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Everything posted by SabrinaCooke

  1. The racism is appalling. And she's doubling down so hard on it, too.
  2. No, you're not being silly, you're being offensive and insulting, and all because you can't admit you made a mistake and apologize for it.
  3. The point just whooshed by her head. And she doubled down. I don't even want to touch the "Asians do look kind of alike in many respects" yet. I'm too pissed off.
  4. OFFS. Speaking as an actual Asian, I don't even know where to start with this one.
  5. I was offering a correction of your mistake in a forum post, not controlling what you do with your SL. Get a grip.
  6. Why are you controlling what I should do in SL?
  7. Maybe try to do a deeper dive into the various cultures this time, ideally not using Wikipedia as a source.
  8. They're not "unusual characters," they're another writing system completely. And if you'd actually taken the time to learn more about the artist, then you'd have known that she's Korean. While I applaud the attempt at trying to be more inclusive with your songs/playlist, I also lament that you mislabeled her nationality, plus took offense at a gentle correction as "trying to control you." I wasn't trying to control you, I was trying to educate you on the difference.
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