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Everything posted by SabrinaCooke

  1. Did they fall face first into a pot of Charlotte Tilbury highlighter, or a vat of oil?
  2. Oof. That's such a badly done morph. The skin tone on the face doesn't even match the neck!
  3. Where did I accuse them of anything? My original post was to illustrate that DRD isn't the only one this has happened to. It was punitive in the sense that there was no explanation for why the account was suspended, so my personal assumption (not the creator's) is this was punishment for account sharing. The creator and their team already sent their complaints/feedback/suggestions to LL, but thanks for the suggestion. As for DRD's MP reviews, Jaimy stated elsewhere on this forum that their reviews from before 2023 were deleted, if I recall correctly.
  4. The creator and I have no idea. They asked LL support for an explanation and got a pro forma "we can't disclose" etc. similar to Jaimy's. They did get the account reinstated after a couple of days, but it definitely left a bad taste in their mouth, not to mention gave them a serious anxiety attack.
  5. That's the thing: we don't know. LL didn't offer any definitive answers to the creator I know.
  6. Yes, it was suspended, but the reviews got deleted. That's the other question I have: why is this coming up now, if so many people have been sharing accounts for all those years? And if LL was okay with it for that long, why are they being punitive now?
  7. I did think of that, too, but it's better than nothing. Especially since there's 2FA now.
  8. The point I'm trying to make is there could have been some kind of warning system in place for this, instead of just suspending their account and completely deleting their MP (which also happened to the person I was talking about). LL has had 21 years of dealing with this issue; I'm going to assume this isn't the first time it's come up. Why haven't they taken steps to resolve this earlier? It's not very good business practice to ignore the needs of a large section of the community. I already get an alert when I log on to my account on a different machine/device when I'm in the same house. Why can't they do that for accounts that log in from other IP addresses?
  9. This isn't the first time LL has done this. I have first hand information about a creator who also had this happen to them. No warning or communication at all from LL. They tried to log in and they couldn't, and was informed that their account was suspended. It took a while to sort it out on LL's end, while the poor creator was freaking out.
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