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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. If everyone in SL uses a third-party viewer to access it then Linden Lab would lose all the income that they make off the viewer. Which is... (wait for it...) NOTHING. Since the viewer's given away for free and needs to have some degree of support, it's actually a net liability. Where they make their money is people using the service and "buying" products and land, and what viewer people use doesn't make any difference. Although I'm sure the viewer team at Linden Lab has an ordinary sense of pride in what they do, it would show a complete lack of business sense for them to worry about whether you got your viewer by paying nothing to Linden Lab or by paying nothing to the developers of Phoenix or any other viewer. What DOES make a difference is the sort of activity that goes on and has to be supported by the servers - and what gets seen by naive media types who wander around trying to find a sensational story. It's the feature set of Second Life as a whole that Linden Lab wants and needs to maintain control over. If people can change this by using a viewer that Linden Lab has no control over, THEN that becomes a problem. And that's what I see this whole thing being about.
  2. A landmark is an object like just about anything else in your inventory. You can move or delete them like any other object. If you see more folders under the "Landmark" tab of your viewer what they would be are other folders in your inventory that also have landmarks in them - it's common for stores to include a landmark to their place in a folder of goods you've bought for them. If they're redundant you can delete them or if you want to consolidate your landmarks you can move them. You may have to do it from the "Inventory" tab instead of the "Landmark" tab though.
  3. Things that you attach to your avatar are put on certain "attachment points" that correspond to the parts of your body. Your hair was probably on the attachment point labeled "skull." If you saw a message saying "Detach" ---- "Skull" that was SL shorthand for "Detach the thing that was on the "Skull" attachment point." There isn't an actual removable body part on the standard avatar that is called the "skull."
  4. Jennifer Boyle wrote: Since invisiprims are broken, I have been replacing a lot of shoes. I have found very nice pumps, flats, boots, and athletic shoes that work fine. I am having trouble finding sandals, because the only ones I can find that don't rely on invisiprims have prim feet, which I don't want because I can never get a good color match. I thought of a solution. I can't see any reason that it wouldn't work, but would like to know if others think so, too. The problem I have with the invisiprim shoes is that a terribly deformed rear part of my foot sticks down though the sole of the shoe. It seems to me that I could make an alpha mask for just the part that needs to be hidden and that it might be the same, and certainly would be similar, for most shoes. Does this sound right? It's possible but it will be a very fussy procedure. When you upload a texture for an alpha it can be difficult to anticipate exactly what the alpha will mask because of how the viewer interprets the texture. I'm working on it now and I'm getting close but there is a lot of trial and error involved. You should be able to ignore the invisiprim when its done.
  5. Go to the "Advanced" menu (key in "Crtl-Alt-D" if you dont' see it) and go to "Performance Tools" and select "Lag Meter" when you're having problems. If the second dot is yellow or red you're having connection problems. If the third is yellow or red the server at Linden Lab is having problems. Also, if you have a video card from ATI try going into "Preferences" - "Graphics" and de-select the box saying "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." This is a setting that's been causing people with ATI cards to have problems lately.
  6. Gooz wrote: for some reason..i wish i could get a linden's opinion on the subj,...lol. swear everyone i've talked to keeps saying 5'2, 5'2, 5'2 >.< Several "adult" places have height detectors that warn visitors who are under 5'-2". That's probably where that number came from. Bear in mind that's the "agent height" which is only measured to about the middle of the head but which also includes shoes - that's the only height measurement that can be determined automatically. It's also the height Linden Lab viewers report in the "Edit My Shape" area, but most third-party viewers use a calculation that attempts to get closer to your actual height by adding inches to allow for the upper part of your head.
  7. friscolives wrote: The new guy here again. I'm curious what are prims? I've been looking at potentially buying a second life house, and I've seen the term bounced around here and there...not sure what it is? Also HUD? No idea what it is, but it seems to be important. And to answer the second part of your question that got ignored while everyone started wrassling with each other, a HUD ("Heads-Up Display") is an object that attaches to your avatar but can only be seen by you and appears in the view window. It frequently has buttons you can push to control various attachments or other things. A very typical type of HUD is called an "AO" ("animation overrider") which is a scripted object that you can wear that makes your avatar walk, stand and sit in more interesting and realistic ways than the default animations.
  8. Try Ruby Skins. They specialize in skins outside of the ordinary "20 year old model" rut and have a variety of older men's skins. They come with a non-modifiable shape but you can pick up modifiable versions of the shapes pretty cheaply as well.
  9. These MB Robonaught wrote: Hi Is there more info on the Threaded Region Crossing Stage 1 Project? Things like what was stage 1 supposed to accomplish along with the overall project goals would aide me in supplying usable feedback thanks These are minutes of a meeting where the changes were discussed. It's pretty technical but it describes some of what they're trying to do. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-11-17
  10. My understanding is that avatar inventory is handled by a completely separate system from the region simulators that are the subjects of weekly software updates and restarts. A problem with one may have nothing to do with the other.
  11. Try using the phrase "are looking for" instead of "desire".
  12. I fly a seaplane in the Blake Sea area sometimes and very seldom have problems with a simple crossing from one region to another. I find crossings work best when I"m not trying to change speed or direction when crossing the border and when I hit the border more-or-less perpendicularly. Avoid going into the corner of sims when you cross. I have a HUD that shows my position in the sim in simple graphic form and also shows rezzing areas, parcels with ban lines and full parcels along the border of the next sim. It makes a tremendous difference in my ability to fly long distances.
  13. Pamela, I visited your store this morning and didn't notice anything unusual for me as far as performance, including when I crossed from one of your sims to another, and I hadn't been there for almost a year so it should all have been loading new for me instead of from cache.
  14. If you hit "save as" it should have saved the edits as a new shape and left the old one the same. Are you sure you're wearing the the new version?
  15. If you have a system has a power-saving feature that is supposed to automatically switch between graphics processing between the main CPU and the dedicated graphics chip try to make sure SL always uses the dedicated graphics chip. Never try running SL on pure battery power. Also, under "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" switch off "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." That setting helps a lot of people with ATI/AMD graphics chips.
  16. I've only heard this problem hitting people who are still running Leopard and/or have old video drivers.
  17. I'm not noticing anything running slower but I live in a release-candidate region and have been running the revised server-side scripts for weeks. It might take time for everything on a sim to become re-initialized after the server software is changed.
  18. Abigail Longmeadow wrote: Does anyone ride the trails in 'The AKK Horse Ranch' sim? I have sometimes. The trails aren't the most detailed except for the "fantasy" area that I'm not too interested in, but it would be a good place to meet people who like horses.
  19. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Actually, I hadn't really thought about this. I still wear shoes/boots with invisiprim...is there a reason not to? Do the new viewers see something different? :smileysurprised: The latest Linden Lab viewer and the new version of Firestorm don't hide things that used to be hidden by invisiprims if "Lighting and Shadows" is turned on. This was intentional because invisiprims cause a lot of rendering weirdness but there's a chance this change may be reconsidered,.
  20. I have a wearable AKK horse. I ride around the Calas Galadhon sims and Raisin Ranch in the Fruit Islands - it has an area for racing and also a beautiful mountain/island area you can teleport to. The Wolf Mountain ski resort has nice riding trails if you like wintry conditions.
  21. Your viewer might be set to a very high level of anti-aliasing like 8x or 16x. Some video cards end up anti-aliasing the text if they're trying to run anti-aliasing at that level.
  22. Do you ever switch to a different viewer between sessions with 3.2.8? If I run Phoenix it completely resets the menus in 3.2 series viewers for the account I run Phoenix with. My "Places" menu always resets after I make a change that is a "Viewer must be restarted for change to take effect" change like anti-aliasing.
  23. Second Life viewers are open-source cross-platform applications so they use OpenGL as a graphics language instead of DirectX, which is what most Windows games. Tweaks designed to maximize DirectX performance may actually hurt performance in Second Life. Many people have problems running the most recent versions of the Second Life viewer (Linden Lab 3.2.4 and higher, Firestorm 3.2 and higher, and Exodus) with ATI video cards. Make sure you've got the latest drivers and Catalyst version and try going into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and turning off "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." If you copy the info in "Help" - "About Second Life" and paste it into a reply someone might see something else.
  24. Store cookie/biscuit would have to be Oreos, although they were better when they still had trans fat in them - the filling doesn't shear away from the cookie part properly when you twist them now. Time-no-object coolkie would be chocolate chip from the recipe on the NESTLE chocolate chip bag (no other chocolate chip may be substituted), preferrably still warm, not too well done and made with margarine or a Crisco/butter mix.
  25. I wouldn't. I'd accumulate pieces that interested me and put them down myself, gradually working on my building skills in the process, or work with a friend who loves to build and who'd be excited by the possibility of an entire sim to play with. If you have commercial interests you could hire someone to lay things out. I doubt there are many sources for pre-made simwide themes because it would be a tremendous amount of work for a very small market and most people with the resources to buy something like that would want a custom environment rather than a prefab. Linden Lab does offer a few pre-built themed sims if you haven't got the land already.
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