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Liisa Runo

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Everything posted by Liisa Runo

  1. I sometimes sail the waters with my tiny pirate ship, me and my crew dressed up as tiny animal pirates. When we see other water vehicles near us, we chase them and if they stop to adore our cuteness, we demand them to give us all their gold, rum, catnip and kittylitter. We get lots of laughs and people take pictures of us. Once got a bottle of rum.
  2. Im guessing that AD is paid by the creator of meeroos. Not by LL. But if it is paid by LL, i shake fist towards LL for favoring one creator like that.
  3. Haha, seems we both picked the cutest one to be made driveable. Mine came out like this:
  4. Personally i would let people have what ever characters in their display name. Also spaces. Most people seem to know the difference between display name and real name no matter what is written there. Sure there have already been some confusion but there will always be new people, names are not the only confusing thing in SL for the new. And "single names" are illusion. There is no such thing. And prolly never will be. The whole system is based on everyone having 2 names. First name and last name. It is not only v1 thing or old scripts thing. The Resident last name will stay forever and ever. Some things just fail to show it like it really is. LL should admit they made a mistake of forcing every new person to the resident last name and just bring back the varying last names. I suppose everyone wish that SL keeps evolving and it stay the most advanced virtual world for ever. Maybe SL is still here after 30 years. In that time it will become harder and harder trying to find decent first name. Even if LL some day choose to totally change the system and switch out from the FirstName LastName system, (and in the process wipe the whole asset server) we still need some way to know who is who. Will be pain if UUID will be the only way to know the difference of 2 persons with same display name.
  5. Sounds like one of the grief features in copybot viewers. Look for someone who is just couple days old, wearing nothing but stolen items, ban the person and the noise goes away untill the person get new account. Not sure if it is enough to ban the person from the sim. It might work from over the border. Banning just from one parcel in the same sim dont help for sure.
  6. Freecilla Kuhn wrote: ...to teleport to them and compare prices and locations. It will take a few teleports to be able to easily reconize the size of a 512 parcel on the map but it will be clear quickly.. Clicking the dollar symbol on the map show the parcel name, size and price. So no need to teleport to just check the price
  7. Typing the name of your sim to this neat lil service should give you info about how many sims share the same server and what sims they are: http://secondlife.mitsi.com/sims/
  8. When i know what i need, i search it from marketplace and usually go to in-world shop to buy it. Most of the time i see something fun in world. I inspect it to get the creator and find the shop from the profile of the creator. Not what you asked but ill add it here anyway: i never buy anything no-mod. I want to be able to fix possible bugs in the product. Link more stuff to it. Customise it to make it more personal and unique. Remove stupid full brightness or write better scripts for it. Mod, Copy, No-Transfer is the way to go.
  9. Willow Danube wrote: Thanks so much for this info Liisa. I read about the 'Reflect' function it has and thought it would be a cool feature to use but I would assumed it would use a lot of resources and may cause more damage than anything else. I wasn't sure if it would backfired at me and ended up being banned myself. Reflect dont use much resources. But it could be concidered as griefing. And LL is not very famous for investigating AR's in depth.Being passive and showing the griefers that you are immune is usually the best way. When you hangout at LL sandboxes often, you get to know the different types of griefers and you see when it i best to bump back and when it is best to just AR. I noticed im quite zen these days. Have not pulled my gun out from the dusty inventory for months.
  10. Before LL ruined the sandboxes, you could just go under the sandbox sign, and the follower get stuck on that lil parcel. But when LL merged the sandboxes they broke this behavior in the process. It was prolly an accident by a noob linden and will be fixed some day. (i made a JIRA about the current sandbox mess https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7033 ) Untill LL fix it, one can guide the follower to the sandbox hill and then TP back to the sandbox. The follower will most likely stay on the hill. Or if the sandbox has off-world next to it. Can guide the follower to go off-world. Or go above 4096meters and maybe the follower get returned that way. Some followers are designed to avoid all these tricks and you can only AR them and wait for LL to slap the griefer. Also some NPVs (non physical vehicles meant to be used to protect you from attacks and stuff) have feature that will make the follower appear to be following the griefer it self. This often make the griefer stop the device. Not quite sure what you mean with anti-stalking. But only way to prevent others to see where you are on the grid and to remotely monitor open chat is to go in island with no public access. And even this fail if you accidentally carry shady attachement. Best way is to just not care if people know where you are, and to never speak secrets in open chat. Summary: To prevent geing tossed around. Sit on ground or prim, or use NPV or movelock to be able to move around while protected. Scripted movelock can be beaten by some orbiters but not many. Client side movelock in some 3rd party clients are unbeateble. NPV is also nonbeatable. Guide followers off-world or no-script parcels. Or "reflect" them back to the griefer. AR if other stuff fail. Or if the grief is just so annoying you think the person deserve being AR'ed. I dont AR every noob who is just testing some freebie toy. Avoid "shield rezzers". These eye candy toys protect you only from very weak attacks. And they waste lots of sim resources. For them to be even somewhat reliable they need to have tons of sensors firing very rapidly and they rez stuff rapidly. Not worth the lag just to be protected from watermelon launcher or other old guns.
  11. Times Sands wrote: If you live on Linden land or on an estate that does not permit megas, then buying a megaprim-based product is a waste of money. Megaprims are allowed on linden lands. And i dont see a reason for estate owner to ban megaprims. (When i think hard, i come up with only one silly reason: Megaprims are not allowed so you must waste tons of prims to build stuff = Buy more land from the greedy estate owner)
  12. And here is the JIRA for web inventory: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-265 Everybody go vote it.
  13. I use llRequestSimulatorData to remotely monitor my sims. The sims really go down. Been in them couple times when this has happened. And when i remotely see them go offline, and go to neighboring region to wait for the crashed region to come up, i see a region size hole in the world before it comes back up.
  14. Since the last roll some of my sims been blinking offline and back online. They have different server versions so im guessing that it is just coincidence that they started blinking after the rolls. They go offline about 5-10 times a day. Silent mainland sims. Rarely any people in them. And when i go to investigate, i dont see anything shady there exept that those sims do have some parcels that use temp rezzing to go over pim quota. Anyone else have sims that have started to blink recently?
  15. And here is the JIRA for it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6905
  16. Usually i dont believe in advertising very much, but i do think LL should advertise SL. And in the AD's they should tell what makes SL so great. And that is ofcourse being able to create everything and that everything is user created. "The biggest and most advanced virtual world" AD campaign should have several different AD's at the same time. Targeted to different SL users. Some fo content creators. Some for the social group. Some for the horny ppl. Some for the party ppl. Some for the combat ppl. ..and so on... SL has everything. The advertisement should be targeted to us adults (or almost adult people). So no bratz-doll advertising like IMVU does. No advertisement where LL tell that you can come to SL and pay RL money to rent some silly lil plot with pre-built home next to 9000 identical homes. Before i finally found SL, i actively searched for some ways to let my creativity loose. SL existed this time but i didnt find it. Wasted my life in other places. Oh how i wish i would have found SL earlier. But not at all sure if this is the best time to start advertising. v2 still seem to have lots of all kinds of problems. Will prolly take atleast 2 more years before it get close to the old client.
  17. And im looking for 1971 Chevrolet impala convertible. Red one with white seats. http://www.chevyimpalas.com/1971_Impala_Conv_5900_a.JPG
  18. No need to keep refreshing grid status page all the time. But when things go wrong, that is good page to check out. That way one can know what is going on, and that there is no need to panic in fear that one is alone with the problem, and that LL is working on fixing the issue.
  19. Maybe this? http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2011/07/02/post1332/
  20. here is the JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7063
  21. Liisa Runo


    Pussycat Catnap wrote: The same functionality already exists by just setting land to a group and then enabling auto-return. There's no logical reason not to have such people in the group - if you trust them to rez on the land. My trusted friends are in the group. But somewhere in this thread there were people saying that they refuse to enable autoreturn and add their friends to the group. So this script function would help those people keeping their land less messy.
  22. Liisa Runo


    Everybody go vote to the JIRA for a new LSL feature: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-19 "Script function to return objects" With this feature we could make simple scripted gadget that allow people to have list of friends who are allowed to have prims on their land. That way those friends would not need to be in the group of the land. This script function would also be usefull in many kinds of stuff.
  23. http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=pi&word2=tau Broccoli and cheese PI for me.
  24. I just checked them all, they are fun Im very happy to get the cat that walk on 4 legs. The anims are quite good. Thanks ^^
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