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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. Then why are you propagating the myth that that any particular piece of clothing is sexual? And in any case, it's just skin - or in your case fur, I suppose. And for all of us, when it comes to SL, it's just pixels. What makes one bit of skin more sexual than another? Why isn't the skin between my middle finger and index finger as sexually charged as my boobs? Boobs are for feeding children. Who cares if they're hanging out or not? Something is only sexual if you make it sexual, especially an inanimate object.
  2. Well THAT's going to keep me awake tonight. @Patch Linden, what say you? Are you the Master of a Neko Dungeon disguised as a "test region" and have you dragged MY @Quartz Mole into your scheme?! I'm not sayin' that's a bad thing...
  3. To be honest, there are already a lot of us forum members who are quite rank. #thatwasajoke
  4. What makes clothing either sexual or non-sexual? Clothing is clothing.
  5. Marianne - It absolutely isn't wrong. Build and rebuild your idea of the perfect home as often as you want, and be as fabulous with it as you want! Build giant mansions and spent as much as you want to decorate it! If it makes you happy, that is truly the only thing that matters. Shame on anyone who tries to shame you by trying to be all pious and holier-than-thou.
  6. ⬆️⬆️ Prok, stop trying to control women by telling women they're being controlled and not listening to them when they tell you otherwise.
  7. See, now I just want to fill my boat with porn and teddy bears (they make ones you can ride, if you get my drift) with lots of animesh jungle creatures out on the deck.
  8. What exactly is the 5%? The number of A rated regions? The number of people in SL having sex at any given moment? When I first read the statement, I took it to mean that only 5% of residents engage in slex, and that's just laughable. So what is the 5%?
  9. I hate articles like this so much. Focusing on people who were around in the beginning that are gone now - or worse, Hamlet - gives a false impression that SL is dead or dying, or in Hamlet's case, a haven of moral depravity that will be shut down by the HUGE LAWSUITS that he likes to harp on that are, in truth, just minor annoyances to the Lab's lawyers. Hamlet can't take a dump without it being biased and that pretty much discredits the whole "balanced" thing. A lot of the original creators are gone now. Big whoop. They couldn't keep up with the learning and technology, or had babies, or died, or found another interest someplace else. Guess what? That happens literally everywhere. People change hobbies and jobs. Some leave SL, some enter SL. Where is an article focusing on creators that have come on the scene in the last few years? Or the ones from the beginning that are still turning out amazing products for us? I could not give less of a crap about some dude who thinks he revolutionized DJing, and why he stopped. Big effing deal. What about the live musicians from all over the world that regularly have meet ups in the real world and stream live shows? Philip was a visionary, and that's great. The world needs visionaries, but the problem is that when the visionary becomes the voice, and the voice is an eccentric genius and he starts talking to the press about things that might happen in 3020 instead of 2020, the company behind the visionary ends up with egg on its face because the visionary couldn't keep his mouth shut while the practical people behind him were rolling their eyes and trying to pull him offstage. Elon Musk has forever tainted the average person's view of Tesla by being... well, Elon Musk. Apple will always be the butt of jokes because of Steve Jobs. What companies are still in business now? Well, Tesla and Apple. Oh, and Linden Lab. The result is that any "hype" about SL is about how, again, it's either dying or never lived up to what its full potential. Blah, blah, blah. Haven't we been reading those same articles for 16 years now? Things change. Show me a company that is 20 years old that has the same strategic plan it had on day one. Look at how technology has changed in the past 20 years. Of course SL evolved and morphed in something different than Philip's original wacky ideas. Thank god. I don't want my SL filled with big corporations - it's hard enough to stay out of their grasp in the real world. I don't want them in my SL. It was a crappy idea in the first place, but Philip saw great things and everyone drank the freaking Kool-aid. If a journalist wants to impress me with a story about SL, let's see one where they talk to people who are in SL now. Where they explore Bellisseria and talk to @Ebbe Linden and/or @Patch Linden about LL's long term strategies and goals. The past doesn't need to be endlessly rehashed. Give me articles that look towards the future. And, Patch & Ebbe, if you're reading this? Please get rid of your entire external marketing and PR teams. They are doing the Lab no favors by not getting out in front of things like this, or by not writing the true narrative of LL and getting it in front of tech reporters. The "about" section on the LL website is four freaking sentences?? You have 20 years of history... and it's four freaking sentences? ARGGGGHHHHHHH! Jesus, Mary, and Martha, you guys! You're better than this! ... takes a deep breath... Love you guys.
  10. So it's all bears that offend you, not just teddy bears? 😂
  11. @Luna Bliss - I am submissive. I choose who I submit to, though, and ultimately hold all the power. I have the safe word that stops anything and everything, and it's my choice when and if I use it. @Amina Sopwith - I see what you mean now, and yes, backing away. @ErukaVonD - I'm glad you enjoyed my blog, thank you!
  12. I... er... I'll just leave this here. Stockholm Syndrome
  13. Do You live near Vegas? And are you talking about the Strip or off the Strip? I lived there for six years and found the people there mostly broken - it attracts addicts and a very transient population. There are much better places to look, IMO.
  14. Good god almighty! Where do I get one of him?! RAWR! But, yes, I agree with him totally. There are a lot of single moms doing an amazing job of raising their kids, and in a lot of cases having no father around is better than the sperm donor. However, I really do think both boys and girls need a man somewhere, somehow, in their lives to be an example of what a man should be. This guy is a freaking fine example of a man. LAWD!
  15. Eh, I'm the biggest Christmas-hater ever, and I don't see a problem with this in regards to the covenant. The decorations look like things any suburb dweller could find at CostCo and not like someone literally picked up Santa's house from the North Pole and plopped it in the middle of Bellisseria. It looks like any number of houses I drive past going to the grocery in RL. I'm Grinchy McScrooge, but I won't begrudge others their enjoyment of hell season. Ho freaking ho.
  16. Okay, here's my two cents. I'm a recent mainland owner. I had no understanding of it, no desire, and had barely visited any mainland before Bellisseria opened my eyes. Now, in addition to my two Bellisseria parcels, I have purchased a nice swath of mainland on the Atoll. I started with one abandoned parcel, and have since nearly tripled the size by purchasing abandoned parcels on either side of me. When I first started looking for mainland to buy, it took a while to find what I was looking for especially since I wanted abandoned land I could buy directly from LL instead of paying money to someone else, and I also knew I wanted a parcel that butted up against both a Linden Road and the SLRR. Perhaps because mainland living is still new to me, I freaking love it exactly the way it is right now. I love being able to do (nearly) anything I want with my land. I love that when I click on my land tab, there is no covenant. I love that I've got my still-figuring-out-what-exactly-I-want-it-to-be parcel covered with a house and surrounded with horses and my own train tracks hooking up to the SLRR, and I love that on the other side of the road is someone with a field of nothing but breedable bunnies, next to a completely out of place ice skating rink, and one parcel away from me is a giant GTFO warehouse, and across the train tracks is a little bar, and then there is the guy who has built a memorial to his dead wife, and just all the freaking weirdness surrounding me. It's brilliant! Why would I want any of that zoned? I bought mainland specifically because it isn't zoned. It's the wild frontier of SL. There are plenty of places with zoning, and covenants, and HOAs, and Gladys Kravitzs judging and snooping and reporting and ARing. If the mainland changed to be zoned, where do the people go who want to build what they want on land they own? That's what the mainland is for. Zoning it in any way is the antithesis of what the mainland is, in my opinion. LL is my governance. It'll be a cold day in hell before I live anyplace where Prok has any governance over anything I do. The idea of that is utterly horrific.
  17. As a woman who has been here for 12 years primarily for sex... No.
  18. I'm late to this since I took a day away, but here's my attempt at a take on this. As I'm wandering the grid looking for quality men to have sex with, I often trip over the words "role play". To me, RP is just writing a story, and when I'm looking for a lay, I don't want to write a story, and it turns me off as soon as I see those words in someone's profile. I've argued this many times but to me simply logging into SL doesn't mean I'm entering a world of RP, but some do define it that way. When I see anything about RP in someone's profile, I'm never certain what they mean unless they have character bios in their picks. I want to deal with real people, real men, and not characters, especially when it comes to sex. Yes, we may be thousands of miles apart, but when I look at the screen I see me, albeit a younger, pretty, and infinitely more wealthy version of myself, but it's still essentially me. I'm not playing at being anyone other than Beth, which is why I stuck with my real first name when I joined SL. It's still me. My original avatar had a version of my middle name as her first name, and I just never felt comfortable with it so I tossed her and started over again with my real first name. Since I joined SL primarily for sex, and that was 12 years ago, I do think I've seen a change. In the early days, in my experience, men were more likely to be themselves with me. Now it feels like most every man I meet is playing a character, or if he isn't, he's got an avatar that hasn't been updated since 2010, and yes, when it comes to sex, I do expect my partners to look like a million dollars. Finding sex partners who fit the criteria for me has become increasingly difficult. If they look good, they're playing a character; if they're just being themselves, they don't make the effort to be mesh/Bento/unique, etc. So while I'm in SL primarily for the adult side, if it's called RP I don't want any part of it. When I'm doing the, er... thing in SL, I'm also doing it in RL, whether it's on voice or through the mastery of typing while, er... thinging. And when I'm thinging in RL, I expect my partner to be doing the same, otherwise I don't see the point in doing it. I don't want someone faking it with me since I'm not faking it, if that makes sense. And when I see someone who calls sex RPing, I assume they're just writing a story and faking it and I immediately write them off as a potential sexual partner. This is also why, though I'm fine with people presenting as whatever gender they want to be, when it comes to sex with me, I expect them to be the RL gender their presenting as. If I want to have sex with a man, I want it to be a man and if I'm going to have sex with a woman, I want it to be a woman. If it's someone who is trans, I expect to know that up front as well. I understand that there are many in SL who are unable to live their RLs as openly and freely and use SL as a means to be able to be who they are, and I think it's wonderful that they are able to do that. I just want to know before we engage in sex. I guess it boils down to that I expect some degree of honesty in my sexual partners, and that has become much more difficult to find over the years.
  19. That’s a sad face not a confused face, and I don’t feel like getting on my computer to type out the reasons why I don’t like these ideas. Maybe tomorrow, but tonight is for binging the First 48 and playing on my phone while sprawled on the couch.
  20. It's time for my one and only real Thanksgiving tradition...
  21. “The date was pretty fun but when we got back to my place I found out he has a prinskorv and that was the end of it.” Putting this one in my vocabulary. And Thanksgiving is not for everyone. Can it be January now? I freaking hate the holidays. The poor roadkill turkey just makes it worse. Yes, I’m grumpy and will be until January. Happy whatever.
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