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  1. I tried Velour head and body skins of the same shades but didn't work I don't know what's the issue at all... However the neck blends are amazing, everything looks really smooth with it <3333 Thank you
  2. Removed alpha, activated bom, i tried the skin demo at glam affair. This is how it looks atm
  3. When I click apply bom the body disappears. I was using the body colors from the body hud
  4. I can try this thank you! Can you pls recommend where to get it from?
  5. I have no idea 😢 I had it materials on the body and disabled them so it was better, but the body has its own hud for it, I didn't see anything like this for the head and I've been on it for hours.. :C
  6. Hi! :] I have been struggling with a neck-body color mismatch and I have no idea how to fix it has anyone had the same issue? :c Using a Legacy body and LeLUTKA head all, snapped all details bellow. I'd be really thankful for some help <3
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