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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. DejaHo wrote: Perhaps you're laboring under the misconception that the confederate battle flag is simply a symbol of Southern pride... it's not. ...Dres Perhaps I am Dres. This is what I have been taught. This is what I witness. Yes, there are those who abuse and misconstrue its meaning to support their own hatred, but I do not. What if what you've been taught is wrong? What if what you've witnessed is incomplete? What if it's actually you who's misconstruing the meaning?
  2. Dresden wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Dresden wrote: I ask the following questions not to be incendiary, but because I honestly believe that doing so might actually start an interesting discussion: Considering recent events, do you believe that Linden Lab should follow the likes of Wal-mart, Target, Amazon and Etsy, henceforth banning the sale (and perhaps even existence) of any creation containing the image of the confederate battle flag from its services? And, of course, why/why not? ...Dres ETA: the word battle. Wal-Mart, Target and Amazon are independent entities - they are saying "I won't do this." In Second Life, Linden Lab is the de facto government - they'd be saying "You can't do this." I personally don't believe in preventing others from using symbols like the [flag that sort of looks like one of the various Confederate battle flags although usually the wrong shape and/or having the wrong color blue] because it makes it harder for everyone else to identify those who would use it as the idiots they are. What about Etsy? Aren't they saying "You can't do this"? But, I agree with you that, as independent entities, companies have the right to choose what they want to allow and disallow. I just don't see how that's any different for Linden Lab. ...Dres Etsy is sort of an edge case, because they're preventing others from doing things on that service but the sellers are free to use another service. I'm not saying that Linden Lab wouldn't be within their rights to purge variations on the Confederate Battle Flag, just I feel it would be a bad and impractical idea. If Linden Lab banned all sorts of idiotic, offensive behavior in Second Life it would be even emptier than it is now.
  3. DejaHo wrote: What? This ain't Germany. However, the Germans were among the first settlers of this new country. German was once considered to be the official language of the USA. The christmas tree is a German introduction to the USA. Why would any American German want to raise a swastika - it is NOT a symbol of ethnic pride - it is a symbol of ethnic embarrassment. But, if a German-American happened to disagree with you, should they be allowed to do so?
  4. DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: DejaHo wrote: In a PC world, humor is a capital offense. No, LL should not follow the likes of others and ban images of the confederate flag. What's next banning Christmas perhaps? The rainbow flag? How about the Russian flag raised at the UN? Wal-mart and others are following the John Ashcroft model - cover all the naked statues . . . None of your examples ar symbols of atrocity.. You have: a stolen holiday, a sybmbol of equality and love, and a countries flag. And you Godwin'ed the thread with your first post. I disagree... it's not a Godwin when it's a fair comparison. ...Dres Do you really think Nazi Germany = Southern CSA? It is a totally disproportionate analogy. I am not a southerner, but I never made the leap to equate the two. Probably because you're white? I am white. Are you telling me I should not be proud to be white because it offends others? Right. I don't fly the confederate flag, or the rainbow, or celebrate Christmas. . . but I have the right to do so if I so choose. I am in no way saying you shouldn't be proud or fly any symbol you like, just pointing out a possible reason for your "not making the leap" you mentioned. Shouldn't a German have the right to fly a flag that represents the period of Germany's highest power in world affairs as evidence of his/her ethnic pride?
  5. DejaHo wrote: How about we rename all the streets named after CSA Generals - Lee, Jackson, just to name two. Let's put the entire civil war behind us and pretend like it never happened. Is there a Benedict Arnold street in your neighborhood? I find it ironic that there are at least two major U.S. Army military bases named after failed revolutionaries who technically committed treason [Forts Bragg and Hood] - although I have to admit John Bell Hood's incompetence leading the Army of Tennessee at Atlanta was a major factor in guaranteeing the Union's victory in the war.
  6. DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: DejaHo wrote: In a PC world, humor is a capital offense. No, LL should not follow the likes of others and ban images of the confederate flag. What's next banning Christmas perhaps? The rainbow flag? How about the Russian flag raised at the UN? Wal-mart and others are following the John Ashcroft model - cover all the naked statues . . . None of your examples ar symbols of atrocity.. You have: a stolen holiday, a sybmbol of equality and love, and a countries flag. And you Godwin'ed the thread with your first post. I disagree... it's not a Godwin when it's a fair comparison. ...Dres Do you really think Nazi Germany = Southern CSA? It is a totally disproportionate analogy. I am not a southerner, but I never made the leap to equate the two. Probably because you're white?
  7. Dresden wrote: I ask the following questions not to be incendiary, but because I honestly believe that doing so might actually start an interesting discussion: Considering recent events, do you believe that Linden Lab should follow the likes of Wal-mart, Target, Amazon and Etsy, henceforth banning the sale (and perhaps even existence) of any creation containing the image of the confederate battle flag from its services? And, of course, why/why not? ...Dres ETA: the word battle. Wal-Mart, Target and Amazon are independent entities - they are saying "I won't do this." In Second Life, Linden Lab is the de facto government - they'd be saying "You can't do this." I personally don't believe in preventing others from using symbols like the [flag that sort of looks like one of the various Confederate battle flags although usually the wrong shape and/or having the wrong color blue] because it makes it harder for everyone else to identify those who would use it as the idiots they are.
  8. HellKatzen wrote: so all of my accounst are clouds today , no sound . contact list wont acess nor will my groups . stuff in my home not rezzing or showing missing an ik was there ealier before m,atenaice is it just me having these issues Many regions were restarted for the weekly server maintenance today and lately a few restarted regions will come back up with a problem called "caps ['capabilites'] failure" - they don't reconnect properly to various Linden Lab services. What you're describing sounds like this problem. From the login screen, try logging into a completely different region from the one you were trying to log into - do not try logging into your usual region and then going somewhere else. The various connections that are failing on that region should work on another one. A region with caps failures can usually be fixed with a region restart
  9. JanelleAnne wrote: Does anyone have any landmarks for nice free shapes? All "shapes" are made by adjusting the "Edit My Shape" sliders in the viewer and you can do it yourself for free.
  10. NeshamaTirzahTienAingeal wrote: Apologies if this doesn't go in this forum, but I did not see a general discussion miscellaneous or other forum under the marketplace forums. I keep continually encountering an issue when browsing the marketplace. In order to see alot of the furniture dresses gadgets costumes etcetera on the marketplace that I'm interested in, I have to leave the ratings filter set to G/M/A. Otherwise most doll, clockwork, robot, steampunk dresses gowns furniture attachments factories, transformation devices...anything of real interest gets excluded unless the adult content is allowed. For some reason on SL anything to do with dolls is considered "adult" content... I'm guessing because of the proliferation of blood dolls sex dolls rubber dolls and other things that aren't dolls at all just use the word in their name. Making the confusion worse is that some actual dolls do engage in sex on SL occasionally if they fall for someone, and some dress as a traditional doll then proceed to act out fantasy of being a sex doll because they want to be dressed up like traditional doll during the fantasy. Categories don't help the way linden lab said they would either, because they are not actual categories, clicking a category just inputs the category name into the normal search box so people don't have to type it in. Clicking the steampunk category today caused a page of rocker style punk clothing to show up, except that the first three items that resulted were attachable male genitalia. I am a virgin in both real life and SL. I don't appreciate being forced to look at attachable genitalia every time I try to shop on marketplace. Sometimes they even show up in the featured items or randomly on the first page that loads when you first bring up the marketplace. Also, excluding adult rated items doesn't keep the genitalia from showing up, they still randomly show up when content is set to only general and moderate. If I wanted to find attachable genitalia I know their names, they proliferate SL and the marketplace, and would not be hard to find. There are seriously so many of them they could almost have a separate additional marketplace all to themselves it seems like. There needs to be a way to view items perceived to be adult without having to see genitalia or things that would get movies r or XXX ratings or worse. There also needs to be a true category just for doll things like cases, avatars, keys, pull-strings, gears, circuitry, voice chips, brain implant chips, etcetera. Also, just to help everyone out, there should eventually be a way to filter out all clothing from a search so you don't have to search dozens or hundreds of pages of clothing to find the gadget device accessory or thingamajig you were looking for. Please consider this thread as a discussion but mainly as a suggestion, a request, and possibly as a informal petition. "Steampunk" isn't a category, it's a "community". They're listed separate from categories (and are basically useless, apparently.) The categories are listed above and in the spinner box at the top and they work reasonably well, including allowing you to just search "gadgets", etc.
  11. irihapeti wrote: Bree Giffen wrote: If it doesn't work out you could write a book about it, "the rise and fall of unionization in second life". i think it might end up being titled: "The fall and fall further" or "How my Home key got broken and I never got off the ground" (: Or "How I Trolled the Second Life Forum" maybe.
  12. Ulvhedin Teardrop wrote: When looking at premium options, quarterly was listed as 11.25. After actually choosing this, it shows in my account summary as 22.50. Why is this? There's currently a sale that will reduce the first quarterly payment for a premium membership to half the rack rate. Payments after that will be at the full price.
  13. lillyrose706 wrote: I unpacked my slinks and redelivered three times and there were no alpha or base in my slinks. Check the filters in your inventory listing. You might be filtering out "clothing" items, which is where the base and alphas would show up. I literally bought a pair of Slink feet yesterday and the base and alphas were there.
  14. clivesteel wrote: The backlash starts TODAY! Using my investigative alt, created today, I have enquired about several SL jobs. Quite frankly, what I've discovered disgusts me. A DJ undertaking a two-hour set, for instance, is expected to make do on 'tips'. I asked how much one earns on average and was told "can be around 500$L". This is US$2.02 for two hours' work. Would you expect a RL DJ to work for this??? Of course not. Yet, the work and time involved are exactly the same. The UK minimum wage is £6.50 per hour, which translates to US$10.32. Therefore, the criminals who run these clubs should be paying AT LEAST 2,559$L per hour, or just over 5,000$L for a full two-hour set. Otherwise - this is slave labour - pure and simple. According to payscale.com, the average UK DJ earns £27.50 per hour as a median wage. In other words, SL employers should pay, AT LEAST, $L21,654 for a two-hour set. "This is just a game" you reply. Wrong, TIME IS TIME. The average SL DJ probably does as much work as a RL one. It makes no difference whether you put in two hours of work online or in McDonalds. So you see, SL employers are guilty of the most heinous abuse of human labour!! And nobody has the brains or guts to pull them up on it! TIME to campaign for a fair wage on SL - pay your employees what you owe them. I call on ALL DJs, hosts, dancers and SL workers to withdraw their labour and refuse to work on SL unless you are paid at least $L2,559 per hour. Yowza! And to be fair to everyone, landlords should start charging L$200,000 a month for an apartment-sized lot and a modest SL automobile will start at around L$3,750,000.
  15. raymmis1 wrote: can mesh avatars wear non-mesh clothing? They can't wear them straight out of your inventory. However, most popular mesh avatars use the same mapping that the SL default avatar does so clothing makers can make "appliers" that take the textures used for non-mesh clothing and apply them to the mesh avatar's clothing layers. This isn't something you can do yourself unless you have the textures used for the clothing.
  16. jasonthelamb wrote: Looking to get into designing of in-world American Football uniforms - rigged mesh, not sure if I'm just not looking in the right places but I can only find avatars that are football players, not standalone mesh uniforms. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Full-Perm-Rigged-Mesh-American-Football-Full-Outfit/5351941
  17. You can't "remove" the hair wearable - it's part of the minimum equipment list of every avatar. You never could. You can only replace it. To shrink the hair you edit your outfit (not your shape), then edit the hair wearable and shrink all hair-related sizes to 0. It sounds like you should already have a hair wearable that's shrunken properly though.
  18. florina4 wrote: i relogged and when i came back on my shape cant be found in database... .. i cant edit shape or nothing.. just a small window saying shape not found... i deleted it and bought the same one and still i get same message... Are you using iCloud or Adobe Creative Cloud? People running them have reported similar problems occasionally.
  19. Mary Wickentower wrote: Where is the Free Special-Edition Second Life 12th Birthday Avatar located in world? SURL? It's at the Hairy Hippo Fun Land amusement park in Bay City: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Weston/75/61/25
  20. JoeKingleigh wrote: Gosh, it must be boring always baking the same cake but just icing it a bit differently. The Lad /Like putting lipstick on a pig. And yet, there are those who seem to like to do the same thing over and over with only changed names. Whatever.
  21. Vaase wrote: I was in one sim, and teleported to another and I noticed one of the items I was wearing shrank by itself as if I had used the "Strecth" option in edit. It shrank to the minimial size, I didn't touch it, it did it completely by itself. Any ideas why this happened? Was it a rigged mesh item? They are normally sized by referring to your avatar's "bones." Sometimes it takes a while for it to completely take in this information and it will float near you as a rigid version of the mesh that is whatever size it was when it was made until the viewer gets the data to rig it properly.
  22. Reinstall wrote: Alright x.x. *takes a min to process this* so what I gathered from your post is that once its fitted it cant be altered like the standard body we are given from LL. also it cant be used with every piece of clothing in the store? Am I on the right train of thought here? Thanks for answering my question I know what they are to a degree but are they worth it? As in I was looking at an athletic mesh body last night to get it as close to my rl as I can but im like why do I need a strong looking mesh body... if I can use silders with the default avi? See what im saying but I really like it so here I am finding out more about what it is so I wouldnt waste money on something not so needed ? Im asking are the fitted meshes able to go past the limitations of the standard one? . Yeaaaa I know stuff take time so clicking to drop on textures doesnt really bother me. Also how do you alter the avis way of standing and walking... its kinda clunky... and awkward seeing that run lol.. I type Ao in the searh and I seeee a load of other things... I used to be heavily into film photography. If you had a fairly high-end single-lens reflex you needed to bear a lot of things in mind - you couldn't put a lens from a Canon onto a Nikon, for instance. There were a lot of controls that could be complicated. And you didn't NEED a camera like that to just take pictures - you could just get a simple automatic camera and snap pictures. You could take BETTER pictures with a SLR, mind you, but not everyone needed one or wanted to be bothered with the time and expense of learning how to use one. Similar with mesh bodies. Right now, you really have to be be pretty savvy to get things to work all the time and you have to keep an eye out for brand names and compatibility, and there's no NEED to use one. However, it's possible to get a good mesh body to look quite a bit better than the default body, assuming you want the kind of look the mesh body maker designed it for. To answer more specific questions: Mesh bodies will follow almost all of the current sliders except for the face sliders, which is why most are designed to use the default avatar head. The old "system layer" clothing can't be used with them at all. Non-fitted mesh clothing may or may not work, depending on how closely it's made to fit. The best clothing for mesh avatars are the pieces made specifically for that avatar, which will also follow the body sliders the same way the body does. It sounds like you're using a male avatar - mesh bodies and compatible clothing aren't as common for male avatars as they are for female ones right now. As far as finding animation overriders ("AO's") on the marketplace use the category filters. Click on "Animations" and then "Animation Override," then you can search by gender if you like.
  23. edwinlow wrote: my laucher wont work and keeps saying needs windows vista. cant get new computer but can inly use win xp pls help If you prefer using the Linden Lab viewer you can use the "Obsolete Platforms Viewer" on this page. Make sure you go to "Preferences" and turn off automatic updates. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  24. JoeKingleigh wrote: A well-known antipodean cross between a dinosaur and a chimpanzee has been quoted by the credulous Auman as suggesting that SL is a game because it has a goal. She/he/it/whatever then goes on to say that the goal is to coexist. Joe /has news for everybody. //You can't win. ///Because Joe doesn't coexist with anyone. I thought Joe shared real psychic estate with plenty of others. Or are they all dead?
  25. PyroSteel wrote: There is kind of a way if you have activated your advanced and developer tools. In the advanced menue, go to performance tools and click "Show draw wieght from avatars" Here are my settings. And the red text between the boxes shows the avatars render weight. Good is in the low thousands, normal is in the 20k-40kish (this are hard to find so i don't have an accurate number) and heavy is anything 40k+. Most avatars run between 60k-110k because lots of people use flexies and scripts. My problem though, is even in areas with NO avatars, i still see aweful frame rates. Go to the "Develop" menu and select "Consoles - Fast Timers." You'll see a line of scrolling bars. Hit "Pause" and click on one of the bars until it breaks up into colored bands like an abstract representation of a DNA strand. Look for bands that are extremely long compared with the rest of them and then read the key. Also, it may be a problem that you have your graphics set so LOW - some modern high-end graphics cards are actually faster running "advanced lighting" than with the older rendering scheme. See what your framerate is with "advanced lighting" on and shadows on "None."
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