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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. Back again from the OSgrid... wondering why it's hard AF RN to get into Lelutka with a buddy on the phone... (IRL just watching over some oven food. Not doing the large turkey whole this year... ordered it cut up instead from a butcher and making a dish out of it ... in addition to everything else that goes with it. Happy Thanksgiving, USA!)
  2. Too true... in my case they also begged to follow me to the OSgrid... so I obliged. *tsk*
  3. OSgrid is down, so I'm back here to take a look around and see what I've been missing lately.
  4. This may be the last thing I post from SL for a bit... working my way around OSGrid at the moment. Enjoy!
  5. I'll vouch for the LucyBody Atenea. The free shapers it comes with are good starting points, and highly compatible with Maitreya clothes/Slink shoes. I used their Catwa shape with the Genus Strong head for several months before purchasing a Maitreya body. I still use it as a base + the Genus with some outfits today. One of the neck fixes Lucybody comes with currently is great for heads that lack the universal neck specs. I do tend to agree with Legacy being better for curvier bodies, but I've gotten enough of that look with my Maitreya. One of the Asian inspired Maitreya shapes I bought from the MP is a curvy take, and I've pushed the curves out a bit further. It looks sort of like a powerlifter* when stripped to the best suit ever, but with clothes on, the curvy vibes rock for me. Not extreme like a typical Kupra or Erika <<< I use this with one of my alts. *side comment, what ever happened to the lovely bobbie gal who hits the gym often? I miss her
  6. Tapped my way onto OSGrid (Open Simulator) yesterday. Anyone else acting like a nomad, and/or have a residence or other projects there, or on any other OpenSim grid? This is my current avi on that grid. Asian style Lelutka head and Athena body. All BoM clothes and skin, except for the boots, hair and hat.
  7. What's Lost proved to be highly emotional for me when I first visited the asylum, but worth the trip.
  8. That's crazy. I have nudes on Flickr, only one of them is restricted but it's because I chose that safety level specifically. The rest are on a Moderate level. WTF... one has to be logged in to Flickr just to see the Moderate and Restricted pics so that auto tagging... grrr... 😑 Has something to do with a carrot LOL and that's my story.
  9. Occasionally I can't fall asleep easily... so I find a random person to shoot the breeze with.
  10. The bodycon dress is from D'eVil. She has a neat little store in world for latex and bondage outfits. Bummer... I would have loved to check out that sim.
  11. Thanks! It cost me nothing to ride the rocket ship LOL. It's in an adult sim so no kids allowed there... but I'm sure similar rockets are available elsewhere.
  12. Ok, thanks. Appreciate the correction.
  13. Jenna Huntsman's body optimizer mod for Belleza lowers the triangle count further. The only downside I've noticed to that is you end up losing the onion layers that allow the auto alpha scripts (?) to stop working as far as I can tell. Not all outfits have the auto alpha scripts though. As far as Erika and clothing support... ya that sucks big time. I really liked the curvy flow of the body... ended up using Freya for my alt that was running on Erika as I can get more clothes to wear for her (including decent freebies... working on a budget here LOL). I also have the Lucybody Atenea for her as well... *sigh*
  14. Oh ya... I'd say late 50s/early 60s. I'll just say I admire your attempts at a mature look. I've done this approach with one of my alts, but you've gone further than me. The best I've got is this: this is a mature shape and skin from Dolly Rotten. I'd show a better pic but I'm at work ATM on a break (maybe later). Had to get this from one of my online account storage spaces, I have more on my PC at home. You can't see it here, but her breasts are saggy and not pushed up. This is basically a system style avatar, but I have a few takes with a Lucybody, just not handy right now.
  15. I've mostly had good chats with people since I came on board last April, 2021. The closest I've come to being propositioned for s*x was during a recent nap inside an apartment in Hangars Liquides, in my birthday suit* while clutching one of the Linden bears. I initially had a nice chat with someone who thought I rented the place. When I realized the guy at the other end wanted something more 'sporty' (he wouldn't stop insisting on it, I said no several times, I just wanted a nap alone with my teddy bear), that's when I put my clothes back on, told him it was a nice chat + I needed to go to my RL Bed soon and TP'd myself outta there so quick LOL ... then I logged off after landing at a safe hub. *PS I've no problem with people who manage to view me naked in Adult/nudist areas, but that is not an instant invitation for one of the best tag team sports ever... unless I really, REALLY want it (which is code for not yet, chief).
  16. Recalling relatives' memories on All Saints Day/Day of the Dead.
  17. 'Melting' my daily driver PeeCee for this group photo... a couple of my alts, and Yours Truly on the right. Thor, Sally, and 80s Neon Girl. We took over the Planet Enzyion lounge for a while...
  18. One of my alts, portraying a well known Tim Burton character.
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