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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. After days of the login not being sticky, I was also still logged in this morning when I opened Firefox.
  2. There's a bowling alley at the Hangout in Allana. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/212/35/27/
  3. As a general premise, I don't agree with this. People come here for many different reasons; exploration of environments, self exploration, artistic expression, socialization, building things (something in which I recall you had begun to dabble), or just trying to connect with others and not feel alone. For many people the reasons they stay may change or evolve from those that brought them here. You're here to run a business. You display no need to get to know people, but even as strictly a business owner, providing services or goods to others, the prosperity of that business will be affected by how others perceive you. I came here for the promise. I stayed for the people. Sometimes, yes, some people will express a desire to know. It has been my experience that most people don't ask. They're either not really interested in knowing, or they're polite or wise enough not to ask, or they're satisfied with taking things at face value. I think if you spend enough time getting to know someone, you get to know who they are, often sooner rather than later. If that ends in disappointment, well... this is something that happens in real space too.
  4. wearing signs “Caution: Unpredictable Behavior”
  5. It's so nice to see her going out, meeting people, making new friends. It warms my heart.
  6. Korrie says "I do my job. I do it well. This one over here... she likes her job."
  7. /me gives Maureen a big slice of pumpkin pie with an added zing of orange zest in the filling.
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