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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Corin, what are the actual frame rates you're getting on Windows 7 as opposed to Ubuntu? If you're getting higher framerates on Ubuntu as well then Windows 7 may be holding your video card back, but if they're about the same it may be that Ubuntu is actually making your video card work harder than it needs to.
  2. I can't speak to their sailing qualities but Trudeau yachts are absolutely gorgeous if you like an older "classic" feel, which I wouldn't be surprised by what with the top hat and all.
  3. What viewer are you using, are you switching between it an another viewer between logins and are you switching graphics modes ("medium" to "high", etc.?) It always returns to the default after I switch modes but I haven't had problems with it sticking between logins on any LL viewer through the 3.2.4 release. The 3.2.5 beta has real issues with remembering settings for me.
  4. Heaven's Gate has male skins and shapes that are much more "delicate" looking than the average SL male, and with the way their store is set up you'll probably be able to get one for free. Are you new to SL? You can get free avatars at Heaven's Gate if you're only a few weeks old. Also look for Ihatov. They're both Japanese stores which tend to be very generous with group gifts and "lucky" giveaways. Search for them. The only thing you really need to try and find is the "skin." The "shape" - the underlying physical form - is completely under your control. You can use the built-in shape editor to modify a shape to where you want it - even the shapes from the default avatars.
  5. I'm willing to bet you've got an ATI video card/chipset. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video chipset and if the problem is still there then go into SL Preferences - Graphics and hit the "Hardware" button. Uncheck the box that says "OpenGL VBO's" With 3.2.4, Linden Labs completely re-wrote the part of the viewer that communicates with the video card to get used to the old, outdated video calls that had been causing problems with new video cards, especially Nvidia ones. The changes can cause problems with ATI cards now though.
  6. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video chipset and if the problem is still there then go into SL Preferences - Graphics and hit the "Hardware" button. Uncheck the box that says "OpenGL VBO's" With 3.2.4, Linden Labs completely re-wrote the part of the viewer that communicates with the video card to get used to the old, outdated video calls that had been causing problems with new video cards, especially Nvidia ones. The changes can cause problems with ATI cards now though.
  7. Are they flexiprims with alpha textures? That's a known issue - there's a JIRA about it.
  8. Angel Alphaville wrote: I am sorry, I cannot help myself. I have to post another. "Glorious" indeed. Yep, definitely a "new approach". Maybe by posting such graphic design ugliness, we embarass Mr Rod and he finally bothers to correct his enthusiasm to make statements. And hire a responsible DESIGNER with a whip in his/her hand to coordinate and have coders do the work they are supposed to do. Coding is there to serve Design. End of story. This trainwreck of an "interface" is obviously thrown together by a bunch of coders. They must not be very enthusiastic either, I have the suspicion that they are underpaid and forced to pick up the telephones at the sales and support department too. As of users, we will use whatever piece of garbage is thrown to us, and be happy and have religious Opinions, like the good junkies we are. But not all of us you see. You have "Opinion", I have screenshot. There you go then, another "glorious" one. I'm not particularly happy with the way notifications work in 3.2 but I work around them. If you have problems with notifications popping up behind your menus, maybe you shouldn't, um, put menus where they will block the notifications? I park my menus on the right side but I've shortened them so they only take up to the bottom 2/3 of the window height. If there's a hole in your roof that leaks rain down on your head when you're sitting in your favorite chair, sure - the landlord should fix it. But in the meantime it might be a good idea to MOVE THE CHAIR.
  9. Warumono Mode wrote: I'm not on Firestorm, I'm on V3. Firestorm works great, just concerned about this problem that both my friend and I have with V3 on seperate computers in the hopes that someone can fix it and it's not just us. Here is all of the info copy/pasted: Second Life 3.2.4 (246439) Dec 8 2011 14:02:44 (Second Life Release) Release Notes Second Life Server CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz (2527.03 MHz) Memory: 3894 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.14.0001.6143 OpenGL Version: 4.0.10188 Compatibility Profile Context libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 4/942 (0.4%) I have not posted there, I'll do that right now. I see that your OpenGL driver is running in "Compatibility Profile Context." The major change to the graphics in Viewer 3.2.4 was to re-write the OpenGL calls so they wouldn't use the old OpenGL commands that are being phased out. Can you switch out of "Compatibiliy Profile Context"? It shouldn't be necessary anymore.
  10. You can key a size into that entry field but apparently 600 x 400 is smaller than the minimum size.
  11. Most resize scripts are now a single deletable scriipt rather than the scripts in each prim like they used to be.
  12. Theresa Tennyson looks around her comfortable home and wonders whether to ride her horse or go out on her motorcycle this afternoon. No problem at all. It's good being eighteen. Because I'm EIGHTEEN, got it?
  13. BothamFidor wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Too much of anything can get old quickly, be it self-serving sentimental slush or smug, sensatiionalized snark or even the letter "S". When are you going to come out of your altcave and join us in-world, Botham? I've been searching on you and you haven't shown up yet. You sound interesting, though probably not as interesting as you think you are. You don't think I am stupid enough to compromise the stability and future of my inworld business empire by entrusting it to the capricious nature of a hungover moderator who just got dumped by her girlfriend before being informed she had been scheduled Christmas Day and New Year's Eve shifts? This is, of course, a disposable forum alt. Don't be surprised if you receive overly-familiar invitations from strange men via IM inworld in the near future. Although isn't that what happens all the time? This avatar is my main and she's a teen girl. WOW, does it happen all the time...
  14. Knowl Paine wrote: I like your idea, it reminds me of a part of a thread I created titled "Honorary Rank". To cut to the chase, through various methods of Resident election, a Panel of elected Residents would review, select and present Resident suggestions, ideas, concepts and recommendations to LL. The Panel of Residents needs to be given some Authority. If a vote is passed to fix things that can be fixed, (move a road, fix a bridge, change land points ect.) those request should be immediately addressed by LL or the LDPW. Who's working for who; that's my thought. Usually, the people who are spelling out what needs to be done, are the people who are in charge. (or ready to charge, lol) This is an interesting idea but one panel for all of SL would probably result in people calling the panel unresponsive idiots when it didn't do what those people want rather than just calling Linden Labs unresponsive idiots. One thing I was going to bring up is much of the Mainland is empty and/or junky but the idea of continents of interconnected sims is a good one. Maybe a "federal government" of residents could be set up on the mainland continents, with different panels for the different areas creating themes and ways of running them. That way people who want things run a certain way would tend to drift toward areas run that way, and people who wanted to do things completely their way would still have the option of private sims.
  15. BothamFidor wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Trying to get others to agree with one's rather exaggerated sense of self-coolness by spamming a lot of snarky threads? Oh wait, that's been done... I wouldn't mind so much if they hadn't stickied their self-serving sentimental slush so the actual interesting stuff disappears below the fold. This is propagandist censorship of the worst kind. RIC the posts and get them unstuck!!! Too much of anything can get old quickly, be it self-serving sentimental slush or smug, sensatiionalized snark or even the letter "S". When are you going to come out of your altcave and join us in-world, Botham? I've been searching on you and you haven't shown up yet. You sound interesting, though probably not as interesting as you think you are.
  16. Again, I wear combinations of types of clothing. I'm not a huge fan of clothes built up out of rigid prims. They can look very nice when you're in a fixed pose but if you're moving they often behave very badly. RIght now none of the clothing options we have are very good for a moving avatar wearing a dress. Mesh will help a lot once a system is worked out where a mesh item can be sized to your shape, and, of course, when it's more widely adopted from the viewer side.
  17. I don't know if this would be feasible, but it would be great if built items came with a resize script like many prim shoes and hair do, especially if it would adjust animation positions at the same time.
  18. Trying to get others to agree with one's rather exaggerated sense of self-coolness by spamming a lot of snarky threads? Oh wait, that's been done...
  19. Theresa Tennyson whispers, "Psst! he's an alt and his whole schtick is being a tool! Read his other posts"
  20. Go to the "help" menu in your viewer, go to "About Second Life" and copy everything down through "OpenGL Version" and then paste it into a reply in this thread. Someone may be able to notice a possible issue. Are you using the official released version of Firestorm or the beta? The released version of Firestorm and Viewer 3.2.4 have radically different OpenGL code than the beta version of Firestorm and Viewer 3.2.1
  21. Slow chat windows and laggy movement are generally caused by connection or sim problems rather than viewer problems. The release version of Firestorm and Viewer 3.2.4 are very similar "under the hood" - all third party viewers are based to some extent on Linden Lab code. You might look at the settings in Firestorm versus the settings in Viewer 3 to see if there are differences there - they have different defaults.
  22. I think more people are trying to have their avatars be a "realistic" height and match their RL height. People are also using viewers that report theoretical height to the top of the head rather than bounding-box height, which is to the top of the spine and is what most height detectors report.
  23. Ruby's has a very good free male skin upstairs. Fab Free has some good stuff. Magi Take and Shiki have lots of group gifts.
  24. A small but significant group of residents whose pretension, cynicism and love of whining suggest that they're drawn to virtual worlds because it would be physically impossible for those who encounter them to smother them to death with a pillow.
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