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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Dinkies are partial modify and about 40% or so (? I'm not sure of the exact amount) can be a different shape, plus there are BOM skins now for Dinkies along with fantasy skins that have been on the market for awhile. Also, Dinkies have different hairs, eyes, blush, eyelashes, eyeliner, clothing, shoes, jewelry & other accessories that can make them look unique. Many Dinkies may look similar but many are customizing more now with BOM stuff, although there were eyeliners, eyelashes, eyes, claws and more before BOM. So, Dinkies can vary quite a lot. Some Dinkies may be a low budget alt account and many may not customize much because a lot of Dinkies build and go to building classes, and since Dinkies are low lag, this keeps down the lag at the building classes, so many Dinkies are *not* into the customization aspect of their alt. Plus, many like them just the way they are. Although most Dinkies I've seen over the years tend towards being unique and do customize. Sorry, for the long response.
  2. I believe it means two factor authentication. 2fa, the acronym, I believe can be looked up.
  3. Come to think of it there have been some "copycat" threads lately where someone is copying another avatar with everything they wear, day after day after day as the avatar that was being copied changed every day and so did the copycat avatar. That would be an awful lot of money to spend every day just to look like another avatar every day, and this included head, hair - everything. And, then the second copycat thread was that the next door neighbor copied their whole sim. I have never, ever seen copycat threads before in all my near 20 years on and off SL. So, your assumption is not too wild, imo.
  4. I was not "freaking out" about public information as I have been a small cat, a Dinkie, in SL since about 2016 or so. My profile has been absolutely nothing to freak out about. Dinkie's are G to PG players for the most part. My posts were in regards to the false information that was publicized by these bots website which they have since taken down. And, ad hominin attacks are what trolls do. I saw your broad-brush response to call SLers paranoid as just that - an ad hominin attack which really means when one has nothing to add to a debate or discussion, they attempt to put the other person down. I don't think a Linden was paranoid when it was called very early on in the discussions on the forums about these bots to enable 2fa if one hadn't already done so. It's common sense.
  5. This is the problem, people not registering their bots and the issue persisting or even escalating the next time. When the first few threads appeared about the bots, a Linden recommended we all enable 2fa. There are some who feel 2fa is too intrusive. So, it's not all paranoia or a witch hunt. Some of us have our payment information on here and socialized engineering scams for hackers are real. I'm not even sure if SL going all 2fa would a) Keep the bots out, not to mention b) (the bad side) offend some current residents enough to leave. But, the above is really what needs to be figured out. A way to gain registration of all bots, especially.
  6. The thing is why would you do that and what would you get out of it? I am just curious what someone would hope to accomplish by doing the above? And, would whatever you are going to do with the information be for you, be for SL inworld only, or be for the main web (blog/website)?
  7. Unless, we, as real life people, urge our governments to make it a law that all bots must be registered and fully identify with their registration number or else will face penalties. Or....? (something like that). With Apple's strict policies about adult content (SL shouldn't have to deal with all residents information harvested and put on the web by another party); and now Utah, the first state to limit a minors time per day on social media among other things (I think for Utah now it might have to be 18 only - I'm not quite sure), and the AI age fully upon us, perhaps we need some real life regulations. Some bots are good and helpful, of course. It's the bad actor bots who are the bad actors. The people of SL objecting are not the bad actors and it was not paranoia that caused the objections. Again, SL is an adult MMO and some content should only be accessible by logging in. This is another part of the problem I wanted to address. This is Adult media content site and needs to stay that way.
  8. It's not real SL information, it's false, but being portrayed as real SL information. The TOS Privacy Policy seems to be talking about rl personal information one reveals themselves is not LL's problem. However, I never said LL would or could do anything about false information; just that it's being tolerated at this time. So, how does it create more work for me, I'd have to take the time to have it corrected or removed.
  9. Well, some of this erroneous data that was harvested involves our business. And, if someone on the forum posts an ad hominin attack, it's an attack on our business in this situation. People went to that website and were reading incorrect business accounting information and believing it was true. Merchants aren't paranoid. It's the hassle that was created we don't need let alone have time for. It's creating an anger and frustration issue. But, the reason it upset me is it seems these bots are more important than the merchants, land owners, and the people of the community of SL, and so I feel others want to dumb us down regarding the bots who have the importance. Now, what I just wrote may sound paranoid but it does sometimes seem that way - that the bots are more important overall than the people of SL. And the bots are "babied" in a way. If these were just land scouting bots to find land for sale and then publish it as classifieds, why didn't they just make themselves invisible and collect land information if that is what they really are after? However, I actually don't know what they are after but some of their published information has been false.
  10. Your post is long so it's not so easy to respond but I will try my best. First, you say calling SLers paranoid seems insulting. It does to me. To me, it was an ad hominin attack. All or general SLers should be given the benefit of the doubt as individuals and not all lumped together as one. They pay for land, they want their privacy. It's more about power and what is in our control than paranoia. And, if moderators (which you seem to be a sort of moderator here on SL forums as you are here every day) agree to ad hominin attacks, the SL community becomes a "a do as I say, not do as I do" community. The way you responded to the paranoia post and wanted to elevate it seemed out of character for you, I will admit, however. I have never seen you act in an ad hominin way towards others before. It took me by surprise. But, with the bots, there isn't fair power inworld nor on the forums to even discuss it, and if people seem over the top, it may be that. However, publishing false information about one's income from SL should not be tolerated. The bots in question did that. I've spoken about how often textures can take up to 20 hours of work, which would be about $500 dollars in real life money only to try and sell it for .30 to .50 cents. Merchants work harder than I've ever worked in my entire life, and I don't need more work put on me from bots falsifying any income I make here. It's way too much work to be a creator as it is. And, I have friends who say "I will never do another event again". Even events are way more work than creator's need. We don't need more work from these bots! That's anger, not paranoia.
  11. I respect and elevate your opinion. I'd give you 2 "thank you's" if it were possible! My candor about the post you respect and elevate, is it was rude and insulting. I cannot understand why you would want to elevate such a post and "give 2 thank you's" as you put it. Let alone stereotype your own community as paranoid. Many come to the forums with real reasons and needs, and discussion is important. What you responded too was a trollist bait post, and it seems to me, the real reason you want to elevate it is to get the thread shut down. To the OP, in case the thread gets shut down, can you check 'allow PIOF' on your parcel? You can do that in the meantime to keep the bots out until something else comes along. Unfortunately, doing that keeps others out with no PIOF as well. I feel after seeing someone so, imo, uncaringly agree with a troll to put the whole SL community down, made me feel like the SL community is nothing. It's all profit that matters. And, the truth and those in need don't matter.
  12. Why? I did not want data published about "my sales" even if it was an absolutely stupid lie from these bots because other people could believe it's true. Not to mention, it creates a big hassle for me. Supposedly, what the bots were doing was collecting data from the "What's Selling Now" section of MP and recalculating that over and over every second, and then posted an incorrect number on their website but were posting it as legit information on what merchants' make with an actual monetary value. If you cannot see that causing problems to the merchants of SL, I think I need a break from SL for a bit.
  13. Privacy issues. For one, information on SL business' weekly sales were being published, supposedly erroneously. For two, you don't opt in to their website, you have to opt out. I asked someone who said they worked for this bot company if they were going to keep the usernames of the residents who opt out and they answered "yes". This means the bots could en masse contact a whole slew of SL residents and who is to know if doing that could be spam or something more malicious? There are other issues, but we were told we aren't allowed to speak about the bots or make threads on the SL forums which left many in confusion. Your confusion is not other residents confusion who could not collect information about the bots. There was no fair play since all the while they were given carte blanche to collect our information. If this is meaningless to you, it's meaningless to you, and you are free to remain an "I don't care" resident.
  14. So I asked ChatGPT my question which focused a bit more on the current economic climate and *how* SL could garner a larger userbase and the answers I received were pretty much what the OP received - expand devices, make it more user-friendly for a couple of examples (same as in the OP) but what stood out to me as different is the AI feels (is that the right word? LOL) SL should expand their marketing and should promote itself more and acquire "influencers" even. Here's a snipet from ChatGPT about how SL could garner more users in the current economic climate: *** Expand Marketing Efforts: Marketing efforts can be expanded by reaching out to different communities, such as the gaming or virtual reality communities. It can also be helpful to partner with influencers or other companies that can promote the platform to their audiences. Enhance Collaboration and Integration: Partnering with other virtual platforms or social media channels and improving integration can also attract new users. By enhancing collaboration and integration with popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, Second Life can bring in new users that might not have been aware of the platform otherwise.
  15. It is pretty much wibble-wobble, plus I think it kind of replies 'not enough information' (because it doesn't have LL's full perspective and doesn't know it's business goals among other things). Is it wise for Linden Lab to raise the fees for purchasing lindens while at the same time lowering land fees As an AI language model, I cannot provide an opinion on whether a decision is wise or not. However, I can provide some information that may be helpful. Linden Lab is the company that developed and operates Second Life, a virtual world where users can create avatars and interact with each other in a virtual environment. Linden dollars (L$) are the virtual currency used in Second Life, and they can be purchased with real money. Lowering land fees could encourage more people to purchase virtual land in Second Life, which could lead to increased economic activity and user engagement. On the other hand, raising the fees for purchasing Linden dollars could discourage people from spending real money in the virtual world, which could have a negative impact on the economy of Second Life. Ultimately, the decision to raise fees for purchasing Linden dollars while simultaneously lowering land fees would depend on various factors, including the company's goals and financial situation. It may be a strategy to balance revenue streams or it could be a decision made in response to customer demand or market conditions.
  16. And, it generated the answer to my question in about a minute, too! That's fast. It is cool, and a bit scary. I was wondering if it could teach a generation to write better, "academia" style? One of my favorite books when I was a kid was "The Catcher in the Rye". "The Catcher in the Rye" has a very specific dialect, some of which may even be lost today. I wonder if AI will be able to write dialects?
  17. Okay, I asked ChatGPT specifically about raising fees. I think it gave a fair answer on par with what others have been saying. Basically, we aren't LL and don't know "the books" (their financial perspective) but AI knows of the challenging times of the current economy. Here's my question and it's answer. Is it wise for Linden Lab to raise their fees to purchase lindens at this time, March 2023 As an AI language model, I don't have access to the current financial data and market conditions of Linden Lab or the virtual currency market. However, I can provide some general information that might be helpful in making this decision. When it comes to raising fees for purchasing virtual currency, the decision will depend on several factors such as the financial health of the company, the demand for the currency, and the competition in the market. Linden Lab will need to consider whether the increase in fees will negatively impact their customer base or push them towards seeking alternative virtual currencies or platforms. Moreover, it's essential to consider the overall economic situation and the impact of inflation. If there is high inflation or an economic downturn, people may be less likely to spend money on virtual currency, and raising fees could further worsen this trend. In conclusion, before deciding to raise fees for purchasing Lindens, Linden Lab needs to evaluate the potential benefits and risks and make a decision that aligns with their financial objectives and customers' needs.
  18. I asked ChatGPT a question and here is the answer. It even knew I spelled Scooby Doo wrong. I spelled it with one o. My Question to ChatGPT: Can you explain to me why painting in the style of Van Gogh for a Scooby Do background isn't a good idea Certainly! While it may seem like a fun idea to paint a Scooby Doo background in the style of Van Gogh, there are a few reasons why it might not be the best approach: Inconsistency with the source material: Van Gogh's art style is not typically associated with Scooby Doo or any cartoon. By attempting to combine the two, you risk creating a visual discordance that could detract from the overall aesthetic of the project. Lack of cohesion: If the rest of the visual elements in the project (e.g. the characters) are not also rendered in a similar style, the Van Gogh background could end up looking out of place and disrupt the overall coherence of the image. Disrespect for the artist: Attempting to imitate another artist's style without proper understanding or respect for their work can come across as insincere or even offensive. Van Gogh was a master of his craft and his style was born from his unique perspective and experiences. To use his style for a Scooby Doo background without context or understanding would not do justice to his legacy. In summary, while it may be tempting to incorporate Van Gogh's style into a Scooby Doo project, it may not be the best approach in terms of consistency, cohesion, and respect for the artist. It may be better to stick to a style that is more in line with the source material, or to create a new, original style that works well with the project as a whole.
  19. Very true the meaning originates from ourselves. But, also when I rewrote my version of the ChatGPT generated poem, I feel I was better able to make it focus about the stars and that I had the capacity to lure the reader to want to look at the stars and why. What I think, in short, ChatGPT may have a problem with is it will be too much information, somewhat like it's compiling a whole bunch of encyclopedia information from different sources but cannot compose it like we can and throw out what isn't necessary.
  20. The 2nd one was my re-write, the one where you said you see love. What I've been saying about ChatGPT is that I think it could be like a springboard or a tool to write something whether it's a blog, a fiction book, a song, a poem, but that that's all it will be a springboard not a completed work because I also feel a computerized program wouldn't be able to put in the emotion a human can. It had some emotion but the ChatGPT poem (which is the longer one, the 1st) also seemed to lack direction and it was unnecessarily too long, imo. I also didn't feel compelled to "see the stars". Anyhow, in my earlier posts, I was just trying to say it would/could be easy to use ChatGPT to produce poems and then one could rewrite them and make them their own in little time. I think the same could be done with fiction works, songs, etc. The poems were an example of what I've been sayin'.
  21. Regarding ChatGPT and evoking an emotional response. I felt the poem I got from ChatGPT did lack emotion...my experiment below... I got an account and began to work at getting some poetry and got three. And then, I rewrote one not just for a test but because I thought the AI-generated poem lacked emotion, and I wanted the poem to really make someone want to come out and look at the stars. The first one is the poem written by ChatGPT, and the 2nd one is my rewrite. I feel talking about ChatGPT and what it is and what it may not be is relevant to SL because I think we could see many posts enter the forum that were written using ChatGPT in the coming months and years. However, I don't think it's important for us to judge whether a post was from ChatGPT or not. It's whats in the post that will really matter. But, anyways... here are two different poems. 1st is from ChatGPT. 2nd is my rework/rewrite of it. (Hint - I asked ChatGPT to write in old style English - hehehe)
  22. Is that the saying. Somehow, I thought the saying was don't steal, just borrow. But, good poets "stealing" and making the theft their own is what I want to attempt to do. I cannot say I am a very good poet, however. I'm an amateur who wants to have fun with ChatGPT as a kind of a test to see what it can and will do.
  23. Yes! The reason also that I say it's a tool, a springboard perhaps, is that if writers copied word for word the end product of what ChatGPT wrote and people put their name to that; then, so could 15.3 million other people put their name to the same thing. I can see in my mind people creating whole works of fiction from this in less time by simply rewriting parts of what ChatGPT produces about their characters and plot. I think I will try some poetry but rewrite it, of course. It's like that old line...don't steal, just borrow. So, I'd just borrow some of it.
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