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KT Kingsley

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Everything posted by KT Kingsley

  1. YouTube has been having issues: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/17/youtube-down-video-service-reports-problems.
  2. Make a disposable alt to test out those experiences you don't trust. You can then throw the alt away or "Forget" any undesirable experience, or you can go and join with your main if it proves innocuous.
  3. Will the Windlight seen on the viewer depend on the avatar's location or the location of their camera? I'm thinking of the case where an avatar in an area with one Windlight setting cams into an area with a different one. Though, come to think of it, this could be handled to some extent with an experience enabled script. Also, I'm guessing that attempting to accommodate a broad view of a landscape that includes several different areas with several different Windlight settings would open up a whole new world of pain for anyone trying to implement it.
  4. You might also look at llSetForce. Something like 1000.0 in the z direction will get you somewhere around maximum SL velocity. Polling your target's position will let you track towards it, with a little help from some trigonometric or rotation calculations.
  5. In LL viewer I think you have to go to the debug setting UISndMoneyChangeThreshold.
  6. Surely the language thing would affect the whole of your textual description and not just the words "submit" and "ignore"? As far as a script is concerned the actual text of those buttons is irrelevant: the script either gets the text entered into the text box when the "Submit" button is clicked (whatever the Submit button is labelled) or nothing at all when the "Ignore" button is clicked. If you want the descriptive text to display in a language chosen by the user, you may want to look at having a notecard (or notecards) that supply the translations of all the user-visible English text you're using. The script would then read the appropriate notecard (or section of a single notecard) and use that to fill the "text" parameters (and possibly the buttons list) of your llTextBox and llDialog functions as appropriate based on what you get from the llGetAgentLanguage function. (The advantage of using notecards is that you can keep your script no modify while allowing individual users to supply whatever translation they want it to use even if it's not one you've made yourself.) And yes, system default is the operating system setting for a language.
  7. Seein' as how LL have retained the same name for the llGetSunDirection function I'll be betting that functionally it'll work exactly the same as before. I'm pretty sure I've seen comments from LL staff that what will change is that it'll actually return an accurate result. I most certainly have seen plenty of comment from users (and have personal experience of) the fact that, as it stands, it's pretty hopeless except for things that don't require any great deal of accuracy, like turning lights and bird sounds on and off.
  8. I'd guess that llGetDayOffset would return how far the day cycle is into llGetDayLength.
  9. I've only given this a cursory examination, but the few times I've had "unknown" returned have been either for a very recent arrival in the region or for an agent in a hidden parcel.
  10. First thing is to check that you've got "Show my Favorite Landmarks at Login" ticked in Preferences/Privacy/General.
  11. Stick with the short and meaningful names like count, index, colour, texture. Use plurals for lists.
  12. Almost certainly not a typo: several usages here in different examples: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Do_while.
  13. dataserver (key request_id, string data) { integer index = llSubStringIndex (data, "//"); //find "//" in the notecard line if (index != -1) data = llDeleteSubString (data, index, -1); //if there is an "//", remove it and everything else to the end of the line data = llStringTrim (data, STRING_TRIM); //clean up any white space that's left on the line if (data != "") //if there's anything left, deal with it { //do something } } This code snippet will, I think, remove comments from a notecard line (either the whole line if it starts with "//" or the end of the line where a comment is added to the end of the data) before you process it.
  14. Would it work if you had the helicopter follow the camera?
  15. LSL typecasting: key avatar_uuid_as_a_key = (key) avatar_uuid_as_a_string;
  16. IIDialog, the "menu" function, chats the text of the button that's clicked as if it came from the avatar doing the clicking. Make a HUD that displays a menu of the commands you need when you click on it. integer command_channel = 0; //or whatever channel you prefer so your commands don't appear in public chat list commands = ["raise", "lower", "start", "stop", "etc."]; //replace these with the actual comands you want to use default { touch_end (integer count) { llDialog (llGetOwner (), "\nSelect a command:", commands, command_channel); } }
  17. I think the problem might lie with the door object itself. I'm guessing that its centre is aligned along the side with the door handle. When making mesh doors (which again I'm guessing this is) it's usual to add an invisible vertex, edge of face to "balance" the door so that its centre lies on the hinge line. I think what's happened here is that the "balancing" component has been added to the wrong side of the door: that is extending out from the side with the handle rather than extending out from the side with the hinges.
  18. Languages like Java and C++ don't come with application-specific functions (in the way that LSL comes with llGetAgentSize or llSetRegionPos). When you program in those languages the system for which you are programming must provide you with the necessary tools to use it. For example, if you are making a program for Windows using Microsoft's Visual Studio you'll find it provides methods for manipulating on-screen windows, making reactive icons, building menus and receiving notifications of mouse clicks.
  19. It's greed to want to minimise your expenditure, but it's not greed to want to maximise your income. Now I get it.
  20. You can make outfits even with no copy items. The Outfits folder and the individual outfit folders contain only links (pointers) to the actual object in your inventory. I only very, very rarely buy no copy things, and then only if they're very, very special.
  21. See this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_URI_Name_Space. Try this in a profile: secondlife:///app/agent/a98f2541-04e3-46b2-b038-f82d8cf86f3f/about
  22. As an aside, now that some viewers allow a user to chat manually on negative channels, is there any real benefit to limiting oneself to only negative channels like this?
  23. Maybe a judicious balancing of llEvade and llNavigateTo, as in Asimov's Runaround? Or have the character pursue a KFM object?
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