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Everything posted by SabrinaCooke

  1. I hear ya. It might be worth joining the NF Discord, or sending a notecard to Dean Kiyori. He's the CSR for NF (also one of the CSRs for Lelutka), and he's very helpful. If you need an invite to the Discord, feel free to hit me up in PMs.
  2. A neck blender would help minimize that, too. There should be one to match your skin in one of the skin packs that you bought; if not, they have a pack of neck blender/faders at the NF store. The icon usually looks like a squiggly red line. Put that on after the head and body skin.
  3. Peeve: When you try to be nice and helpful to someone and they turn around and accuse you of trying to take advantage of them. FFS.
  4. You can try taking your pic without DOF into an editing program like GIMP or PS, making a copy and adding Gaussian Blur to it, then masking out the avi from the GB layer. That way you can control the sharpness of the avi's edges.
  5. Maybe one of these? The stores sometimes sell unrigged bangs packs so you can customize the styles further.
  6. Lelutka head, Senra body, and the Sentaur hoss part from Shop and Hop.
  7. I mean, it's 4am. I've spent the night imbibing! 😁
  8. Maybe one of these? https://www.flickr.com/photos/150913985@N06/53162465112/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/150913985@N06/51888808000/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/150913985@N06/51796901717/in/dateposted/
  9. Maybe one of these: https://www.flickr.com/photos/denni_venni/52995826407/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/denni_venni/52639399635/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/denni_venni/52217469527/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/denni_venni/52152689002/in/dateposted/
  10. As promised. 1) Hair - CHAIN Ellie (the hair jewelry comes with) 2) Headdress - Air_Ichie Head Accessory_Gold_CM* SAKURA (Not sure if they still have it for sale. It was one of the RFL items at last year's Fantasy Faire. But this is their LM, from the creator's profile: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goguryeo/79/48/64) EDIT: It's at the store, under the Butterfly section, on the back wall, for 250L. 3) Animated butterfly earrings: QUIXE - Cho Earring DAISY Hope that helps!
  11. Thank you! I can give you the item details when I get back to my desk later.
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