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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. jman70 wrote: Can I use a flight joystick to pilot the inworld aircraft? If so, how would I go about it? It's theoretically possible, but SL isn't really designed to be a GOOD flight simulator and the "joystick" routines are set up for a 3D building cursor which acts very differently from a flight controller. You have to change the controller configuration and even after you do it won't behave like a true flight simulator. This is a link to the instruction manual of an airplane I have that includes joystick setup tips - I haven't used them myself though. http://vybox.free.fr/Macchi%20M52/MACCHI%20M52.htm
  2. This sounds like an problem people have been having with ATI video cards lately. Go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" and hit the "Hardware" button. In the next menu, uncheck the box that says "Use OpenGL VBO's."
  3. There's a known, soon-to-be-fixed bug that holds up deliveries when you're offline if you have an empty "mute/block" list. Try blocking a random person or object (right click and it will be under "Manage", I think.) This may release a stream of backed-up notifications and deliveries. Unfortunately if there are more than 25 backed up then you'll lose anything that arrive later. It's actually not uncommon for items to be listed as "delivered" but never arrive for some reason. By "IM" do you mean a regular "spoken" IM or are you trying to post on their feed? Some people (including me) close their feeds to non-friends but still accept regular IM's. Look at the seller's profile and see if there's another way of contacting them, or if they have some sort of re-delivery system or mailbox in their in-world store. It would be very bad practice for a merchant to not have any way of contacting them. If there really is no other way of contacting them this is the one time I'd recommend leaving a comment about it on the item listing.
  4. Unless you're using a "wearable" AO (one that idoesn't have a HUD on your screen) there's no need to get a new AO. There should be a button on your screen that will let you turn the AO on or off so it will stop overriding animations temporarily.
  5. namssab1nad Piers wrote: Word of caution for all you Linden Realms game. Seems like Linden Labs has done it again. There is a part of the game that can break your AO's or your avatar permanently from running certain AO's. Friend and I were playing it and we both got crushed in the cave several times. Last time both of our AO's got broke. Hers permanently including her copies would not work anymore. She uses Semotions AO. Mine was broken as well. Only difference I use Vista. My copies worked. We did all the usual. Took it off. Reset them. Nothing would work for her. Thank goodness my copies did work on my avi. So be careful. Avoid the cave all together or risk having your AO totally borked. Way to go Linden Labs. I noticed that the maker of Semotions AO's strongly urges that AO's earlier than Version 3.8 be updated. Was your friend using an updated AO?
  6. AngelicJHoover wrote: Thanks Clarissa! I forgot to mention I am an elder woman in RL (my children told me about Second Life). I would be very much interested in historical (costume) roleplay. Any suggestions about that would be greatly appreciated. Caledon Oxbridge is the "starter" region for a series of Victorian/"Steampunk" roleplaying sims and also has an excellent walk-through tutorial. You can get free Victorian outfits there too.
  7. Ruby's has shapes and skins for a wide range of ages, including older women. Personally I find that among large skin makers Redgrave has skins with a more "mature" feel to them.
  8. Actually mesh clothing that will automatically fit avatars may be coming very soon. A group contracted Qarl Fizz, a former Linden, to develop a system to deform mesh clothing to fit current avatars and it's coming along very well. It's already part of some development viewers. It won't work perfectly with current meshes because the mesh should ideally start out using the default "Ruth" shape so that it will respond properly to sliders and the plan is to make it the mesh maker's option as to whether the mesh item will follow the sliders or not. When it's released and when clothing makers catch up, though, it should fix most of people's concerns with mesh clothing.
  9. Please go into SL and under the "Help" menu pick "About Second Life" and copy-and-paste that information into your post. Are you by any chance running Mac OSX 10.5 ("Leopard")? I've heard this happening to some Leopard users.
  10. You can log into both accounts at the same time if you go into "Preferences" - "Advanced" and put a check mark in "Allow Multiple Viewers." Log into one account (doesn't matter which one), and then launch SL again and log into the other account. Then you can transfer money and objects in real time rather than logging in and out - just change the active window from one to the other. If you don't get too ambitous you should be able to run like this for some time.
  11. Haldir Meskin wrote: To start with, the argument was not whether or not more fps gives more detail, but whether it is, in fact, humanly possible to notice at all. Since you say it is, then you're arguing a moot point in the first place, and your argument is actually agreeing with me... so I guess you DO buy it lol. As to how you see tv or a movie, apples to oranges. TV and movies have motion blur, something 99% of all video games do NOT have. This is how the eye is tricked into seeing fluid motion at that low of a framerate. It's not about detail, or crisp colors... it's about fluidity of motion. A series of still images, with no motion blur, has to have a higher framerate, therefore less change between each picture, than one with motion blur to get anywhere near the same effect. The very fact that you're arguing anything at all about colors looking brighter or crispness of detail just shows that you have absolutely no understanding whatsoever of the point that I was putting out. Especially since you actually agreed with it in the first place. Again.. tv and movies appear smooth because of the inherent motion blur, not because 25fps is the limit of human vision. You understand that incorrectly. In closing, just to be clear, since you obviously didn't read the link I posted at the start, this is not anything about computer hardware, not an argument about what computer hardware can do. It's about us fleshy old humans, and what we are capable of. You say you are fine and see fluid motion at 30fps, good for you. I can barely stand to watch cartoons, and have a real major problem with most anime, in that I see no smoothness there. I can see the individual frames. In fact even in some live action, especially wide screen movies at the theatre, I can, on occasion, detect the framerate and it bothers me. I think the first time I noticed that was on The Empire Strikes Back, way back in the day. I didn't know what it was then, but I do now. And yeah, I'm SOOOOO bragging about my 5yr old hardware. It's so 1337!! ROFLMAO! I suppose it's theoretically possible for you to have an extremely high speed of processing visual matter that gives you an unusually high ability to detect frame rates but the examples you gave don't guarantee that. Not all animation is done at the actual projected frame rate. amd sometimes each image is shot for more than one frame, especially in mass-produced animation like most anime. The Empire Strikes Back used extensive model animation and probably didn't have a constant 24 fps animation rate either. If you can detect frames in early Disney animatiom or in a Pixar film that's another story, as they are generally animated at 24 frames per second without motion blur.
  12. I THINK it's on by default. There are toggles in the "Developer" or "Debug" menu (whichever one is to the right of "Advanced") under "Rendering" for deferred and non-deferred automatic alpha masks. In my viewer they're both switched on.
  13. With one GB of memory, realistically you can't run a viewer that supports mesh. All mesh viewers have very similar code to render mesh and right now it leaks memory. It's not uncommon for SL to end up using more than a GB of memory itself in a crowded area.
  14. Avatars that cover the entire body like that Curious Chinchilla use the default "shapes" only as an invisible skeleton inside the avatar. It looks like that avatar was designed around the female shape and when you changed to a male shape the "bone" locations and lengths weren't what the avatar was designed for and the parts of the avatar ended up in the wrong places. With the current technology that type of avatar uses there isn't a lot of modification you can do to them.
  15. Go into the "World" menu in the top bar and then down to "Place Profile" and pick "About Land." Under "Options" go down to the button labled "Teleport Routing" and set it to "Anywhere." Then try setting a landmark in your skybox again. If you don't get the option to change this setting you can set a landing point in your skybox by selecting "Set Home to Here" when you're standing in it. (These directions are for Viewer 3.2.4 - other viewers may have different menus but you should be able to do something similar.
  16. When you're running SL on the workstations, go to "Help" and then "About Second Life." Copy the information there and paste it into another post in this thread. Somebody might see a problem in your setup.
  17. If you have your land divided into two separate lots you should be able to list each of them separately in search for L$30 each and set different landing points for each. To the rest of the world those two lots will seem as different as if they had completely different owners. They also can (and should) be given their own descriptions.
  18. Morning Devin wrote: My items downloaded date is also july 2012 and market doesnt deliver it for clients. Does anyone know whats happennig? My best guess is that you're used to seeing dates in the DAY-MONTH-YEAR format and you're now seeing them in the American format which uses MONTH-DAY-YEAR, which is what the forum uses (at least for me). I haven't seen any problems with dates displaying differently than I'm used to. As far as delivery problems, that's a different issue. There's a known bug with offline deliveries right now and you can find information on it in the "Answers" section of the forum.
  19. Pepine, If you're as friendly as your sister you probably haven't blocked or muted anyone. There's a current glitch that doesn't deliver offlline notices or objects if the person has an empty mute list. If you mute/block a random person/object you should get a burst of backed-up notices and deliveries. Unfortunately if the backup is more than 25 entries you may not get the things you bought.
  20. MariahWhispers wrote: If you get the house from Linden then I assume you get alot for it to sit on. Or must one buy land upon which to sit the home/ Yes - the house comes on a small lot in what looks like a housing development. Other houses will be very close to you but you can set your lot for privacy. With the way the houses are set up you'll be able to use more of your "prim" allotment for furniture than other lots of the same size, but you can't make significant changes to the house itself.
  21. Meeroos are for all intents and purposes digital Beanie Babies, if you remember back that far.
  22. Are you wearing one of the default avatars? They have clothing permanently drawn on their skins due to the possibility they may be used by residents who aren't supposed to be able to see nudity. If you get a new skin you can get as bare as you like.
  23. Maelstrom Janus wrote: Yesterday we abandoned large chunks of our region...the tiers are too high and all the evidence to me suggests they'll be increased before reduced despite continuing demands from many long term sl land owners for their reduction. No one is buying full regions - apart from penny pinching land dealers offering less than peanuts per sq metre. Lindens continue to insult long term customers while trying everything to lure new customers. You can't even air your opinions about shabby customer treatment on the forum without getting your posts removed and lets face it conditions in world get worse rather than better, more crashes more lag. To put it in a nutshell land ownership certainly isnt worth the while anymore. We owned our region 12 months almost and put a lot of effort buying it up piece by piece. But Lindens final action has to cap it for sheer mean penny pinching. The minute we abandoned parts of our region Lindens immediately slapped up ban lines - classic. If people keep abandoning land Im wondering soon if its lindens policy now to fence it off ...how anyone is going to get anywhere in sl...... If this problem happens to someone who starts a group protesting ban lines on neighboring property while having them on his own property next to a public road, I believe it's technically called "karma."
  24. How close together in time did you create the alt accounts?
  25. The new viewer has known problems with old video cards/drivers, especially with ATI cards. (It was changed because slightly OLDER versions of the viewer had problems with NEW cards, especially NVIDIA ones.) If possible, get an Nvidia card. If you have to use ATI, go into graphics preferences and turn off "OpenGL VBO's."
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