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Everything posted by CalypsoJewel

  1. It actually has some weird look with my velour skins at least. Like you can tell it's just a mesh add-on. Noticeable line. It's cute on some things, but sometimes not so much.
  2. From what I can tell, multiple bodies is a waste of time and energy. They definitely would had been better off just releasing one in the middle. I don't expect that update anytime soon, but I could very well be wrong. I hope it's not too long for the sake of those who bought in. If they priced them around what Reborn had (3.7k?) they probably would had done much better. Instead they wanted to try and be Legacy and got bit on the behind for it. Considering Legacy has had their bodies 50% off for a bit makes me wonder if they're going to chuck another expensive brick at us and it spurred Belleza to release earlier than planned.
  3. Hopefully more jump on board. We have 8 billion curvy bodies. Heck, classic can get pretty curvy even. Let us have something else for once. Granted I won't be buying the body(if it does pick up) until it's either on sale or my financial situation is better. If creators are only going to support the curvy one, i'll probably skip all together.
  4. None, because i'm still a bitter hag over losing my dream house to system screwups and watching it hardly get used. Meanwhile I've been chilling at a friend's LH.
  5. I never noticed how bright this glitter was until taking this.. needs a face version.
  6. I am still surprised to see Kupra holding such a spot. I haven't seen a single person wearing it at a shopping event at least in weeks. Maybe they're all club denizens.
  7. Would also like to know this. Only thing i've found is a now outdated chart page.
  8. I may pay attention from time to time to seasons, or if I go to a region that is themed I might dress to fit if i'm in the mood, but otherwise I don't care for seasons in SL. I'd be content with tropical 24/7 personally.
  9. Yep, I found this out on one of my alternate outfits when one of my clothing pieces kept auto-hiding wrong and I hit reset on the alphas. Easy enough fix to just redo it, though.
  10. Legacy pretty much started the stupidly priced body trend. Compared to most these days that pop up, Reborn is actually not badly priced at all. Under 4k iirc.
  11. Brings to mind the year I bought my first tablet drawing monitor for $800.. it dropped in price 2 days later to $750 lol. It gave me some good years, but such a price drop so soon hurt lmao.
  12. Same, but I also only buy things I REALLY want anymore. I've also had plenty of times where i'd spent a good chunk on something and enjoyed it less than something I got for a fraction of the cost.
  13. No. The ridiculous rising prices are keeping me from buying full priced items. RL finances are getting harder, so your $900L 3-piece outfit can take a hike. Yes, people took time to make these(some did, anyway), but you need to remember many times it's not a limited sale item. Often times those same people will belittle an artist for selling a single piece of art for $3,000 but turn around and clap an sl creator on the back for charging $3 for a digital shirt that they sell 5000 of.
  14. The deformers are the biggest issue for me. I'd be MUCH more happy if they'd just fix the mesh instead of the quick-fix route everyone ever seems to go anymore. If I had to use only 1 of them included though, it'd definitely be the knee fix over the butt because holy cow does it look bad without it.
  15. Do you per chance have materials enabled on the head? From here it looks like you do, and unless you have them enabled and set to a similar degree on the body it'll cause a seam.
  16. The body with the sale is L$2,625 Makes it what, roughly around Maitreya's price?
  17. This is all they ever really were. Easy to tell given the ridiculous prices for them, but when people started putting the only good prints in them and charging 1500+L for the fatpack you knew something was up. This will just be more of a same but end up on a wider scale. Our rl economy is already hurting. We don't need it on SL too. I, personally, look forward to all the clothing savings i'll be seeing as I buy even less than I already do on limited.
  18. Personally not a fan, but if a store does it right and doesn't attempt to rip off their customer-base then sure, i'll buy. Unless I literally only want 1 color. I will not spend a bunch of L for a single color, so i'd just pass all together.
  19. The V from Sessions certainly isn't. That works just fine with the bento tail I have for my alternate avatar. Considering it's the most popular female part from what i've seen, it could just be a guy thing. I wouldn't know about those parts, and considering none of the beds I have mess up tails, I should assume they don't go off anything that uses the tail bone either.
  20. I didn't get to see what that was all about last year, so would be interesting to see. In the meantime the Halloween neighborhood Tour is up in Millbank again.
  21. I second on Ceka's recommendations. Additionally EVERMORE has free tintable body layers to tint your skins(body/head/ears) slightly to try and match it a little better with other existing. I use these often as many skin creators have too much red tint to their skins.
  22. I think many Freya users already had jumped to Reborn with how dead the market was becoming for Freya. Reborn was/is also a good price. I don't know that the Curvy body is going to steal Reborn's spot for a while, if at all.. but Classic might steal some thunder from someone else. When I eventually get one down the road I know i'll go for Classic. Reborn is curvy enough for me. As someone who is taken irl and lives with their spouse, the built-in V does nothing for me as I don't need SL to.. satisfy anything like that. I'm sure it's great for some, but i'd imagine those in to it already had the V from Sessions, so would it really had been worth going to a body with one built in? Unless you really like the body, then sure. Still think it would had done better at a lower price point. Now I get to sit and wonder if Legacy "X'd" it's X body upgrade they touted at the Skin Fair(either this year or last year. Was in with Lelutka's stuff). It was to be a free upgrade, but mention of it was removed from the Fair about halfway through and now it looks like even the web page for it is gone.
  23. I was under the impression that Omega pretty much died when BOM came about.. But I also never see anything aside from stupidly massive mesh nails anymore.
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