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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Grants you exclusive make one glorious mesh avi talent, however, upon final inspection it is a millipede that you will have to buy shoes for. I wish I had a sim where the mountains were chocolate.
  2. rapid response 🚒 (wow this thread moves quick
  3. Ahh applesauce hmmm? in the education circles I work in ALL mobile phones are known as "fail phones" and so it shall continue. (not the discipline of I.T atmo). There is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing students failing because of their obsession with disposable rubbish. To "game" on one of these would be agony would it not?
  4. Working on more original (copyrighted :p) art designs for my business and I am lucky enough to have been invited to return to my day job in education. It will be an incredible year
  5. I can fix it! Here is my, (sort of), politically correct, touchy feely "gaspicon" for those moments when you'd love to throttle someone but need to show some restraint just in case they might become offended by a harsher critique of their inane bluster. *posts gaspicon.... OMG... I just realised its not gender neutral 8-/ Please don't report me! Noooooooooooo! *runs off crying & hides in Sansar 👀 *sniff, blubber, sniff.
  6. Voice lol. I started SL on dial-up internet in a remote tropical part of Australia believe it or not. You couldn't do much but it was still absolutely fascinating at the time. When broadband finally became available I thought oh yay! voice! Turned it on and heard grunting, wheezing, farting, eating food, riotous children in the background, babies crying, sleazy come-ons etc etc, nearly vomited and never went back to it Being quite OCD and maybe some other stuff, the varying volume levels of different users drove me insane. I just cant cope with that.
  7. Flexi hair rocks because mesh hair looks like its starched fast. 👊
  8. Pets..... *smirks and of course, longazz:-> HhhhhhhhhhhOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo! 's \0/ and as chibiusa mentioned above >Gachas<. Might just be me, but my brain is incapable of assigning any value at all to Gachas. To me that's sort of gambling, which I don't do ever. Not even lotto tickets. I work too hard for my money & lindens to be sucked into that wonky stuff.
  9. Witness the very recent rise and extremely hard fall of Altlas - https://www.pcgamer.com/atlas-off-to-a-disappointing-start-in-early-access/ What an absolute debacle. (My sister bought for me for a xmas giggle, which I soon refunded). They had one shot at this and blew it. SL is MILES ahead of any alternative so I think all LL have to do is sit tight and the tables will turn as they always do.
  10. Very occassional metal, with a bit of devil sounding vocals lol. This is their only tune I like. \m/
  11. You do know that all the unwanted children from Sansar get dumped back into SL don't you 👀? Maybe the steamers could play them?
  12. Cach-ING! *Bells/whistles Tinkle.... tinkle...
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