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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I agree with you Marianne, nothing really is "new" in what's trending in the pictures I showed; it's just retro. The all naturals home decor style has already been around, I think in the 90's. What articles are saying is basically the trend is away from the grayscale and going to warmer such as tan, beige, natural colors, not that it hasn't been done before, it has. But, both grayscale and naturals can be a bit blah unless one really knows what they are doing. Why the world so blah, I'm wondering? I was hoping for a bit more. The fashion for 2023 trends left me flat too, it's just retro inspired. The prairie antique lace dress is trending in fashion. I think the world needs a change in decor and fashion as lots of what's trending in both those seem stale to me. @CaeruleiaeThe thing is with rl trends and rl, it tends to be what the rl store carries and that's how the trends get set. So, it's not whether it's good or bad, it just begins to be what the store carried in rl and we don't have much choice. With SL, we have a choice, which is cool. But, I still feel fashion and decor needs to change into something great. I feel the world needs a change and all we get is retro and rehash, and even kind of blah from today's rl designers.
  2. I pretty much agree with Stephanie. I'd add notecards when one begins with 'click on me' hover texts which the notecards explains how to do certain things when one lands as a newbie.
  3. Also, per the article, it says home trends last about 10 years. And now it's all about brown and beige. Sounds a little blah but I bet in SL we can spice it up somehow! However, white can be difficult to work with in SL if that's the main backdrop color until 2033!
  4. Yeah I agree, it does need a bit more color, a bit more pop and pizzazz. Per article I linked, it said the biggest trend is going away from grayscale and going to more neutral colors, and then it showed the difference between tan and beige in the article! lol I'd add a bit of color but to what? Maybe add some cranberry to the neutral colors? I also love mixing wood tones anyways, so that's a good one for me. I love the rounded furniture and that standalone white cabinet with the marble top in the middle of the kitchen. I might make that!
  5. I'm not English so I was wondering about that. Perhaps the writer meant that's where they got the idea, England but countryside. In America, we call those kind of stand alone cabinets countryside cabinets (they have feet). I love those! I also get the gray being kind of depressing. That was noted in several articles I read about why the trend is starting to go away from the grayscale - it's depressing. I love the rounded 1930's stuff too! Looks kind of art deco, yet modern. That white stand alone large cabinet in the middle of the kitchen, I want one now!
  6. Reading about real life home decor trends for 2023, would you redecorate or build for your SL home with any of these trends? Some of the trends are curtains to the floor that softly puddle on the floor, no more short curtains. Going out is the gray scale and being replaced with warm or natural tones instead. Lots of curves, especially curvy furniture coming in. Some things going out - too much clutter out and de-maximalization in but not minimalistic either. Current in - Stand alone cupboards and mixing woods with light, medium and dark woods throughout your home instead of using all light woods for example. Coming in - no upper cabinets for the kitchen, but wall racks instead. Lots of checkers and marble are trends coming in. Odd or different wood cabinetry seems to be coming in as well. So, would you update your SL home or build items for your SL home with any of these new trends, and/or eliminate any of the ones going out in 2023 if it's in your SL home now? Yes, I know trends come and go but I wanted your opinion on the new trends as I really like some of these. (Note: Link says 2021 but if you look at the pictures, it is trends for 2023 as it will say so above the photos and then given an explanation). I put some pics below. https://kaitlinmadden.com/home-decor-trends-for-2021/
  7. I don't know how that would work for me because there are a lot of Dinkies/Tinies at our annual events and we are crowded as is. I've noticed some Dinkie/Tiny events, the dance floor area is just too small for all of us. I just think our avatars better be sure under those circumstances to stay in one small spot if you block people and make them disappear because bumping into people at an event could get one banned. Sheesh, just talk in IM.
  8. I wanted to say something to Ceka about the above and how the modern world is communicating and how so many people's eyes are constantly on their phone and their finger scrolling. I feel I am invisible to my landlady and cannot get things worked out well because her phone is always in her face and she seems like she lives on a distant planet called PHONE IN FACE and she doesn't hear me or maybe once in a while gives me a grunt. And now, I'm noticing this my recent doctor's visits. My doctor's get phone calls and it's my time. If my doctor's become like aliens from PHONE IN FACE, I dunno what I'm going to do. Right now, I need my doctor's time. I need to have a minor corrective surgery; however, no surgery is really all that minor. But, to my landlady I definitely feel invisible. If doctor's become this way, omg. People are addicted or something to their phone.
  9. Yeah, but then you could dance right into people and that's called bumping. Not a good idea.
  10. No, I think what I missed is that you were saying if we used @ (person name) it would send a notice OR change color in local chat. I missed the sending a notice part with the @ which is where a bot could start sending us spam IM's, I'd guess. However, when there are 90 avatars like some Dinkie/Tiny events and the chat is going so fast, we could use it now by just typing @ (person name) without any bells and whistles but just to make what we typed stand out to whomever. So, what I'm saying here is to just type it but it's not scripted or a feature or anything. Anyhow, never mind. I'm really here wondering how we all made it through beginning SL but so many newbies have difficulty. It has been written in several articles I've read that SL's biggest problem is it's high learning curve though. Yet, we all made it. It's a bit of work at first and needs a friend who comes along to help.
  11. Sorry, I read this wrong. I had to leave for breakfast. What I thought you said is for local chat we could add an @ (whomever person) to let a message stand out and it would change a color (the color we picked ourselves) so the message could stand out in a fast moving local chat. However, bots could grief the @ and the color? I'd guess so because then we all have the potential to be an @
  12. When there are large Dinkie and Tiny events of 30, 40, 50 or more avatars, local chat can be difficult to follow but, imo, still fun. The thing is I went to the party to talk to everyone at least a few lines here or there or to acknowledge someone with an answer in local chat. We all don't get together in large groups like that all the time, so I don't get to see everyone all the time, so that's why I'm in local, even if it's chaotic, because I want to chat a little with everyone. It's not always that way though as we do get together in smaller groups, and *if* that happened through ratings parties they would be able to talk in smaller groups in local chat. The thing with the ratings parties is it would cost more in tips for the Dj, then for the whole 120 linden one could make in one month. The making 120 lindens defeats itself by having parties, unless all the Dj's volunteer for free. And, to Ceka's point above how group chat can be awkward when places seem to be made up of more people who know each other and are somewhat like a "tribe". I faced that becoming a Dinkie, but I knew I had to get started someone...so I just started talking. There is no other way. Some human places can be snobby though or far too engrossed in their flirting to accept any kind of other topics other than flirting. Dinkies/ Tinies don't flirt, we talk variety. I know one Tiny out of thousands who flirts but that's with his rl partner and it's cute.
  13. I know some Dinkies and Tinies who are involved in the Fantasy Sci-Fi events and it's a big deal for them. Their yearly favorite. I've never been myself but you could talk to the person who runs the group, Small Talk. Try thinking of weekends to start your events too, maybe, or the owner of Small Talk group may have some ideas to share. One centralized inworld group per theme or activity really helps because then you don't need a lot of groups.
  14. I see this sometimes when it's a live artist event at a club and all that is is stupid lag and extremely annoying. More Dinkies and Tinies would probably go to the live artist event *if* they got rid of that stupid, annoying, and useless lag. Many human avatar live artists are at Dinkie and Tiny events. Maybe join Small Talk and think of coming to Wootstock. It's a 3-day event of all live artists, most of whom are in human avatar but there are a lot of Dinkies and Tinies there as well and human avatars are welcome too. As far as what's happening for 24/7 in SL, that sounds kind of like it's dead now. Better to get with some scheduled events maybe. And, clubs could certainly loose the bots. It's nothing but annoying lag if not downright silly.
  15. I haven't been in the human venues since about 2017 but it seems to me that the host/hostess is the one who used to keep the local chat going and upbeat and sometimes a little crazy and fun. I don't know what is currently going on in the human scene with host/hostesses but I do know in the Dinkie and Tiny community we rarely have any events with a host/hostess as it's too expensive. Dinkies/Tinies are chatterboxes anyways. We tend to be more in local than IM. I often don't even see I got an IM until hours later. But, if I remember from the human scene, it was the host/hostess that kept up local chat. But, I was wondering why you are bringing up lack of local chat, are you thinking that too many places have bots or something along that line?
  16. One thing that the Dinkies and Tinies have is a centralized group called Small Talk where events for all the Dinkie/Tiny sims can send out notices. This helps with needing less groups. I don't know how humans could take that calendar idea and combine groups into one more common group of many sims the way Dinkies and Tinies do. But, it could help, for certain activities - boating being one. Dinkies and Tinies have boating, yatching events too but those events would be announced thru the central group Small Talk which is for all events. As far as socializing and this proposal, I'd rather see SL implement things that are exciting. This proposal just isn't. SL needs a new "Gacha", imo.
  17. I'd have to say well, the Shire's activity has gone down a bit since the war. However, the main group to join is Small Talk. Small Talk group has a calendar and is one of the main places to send out notices for all of the Dinkie/Tiny sims including Raglan Shire. However, Raglan Shire sends out it's notices too. I mentioned Raglan Shire as it's a good place to start for those who might like to start somewhere. But, Small Talk group sends out the notices for ALL the Dinkie/Tiny events. It is a very active group, but not all happening 24/7. Some of the events are very cool - Mardi Gras parade with floats made by the Dinkies and Tinies and a big after party, Wootstock, Dinkie's Got Talent, The Crazy Circus, the yearly Medieval Ball all gather huge crowds is what I was talking about with the very, very active. How many at the 18th Annual Medieval Ball last year - about 102.
  18. I can tell you where SL is very, very active, it's with the Dinkies and Tinies at Raglan Shire. We often have the sim limit of tinies/Dinkies of 90 avis and sometimes have to push to two sims for certain yearly events. However, I don't know what's up with humans lately. Dinkies and Tinies are not human but humans are welcome and are called "Friends of the Shire". However, it pretty much is about 90% tinies/Dinkie, 10% other - human, mermaid, dragon, etc. Probably not your scene if looking for human only.
  19. It could most definitely happen. Leave it alone, Love. It could spell the demise of SL as much of social media is mean-spirited and makes kids depressed from new studies.
  20. That will never happen, imo. It's a griefer's tool and could cost LL far too much to ever let that happen. People can make a special area about a person and write their feelings in their PICKS area.
  21. Oh good-god, no. We don't need the above, Love. One thing SL peoples, Coffee's idea JIRA is supposed to get people out to mingle more by possibly going to rating's parties. Parties cost money unless you plan to have no DJ. And this JIRA proposal offers a Premium person up to 100 linden a month. 100 linden a month won't even cover a tip for one party with a DJ. LL devs needs to get with the times here about how much things cost. It's 2023, not 1980.
  22. I added if even that before you quoted me. 100 lindens isn't even enough for an hour of a show. I was thinking of when I sometimes tip less because I cannot stay the whole show as rl calls me away. But, there is a tip to the main entertainer, the hostess, the venue. 100 lindens isn't even enough for one show.
  23. I never said anything about non attentive presence and active participation if SL ups it's game to have more attractive payouts and/or incentives for SL retention. I have always been a free account and by the way you seem to be presenting this that Premiums almost need this extra 100 linden a month makes me think and/or even realize as a free account I spend way more in SL than Premium accounts do, have or will. 100 linden a month is nothing to me. It's a tip for *an hour* at a show, if even that.
  24. Saying it's a necessity is pretty much the same as saying it's our only hope. I don't have an exact quote unless I go back reading your posts for several months. But, it's basically what you said. As far as growth, I think SL needs incentives but I think you are setting the bar far too low, except for those of a child's age. Did it ever occur to you that SL may not have growth or retention because their incentives are super sucky except for a pre-teen. Raise the payouts from games and see if you get growth. But, I'd prefer not this popularity forced socializing thing. It would not be a fun event if it's forced. Leave it in the past.
  25. If that $5.99 Plus thingie you put up is real with a 150 stipend and then we do this reputation thingie, I'd say the math adds up to something for 7-year-olds because that would be an awful lot of work for about an extra 10 linden a week. You have to be kidding, Coffee. You said PBR was our only hope of saving SL. To have PBR, about a third of SL's current userbase may have to upgrade to a gaming computer and buy all new SL content which could cost a lot of money. $5.99 Plus monthly subscription with a possibility of earning an extra 10 linden a week to put out all that money to upgrade to entirely new computer equipment and content for SL because of PBR, makes me think SL is doomed now. LL needs to do the math. People don't care about 512 plots nor 150 stipends and an extra 10 linden a week. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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