find a friend that has put that in their profile or picks, I say goodbye in local chat then I de-freind and mute them too. I don't associate with drama queens, and frankly people like that are just too damn ignorant for me to waste my time on.
  16. Phoenix Viewer is my current favored viewer, though I sometime swap in and out of Firestorm. Obviously I'll switch to Firestorm once the V1 based viewers are made obsolete. But I've tried the LL V2+ versions and just don't like them one bit. The little extras the Phoenix/Firestorm team puts into theirs give me a few little options that I like much more.
  17. Every time governments try to improve on something they just screw it up worse. I'll stick with the Gregorian calendar thanks. It's not that hard to remember that leap year is every 4 years and 30 days has September... etc. Besides I have a day-date watch so no problem. And if your believe the whole Maya Calendar dealie, after next year none of it will matter anyway.
  18. I'm more worried about the federal government having unfettered access to my medical records as part of the "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act". If they can't keep the Pentagon computers secure, what would make anyone think that they can keep my medical records secure. LOL
  19. A thief is a thief is a thief. Just because you say you have a worthy cause doesn't change that one iota. Stealing and revealing personal information just shows what those A-holes are really all about. Any good will their other activities may have generated should be negated by this sort of criminal act. But the fact that Stratfor didn't bother to encode their data is unforgivable, especially in this day and age.
  20. The articles says that States could operate gambling sites within their own state. I would assume that would mean they could allow other organizations to do so under state regulations. Unless the opinion is expanded, it sounds like LL might be able to operate some form of state regulated gaming, but that it would have to be limited to residents of California. I would think that states with Lotteries would start offing the ability to purchase tickets on line, and perhaps expand that into some daily recurring games like Keno. I doubt it will expand much beyond that unless the DOJ makes a further clarification on exactly what limits they will enforce. If I were going to gamble on line, which I wouldn't, the last place in the world I'd do it would be in SL.
  21. As we enjoy this time of year, sharing it with friends, family & loved one, I hope we will take time to remember that there are many young men & women far from home & in harm's way. May they all return safely to those who love them. Merry Christmas!
  22. SOPA doesn't give the power to the entertainment industry. It vests the Attorney General with it, basically giving the Justice Department an internet Kill Switch. The power to act isn't based on due process or the order of any court, it is based solely on accusation. And not even an accusation from the copy right or patent owner, by anyone, including a competitor. Not only does it giver the DOJ the power to shut down the website of the alleged offender, but it makes all advertisers and contributors to the web site co-conspirators . They become liable for damages just for participating in the web site and, if they have a website that may be shut down too. If, by chance, it is a web site in a foreign country, they may block US citizens from accessing that web site. This sounds more intune with the actions of Communist China or Iran than the US. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't trust any government, and especially this Attorney General with this much power.
  23. I've been using them for a couple years now. There was a learning curve at first, but like others have said, no scripts, breaking down scripted items does work (make sure to make a copy first if you can) and don't over pack them. I also keep them close to what they contain, so sometimes I will have two or three boxes in fairly close proximity. I've sued them both on a residential sim and a commercial sim and following the basics that others have previously expressed, I've never had a problem on either. Just make sure you check the land covenant if there is one. I do know that some estates don't allow their use. Good luck
  24. Coconut Custard, Apple, Pecan, Cherry, Key Lime, I could go on and on. They are all inspiring, after all it's pie.
  25. Poor Scripts. You were looking for a Domme and instead found a moron pretending to be a Domme. But it's easy enought to do, they are abundant in SL.
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