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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. My partner had to do a character test and for a while afterwards I'd see her in her skin and clothes but with the Ruth shape for a few seconds right after she first rezzed, then then she'd appear in her own shape. What viewer are you using? I find it happens most often when when people aren't running the same viewer. I've always had problems seeing clothes and skin changes by people who run Phoenix - I run Linden Lab viewers.
  2. She may have changed to one of the default avatars by mistake. Her old avatar will be somewhere in her account and she should be able to switch back to it if she remembers what "parts" she used.
  3. Is there some reason you're committed to getting a laptop? If you don't need the portability you'll always get better performance for less money with a desktop.
  4. You can try to find a group to join that will allow you to keep objects on their land, or find a friend who owns/rents land and will allow you to moor your spaceship there as well.
  5. My understanding is when a post is removed posts that reply directly it are automatically removed as well, and that the original poster can remove a post which will also remove replies. Some of the posts on this thread were concerning ethnicity and were becoming heated. Your posts probably got caught up in the crossfire.
  6. Depends on your budget and style. AlaFolie has beautiful but expensive gowns that move wonderfully. Shiki has more of a sleek, island feel to a lot of their dresses. They can be expensive but they have great group gifts. L.C. Fashions at D & L Ballroom has nice dresses, including some incredible bargains in their outlet area. I"ve won "Best Formalwear" contests with L$10 dresses from L.C.
  7. There's a "gamma" setting box in "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware", but it's greyed out with my Nvidia GT430.
  8. Your maximum screen resolution isn't high enough to run the current viewer on that netbook, so the installer may be choking. Also - if you try running SL on a system with specs that low you'll be miserable. Do you have another computer you can use?
  9. As I read this thread, so similar to several others, my avatar tugs at my sleeve. "Don't these people know there are cooler ways to fight in SL?," the teenage girl whispers. "There's paintball, and that thing with the swords, and you can fight in AIRPLANES even." "Yes, Theresa, but these particular people apparently like to fight it out in forums." The girl wrinkles her nose. "Lame."
  10. Wastedyuthe wrote: Ok, so I can just block a stranger temporarily then and that should solve the problem? Yes, or even an object - preferrably an object that you won't need to interact with. If it DOESN'T you should be able to ask the merchant to send the object again. Failed deliveries aren't uncommon and most merchants are understanding and wiling to send the object again.
  11. There's a known bug with off-line notifications right now. There's a thing called a "mute list" or "block list" that contains the names of people and things you've chosen to keep from contacting you, which is sent from the servers at the same time your off-line notifications are. If there's nothing on that list right now, not only will the server not send you the empty block list (logical), it won't send you notifications or objects sent to you when you're offline. A work-around is to "block" something or somebody, even temporarily. This usually releases a bunch of stopped-up notifications and inventory offers. "Blocking" is an option that comes up when you do whatever Mac users do when they want to do what I think of as "right-clicking" on something or somebody.
  12. There's a website that measures the performance of various regions and issues reports and to gather information that have a couple of "bots" (non-human-controlled avatars) that show up in regions. I found one hovering over my land and I had similar questions until I went to their website on unrelated business and the avatar name sounded familiar. There are a variety of "bots" that do similar things.
  13. Piers, maybe you should look around for a used computer that has higher upgrade potential than your current one. Computers have almost no resale value and you might be able to get something very cheap with a more modern motherboard and upgrade it.
  14. Weekly restarts are very predictable. On Tuesdays they restart the 70% of the servers that run the main version of the SL server application. During these restarts they often update the server application with changes that have previously been tested on one of three "release channels." Even when there are no changes to the server software they typically restart the servers because it hellps to clear up glitches that tend to occur when the servers are run continuously. On Wednesdays they load changes that are in the final stage of testing onto the three "release channels," each one of which is used on about 10% of the grid. This is a stress test for the changes that sometimes turns up problems that can't be detected in other ways. My home is on one of these release channels and I haven't had any problems in the months I've been on it. The server maintenance is completely separate - they are updating the Linux operating system on each server in turn. I know all this because I read posts in the server section of the forums. Maestro and Oskar are the Lindens in charge of the servers and they seem to be the two Lindens who make a point with communicating with the residents. The announcements in the grid status are done in a bit of a shorthand style but the information is definately available.
  15. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Thanks for the replies all! Personally, I do not care much about the 'muting/blocking' as a topic as I hardly mute people anyway (I do have a long list of muted fountains and waterfalls, but they do not tend to follow me on my feed....). The issue I brought up was that it all seems technically a bit odd. If you wish to mute someone, I suppose you do not want to see anything of that resident. Not in world and not on the feeds. This is not how it works. When you block/mute a resident inworld, they become grey and you can blissfully carry on without noticing them. They can now also no longer read your posts on your sl profile feed, but if they post on other people's feeds (e.g. your friends) you will see it. That was all. It does not make sense, as the mute/block is not complete. It would be resource-intensive to screen feeds like that. Keeping someone from posting on your feed is easy - every incoming post has to go through a filter once and that's it. But if you tried to keep seeing that person's post on other feeds every post on every feed would have to be fed through your block list every single time you accessed a feed before you could see it. As far as not being able to see that person's feed, you need to make a conscious effort to access a person's feed so there's no way for them to force you to see what they're saying - if you don't want to deal with that person you simply wouldn't look at that feed, and if you post to annoy them you'd probably just be muted your ownself by the other person.
  16. Restarting the servers occasionally helps them run better by clearing out glitches that can occur when they've been running for an extended period of time - they like to restart the servers every week even if they're not making changes.
  17. If you're using a viewer that supports more than one clothing item on a layer you can go into "Edit My Ooutfit" and use select the items that are on the same layer and click the arrow that appears to move it up or down in the "stack" of clothing layers. They items highest in the listing appear on the outside.
  18. Right now two things you need are a Nvidia card and lots of memory. ATI cards are having fits with the re-written OpenGL calls but Nvidia cards do well with them. Memory is a good thing in general, but currently there are memory leaks in the viewer code that turn up when you spend extended time in crowded areas.
  19. If you're trying to create make an avatar that looks exactly like you I'm afraid you could be setting yourself up for a very expensive disappointment. The limitations of the shape mesh mean that it can't be modified to look exactly like a true human face - for example, all people's faces are slightly asymmetrical, especially as far as eye height, and the shape modifiers can't support that. Your movement also will be unrealistic. You'll get to the point that the closer you get to your actual RL looks the more the mismatches will stick out. You can see the problem in any of the recent Robert Zemeckis-directed motion capture computer animated movies - it's called the "uncanny valley."
  20. For the "pad" over the eyes, try reducing the brow size. For the cheekbones - it looks like your cheekbone position is quite low. Also try increasing the fullness of the upper cheek.
  21. WADE1 Jya wrote: Everything moving forward (ignoring backwards compatibility) would be great Theresa Tennyson pictures Wade surrounded by an angry mob brandishing pitchforks, invisiprims and last names who frequently accidentally say in local what they wanted to say in IM.
  22. wiked Anton wrote: think thats bad? somoa now wants to MOVE the date line so that their trading comes into line with australias and new zealands trading days as they are always a day behind. some tourist operators are worried it will affect the "last spot to see the setting sun"......to move the date line will put the entire world out, why cant they just change their OWN trading days, open sundays-friday.............and just how exactly would any changes to an invisible line change the fact that the "x" on somoa would stopp being the last place on eartht o see the setting sun....its not as if they are changing the rotation of the earth.....somoa should just change themselves. remember this.............god help me, to change the thing i can, to accept the things i can't and the wisdom to KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. "Changing themselves" is exactly what they're DOING. There is no legal definition of the date line and it wanders back and forth across the central Pacific. Samoa's changing what side of the date line they're on won't affect anyone else. Remember this - it's always good to do a little research before you offer an opinion about a subject you aren't very familiar with.
  23. I think rather than trying to simplify the user experience from the viewer side it would be better to create some sort of immersive guided way of showing new people how the existing tools work, like a game or quest. This should be optional and there should be a variety of these quests available. Perhaps your contest could be to have creators come up with these kind of experiences. I know that Linden Labs had some sort of training HUD around 2008 but apparently it was mandatory and many of the tasks didnt' work for some people. There are viewer changes that could be made that would help new people stay out of trouble, though. The skin editor, hair editor and "make new clothes" options are the equivalent of the instruction manual for a modern car still having instructions about how to start the engine with a hand crank and how to light the acetylene headlights. I've known a few new people who accessed these areas with the logical thought that this was how the typical person did things, with predictably scary results. These menus should be hidden better, especially the sliders that realistically are never used anymore.
  24. To place objects on land with group restrictinons the group has to be "active" (selected with the tag over your head).
  25. Try re-sizing them slightly using either builtn resizer menus or using "stretch" to edit them. Use the edit "move" command to align them as well as you can to the bottoms of your legs. Take a look at them when you're standing up with your AO off to make sure they're positioned neither too high nor too low. You may never get them perfect - that's why most of them have an ankle strap to hide that joint. All the alpha" does is hide your foot - it's like wearing a sock of invisibility. You might want to try a store called J's that has shoes that hve built in toes but use the foot and an\kle from your shape and skin. They won't look perfect either but I prefer them to the "built in foot" ones. They also work better with my AO because it tends to make me roll my ankles over and shoes with built-in feet can't follow.
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