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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. Not intentional... but I think this shot of my main SL squeeze gives me Charlize Theron vibes.
  2. I usually flick the BoM switch on and off for my Genus Strong head whenever I have issues. I don't use appliers so that works for me. It doesn't reset all of the options like eyelashes but that's OK, I can work those out separately.
  3. Oh crap... guess I should stick to the Genus Strong head/Lucybody mashup I currently use. Lucybody's neck fix for non universal heads makes me look good (as of ver 2.3)... as long as I don't use the standard Lucybody shape.
  4. Perhaps these sorts of preventable failures do turn some newbies away from SL after a honeymoon phase... IJS.
  5. I'd be cool with that! I've been grabbing a few smaller things from gachas lately. Last thing I grabbed was a retro space suit near Dolly Rotten's in world store.
  6. I got this a moment ago... meanwhile I'm redownoading No Man's Sky from Steam and catching some air in my backyard LOL. Stopped going there when I first logged on to SL a few months ago. If this AWS s^&* continues, it's back to NMS for me!
  7. ^Daf*q??? It was 22,206 when i tried to log in a few minutes ago. i wanted to readjust one of my dresses... felt like RPing over at the 1920s Berlin sim later today. I bet all of those folk are AFK right now.
  8. Ha, yep... thinking of scoring a Freya now for my trans alt. And of course a Jake for my wacky male alt... 🤔
  9. I've noticed a few items recently for Erika at the FLF event, too. Good stuff for my transgender alt
  10. As a relative newbie... IDK. I still come across people in 2021 who either say 'Is SL still a thing?' or WTF is that... even amongst devotees of VR and other virtual worlds. I wish I joined a LOOOONNNGGG time ago (like, maybe in 2008 or 2009 at least), that is certain.
  11. I find them annoying too... this is why I keep a few setups wearing system clothing so if I have to deal with 5 minute limits, I won't be left looking nekkid in the changing room. Especially important if you're a 'digital hobo' like me LOL and don't have a house/apartment of your own to demo clothes.
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