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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. We're your friends. We don't require excuses, or even reasons. We can't fix it. We can give you a hand to hold, or a shoulder to dampen, or half a cookie (sorry, it looked so delicious). Because she loves you. That's all. And it's huge.
  2. Well, I'll concede that it's not all her eyes are saying.
  3. I just knew you'd make it look gorgeous. And your eyes are saying you like it.
  4. What works for me may not work for everybody. I can almost always feel better if I do something nice for someone else that makes them feel good, or makes them happy. They don't even have to know who did it for them. The hard part is rising up from the meh long enough to so something. I hope she feels better soon.
  5. I want the region I'm driving in to forecast to the region I'm heading toward the very strong possibility that I will be entering that region, when and where, along with all pertinent, parametric particulars. Maybe this is impossible. Maybe it already does this. Maybe I wouldn't actually enter that next region, braking hard instead to a stop just short of the crossing and <shouting> "Psyche!"
  6. So that the roof will still be there after you've had a few more birthday cakes. And you WILL have more birthday cakes young lady.
  7. In Union Passage at Safe Waters Foundation, there is a transformation station, where anyone can obtain a mermaid avatar kit. You can try it on and swim around... see if it's something in which you are interested.
  8. It was that hot dog. I think I was eating too fast.
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